Saints Summer Experience - 2015 Catalog

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Nine weeks of amazing !


ta b le o f c o n t e n ts LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR........................................................PAGE 1 CAMP POLICIES AND PROCEDURES..............................................PAGE 2 KINDERCAMP WEEKLY SCHEDULE.................................................PAGE 3 ADVENTURE/EXPLORER CAMP WEEKLY SCHEDULE.................... PAGE 4 2015 ACADEMIC CAMPS..........................................................PAGES 5-12 2015 ENRICHMENT CAMPS...................................................PAGES 13-19 2015 ATHLETIC CAMPS..........................................................PAGES 20-24

W ELC O M E Greetings, Prospective Camp Parent! St. Andrew’s Episcopal School is getting ready for another amazing summer of fun and learning. Most of our summer camps are open to the public, and we invite you to join us for all or part of this year’s program. From June 1st through July 31st, we offer nine weeks of day camps for students who will be in PK4 through 8th grade in the Fall of 2015. Each week of camp is built around a different theme, and features an array of presentations, experiments, guest speakers, field trips, and other immersive experiences. Your student will have a blast while learning and growing. Day camps are led by members of St. Andrew’s faculty. Upper School students and college students serve as the counselors. In addition to our regular day camps, we also have a wide assortment of Athletic, Enrichment and Academic mini-camps and courses on offer throughout the summer. There’s something for everyone! Go to when you’re ready to register. Space fills up quickly, so don’t delay! It’s going to be a great summer!

Jay Losset Director of Auxiliary Programs St. Andrew’s Episcopal School


8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. (drop off starts at 7:30 a.m.) $225.00 per week • $50 non-refundable deposit per camp week must be paid online to reserve spot. • Balance of $175 per camp session is due by first day of camp week.


Register online ON OR BEFORE April 1, 2015, and save $25.00 per week of camp.

SIBLING DISCOUNT Third and fourth siblings are eligible to receive a 10% discount on regular camp tuition.


3:00 – 5:45 p.m. for registered campers. $50.00 per week

LATE PICKUP CHARGE: $50.00, payable upon pickup. ATHLETIC, ACADEMIC and ENRICHMENT CAMPS Hours and tuition costs vary by camp. See course description for details.

DROP-INS (REGULAR DAY CAMP OR AFTER CAMP CARE) Four hours or less: $30 per day, payable that day. More than four hours: $60 per day, payable that day.


Campers bring their lunch each day. We will provide a morning and afternoon snack.




WEEK 6: Keep it green (July 6-10)

Myths and Legends Wild West Tie Dye and Bell-bottoms Dinosaur Adventure Medieval Times

The Ocean Blue Recycling Farm to Table Awesome Animals Exciting Exploration

WEEK 2: This Great state (June 8-12)

WEEK 7: Globe Trotters (July 13-17)

The Music The Writers The Food The Past The Outdoors

Bonjour Konnichiwa ¡Hola! Ni Hao guten Tag

WEEK 3: It's Alive! (June 15-19)

WEEK 8: play time (July 20-24)

Mad Scientists Codewords (Coding) Engineering/Robotics Build it! All Day Art

Minecraft Boards and Cards LEGO Video Games Let’s Dance!

WEEK 4: A Better you (June 22-26)

WEEK 9: The creative spirit (July 27-31)

Excellent Etiquette Safety First Healthy Choices Mindfulness Matters You Gotta Dance

Who Are You? Bookmaking/Drama Photography Dance Dance Dance Free To Be You and Me

WEEK 5: On the move! (June 29-July 2*) Run for Fun Court Moves Alive and Kicking Mississippi on the Field *no camp on Friday, July 3 REGISTER NOW: WWW.GOSAINTS.ORG/CAMPS


2 0 1 5 A dv en t u r e/Ex p lo r er W eek ly S c h ed u le WEEK 1: THE WAYBACK MACHINE (June 1 -5)

WEEK 6: Keep it green (July 6-10)

Myths and Legends Wild West Tie Dye and Bell-bottoms Dinosaur Adventure Medieval Times

The Ocean Blue Recycling Farm to Table Awesome Animals Exciting Exploration

WEEK 2: This Great state (June 8-12)

WEEK 7: Globe Trotters (July 13-17)

The Music The Writers The Food The Past The Outdoors

Bonjour Konnichiwa ¡Hola! Ni Hao guten Tag

WEEK 3: It's Alive! (June 15-19)

WEEK 8: play time (July 20-24)

Mad Scientists Codewords (Coding) Engineering/Robotics Build it! All Day Art

Minecraft Boards and Cards LEGO Video Games Let’s Dance!

