2014-15 ARC Catalog November Addendum

Page 1


Non-discrimination Policy....................................................................... page 2 Art........................................................................................................... page 3 New Transfer Degree: Art History A.A. for Transfer

Economics............................................................................................... page 4 New Transfer Degree: Economics A.A. for Transfer

English.................................................................................................... page 5 New Transfer Degree: Elementary Teacher Education A.A. for Transfer

Public Safety........................................................................................... page 6 New Department Certificate

Corrections.............................................................................................. page 7 2014-2015 College Catalog corrections

New Courses......................................................................................... page 12 New courses added to the 2014-2015 College Catalog

American River College 4700 College Oak Drive Sacramento, CA 95841 (916) 484-8011 www.arc.losrios.edu Los Rios Community College District

ADDENDUM - November 1, 2014


American River College Catalog 2014-2015


This addendum to the 2014-15 American River College Catalog contains important changes and additions. This addendum was updated after the 2014-2015 American River College Catalog went to press in March.


non-discrimination policy to replace non-discrimination policy content on page 35

American River College, as part of the Los Rios Community College District, supports established polices to support learning and work environments that are free from discrimination, based upon sex, sexual orientation, age, race, color, religion, creed, national origin, ethnic group, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, or any other unlawful consideration; sexual harassment; as well as providing for college premises that are drug and alcohol free. Our policies are rooted in established state and federal laws, and support a psychologically safe working environment for students, staff, and the community. Further information may found on the Los Rios website [www.losrios.edu/legal/GCpolreg.htm]. Students and employees who believe they have suffered discrimination based on any of the above reasons may file a complaint with the appropriate office: College Equity Officer: Lisa Lawrenson

Associate Vice President, Instruction.................................. 484-8540

Disciplinary Officer: Manuel Perez

Dean, Student Development................................................. 484-8924

Student Grievance Officer: Jefferey Stephenson

Dean, Counseling and Student Services.............................. 484-8375

Sexual Harassment Officer: Lisa Lawrenson

Associate Vice President, Instruction.................................. 484-8540

Title IX Coordinator: Lisa Lawrenson

Associate Vice President, Instruction.................................. 484-8540

504 Coordinator: Robin Neal

Interim Dean, Enrollment Services..................................... 484-8171

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator: Robin Neal

Interim Dean, Enrollment Services..................................... 484-8171

Most complaints, grievances or disciplinary matters should be resolved at the campus level. This is the quickest and most successful way of resolving issues involving the college. You are encouraged to work through the campus complaint process first. Issues that are not resolved at the college or Los Rios District level may be presented via resources provided by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office. Complainants are encouraged to use the official form provided by the Chancellor’s office, however, that form is not required and complaints will not be considered defective or rejected if you do not use the form. In addition to complaints being filed by students or employees, complaints may be initiated by other individuals or entities, such as a family member, representative, organization, or other third party wishing to file on behalf of an individual or group alleged to have suffered unlawful discrimination or harassment. For more information, please refer to Los Rios regulation 2423 [www.losrios.edu/legal/Regulations/R-2000/R-2000.htm]. American River College Catalog 2014-2015


ADDENDUM - November 1, 2014

Fine & Applied Arts Dr. Adam Karp (916) 484-8433 (916) 484-8572

Degree: A.A. for Transfer - Art History

The degree listed here is an addition to the Catalog 2014-2015. For other programs in Art, please see Catalog 2014-2015, page 93.

