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Merry Christmas

Belmond has recently revealed anexciting new route thatguarantees an amazing adventure,showcasing Britishsophisticationand the timelesscharmoftrain travel. Backin1982, the Belmond Group tookover thelegendaryVenice Simplon Orient Express, reviving the essence ofclassic luxury. Now,they are gearing upto introducethe Britannic Explorer,set to start journeys throughEnglandand Wales inJuly 2025. This new route offers a one-of-a-kind experience,allowing travelersto explore stunning scenery, including mountains,lakes, andhistorictowns across Britain.


or charges you the retail price for services. Reputable designers will provide you with a thorough budget before they start making purchases, so seeing a cost breakdown shouldn’t be that difficult. If your designer seems resistant to the idea, you may want to look elsewhere.

This journey showcases the finestaspects ofthe Englishcountryside, featuring spotsthat blend intrigue,history,and stunning nature, stretching fromthe vibrant energy ofLondon to theserene landscapes ofScotland.You’llencounter charming villages, historictowns, and breathtaking views,all while enjoying theexperience froma private suite. Fromthe lush hillsof Wales tothe clear waters ofCornwalland the towering peaks ofthe Lake District, the Britannic Exploreraimstobring backthe glory of classic traintravel, completewithallthe modern luxuries you’dexpect. GaryFranklin,VicePresidentof Belmond,calls it"revolutionary,"highlighting that it provides a unique chance toexplore the ruggedcoastline of Cornwall, themajesticSnowdonia NationalPark,and the expansiveLake Districtlike neverbefore. The British Explorercars havebeenbeautifully renovated withhigh-quality materialsreminiscentof the 1920s and1930s. The wood, bronze, and velvet accents create anatmosphereof sophistication,while the refurbished cabinsblend comfort with atouchofromance.

Eachcabinfeatures top-notchbeds, high-quality fabrics,and uniquedecorationsthat create a cozy yet elegant atmosphere.The bathroomsare private and providethe ultimate inmodern luxury and hygiene. Forthose seeking extra space, suites are available, complete witha separate living area furnished witharmchairs and classicBritishdecor.The dining experience onthe Britannic Exploreris craftedby Michelin-starred chefSimonRogan. Passengers canlook forward to breakfast,lunch,and dinner,witha menu highlighting traditionalBritishflavors,including fillets,grilled vegetablessourced fromlocal English farms, and freshly madedessertsinspired by regionaltraditions.Dinnerwill take place in the formalrestaurant car, where passengers are expected todress inevening attire,adhering to the traditional customs ofthe journey. This dresscode adds a touchoftimelesssophistication and enhances the luxurious experience.

Passengers cansavorbreakfast intheir rooms,unwindwithafternoon tea, or strollthrough thetrain area, taking inthe stunning viewsofthe spacious carriages. Forthose wholove photography, there will be designated stops at certainlocations,allowing travelersto capturethe enchanting scenery.This journey is like a dreamcome true. Throughout the trip, guestswill enjoy cultural experiences,including intimate classicalmusicconcertsand theatrical performances.In thelounge car during the afternoon, evenings willfeature storytelling sessions inspired by localfolklore andthe legendary Orient Express. Apiano willbe available foranyone who wants toenjoysomelive music, andat night,there willbe opportunitiesforcocktailand wine tastingsfeaturing top selectionsfromBritain andEurope. Britannic Exploreraims to redefine luxury railtravel,honoring the richtraditionand history ofthe iconicOrient Express whileproviding thehighest level of moderncomfort.Travelers canchoose from three different routes,eachdeparting fromLondon for three-nightadventures to Cornwall,the Lake District, and Wales.Prices start at 13,200euros,which includesexcursions, meals, anddrinks.

By Maria Konnari

Poetry was the way I channeled the hardest days and the most dreadful nights into something I could reflect on. There was so much torturing my mind, that I needed a safe place to write it down and let it go. After journaling all my inner, deepest, and unacceptable truths about myself, it was suddenly easier to move on from it. I feel like a lot of us choose to ignore things that challenge us, make us sad, or feel something unwanted. But the reality of it all is that with ignorance there never comes acceptance; therefore, your mind will keep circling around the same thing you wanted to forget. If it wasn't for my best friends, I would have never recognized that running eventually gets so tiring that you end up drowning when you stop.

They were the ones who also taught me that you shouldn't stop loving so deeply just because love isn't all you were given. Instead of running, learn! Instead of ignoring, accept!

Instead of hating, forgive! Instead of fear, choose hope! That's what this unexpected path showed me. And once I let go of all those negative, triggering miserable feelings and thoughts, I was clear about what I needed and wanted from that day on. So, then, I found it!

This book is still hard for me to share, as there are parts of me I never even wanted to let others see. But after a while of talking about these difficult times and topics, I realized we’re kind of all similar, and maybe more people than I know of will find this book helpful, relatable, and empowering. Because there's indeed light at the end of every tunnel. We just must keep going till we reach it. The book is available on AMAZON.

Maria Konnari Stevens Marketing Director

Luxury Living Design & Lifestyle

AD iDesign Miami Magazine Marketing Director

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Whether designed for living or business, the science of interior design serves two masters— the clientele and the investor. The art Marianna Holoway brings into this science & design approach is to balance their needs in ways that honor the laws of attraction at every price point—building brand loyalty, satisfaction, and happiness. Arcon Design’s approach is a unique specialty in the construction industry. From designing restaurants, nightclubs, hotels, luxury apartments, or mega mansions, to a portfolio that extends into customizing furniture, lighting fixtures, and floor plan solutions while providing the best materials every time.

Our concept of “democratic design”—to increase the quality of the objects at lower prices so that more people can enjoy the best—set Arcon Design apart in early 2000 when the design was geared exclusively towards the elite.

Our inventive and fanciful interior concepts for numerous restaurant, hospitality, and retail projects are world-renowned and our design is entirely sustainable and eco-friendly.

A self-proclaimed “tireless citizen of the world” Marianna Holoway considers it her duty to share her ethical and subversive vision with the world.

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