WEEK 4: A Better you (June 22-26)

WEEK 9: The creative spirit (July 27-31)

Excellent Etiquette Safety First Healthy Choices Mindfulness Matters You Gotta Dance

Who Are You? Bookmaking/Drama Photography Dance Dance Dance Free To Be You and Me

WEEK 5: On the move! (June 29-July 2*) Run for Fun Court Moves Alive and Kicking Mississippi on the Field *no camp on Friday, July 3 REGISTER NOW: WWW.GOSAINTS.ORG/CAMPS


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The Reading Clinic

A multi-sensory structured intervention for dyslexia and reading dif culties for campers in grades 1 - . Alphabetic honics is a system developed at the Scottish Rite ospital in allas, Te as, and is an e tension of the Orton- illingham- hilds approach to remedial language training. The Reading linic teachers are certi ed as Alphabetic honics Therapists by the ayne enter in Oklahoma. They have a combined total of over years teaching in the classroom. Open to non-St. Andrew’s students. Faculty: elen reen and Anne Ranck ost: $ 00.00 ates: Monday, uly 6 Friday, uly 2 , 2015 Time: Each class is two hours long time will be determined based on enrollment. ocation: ower School earning enter rades: Rising first through fourth grade students

First Grade Gear Up for Math

ive your student a head start on rst grade math skills and concepts with the First rade ear p for Math camp. Students will have fun with lots of hands-on activities and games while sprucing up their skills in a rela ed and en oyable environment. Taught by veteran rst grade teachers udy Menist and at Sudduth, this camp is sure to put your student on the right track for rst grade math. Faculty: udy Menist and at Sudduth ost: $165.00 ates: Monday, August Friday, August 7, 2015 Time: :00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. ocation: ower School rade: Rising rst grade students

First Grade Gear Up for Language Arts

This fun and helpful camp is a great way to get your student ready for rst grade reading. Students will get a ump on skills that will be covered during the rst months of rst grade. Taught be veteran rst grade teachers udy Menist and at Sudduth, this camp session is sure to build skills and con dence in your child. Faculty: udy Menist and at Sudduth ost: $165.00 ates: Monday, August Friday, August 7, 2015 Time: 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. ocation: ower School rade: Rising rst grade students






Second Grade Gear Up for Language Arts

Get your young student ready for Language Arts in second grade with this fun and exciting gear up camp. Campers will work on their Language Arts skills in a relaxed and enjoyable environment. Faculty: Carla Kelly Cost: $165.00 Dates: Monday, August 3 – Friday, August 7, 2015 Time: 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Location: Lower School Grade: Rising second grade students

Second Grade Gear Up for Math

Get your young student ready for Math in second grade with this fun and exciting gear up camp. Campers will work on their Math skills in a relaxed and enjoyable environment. Faculty: Rachel Newman Cost: $165.00 Dates: Monday, August 3 – Friday, August 7, 2015 Time: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Location: Lower School Grade: Rising second grade students

Third Grade Gear Up for Math

Get your young student ready for Math in third grade with this fun and exciting gear up camp. Campers will work on their Math skills in a relaxed and enjoyable environment. Faculty: Christi Hardy Cost: $165.00 Dates: Monday, August 3 – Friday, August 7, 2015 Time: 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Location: Lower School Grade: Rising third grade students

Third Grade Gear Up for Language Arts

Get your young student ready for Language Arts in third grade with this fun and exciting gear up camp. Campers will work on their Language Arts skills in a relaxed and enjoyable environment. Faculty: Christi Hardy Cost: $165.00 Dates: Monday, August 3 – Friday, August 7, 2015 Time: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Location: Lower School Grade: Rising third grade students REGISTER NOW: WWW.GOSAINTS.ORG/CAMPS



Fourth Grade Gear Up for Language Arts

Rising fourth graders prepare for a smooth transition and successful fourth grade experience in Writing and Reading as Mary Beth Luke and Catherine Gray guide students through active reading strategies and journaling using authentic children’s literature. Faculty: Mary Beth Luke and Catherine Gray Cost: $165.00 Dates: Monday, August 3 – Friday, August 7, 2015 Time: 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Location: Lower School Grade: Rising fourth grade students

Fourth Grade Gear Up for Math

Facilitated by Virginia Buchanan, students will use hands-on materials and activities to refresh skills, develop conceptual understanding, and gain con dence for success in fourth grade math. Problem solving will be a prime focus, but also included will be mental math strategies, model drawing, and number sense. Faculty: Virginia Buchanan Cost: $165.00 Dates: Monday, August 3 – Friday, August 7, 2015 Time: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Location: Lower School Grade: Rising fourth grade students