Art History A.A. for Transfer Degree

Requirements for Degree 21 Units ART 300 Elementary Drawing and Composition..........................3 ARTH 302 Art: Stone Age Through the Middle Ages......................3 ARTH 308 Renaissance Tradition in Art.........................................3 ARTH 310 Modern Art.................................................................3 And a minimum of 3 units from the following:....................................3 ARTH 333 Introduction to Islamic Art (3) ARTH 334 International Contemporary Art (3) And a minimum of 3 units from the following:....................................3 ART 304 Figure Drawing and Composition (3) ART 320 Design: Fundamentals (3) Design: Color Theory (3) ART 323 Painting (3) ART 327 Painting (3) ART 328 ART 336 Watercolor Painting (3) Printmaking: Survey (3) ART 361 Three Dimensional Design (3) ART 370 Sculpture (3) ART 372 Figure Sculpture (3) ART 375 Ceramics (3) ART 390 ARTNM 303 Graphic Design: Typography (3) ARTNM 310 Design: Fundamentals (3) ARTNM 324 Digital Design (3) ARTPH 300 Basic Art Photography (3) ARTPH 305 Digital Photography (3) And a minimum of 3 units from the following:.................................. 31 ART 304 Figure Drawing and Composition (3) ART 320 Design: Fundamentals (3) ART 323 Design: Color Theory (3) ART 327 Painting (3) ART 328 Painting (3) ART 336 Watercolor Painting (3) ART 361 Printmaking: Survey (3) ART 370 Three Dimensional Design (3) ART 372 Sculpture (3) ART 375 Figure Sculpture (3) ART 390 Ceramics (3) ART 420 Film Making (2) ART 430 Art and Children (3) ARTH 333 Introduction to Islamic Art (3) ARTH 334 International Contemporary Art (3) ARTNM 303 Graphic Design: Typography (3) ARTNM 305 History of Graphic Design (3) ARTNM 310 Design: Fundamentals (3) ARTNM 324 Digital Design (3) ARTPH 300 Basic Art Photography (3) ARTPH 305 Digital Photography (3)

The Associate in Arts in Art History for Transfer provides a clearly articulated curricular track for students who wish to transfer to a CSU campus, while also serving the diverse needs of students interested in the breadth and depth of the field of Art History. Additionally, this degree exposes students to the core principles and practices of the field in order to build a foundation for their future personal, academic, or vocational paths. The Associate in Arts degree in Art History for Transfer provides students with a major that fulfills the general requirements of the California State University for transfer. Students with this degree will receive priority admission with junior status to the California State University system. The Associate in Arts degree in Art History for Transfer (A.A.-T.) may be obtained by the completion of 60 transferable, semester units with a minimum 2.0 GPA, including (a) the major or area of emphasis described in the Required Program outlined below (earning a C or better in these courses) and (b) either the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or the California State University General Education-Breadth Requirements. Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

• assess and evaluate the contributions of artists throughout history. • identify and evaluate works of art or architecture according to their appropriate style and time frame. • analyze and critique art and architecture within the context of their functions and meanings. • research and assess theoretical information concerning the meanings and purposes of art and architecture. • explain the history of cultures and civilizations and how art and architecture is a reflection of that history. Career Opportunities

Art historians with undergraduate degrees are placed as registrars, preparators, and curatorial staff in art museums and galleries; they can also be employed as art critics in mass media publications, such as newspapers and magazines. An advanced degree allows an art historian a wider range of possible career applications, including museums directorships, curators, instructors, preservationists, researchers, and auction house personnel.


Excluding any courses used to fulfill the degree requirements listed above.

Associate in Arts for Transfer Degree Requirements: The Associate

in Arts in Art History for Transfer (AA-T) degree may be obtained by completion of 60 transferable, semester units with a minimum 2.0 GPA, including (a) the major or area of emphasis described in the Required Program, and (b) either the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or the California State University General Education-Breadth Requirements.

ADDENDUM - November 1, 2014


American River College Catalog 2014-2015


Area: Dean: Phone: Counseling:


Area: Dean: Phone: Counseling:

Behavioral & Social Sciences Carlos Reyes (916) 484-8283 (916) 484-8572

Degree: A.A. for Transfer - Economics

The degree listed here is an addition to the Catalog 2014-2015. For courses in Economics, please see Catalog 2014-2015, page 184.

Economics A.A. for Transfer Degree

Requirements for Degree 18 Units ECON 302 Principles of Macroeconomics......................................3 ECON 304 Principles of Microeconomics.......................................3 And a minimum of 3 units from the following:....................................3 PSYC 330 Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (3) STAT 300 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (4) STAT 305 Statway, Part II (6) And a minimum of 3 units from the following:....................................3 MATH 340 Calculus for Business and Economics (3) MATH 400 Calculus I (5) And a minimum of 6 units from the following:....................................6 Financial Accounting (4) ACCT 301 Managerial Accounting (4) ACCT 311 Introduction to Electronic Spreadsheets (2) CISA 315 Introduction to Computer Information Science (3) CISC 310 Introduction to Structured Programming (4) CISP 360 CISP 370 Beginning Visual Basic (4) MATH 336 College Algebra (5) MATH 350 Calculus for the Life and Social Sciences I (3) MATH 370 Pre-Calculus Mathematics (5) MATH 401 Calculus II (5) MATH 402 Calculus III (5) MATH 410 Introduction to Linear Algebra (3)

