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Lighting Design. The Law Of Attraction.

Lighting design involves both mathand alot ofguesswork basedonwhat the user needs. For instance, whenyou take a valuablepieceof artand change how it’s litso that the client seesit differently, it requires a lot ofeffort and research.Thelighting setup is crucialbecause it helpsthe artwork standout.COLOR RENDERING INDEX.Selecting lights for yourproject canget pretty technical.Whether you’reworking on an apartment, anew house, a restaurant,a hotel,orany commercial space like an art gallery, it’s essential tograsp the different lighting factors, including the Color Rendering Index, andunderstand why it matters for yourproject’s success. Thanksto advancements inLED technology,there are numerousLEDlight options available that couldilluminate your project.However,before you spend your money,it’s vital toensure that the LED you’reconsidering is not only bright enoughand hasgood optical performance but also delivers excellentcolor performance.


Colortemperature,or CCT(Correlated Color Temperature),is animportant concept in lighting,especially when considering its CRI rating, whichmeasures howaccurately colorsare rendered underdifferent light sources.ACRI of 90or above isconsideredexcellent, making it ideal for showcasing artwork,while aCRI between85 and 90 isstill good.When it comes to lighting design, many people overlookits significance or simply don’tunderstand it. For instance,ifyou're opening a restaurant, youmight thinkdimlighting creates acozy atmosphere,but it could endup giving offa vibe that doesn’tmatchyourvision. Similarly,if you're an artistdisplaying yourworkin agallery,the lighting can dramatically influencehow visitorsperceive yourart. Understanding CRI canhelp avoidthese pitfalls.CRI measureshow well different light sources reveal the truecolorsofobjects. Thisindexhelps manufacturers create lights suited for variousenvironments,like restaurants orgalleries, using ascale from1 to 100.Here’s a quickrundownof CRI ratingsfordifferent light sources: - High-pressure sodiumlights have a CRIof24. - Mercuryvaporlights are around 49. - Fluorescent lightsrange from50 to 85,depending ontheir coating. - Metal halide lightsvary between 75and 95.- Most low-quality LEDsfallbetween 55and 75.- High-quality LEDscan reachupto 95.So, what do these CRI numbersmean?Insimpleterms,a lower CRI means colors won’t look astrue tolife. Ifyou’re lighting a dining table, for example, you’d want a higher CRI to make the food look appealing.The same principle applies toart pieces, mosaics,or sculptures—betterlighting enhances theirappearance.

Lightreflectance Loss

It's important to understandthat the final lighting effect ina spacewill be affectedby how much light is reflected and the light loss caused by theobjects placed inside. Many lighting designers think theirjobis done oncethe installationiscomplete, but that's not true!Everyobject ina room absorbs some light.This means we need toredo our calculations andmakeadjustments tothe lighting aftereverything isset up.In some cases,like mine,the lighting designer isalso involved in the interior design.

We take intoaccount the colorsof the surfaces during the designphase, andwhen we create our lighting plan, we use those colorresults. This helpsusavoid majorchanges later on.However,it's notcommonto findsomeone whodoes both roles. It's crucial to remember that lighting calculationsshould continue untileverypieceof furniture is in place. Lighting design isa key marketing toolforany commercial,hospitality, residential,orart exhibition project.Theright lighting setupcansignificantly boost revenue.I've spent myentire life studying architecture andinteriordesign, andI invested alot oftime learning about lighting design. What puzzles me iswhy people hiretop architects andinteriordesigners andspend money onhigh-end materials like marble,leather, and artwork,yet don’t hirea lighting designer toensure that all those beautifulelements areshowcased properly. This has become mypassion educating myclients and helping themlight uptheir businesses effectively.I've foundthat I canbe a valuable marketing assetin this process.

Marianna Holoway ArchitecturalLighting &InteriorDesigner

Restaurants, ice cream shops, cafes, and other food and beverage places often compete based on their location, pricing, and special offers. However, not many realize that the way a restaurant is designed can really make a difference. The interior design of a restaurant can actually affect how customers feel, which can lead them to order more or less and even determine how long they stay.