Fourth Grade Math Enrichment

Facilitated by Virginia Buchanan, students who want to enrich what they already know in math will enjoy exploring a wide variety of approaches to solve problems. They will work on daily math projects that will require perseverance, precision, reasoning, and grade level skills. Students who are intrigued by the wonders of mathematics should enjoy working in groups and learning from each other as they discover new patterns and strategies. All materials will be provided. Faculty: Virginia Buchanan Cost: $165.00 Dates: Monday, August 3 – Friday, August 7, 2015 Time: 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Location: Lower School Grade: Rising fourth grade students



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Fifth Grade Gear Up for Math

Rising fth graders will review key concepts while getting ac uainted with the middle school. E pect to participate in hands-on activities and math games. Bring a water bottle and a pencil Faculty: Emily Sabree ost: $165.00 ates: Monday, August Friday, August 7, 2015 Time: :00 a.m. : 0 a.m. ocation: Middle School rade: Rising fth grade students

Fifth Grade Gear Up for English

Students will review parts of speech, elements of literature, and writing concepts. This course will give rising fth graders con dence as they leap into Middle School. Faculty: annah ing ost: $165.00 ates: Monday, August Friday, August 7, 2015 Time: : 0 a.m. 11:00 a.m. ocation: Middle School rade: Rising fth grade students

Sixth Grade Gear Up for English

uring the week, essential grammar and writing skills will be reviewed. The parts of speech, capitali ation and punctuation, sentence fragments, run-on sentences, contractions, possessives, sub ect verb agreement and complements will also be covered. Faculty: annah ing ost: $165.00 ates: Monday, August Friday, August 7, 2015 Time: :00 a.m. : 0 a.m. ocation: Middle School rade: Rising si th grade students

Sixth Grade Gear Up for Math

Rising si th graders will review key concepts through hands-on activities and math games. lease bring a water bottle and a pencil. Faculty: Emily Sabree ost: $165.00 ates: Monday, August Friday, August 7, 2015 Time: : 0 a.m. 11:00 a.m. ocation: Middle School rade: Rising si th grade students RE





Seventh Grade Gear Up for Pre-Algebra

Review the skills and concepts covered in sixth grade math with particular emphasis on prealgebra skills, vocabulary, math test preparation and test-taking strategies. Common math error prevention and correction will be the focus as students gain self-con dence to hit the ground running the very rst week of school. Faculty: Marcia Whatley Cost: $165.00 Dates: Monday, August 3 – Friday, August 7, 2015 Time: 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Location: North Campus Grade: Rising seventh grade students

Eighth Grade Gear Up for Algebra

Review the skills and concepts covered in seventh grade math with particular emphasis on pre-algebra skills, vocabulary, math test preparation and test-taking strategies. Common math error prevention and correction will be the focus as students gain self-con dence to hit the ground running the very rst week of school. Faculty: Marcia Whatley Cost: $165.00 Dates: Monday, August 3 – Friday, August 7, 2015 Time: 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Location: North Campus Grade: Rising eighth grade students

Get a Grip on Grammar

Basic English grammar including parts of speech, active and passive verbs, phrases, conjugations indirect and direct objects will be covered using the Framing Your Thoughts curriculum from Project READ. This curriculum honors all learning styles and provides lessons built on direct-concept teaching utilizing multi-sensory lessons. Pencil and paper not needed. Students often nd it hard to believe that it is time to go home! Faculty: Lynda Morse Cost: $155.00 Dates: Monday, August 3 – Friday, August 7, 2015 Time: 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Location: North Campus Learning Center rades: Rising fth through eighth grade students



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Get Organized!

Organization pro ling 101. hat kind of organi ational strengths and weaknesses does your child possess Students will build organi ational skills and strategies based upon her his pro le. Management strategies for each pro le will be discussed as well as organi ers for binders, lockers, folders and notebooks. Faculty: Lynda Morse ost: $155.00 ates: Monday, August Friday, August 7, 2015 Time: :00 a.m. : 0 a.m. ocation: North ampus earning Center rades: Rising fth through eighth grade students

Summer Reading Tools for Active Reading Strategies

An active reader is an effective reader The active reading process helps students to understand and retain what is read and assists in mastering academic reading. Students who read actively enhance their critical thinking and writing skills, leading to a more enriching school e perience. A re uired summer reading book for each grade level will be reviewed using active reading strategies. Faculty: Lynda Morse ost: $155.00 ates: Monday, August Friday, August 7, 2015 Time: 12: 0 p.m. 2:00 p.m. ocation: North ampus earning Center rades: Rising fth through eighth grade students