The Associate in Arts degree in Economics for Transfer provides students with a major that fulfills the general requirements of the California State University for transfer. Students with this degree will receive priority admission with junior status to the California State University system. The Associate in Arts degree in Economics for Transfer (AA-T) may be obtained by the completion of 60 transferable, semester units with a minimum 2.0 GPA, including (a) the major or area of emphasis described in the Required Program outlined below (earning a C or better in these courses) and (b) either the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or the California State University General Education Breadth Requirements. Students interested in transferring to a CSU campus to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Economics should meet with a counselor to confirm the courses required for lower-division preparation in the major. Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

Associate in Arts for Transfer Degree Requirements: The Associate

• explain terms and concepts used in macroeconomics and microeconomics. • evaluate models to explore consequences of economic policy proposals on households and businesses. • evaluate economic models to explore the consequences of macroeconomic events and the probable consequences of macroeconomic policy proposals on the whole economy. • solve problems requiring the application of economics, statistics, and mathematics. • apply accounting and economic concepts and principles in making decisions about firm operations.

American River College Catalog 2014-2015

in Arts in Economics for Transfer (AA-T) degree may be obtained by completion of 60 transferable, semester units with a minimum 2.0 GPA, including (a) the major or area of emphasis described in the Required Program, and (b) either the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or the California State University General Education-Breadth Requirements.


ADDENDUM - November 1, 2014

English Vicki Maryatt (Interim) (916) 484-8101 (916) 484-8572

Degree: A.A. for Transfer - Elementary Teacher Education

The degree listed here is an addition to the Catalog 2014-2015. For other programs in English, please see Catalog 2014-2015, page 199.

Elementary Teacher Education A.A. for Transfer Degree

Requirements for Degree 51 Units BIOL 303 Survey of Biology (4)....................................................4 or BIOL 310 General Biology (4) ECE 312 Child Development (3)..........................................................3 or PSYC 372 Child Development (3) ENGED 324 Introduction to Elementary Teaching with Field Experience (3).............................................................3 or ECE 350 Introduction to Elementary Teaching with Field Experience (3) ENGWR 300 College Composition (3)..............................................3 or ENGWR 480 Honors College Composition (3) ENGWR 301 College Composition and Literature (3)........................3 or ENGWR 481 Honors College Composition and Literature (3) GEOG 320 World Regional Geography..........................................3 Earth Science..............................................................3 GEOL 305 GEOL 306 Earth Science Laboratory..............................................1 HIST 307 History of World Civilizations to 1500...........................3 HIST 310 History of the United States (3)....................................3 or HIST 483 History of the United States - Honors (3) MATH 310 Mathematical Discovery...............................................3 PS 300 Introduction to Physical Science...................................3 Physical Science Laboratory..........................................1 PS 301 Introduction to Government: United States (3)..............3 POLS 301 or POLS 481 Introduction to Government: United States - Honors (3) SPEECH 301 Public Speaking...........................................................3 And a minimum of 3 units from the following:....................................3 ART 300 Elementary Drawing and Composition (3) MUFHL 300 Introduction to Music (3) TA 300 Introduction to the Theatre (3) And a minimum of 6 units from the following:....................................6 ART 430 Art and Children (3) ECON 302 Principles of Macroeconomics (3) ENGED 305 Structure of English (3) ENGED 320 Service Learning: Tutoring Elementary Students in Reading (3) ENGWR 302 Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking (3) or ENGWR 482 Honors Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking (3) SPEECH 361 The Communication Experience (3)

The Associate in Elementary Teacher Education for Transfer provides a clearly articulated curricular track for students who wish to transfer to a CSU campus, while also serving the diverse needs of students interested in the breadth and depth of the field of Elementary Teacher Education. Additionally, this degree exposes students to the core principles and practices of the field in order to build a foundation for their future personal, academic, or vocational paths. The Associate in Arts degree in Elementary Teacher Education for Transfer provides students with a major that fulfills the general requirements of the California State University for transfer. Students with this degree will receive priority admission with junior status to the California State University system. The Associate in Arts degree in Elementary Teacher Education for Transfer (AA-T) may be obtained by the completion of 60 transferable, semester units with a minimum 2.0 GPA, including (a) the major or area of emphasis described in the Required Program outlined below (earning a C or better in these courses) and (b) either the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or the California State University General Education-Breadth Requirements. Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

