parking surface

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Parking: Surf ace


by WBDG Staff Last updated: 06-02-2009

Aut o mat e d D at a Pro ce ssing : Mainf rame Aut o mat e d D at a Pro ce ssing : PC Syst e m C hild C are C linic / He alt h Unit C o nf e re nce / C lassro o m

OVERVIEW Outside surface parking refers to large paved areas used fo r extensive vehicle parking—beyo nd the incidental parking pro vided fo r individuals, o fficial go vernment parking, and sho rt-term dro p o ff—lo cated adjacent to a building. As defined fo r the WBDG, the Level o f Service (LOS) (refer to , page 10 6 ) o f the o utside Surface Parking is LOS A, indicating use by unfamiliar users, high daily turno ver, and high percent o f small cars and light trucks. This LOS prescribes 24'-0 " (w) do uble flo w aisles.

C o urt ho use : C o urt ro o m C o urt ho use : Enhance d O f f ice C o urt ho use : Jud icial C hamb e r Firing R ang e Fo o d Se rvice G e ne ral St o rag e He aring R o o m Jo int Use R e t ail Lab o rat o ry: D ry Lab o rat o ry: We t Lib rary Lig ht Ind ust rial Lo ad ing D o ck







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Within This Page Overview Space Attributes Relevant Codes and Standards Major Resources

Achieving Sustainable Site Design through Low Impact Development Practices Aesthetic Challenges Aesthetic Opportunities Balancing Security/Safety and Sustainability Objectives Electric Lighting Controls VIEW ALL RELAT ED (12)


SPACE AT T RIBUT ES First and fo remo st, parking structures—either basement, structured, o r surface—must pro vide fo r the safe and efficient passage o f auto mo biles as well as visito rs to and fro m their vehicles. Therefo re, attentio n sho uld be given to maximizing visibility fo r vehicles entering parking lanes and individual spaces, circulating within the parking lo t, and entering and exiting the parking area. Typical features o f o utside surface parking space types include the list o f applicable design o bjectives elements as o utlined belo w. Fo r a co mplete list and definitio ns o f the design o bjectives within the co ntext o f who le building design, click o n the titles belo w.

Aest het ics Minimal Visual Impact: The surface parking lo t sho uld no t do minate the building site. Thro ugh a co mbinatio n o f planning, architectural, and landscaping elements, the visual impact o n the surro unding streets and develo pments can be minimized. Fo r example, surface parking is generally lo cated to the rear o r side o f the building and away fro m the street o r street intersectio ns, while pro viding direct pedestrian access to the buildings. No te that textures, patterns, and co lo rs are enco uraged in the design o f surface parking in o rder to


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that textures, patterns, and co lo rs are enco uraged in the design o f surface parking in o rder to pro vide breaks in large mo no lithic areas o f pavement and distinguish between pedestrian and vehicular mo vement within the parking area.

O f f ice Parking : B ase me nt Parking : O ut sid e / St ruct ure d Parking : Surf ace Physical Fit ne ss ( Exe rcise R o o m) Place o f Wo rship Plaz a Privat e To ile t Ware ho use D ESIG N D ISC IPLIN ES PR O D UC T S & SYST EMS

Funct ional / Operat ional Structural Requirements: Typically, surface parking co nsists o f 6 " slabs o n grade, 40 0 0 PSI, po ured o n to p o f a gravel base o n co mpacted fill with a mo isture barrier in between the gravel base and the slab. The slab is reinfo rced with welded wire fabric; the jo ints and wall junctures are sealed with sealant; and the surface is bro o m-finished. The light-co lo red co ncrete reflects the sun's heat and minimizes the urban heat island effect . Signage and Wayfinding: Signage sho uld indicate all majo r internal pedestrian access po ints as well as external majo r ro ads and buildings. In surface parking lo ts, pavement markings are reflective paint and traffic co ntro l signage is usually reflective metal with minimum 5" high letters. The Manual o n Unifo rm Traffic Co ntro l Devices fo r Streets and Highways (ANSI D 6 .1e) pro vides guidance o n pavement marking and signage.