Writing Reminder Workshop

Need a little help dusting off the cobwebs from your writing ome umpstart your writing skills with this refresher workshop on everything from M A format and formal standard English rules to organi ing a paragraph and a 5-paragraph essay. et s sweep those writing dust bunnies away and have our English teachers yelling ooray Faculty: Marty elly ost: $165.00 ates: Monday, August Friday, August 7, 2015 Time: :00 a.m. : 0 a.m. ocation: pper School rades: Rising seventh and eighth grade students







Algebra Review for High School Math

This course is a review of the main topics in algebra, primarily intended for rising Algebra II students, but appropriate for anyone who needs a brush-up. It will cover a range of topics including equation and inequality solving, graphing, systems of equations, exponents and polynomials, radical expressions, and general problem solving. You ll gain con dence in these skills as you prepare for the new year. Faculty: Ben Sabree Cost: $165.00 Dates: Monday, August 3 – Friday, August 7, 2015 Time: 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Location: North Campus Grades: Rising ninth through eleventh grade students

Effective High School Study Habits and Skills

Study habits are general techniques used for organizing one’s self and managing one’s time. Habits reviewed include: organizing a notebook/binder, recording assignments, setting up a a personal study area, prioritizing assignments, being aware of one’s learning style, and maintaining a positive attitude. Study skills are speci c abilities one has mastered to facilitate learning. Skills reviewed include listening, following directions, using mnemonics for memory development, note taking mechanics, and test-taking skills. Faculty: Lynda Morse Cost: $165.00 (or $140.00 if taken with the Writing Reminder Workshop for 9th - 12th) Dates: Monday, August 3 – Friday, August 7, 2015 Time: 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Location: NC Learning Center Grades: Rising ninth through twelfth grade students

Writing Reminder Workshop

Need a little help dusting off the cobwebs from your writing? Come jumpstart your writing skills with this refresher workshop on everything from MLA format and formal standard English rules to organizing a paragraph and a 5-paragraph essay. Let’s sweep those writing dust bunnies away and have our English teachers yelling “Hooray!” Faculty: Marty Kelly Cost: $165.00 (or $140.00 if taken with Effective High School Study Habits and Skills) Dates: Monday, August 3 – Friday, August 7, 2015 Time: 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Location: North Campus Learning Center Grades: Rising ninth through twelfth grade students and any other students who are new to the Upper School REGISTER NOW: WWW.GOSAINTS.ORG/CAMPS



College Application Workshop

Get a head start on your college applications with assistance from the St. Andrew’s college counselors. You may work on the Common Application or other applications during this time. This session will help you with everything from beginning your applications to submitting them prior to the start of school if possible. Faculty: Colin Dunnagin Cost: Free Date: August 9, 2015 Time: 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Location: Upper School Grades: Rising twelfth grade students

College Essay Workshop

Seniors, spend time working on your college essay alongside your classmates as you help each other in this important phase of the college application process. In addition, a college admissions of cer will review your essay and provide you with guidance about how to do your best work. Students should only attend one of these days. Faculty: Colin Dunnagin Cost: Free Date: Thursday May 28 or Friday May 29, 2015 Time: TBD Location: Upper School Grades: Rising twelfth grade students



2 0 1 5 E N R I C H M EN T CA M PS Beginning Guitar Workshop

This is a course for beginners to learn how to strum chords to familiar songs and to play the melody of a few simple songs. Workshop will include some basic elements of music and music games. Participants need to bring a guitar to class, preferably 1/2 size. Feel free to consult instructor, if buying a guitar. Instructor: Maureen McGuire Cost: $70.00 Dates: Monday, June 8 – Thursday, June 11, 2015 Time: 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Location: Lower School Grades: Rising third through seventh grades

Intermediate Guitar Workshop:

This is a course for students who have had a little guitar experience, or who have completed the Beginner Guitar Workshop. We will continue to play familiar songs, learn basic elements of music, and play musical games. Participants will need an appropriate size guitar. Instructor: Cost: Dates: Time: Location: Grades:

Maureen McGuire $70.00 Monday, June 22 – Thursday, June 25, 2015 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Lower School Rising third through seventh grades

Beginning Harmonica:

This is a course for beginners to learn the basics of melodic and blues harmonica from a professional player. Participants will need to bring a diatonic or “blues” harmonica in the key of C, or may purchase one through the instructor for a $35 fee. Learn more about the instructor at Instructor: Cost: Dates: Time: Location: Grades:

Scott Albert Johnson $135.00 Monday, June 1 – Friday, June 5, 2015 TBD TBD Rising kindergarten through twelfth grades




From erler bead suncatchers to paper owers, we will craft like nobody s business. Each day we will work on a different craft ranging from entangle to papier m ch . Instructor: Andrea Stallings ost: $1 0.00 ates: Monday, une Friday, une 12, 2015 Time: TB ocation: ower School rades: Rising through rst grades

The Nutcracker in July – older students, first and second weeks

This fall, students enrolled in ballet classes offered through the ower School Au iliary rogram will present a shortened version of The Nutcracker. erformances are Thursday, November 12th for the ower School students and Saturday, November 1 th for family and friends. uring this summer course, students will begin rehearsing dances for this performance. Middle and pper School students will be cast as Flowers, Snow akes, Spanish, hinese, Mirliton and or Trepak dancers. nstructor: isa owell ost: $2 0.00 for both weeks Dates and Times: Monday, uly 20 Friday, uly 2 , 2015 from 10:00 a.m. to :00 p.m. AND Monday, uly 27 Friday, uly 1, 2015 from 11:00 a.m. to :00 p.m. ocation: ower School Music Studio rades: Rising fth through twelfth grades, with prior ballet e perience

The Nutcracker in July – younger students

This fall, students enrolled in ballet classes offered through the ower School Au iliary Program will present a shortened version of The Nutcracker. erformances are Thursday, November 12th for the ower School students and Saturday, November 1 th for family and friends. uring this summer course, students will begin rehearsing dances for this performance Students entering kindergarten will rehearse the part of the cooks, who prepare the sweets, in The and of the Sweets. Students entering 1st and 2nd grades will be mice and soldiers in the Battle Scene. Students entering rd and th grades will be ice skaters in lieu of arty Scene Attire: shorts and a t-shirt or leotard, pink ballet shoes for girls, black ballet shoes for boys. nstructor: isa owell ost: $125.00 for kindergartners, $150.00 for rst through fourth graders Dates and Times: Monday, uly 27 Friday, uly 1, 2015. indergartners: from 1:00 p.m. to :00 p.m. First through fourth graders: :00 a.m. to noon. ocation: ower School Music Studio rades: Rising kindergarten through fourth grades, no prior ballet e perience necessary. Open to boys and girls. RE




2 0 1 5 E N R I C H M EN T CA M PS Manners Matter

A class designed to encourage and emphasize the need for good manners in today’s busy lifestyle. Age-appropriate situations are presented in a fun and exciting way. The most important thing about us needs to be how we present ourselves, and respect for other people. Our goal is to send them off with a con dence that will change their life. Cost of class includes graduation dinner at Amerigo on Wednesday from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Instructor: Carolyn Cloud Cost: $175.00 Location: Lower School Grades: Rising PK4 through third grades

Manners Matter – Session I Dates: Time:

Monday, June 29 – Wednesday, July 1, 2015 12:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Manners Matter – Session II Dates: Time:

Monday, July 20 – Wednesday, July 22, 2015 12:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Studio Art

Students will utilize what they learn about the elements of art (line, shape, form, space, color and texture) and principles of design (balance, emphasis, movement, pattern, repetition, proportion, rhythm, variety and unity) to create their own two-dimensional works of art, such as drawings and paintings.

1st – 2nd Grade Studio Art Instructor: Jessica Parker-Farris Cost: $165.00 Dates: Monday, June 1 – Friday, June 5, 2015 Time: 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Location: Lower School Grades: First and second grades

3rd – 4th Grade Studio Art Instructor: Jessica Parker-Farris Cost: $165.00 Dates: Monday, July 20 – Friday, July 24, 2015 Time: 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Location: Lower School Grades: Third and fourth grades REGISTER NOW: WWW.GOSAINTS.ORG/CAMPS


2 0 1 5 E N R I C H M EN T CA M PS Bricks 4 Kidz – Mining and Crafting Camp

Join Bricks 4 Kidz as we explore the world of Minecraft using LEGO® bricks! Minecraft is a game about placing blocks to build anything you can imagine. Kids will start by crafting their shelters and some of the mobs, critters and tools using LEGO® bricks. Students will face new challenges each day, building models and crafting key elements from the popular Minecraft game. We Learn, We Build, We Play with LEGO® bricks! Instructor: Lacey Fondren Cost: $195.00 Dates: Monday, July 13 – Friday, July 17, 2015 Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Location: Lower School Grades: Rising kindergarten through fourth grades Max enrollment: 20