• apply the scientific method using inquiry, data collection, quantitative reasoning, and basic mathematical concepts to analyze results • assess teaching practices and learning conditions through application of child development theories • evaluate attitudes, actions, and behaviors indicative of a professional educator • apply analytical reading and writing, research, and critical thinking essential for completing assigned tasks • explain relationships and interactions between humans and the earth • apply knowledge of world history and cultures to identify the values of a culture and work with others of diverse cultures • analyze statistical data • present information effectively to an intended audience • compare and contrast various forms and styles of music, artworks, and theatrical performances

Associate in Arts for Transfer Degree Requirements: The Associate in

Arts in Elementary Teacher Education for Transfer (AA-T) degree may be obtained by completion of 60 transferable, semester units with a minimum 2.0 GPA, including (a) the major or area of emphasis described in the Required Program, and (b) either the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or the California State University General Education-Breadth Requirements.

Career Opportunities

Public or private instructional assistant or classroom aide, grades K-8; private tutor; publishing and textbook salesperson; curriculum and test developer; teacher, grades K-12 with additional education. ADDENDUM - November 1, 2014


American River College Catalog 2014-2015


Dean: Director: Phone: Counseling:


Area: Dean: Phone: Counseling: Website:

Sacramento Regional Public Safety Training Center 5146 Arnold Avenue McClellan, CA 95652 Steven Segura (916) 570-5000 (916) 484-8572 www.arc.losrios.edu/safety

Department Certificate: Impact Weapons Instructor

The department certificate listed here is an addition to the Catalog 2014-2015. For other offerings at the Sacramento Regional Public Safety Training Center, please see Catalog 2014-2015, page 399.

Impact Weapons Instructor Certificate This program is designed for the new impact weapons instructor responsible for instructing law enforcement personnel on impact weapons. Emphasis is placed on side handled baton, straight baton, long baton, short baton, Yawara stick, expandable baton, and other impact weapons. Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

• identify liability issues in the use of impact weapons. • effectively manipulate impact weapons for use in a law enforcement environment. • develop a lesson plan for classroom use. • enumerate adult learning techniques. Requirements for Certificate 2 Units PSTC 1621 Impact Weapons Instructor..........................................2

American River College Catalog 2014-2015


ADDENDUM - November 1, 2014

Requirements for Degree 28 Units CHEM 400 General Chemistry.......................................................5 CHEM 401 General Chemistry.......................................................5 GEOL 300 Physical Geology.........................................................3 GEOL 301 Physical Geology Laboratory........................................1 GEOL 310 Historical Geology.......................................................3 GEOL 311 Historical Geology Laboratory......................................1 MATH 400 Calculus I....................................................................5 MATH 401 Calculus II...................................................................5

This transfer degree can only be awarded using the using the IGETC IGETCpattern: pattern:

Geology A.S. for Transfer Degree Geology is an interdisciplinary science that combines geological observations and concepts with those of biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics. Its goals are to study rocks, minerals, fossils, energy and water resources, and to understand geologic principles and processes that shape Earth and its environments.

Associate in Arts for Transfer Degree Requirements: The Associate

in Science in Geology for Transfer (AA-T) degree may be obtained by completion of 60 transferable, semester units with a minimum 2.0 GPA, including (a) the major or area of emphasis described in the Required Program, and (b) the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) Requirements.

The Associate in Science in Geology for Transfer provides students with a major that fulfills the general requirements of the California State University for transfer. Students with this degree will receive priority admission with junior status to the California State University system. The Associate in Science in Geology for Transfer (A.S.-T.) may be obtained by the completion of 60 transferable, semester units with a minimum of a 2.0 GPA, including (a) the major or area of emphasis described in the Required Program outlined below (earning a C or better in these courses), and (b) the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC). Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

• evaluate new and accepted ideas about the natural universe using testable methodology. • articulate orally and/or in writing the importance of continuous examination and modification of accepted ideas as a fundamental element in the progress of science. • sort, arrange, and quantify objects using the international system of measurement (metric) as the standard. • analyze a wide variety of natural phenomena using basic definitions and fundamental theories of natural science. • compare the scales at which geologic processes work. • apply knowledge of current geologic processes to the understanding of Earth’s past geologic history. Career Opportunities

The Geology transfer degree is designed to facilitate students’ successful transfer to four-year colleges that prepare them for advanced study in a variety of graduate programs as well as a variety of career opportunities in the fields of environmental monitoring, protection and remediation, energy and mineral exploration, paleontology, vulcanology, seismology, climatology, teaching, and research.

