Mandvi is a town with municipality in the Kutch district in the Indian
state of Gujarat. It was founded in 1580 by the Rao of Kutch, Khengarji.
It is known for its carpentry, blacksmith work and handlooms.
The city has a 400 year old ship building industry, which is still functional
and ships of woodens are made (Dhow). A beach with golden-brown
sprawl of sand is spreaded along its southern tip.
This study will be focused on the mandvi tourism and the craftsmanship
of building wooden ships. The dissertation will describe the concept of
creating a ship museum which would be acknowledging the visitors
about various types of ships and their construction techniques and tools
used in building dhow.
The recreation along the seafront would act as the end of their journey.
This would also act as a research institution, recogonized, both nationally
and internationally, for it`s production of new knowledge about the