Elements like seating arrangements, lighting, music, and overall architecture play a big role in this. Here’s a guide on how to use interior design to positively influence your customers' experiences, along with some creative ideas for restaurant interiors that you can implement in your own place.

IAmrender KZ

ImportanceOf InteriorDesignIn Restaurants

The interiordesign ofa restaurant issuper important for anybusinessbecause itplays a huge role in how your brandis seen.Whencustomers walk in, thefirst thing they notice is the design,and that first impressioncan really shape their viewof yourbrand. It influences theirexpectations for service,the kind ofexperience they think they’ll have,and whether they’ll want toreturn. So,you can’t underestimate how vital interior designis. Here are some reasonswhy it mattersso much in restaurants: The design of a restaurant iskey to its branding strategy. How a restaurant looksaffects how customers understand theconcept and whetherthey think it’s a goodplace to dine.

IAmrender KZ

Ifa restauranthas shabby oroverly brightinteriors,it canleave a bad impressionon customers,possibly causing themtoleavebefore they evenget a chance toeat.A great design idea for arestaurant is to maximize natural light, making thespace moreappealing forInstagramphotos. Intoday's Instagram-drivenworld,the way yourrestaurant looks canact as a powerful marketing tool. Everyone loves toshare theirexperiencesonline, and if your restaurant isvisually appealing,it’slikely toshow up onsocialmedia feeds, attracting more visitors. Effective interior designcan be akey partof yourmarketing strategy. Ifyour restaurant hassomething special about its decor,don’t hesitate to showcase it.People enjoy feeling like they’repart of something unique,whichcandraw themto your establishment.Lastly, thedesignofyourrestaurant can significantly influence how customersbehave.Withthe right interior elements, you canencourage themto ordermore, eat quickly,drink frequently,and evenleavesooner.

IAmrender KZ

1. Architecture And Design

Architecture and design are essential aspects of restaurant interior design. The way you design the inside of your restaurant and place all your elements plays an integral role in defining the look and feel of your restaurant. It also has a significant influence on customer experience because it includes planning the layout of your restaurant. How spacious your restaurant will feel, how claustrophobic it will get during rush hours, and how comfortable it will be to walk around without bumping into people or crashing into tables, all of this dependent on the restaurant layout. It makes no sense for your joint to be beautiful if your servers cannot serve well, and customers cannot feel comfortable in their own space.

The floor plan of your restaurant must be such that there is individual space for every person seated. If you are a fine dining restaurant, 20 sq feet area per seat is ideal; however, for a QSR 10 sq feet area is considered perfect.


Lighting playsa crucialrole inthe interiordesignofyourrestaurant.It’spointless to have everything looking great if thelighting isoffand ruins the vibe.Thereare three main typesoflighting toconsider:Ambient, Task, andAccent lighting.Ambient lighting setsthe overallatmosphere ofyour restaurant. Whetheryourspaceis softly lit orbrightly illuminated, this type of lighting shapes the experience. Finedining establishments oftenopt fordimambient lighting tocreate a calmandinviting mood, encouraging customers to stay longerand order more. Incontrast,Quick Service Restaurants (QSRs)need bright lighting to promote a quick dining experience, making sure customerseatfast and leave withoutlingering.Task lighting is designedfor specificactivities. This includes the lights that help serversdo theirjobsand allow customersto read menus andplaceorders. It’s important touse tasklighting wisely so it complements the ambient lighting without overpowering it,especially infinedining settings. You canalso use it tohighlight pathways orspecial features likesushi bars or minibars.Accentlighting adds thatspecialtouch, mainly fordecorative purposes.This is where you can get creative, but wall lighting tends tobe more effectivethan overhead lighting inthiscase.Accent lights canalsohelp showcase yourbrand colors, butbecareful not to overdoit, as thatcan defeat thepurpose. As a restaurant owner, you might think allthese types oflighting are pretty similar. Whileit mayseemthat way at firstglance, using themincorrectlycan lead todisastrous results. Colors also play a significant role inyourrestaurant'sinteriordesign. The key factor that influences the colorsyou should choose for your space is...

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