ADDENDUM - November 1, 2014


American River College Catalog 2014-2015


The items listed have been corrected for the Catalog 2014-2015.


Core Requirements for Degree 20 Units MUFHL 400 Music Theory ..............................................................4 MUFHL 401 Music Theory ..............................................................4 MUFHL 410 Advanced Music Theory ..............................................4 MUFHL 411 Advanced Music Theory ..............................................4 MUIVI 420 Applied Music ............................................................1 MUIVI 421 Applied Music II..........................................................1 MUIVI 422 Applied Music III.........................................................1 MUIVI 423 Applied Music IV.........................................................1

This transfer degree can only be awarded using the IGETC pattern:

Music A.A. for Transfer Degree Completion of this degree provides a foundation in music. Program offerings include course work in music theory and aural skills, applied composition, instrumental and vocal instruction, and ensemble performance.

Guitarists/Pianists/Composers 28 Units Core Requirements............................................................................20 And a minimum of 8 units from the following:....................................8 MUP 310 Orchestra (2) MUP 311 Advanced Orchestra (1 - 2) MUP 320 Jazz Band (2) MUP 321 Advanced Jazz Band (1 - 2) MUP 330 Concert Band (2) MUP 331 Advanced Concert Band (1 - 2) MUP 340 Symphonic Band (2) MUP 341 Advanced Symphonic Band (1 - 2) MUP 350 Concert Choir I (2) MUP 352 Advanced Concert Choir (2) MUP 360 Chamber Singers (2) MUP 361 Advanced Chamber Singers (2) MUP 400 Vocal Jazz Ensemble (2) MUP 401 Advanced Vocal Jazz Ensemble (1 - 2)

The Associate in Arts in Music for Transfer provides students with a major that fulfills the general requirements of the California State University for transfer. Students with this degree will receive priority admission with junior status to the California State University system. The Associate in Arts in Music for Transfer (A.A.-T.) may be obtained by the completion of 60 transferable, semester units with a minimum of a 2.0 GPA, including (a) the major or area of emphasis described in the Required Program outlined below (earning a C or better in these courses), and (b) the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) Requirements. Student Learning Outcomes

Instrumentalists 28 Units Core Requirements............................................................................20 And a minimum of 8 units from the following:....................................8 MUP 310 Orchestra (2) MUP 311 Advanced Orchestra (1 - 2) MUP 320 Jazz Band (2) MUP 321 Advanced Jazz Band (1 - 2) MUP 330 Concert Band (2) MUP 331 Advanced Concert Band (1 - 2) MUP 340 Symphonic Band (2) MUP 341 Advanced Symphonic Band (1 - 2)

Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

• analyze musical scores and compositions • critique personal music performances and those of other musicians • analyze and perform the elements of music (rhythm, melody, harmony, and form) • create derivative or original music at a level appropriate to the area of specialization Career Opportunities

Individuals with four-year degrees in music may be placed in the K-12 educational field as well as performers in professional music ensembles, directors for religious and community music groups, private music studio instructors, composers for media and publishing, music therapists, and administrative staff for music organizations. Advanced degrees in music may lead to careers as educators at the college or university level, performers, music directors, and music editors and journalists.

Vocalists 28 Units Core Requirements............................................................................20 And a minimum of 8 units from the following:....................................8 MUP 350 Concert Choir I (2) MUP 352 Advanced Concert Choir (2) MUP 360 Chamber Singers (2) MUP 361 Advanced Chamber Singers (2) MUP 400 Vocal Jazz Ensemble (2) MUP 401 Advanced Vocal Jazz Ensemble (1 - 2) Associate in Arts for Transfer Degree Requirements: The Associate in

Arts in Music for Transfer (AA-T) degree may be obtained by completion of 60 transferable, semester units with a minimum 2.0 GPA, including (a) the major or area of emphasis described in the Required Program, and (b) the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) Requirements.