Bricks 4 Kidz – Space Adventures Camp

Inspired by NASA and Star Wars™, our Space Adventures Camp is packed full of models that will make your imagination blast off! Each day, campers will learn about real-life space exploration and build models related to the NASA space program and LEGO® Star Wars™ Bricks 4 Kidz Space Adventures camp provides the spark for your imagination to take off on an adventure that’s out of this world!! We Learn, We Build, We Play with LEGO® bricks!!! Instructor: Lacey Fondren Cost: $195.00 Dates: Monday, July 13 – Friday, July 17, 2015 Time: 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Location: Lower School Grades: Rising kindergarten through fourth grades Max enrollment: 20

Drama Kids – Morning Camp

Join us for a week-long Drama Kids camp that provides imaginative learning experiences, with creative lessons and fun performances! Instructor: Laura McQueen Cost: $195.00 Dates: Monday, July 13 – Friday, July 17, 2015 Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Location: Lower School Grades: Rising kindergarten through fourth grades Max enrollment: 20



2 0 1 5 E N R I C H M EN T CA M PS Drama Kids – Afternoon Camp

Join us for a week-long Drama Kids camp that provides imaginative learning experiences, with creative lessons and fun performances! Instructor: Laura McQueen Cost: $195.00 Dates: Monday, July 13 – Friday, July 17, 2015 Time: 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Location: Lower School Grades: Rising kindergarten through fourth grades Max enrollment: 20

Soccer Shots – Morning Camp

Soccer Shots Camp teaches basic soccer skill instruction and active lifestyle habits while promoting character development concepts in a fun and exciting way. Your child will learn how fun the game of soccer can be while learning the importance of teamwork and fair play. Instructor: Derek Rooker Cost: $185.00 Dates: Monday, June 15 – Friday, June 19, 2015 Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Location: Lower School Gym Grades: Rising PK4 through rst grades Max enrollment: 20

Soccer Shots – Afternoon Camp

Soccer Shots Camp teaches basic soccer skill instruction and active lifestyle habits while promoting character development concepts in a fun and exciting way. Your child will learn how fun the game of soccer can be while learning the importance of teamwork and fair play. Instructor: Derek Rooker Cost: $185.00 Dates: Monday, June 15 – Friday, June 19, 2015 Time: 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Location: Lower School Gym Grades: Rising PK4 through rst grades Max enrollment: 20



2 0 1 5 E N R I C H M EN T CA M PS Chess Camp

USA Chess is the largest and premier chess camp organizer for children in the United States. Their staff is comprised of the nest children’s chess instructors in North America. Registration options include mornings, afternoon and all-day sessions. Campers experience chess instruction and play in a fun- lled environment designed to improve their skills whether they are interested in casual or competitive chess. Tuition includes trophy, chess set and much more. lease visit: for program details. Registration must take place directly with SA hess and not through St. Andrew’s Episcopal School. ost:

$265 $2 0 $ 25 $ 50

half-day, registered by 05 0 15 half-day, registered after 05 0 15 full-day, registered by 05 0 15 full-day, registered after 05 0 15

ates: Times:

Monday, une 22 Friday, une 26, 2015 alf-day sessions are :00 a.m. 12 p.m. or 1:00 p.m. Full-day session is :00 a.m. :00 p.m. ocation: ower School Ages: 6 16

:00 p.m.

Gamebuilder Video Game Creation Camp

Active earning Services video game creation camps offer programs that use our customdesigned curriculum that provide campers skills to use their creativity as they learn to program a video game using step-by-step instructions while learning about the history of game design, design concepts, game styles and more. There are no prere uisites. All video creation programs are half-day programs that can be combined with an additional Active earning Services offering to make a full-day camp. lease visit: for program details. Registration must take place directly with SA hess and not through St. Andrews Episcopal School. ost:

$ 05 half-day, registered by 05 0 15 $ 0 half-day, registered after 05 0 15 ates: Monday, une 22 Friday, une 26, 2015 Times: alf-day sessions are :00 a.m. 12 p.m. or 1:00 p.m. ocation: ower School Ages: 6 16




:00 p.m.