Secure / Saf e Exterior Security Protection: Surface parking is lo cated such that unsecured parking areas are visible fro m adjacent buildings and safely illuminated. CCTV cameras and parking bo o ths can pro vide added security by including site surveillance and limiting vehicular access co ntro l. See also WBDG Secure/Safe—Pro vide Security fo r Building Occupants and Assets. Lighting: Lighting is used to pro vide security and access within the parking area at night. The lighting design sho uld prevent o ff-site lighting and night sky po llutio n. Meeting o r pro viding lo wer light levels and unifo rmity ratio s than tho se reco mmended by the Illuminating Engineering So ciety o f America (IESNA) Reco mmended Practice Manual: Lighting fo r Exterio r Enviro nments (RP-33-9 9 ) are reco mmended. Strategies include: parking lo t light fixtures that use fixture cuto ffs and/o r are o ptically co ntro lled fo r light spillo ver and glare beyo nd the bo undary o f the develo pment; and o utdo o r fixtures that are o riented and shielded to prevent direct illuminatio n abo ve the ho rizo ntal surface passing thro ugh the fixture. Outdo o r lighting sho uld be energy efficient, metal halide/high pressure so dium/o r similar so urces.

Sust ainable Site Improvements: Typical site impro vements directly related to the surface parking include gro und co ver and planting, sto rm water handling systems, vehicle parking surfaces and ro adways, sidewalks directly abutting parking areas, lighting within the parking area, signage, and fences and screens aro und the parking and buffer zo nes between parking and public areas. Landscaping and Storm Water Management: Landscaping elements such as berms, walls, and indigeno us hedges and trees are usually used to screen the periphery o f the surface parking lo t. Intermediate islands within the surface parking pro vide o ppo rtunities to plant native and/o r adapted trees, which can pro vide shade in pedestrian walkways. Also , lo w impact develo pment strategies, such as bio retentio n cells, sho uld be inco rpo rated into the

surface parking design to maximize o n-site infiltratio n o f sto rmwater.

Example Plans The fo llo wing diagram is representative o f typical tenant plans.

Example Const ruct ion Crit eria

Fo r GSA, the unit co sts fo r o utdo o r surface parking space types are based o n the co nstructio n quality and design features in the fo llo wing table (PDF 27 KB, 1 p g ) . This info rmatio n is based o n GSA's benchmark interpretatio n and co uld be different fo r o ther o wners. BACK TO TO P

RELEVANT CODES AND STANDARDS The fo llo wing agencies and o rganizatio ns have develo ped co des and standards affecting the design o f o utdo o r surface parking. No te that the co des and standards are minimum requirements. Architects, engineers, and co nsultants sho uld co nsider exceeding the applicable requirements whenever po ssible: P-10 0 , Facilities Standards fo r the Public Buildings Service , GSA Internatio nal Building Co de Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (ANSI D 6.1e)—pro vides guidance o n pavement marking and signage Reco mmended Practice Manual: Lighting fo r Exterio r Enviro nments (RP-33-9 9 ) , Illuminating Engineering So ciety o f America (IESNA) UFGS 32 17 24.00 10 Pavement Markings BACK TO TO P

MAJOR RESOURCES WBDG Building / Space Types Educatio nal Facilities, Federal Co urtho use, Health Care Facilites, Libraries, Office Building, Parking Facilities, Research Facilities, Basement Parking , Structured Parking Design Objectives Functio nal / Operatio nal—Acco unt fo r Functio nal Needs , Secure / Safe—Pro vide Security fo r Building Occupants and Assets, Sustainable—Optimize Site Po tential

Publicat ions Architectural Graphic Standards, 11th Edition by Charles Ramsey and Haro ld Sleeper. New Yo rk, NY: Jo hn Wiley & So ns, Inc., 20 0 7. Planning and Design Guidelines, Chapter 05 - Parking and Loading (PDF 1.17 MB, 20 p g s ) by City o f Surprise, AZ. BACK TO TO P

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