American River College Catalog 2014-2015


ADDENDUM - November 1, 2014

Physics A.S. for Transfer Degree The Associate in Science in Physics for Transfer degree provides students with a major that fulfills the general requirements of the California State University for transfer. Students with this degree will receive priority admission with junior status to the California State University system.

Associate in Arts for Transfer Degree Requirements: The Associate

in Science in Physics for Transfer (AA-T) degree may be obtained by completion of 60 transferable, semester units with a minimum 2.0 GPA, including (a) the major or area of emphasis described in the Required Program, and (b) the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) Requirements.

The Associate in Science in Physics for Transfer degree (A.S.-T.) may be obtained by the completion of 60 transferable, semester units with a minimum of a 2.0 GPA, including (a) the major or area of emphasis described in the Required Program outlined below (earning a C or better in these courses), and (b) the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC). Students interested in transferring to a CSU campus to pursue a bachelor’s degree in physics should meet with a counselor to confirm the courses required for lower division preparation in the major. Although additional preparatory courses are not required for this degree, students will be better prepared if they complete differential equations, linear algebra, general chemistry, and at least one computer programming course prior to transferring. Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

• test the validity of a hypothesis using the scientific method. • identify the basic physical principles that apply in a particular situation. • solve problems requiring the application of physics and mathematics up through calculus. • interpret the results of physics calculations. • define common physics terms and physical laws. • compose a well-organized and complete lab report. Career Opportunities

This degree is designed to facilitate students’ successful transfer to four-year programs that prepare them for advanced study in physics and other related fields, including biophysics, physical chemistry, geophysics, and astrophysics. Physicists with undergraduate and graduate degrees have a broad range of employment opportunities, including high technology, computer programming, research, and teaching.

ADDENDUM - November 1, 2014


American River College Catalog 2014-2015


Core Requirements for Degree 28 Units MUFHL 400 Music Theory ..............................................................4 MATH 400 Calculus I....................................................................5 MATH 401 Calculus II...................................................................5 MATH 402 Calculus III..................................................................5 PHYS 410 Mechanics of Solids and Fluids.....................................5 PHYS 421 Electricity and Magnetism............................................4 PHYS 431 Heat, Waves, Light and Modern Physics........................4

This transfer degree can only be awarded using the IGETC pattern:


Visual Basic Concentration 20 Units Core Requirements..............................................................................6 CISA 322 Design and Development of Desktop Database Applications.................................................3 CISP 300 Algorithm Design/Problem Solving...............................3 CISP 370 Beginning Visual Basic ................................................4 CISP 371 Intermediate Visual Basic ............................................4

Unit correction in the following degree and certificate programs:

CIS: Computer Programming Degree This degree includes general topics in the field of computer programming as well as focused topics related to one commonly used programming language. General topics include the use of an operating system, and the translation of a problem statement into a generic program solution. Programming language-specific topics include syntax, program structuring, language constructs and proper programming methods.

Associate Degree Requirements: The CIS: Computer Programming

Associate in Science (A.S.) Degree may be obtained by completion of the required program, plus general education requirements, plus sufficient electives to meet a 60-unit total. See ARC graduation requirements.

CIS: Computer Programming Certificate This certificate includes general topics in the field of computer programming as well as focused topics related to one commonly used programming language. General topics include the use of an operating system, and the translation of a problem statement into a generic program solution. Programming language-specific topics include syntax, program structuring, language constructs and proper programming methods.

Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

• describe how programming relates to the development of an information system. • develop programs using the top-down method. • apply structured programming techniques. • translate a detailed design document into a computer programming language solution. • verify the syntactic correctness of a program. • verify the logical correctness of a program. • analyze the behavior of a program and locate defects.

Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:

• • • • •

apply techniques of structured programming. design programs using object-oriented methodology. analyze problems related to computer programming. design algorithms to solve problems related to programming. develop specifications of an information system based on requirements. • compare alternative implementations of programmed solutions using a variety of criteria. • describe how programming fits in the context of the development of an information system.

