Facade+ - April 16th 2015
Innovation Panel
Michael Stein P.E. schlaich bergermann and partner, new york www.sbp.de
Glass Structures
Green Energy
Connecticut Science Center CT Science Center
BC Place
Projects North America
11 Times Eleven TimesSquare Square
Boy Scouts Bridge
Fulton1Street Terminal WTC Antenna Yas Island
Yas Island
Innovation Further development of things which are already there
Maracana Stadium, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Canopy for exit of customer center Autostadt Wolfsburg, Germany
Canopy for exit of customer center Autostadt Wolfsburg, Germany
Panoramic Tower Killesberg, Stuttgart, Germany
Time Warner Center, New York City, USA
One World Trade Center, NYC, USA
Innovation Further development of things which are already there
Frei Otto , Cable Net Structures
Schwabstraße 43 70197 Stuttgart stuttgart@sbp.de
1325 Huaihai Road, Room 804 Shanghai 200031 shanghai@sbp.de
Brunnenstraße 110c 13355 Berlin berlin@sbp.de
Rua Afonso Bras, 473 cjs. 113-114 04511-011 Sao Paulo saopaulo@sbp.de
555 8th Avenue, Suite #2402 New York, NY 10018 newyork@sbp.de www.sbp.de