2 0 1 5 E N R I C H M EN T CA M PS Video Game Creation – Platform Style Camp

In this program, campers will build a game described as a “platform” game like Sonic or Mario. Campers have a blast as their characters progress along a path (like a journey) doing the impossible, while overcoming obstacles and opponents and then conquering the Big Boss. Starting with a brief overview of basic arcade-style video programming, campers will focus their time on learning programming skills that expand their characters movements such as umping and bouncing between multi-level playing elds in order to build their own platform game. Please visit: for program details. Registration must take place directly with USA Chess and not through St. Andrew’s Episcopal School. Cost:

$305 (half-day, registered by 05/08/15) $330 (half-day, registered after 05/08/15) Dates: Monday, June 22 – Friday, June 26, 2015 Times: Half-day sessions are 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. or 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Location: Lower School Ages: 8 – 16

Kudo Video Game Creation – Adventure-Style Camp

In this program, campers will have the option of learning how to program using a Microsoft Xbox controller. Children will create their own cool custom world and navigate inside this location. Within this world, campers will create tasks that need to be completed in order to progress to the next level. Some of those tasks include escaping a sewer maze, survival mode, outwitting rivals, creating decoys and collecting bonus items all while having fun and using their creativity. The use of an Xbox controller is optional and supplied by the camper. Please visit: for program details. Registration must take place directly with USA Chess and not through St. Andrew’s Episcopal School. Cost:

$305 (half-day, registered by 05/08/15) $330 (half-day, registered after 05/08/15) Dates: Monday, June 22 – Friday, June 26, 2015 Times: Half-day sessions are 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. or 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Location: Lower School Ages: 7 – 16



2 0 1 5 AT H LET I C CA M PS All Sports Camp for Boys:

Boys in rising first through seventh grades will be led in a variety of sports by several of the St. Andrew’s Coaching Staff. Campers will be grouped by age and will compete in the following sports: basketball, baseball, dodgeball, kickball, soccer, frisbee golf, volleyball, hand tennis/wall ball and various tag games. The camp will utilize most of the St. Andrew’s Athletic Facilities on the North Campus and will let the campers spend all day interacting with these coaches and upper school athletes. Campers will need to wear comfortable tennis shoes and athletic clothing, bring a lunch and water bottle. Water will be provided by the staff. Be sure and sign up for a week of FUN! Coaches: Mark Fanning, Brian Cronin, Burney King, and DeWayne Cupples Cost: $225 Dates: Monday, July 20 – Thursday, July 23, 2015 Time: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Location: North Campus Gym rades: Rising rst through seventh grades

All Sports Camp for Girls

Kids will get a “kick” out of this fun-packed camp designated to ignite a passion for sports. Creative games, competitions and challenging skill-building activities will captivate and enlighten children as they work on improving their skills in a wide range of sports that we offer here at St. Andrew s. Activities will be modi ed to satisfy the needs and abilities of all campers. All campers will participate in a variety of sports such as volleyball, soccer, running and basketball. Coaches: Christi DeLaughter and Stacy Sullivan Cost: $125 Dates: Monday, June 15 – Thursday, June 1 , 2015 Time: 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Location: North Campus Gym rades: Rising rst through sixth grades



2 0 1 5 AT H LET I C CA M PS Football Mini Camp

The varsity football staff and varsity football team members work closely with rising third through eighth grade students to coach them on the fundamentals of the great sport of football. Prepare your child for the upcoming football season with a fun and engaging football experience. What better way to kick off the season than to focus on skill-building with St. Andrew’s varsity players and coaches? Coaches and Instructors: St. Andrew’s varsity football staff and team members Cost: $100.00 Dates: Monday, June 15 - Wednesday, June 17, 2015 Time: 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Location: North Campus Football Field Grades: Rising third through eighth grades

Boys Basketball Camp

Campers will learn all fundamentals of the sport of basketball, including competition and games. Coach: Brian Cronin Cost: $125 Dates: Monday, June 8 – Thursday, June 11, 2015 Time: 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Location: North Campus Gym Grades: Rising second through ninth grades

Girls Basketball Camp

ome spend four fun- lled days with oach ing and the varsity girls’ basketball team. Learn the fundamentals of the game of basketball. In addition we will play games and have opportunities to win trophies. Each participant will receive a t-shirt for attending. Coach: Burney ing Cost: $125 Dates: Monday, June 1 – Thursday, June 4, 2015 Time: 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Location: North Campus Gym Grades: Rising second through ninth grades



2 0 1 5 AT H LET I C CA M PS Fast-Pitch Softball

Come join Coach King, varsity fast-pitch softball coach, for a week of fast-pitch softball skills and drills. hether it be hitting, elding, or base running come learn the latest in the game of softball. In addition to learning skills and drills we will have lots of fun activities related to the game of softball. oach: Burney King Cost: $125 ates: Monday, une 1 Thursday, une , 2015 Time: 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. ocation: North ampus ym and Softball Field Grades: Rising second through ninth grades