Career Opportunities

Upon completion of the computer programming degree, a student has the minimum qualifications as an entry-level programmer/developer. Core Requirements for Degree 6 Units CISC 310 Introduction to Computer Information Science .............3 CISP 350 Database Programming...............................................3

Career Opportunities

C++ Concentration 19-21 Units Core Requirements..............................................................................6 [CISP 300 Algorithm Design/Problem Solving (3).................... 5 - 7 and CISP 360 Introduction to Structured Programming (4) ] or CISP 480 Honors Introduction to Structured Programming (5) CISP 400 Object Oriented Programming with C++ .....................4 CISP 430 Data Structures...........................................................4

This programming certificate enables people who are already in the information technology or computer fields to develop or supplement their skills with the experience of an additional programming language. See losrios.edu/gainful-emp-info/gedt.php?major=011326C05 for Gainful Employment Disclosure.

Java Concentration 18-20 Units Core Requirements..............................................................................6 [CISP 300 Algorithm Design/Problem Solving (3).................... 5 - 7 and CISP 360 Introduction to Structured Programming (4) ] or CISP 480 Honors Introduction to Structured Programming (5) CISP 401 Object Oriented Programming with Java ......................4 A minimum of 3 units from the following:...................................3 CISC 320 Operating Systems (1) CISC 323 Linux Operating System (1) CISC 324 Intermediate Linux Operating System (1) CISP 310 Assembly Language Programming for Microcomputers (4) CISP 362 Programming for Mobile Devices I (4) CISP 363 Programming for Mobile Devices II (4)

Core Requirements for Certificate 4 Units CISC 310 Introduction to Computer Information Science..............3 CISC 320 Operating Systems.......................................................1 C++ Concentration Requirements 18-20 Units Core Requirements..............................................................................4 [CISP 300 Algorithm Design/Problem Solving (3).................... 5 - 7 and CISP 360 Introduction to Structured Programming (4) ] or CISP 480 Honors Introduction to Structured Programming (5) CISP 400 Object Oriented Programming with C++ .....................4 CISP 430 Data Structures...........................................................4 A minimum of 1 unit from the following:....................................1 CISC 323 Linux Operating System (1) CISC 324 Intermediate Linux Operating System (1) (continued on next page)

American River College Catalog 2014-2015


ADDENDUM - November 1, 2014

Natural Resources Department Certificate title corrections:

Java Concentration Requirements 18-20 Units Core Requirements..............................................................................4 [CISP 300 Algorithm Design/Problem Solving (3).................... 5 - 7 and CISP 360 Introduction to Structured Programming (4) ] or CISP 480 Honors Introduction to Structured Programming (5) CISP 350 Database Programming...............................................3 CISP 401 Object Oriented Programming with Java.......................4 A minimum of 2 units from the following:.................................. 2 CISC 323 Linux Operating System (1) CISC 324 Intermediate Linux Operating System (1) CISP 310 Assembly Language Programming for Microcomputers (4) CISP 362 Programming for Mobile Devices I (4) CISP 363 Programming for Mobile Devices II (4)

Environmental Sciences Technician (Vegetation) Certificate Environmental Sciences Technician (Water Resources) Certificate Environmental Sciences Technician (Wildlife) Certificate

Visual Basic Concentration Requirements 21 Units Core Requirements..............................................................................4 CISA 322 Design and Development of Desktop Database Applications.................................................3 Algorithm Design/Problem Solving...............................3 CISP 300 CISP 350 Database Programming...............................................3 Beginning Visual Basic.................................................4 CISP 370 CISP 371 Intermediate Visual Basic.............................................4

ADDENDUM - November 1, 2014


(CIS: Computer Programming Certificate continued)

Hour / Unit correction:


Fundamentals of Lactation Consultant Assisting

2.5 Units

Course Transferable to CSU Hours: 45 hours LEC This course is designed for community workers responsible for promoting and protecting breastfeeding and charged with providing basic assessment, support, and appropriate referral for breastfeeding mothers in the community. It is also an introductory course in human lactation for students entering or preparing for professions in nursing, nutrition, health education, or early childhood development as well as for practicing professionals in these fields. This course provides an overview of factors impacting breastfeeding rates, explores health effects and current recommendations, discusses the anatomy and physiology of lactation, and considers the role of the lactation consultant assistant in facilitating breastfeeding. It covers counseling skills, cultural awareness, and community resources for promoting, protecting, and supporting breastfeeding.


American River College Catalog 2014-2015


The courses listed in this section have been added to the Catalog 2014-2015.

