Innova&ve Molded Facades—Case Studies by Will Laufs
PhD, PE, IWE, LEED AP www.laufsed.com
global product
‘@le’ loca@ons
New York Florida Mexico City
Berlin Basra
Previous Example: Long‐ Span Mega Panels GFRP stadium enclosure
architect: 360 architecture engineer: Thornton TomaseS (work with previous employer) images: www.skyscrapercity.com & personal Basra Sports City Soccer Stadium (Iraq)
Woven Geometry
self‐spanning, double‐ curvature panels
span L = 100’ (30.5m)
From Digital FabricaHon to Mold‐ Making CATIA‐ defined 3D shape
From Idea to RealizaHon molded curvature
Overview work
ParasiHc over‐clad
ar@st/architect: elegant embellishments (Berlin) engineer: Buro Happold (work with previous employer) images: www.elegantembellishments.tumblr.com 2,000 m2 hospital façade over‐clad (Mexico City)
Penrose Tiling non‐repe@@ve
the “I” the “X”
a‐periodic sets of proto‐@les
the “I” the “X”
wall is curved – panels allow for geometrical flexibility
ar@sts: Allison Dring & Daniel Schwaag (Berlin)
Closed InjecHon Molding – ABS P6 yield strength (ISO 527) yield strain (ISO 527) rupture strength (ISO 527) rupture strain (ISO 527) Young’s Modulus E (4‐point bending EN ISO 178) Poisson’s ra@o limit bending strength (DIN 53452) thermal expansion (ISO 7991) material density (ISO 1183)
46 5 39 40 2200
MPa % MPa % MPa
0.38 ‐ 80 MPa 9.2 * 10‐5 1/K 1150 kg/m3
tensile stress σ [%]
duc@le, thermoplas@c material as polycarbonate blend
elonga@on ε [%]
Closed InjecHon Molding – ABS P6
thermoplas@c material as polycarbonate blend
CNC‐ machined nega@ve back @le posi@ve front side final molded parts styrofoam prototype CNC’d solid alu block cast alu for vacuum ABS P6 material
AnH‐ Corrosive TiO2 CoaHng & Shipping from Germany to Mexico
ReducHon of Air PolluHon –up to 5 Years
NOx radicals‐ reducing paint, based on @tanium dioxide TiO2 • TiO2 paint coa@ng with high oxida@ve poten@al, (ac@ve hydroxyl and peroxyl radicals) • photo‐catalyst under UV‐ light + humidity (nano‐ hydrolysis catalyst) • neutralizes radicals such as NOx , SO2, CO and VOC’s • re‐pain@ng required ater its life‐ span (5 years), visible by dis‐coloring
pre‐fabricated, light‐weight
conven@onal sub‐ structure, low‐tech installa@on
branding fashion label skin
architectural design: Louis Vuiuon (Paris) detail engineering: LED images: LED & personal fashion store façade (Florida)
Sub‐ Structure Approach
under‐cut fixings with aluminum linear railing
Structural Layers
site condi@ons extracted from 3D laser point cloud
exis@ng + main structure sub‐railing system undercut fixings & Ductal @les
Flow Chart – Structural Integrity
lack of US code requires verifica@on strategy 3D SOLIDWORKS master model determine loads (hurricane wind) structure models: 3D‐beam & FEM
rain‐screen Ductal façade: finalize façade geometry & @ling layout
check shear/N interac@on to rule ETA‐03/0055 perform 1:1 small‐ scale and large‐ scale tes@ng calibrate FEM models and verify all panels
verify deflec@ons verify stresses verify stability verify connec@ons
Structural Capacity ‐ Undercuts
1:1 anchor tes@ng, both for shear and tension (pull‐out)
Structural Capacity ‐ Undercuts
detailed finite element modeling including undercut cone
Mold‐ Making: Example Corner Piece silicone rubber‐ based
Site Mock‐ Up, with Overlapping Petals verify color and appearance
Tectonic Precision total joint width < 1/8’’
very smooth surfaces no bubbles sharp corners possible high flexibility for pauerning
Digital – What’s Next? adap@ve
sg2012 cluster, Troy New York: images: sg2012 & personal “bio‐responsive envelopes”
What if …
we could trigger adap@ve IGU rela@ve to user preference sensor
adap@ve window user: views & energy
programmable sunshades, flexible spandrel pane zones
Flexible Views & Privacy
local views, local shading/glare protec@on
AdapHve Solar Heat Gain Coefficient energy savings over the course of a year
cold winter harvest sunlight
hot summer protect from sunlight
intermediate spring/fall adap@ve to user preference
Fun & Branding
digitally ‘screen‐ print’ your personal window!
beauty of molded surfaces
thank you
by Will Laufs
PhD, PE, IWE, LEED AP cell: +1 917 971 2577 200 Park Avenue South, Suite 1401 New York City, NY 10003, USA www.laufsed.com