Girls Volleyball Camp

Bump, set and spike with the best of them et coach Meaghan Schlueter help your camper learn the fundamentals and skills necessary for volleyball greatness. Campers will en oy discovering their hidden talents while working on everything from teamwork to serving with style and power. ome along as we go over the net during this week of fun oach: Meaghan Schlueter Cost: $100 ates: Monday, une 15 Thursday, une 1 , 2015 Time: :00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. ocation: North ampus ym rades: Rising fourth through ninth grades

Little Saints Cheer Camp

This camp offers girls an opportunity to nd out what it is like to be a cheerleader. ith instruction from the St. Andrew s varsity cheerleaders, we will learn cheers, chants, fun cheer songs, and a short dance routine. All participants will receive a cheer t-shirt. articipants will perform during a St. Andrew s varsity football game during ower School Spirit Night. This camp is a blast and a favorite of little girls Coach: Erik Snyder ost: $ 0 ates: ednesday, August 5 Friday, August 7, 2015 Time: :00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. ocation: North ampus ommons rades: Rising kindergarten through third grades



2 0 1 5 AT H LET I C CA M PS Boys Middle School Lacrosse

Boys in grades ve through eight, come familiari e yourself with the fastest growing sport in the country, lacrosse The focus of this camp will be on introducing players to the basics of lacrosse, from throwing and catching to defensive fundamentals. articipants only need a lacrosse stick no other e uipment is re uired. oach: olin unnigan ost: $125.00 ates: Monday, une Friday, une 12, 2015 Time: 6:00 p.m. :00 p.m. ocation: North ampus ractice Field rades: Rising fth through eighth grades

Co-ed Soccer Camp

irls and boys will work together on basic soccer skills including passing, dribbling, and shooting with oach Erik Snyder and oach errod Myers, St. Andrew s soccer coaches. The fundamentals of the camp are to have fun, build sportsmanship and learn the basic soccer skills through practice and play oach: Erik Snyder and errod Myers ost: $125.00 ates: Monday, une Thursday, une 11, 2015 Time: 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. ocation: North ampus ractice Field rades: Rising second through seventh grades

Track and Field

Students will get a chance to see what Track and Field will have to offer. Running, umping, hurdles, and throwing. Track and Field has something for everyone We will start each day with warm up and stretching before getting into all the events that are offered. Students interested in improving distance running half-mile and mile will work with a distance coach. All unior athletes will have the chance to learn specialty events such as the high ump, long ump, triple ump, shot put and discus. A modi ed hurdle will be used to train with hurdles. We will even have relay races. ome out and oin the fun of Track and Field. All participants should wear sunscreen, bring water bottle, hat and a snack. oach: rice hadwick ost: $125.00 ates: Monday, une 15 Friday, une 1 , 2015 Time: :00 a.m. 11:00 p.m. ocation: North ampus track rades: Rising third through seventh grades REGISTER NOW: WWW.GOSAINTS.ORG/CAMPS


2 0 1 5 AT H LET I C CA M PS Tennis Camp I

Tennis instruction for beginner and intermediate level students. Instructor: Emillia Viljoen Cost: $140 Dates: Monday, June 8 – Thursday, June 11, 2015 Time: 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Location: Upper School courts rades: Rising rst through sixth grades

Tennis Camp II

Tennis instruction for students who are considering playing tennis for the school team. Instructor: Emillia Viljoen Cost: $140 Dates: Tuesday, July 14 – Friday, July 17, 2015 Time: 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Location: Upper School courts Grades: Rising seventh through twelfth grades

Archery Camp I

This camp will help the budding archer sharpen their bow skills. New archers will learn the proper technique to shoot a bow and arrow, including the proper stature, the correct way to hold a bow and the proper way to release an arrow. Being a successful archer requires the proper technique and we help the young archer develop their technique. We will provide all the equipment needed. Coach: Cost: Dates: Time: Location: Grade:

Ray McDaniel $80.00 Monday, June 22 - Friday, June 26, 2014 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. North Campus Gym Rising 4th – 6th grade students

Archery Camp II

This camp will help the budding archer sharpen their bow skills. New archers will learn the proper technique to shoot a bow and arrow, including the proper stature, the correct way to hold a bow and the proper way to release an arrow. Being a successful archer requires the proper technique and we help the young archer develop their technique. We will provide all the equipment needed. Coach: Cost: Dates: Time: Location: Grade:

Ray McDaniel $80.00 Monday, June 22 - Friday, June 26, 2014 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. North Campus Gym Rising 7th – 12th grade students



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