1 minute read
Strawberry Records, digital photography, Sophia Scarpaci ‘23
from Tapestry 2022
a 20-foot tall statue of a zebra, with wings, on its hind legs spitting fire into the sky. It shall be made from our finest amber, and...”
“We don’t have that much amber.”
“It doesn’t matter, find more. Let the era of the orange zebra begin!”
“Why won’t you just die.”
“Guys, it would be a lot easier if we just throw him off the balcony.”
“What? Throw me off the balcony, what does this mean?”
“The lobster won’t kill him, we might as well throw him off while we have the chance.”
The forty servants all lift up the king and start walking toward the ledge.
“This is outrageous, you can’t kill me, I’m your king!”
After a thrust, a long yell, and a splat; everyone takes a moment to reflect. Then they look at the wizard.
The wizard sighs and utters, “Yep, that method was a lot easier. ”
Alexander Bogey ‘24 Scholastic Gold Key
Strawberry Records
Sophia Scarpaci ‘23