FIRE 1573 Introduction To Wildland Fire Behavior Calculations S-390

IS 312 2 Units

Hours: 36 hours LEC This course provides an introduction into fire behavior calculations by manual methods, using nomograms and the Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior Calculations (S-390) Handbook. Topics include studying inputs (weather, slope, fuels, and fuel moisture), interpreting fire behavior outputs, documentation processes, and fire behavior briefing components. This course applies to the California Fire Service Training and Education system’s certification program. Pass/No Pass only.

FIRE 1792 FIRE: Safety Officer S-404

Introduction to Middle East Studies

1.5 Units

Peace and Conflict

SPAN 132 Elementary Spanish Lab II

.5-1 Units


.5-3 Units

Advisory: SPAN 131, or concurrent enrollment in SPAN 402. Hours: 27-54 hours LAB This laboratory course enables Spanish language learners to continue developing, expanding, and reinforcing multiple Spanish language skills while working independently and/or in small groups. Coursework includes integrated study topics related to vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, listening, and oral skills covered in second semester Spanish courses. Students may register until the sixth week of the semester. This course may be taken up to two times for a total of 1.0 unit, using different topics. Pass/No Pass only.

3 Units

Advisory: Eligible for ENGRD 310 or ENGRD 312 AND ENGWR 300; OR ESLR 340 AND ESLW 340. Course Transferable to CSU Hours: 54 hours LEC This course introduces the contemporary Middle East from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. It covers the major developments and events that have shaped the socio-economic and political institutions and structures within a distinct geopolitical area. It examines processes of state formation, colonialism, independence, major power players in the region, and the modern challenges of globalization. It also covers the consequence for foreign policy. Countries may include but are not limited to: Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Tunisia. Increasing exchange with, attention to, and interest in the Middle East due both to globalization and the events of 9/11 has created a need and a demand for a deeper, broader, and more comprehensive understanding of the Middle East. This course provides a foundation in Middle East Studies and a sense of current directions in the field.

IS 310

3 Units

Advisory: Eligible for ENGRD 310 or ENGRD 312 AND ENGWR 300; OR ESLR 340 AND ESLW 340. General Education: AA/AS Area V(b); CSU Area D7; IGETC Area 4G Course Transferable to UC/CSU Hours: 54 hours LEC This course covers current socio-economic and political issues in developing countries. It presents alternative theories pertaining to the causes and consequences of development, underdevelopment, and uneven development with a particular focus on the issues of globalization including political and social change. It includes proposed solutions to various development problems from various scientific perspectives. This course is formerly known as SOCSC 312.

Hours: 25 hours LEC; 5 hours LAB This course is designed to meet the training needs of the fire safety officer position in the incident command system. Topics include: safety officer effectiveness, analysis techniques, safety messages, briefings and reports, and high hazard operations. This course applies to the California Fire Service Training and Education system’s certification program. Pass/No Pass only.

IS 305

Current International Development Issues

Pre-Season Conditioning for Baseball

Course Transferable to CSU Hours: 27-162 hours LEC This course is designed to optimize sports performance and reduce risk of injury for the pre-season intercollegiate athlete in the sport of baseball. Course content includes sport-specific skill development, sport-specific strength training, cardiovascular conditioning, agility work, plyometrics, speed training, and flexibility exercises. This course may be taken up to four times for credit.

3 Units

Advisory: Eligible for ENGRD 310 or ENGRD 312 AND ENGWR 300; OR ESLR 340 AND ESLW 340. General Education: AA/AS Area V(b) Course Transferable to UC/CSU Hours: 54 hours LEC This course examines the political and socioeconomic causes and consequences of peace and conflict from different theoretical views. It also includes an analysis of inter- and intra-state conflicts and wars, terrorism, ethnic and sectarian conflicts, and gender issues and conflicts. Among topics discussed are the war theory, “negative peace,” post-conflict reconciliation, policy recommendations and proposed solutions for conflict resolution, and achieving peace through the engagement of the international community. This course is formerly known as SOCSC 310.

American River College Catalog 2014-2015


ADDENDUM - November 1, 2014

Catalog design and production by ARC Instructional Media Services

AMERICAN RIVER COLLEGE 4700 College Oak Drive | Sacramento, CA 95841 | www.arc.losrios.edu | (916) 484-8011 LOS RIOS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT

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