research facilities

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As symbo ls o f the Natio n's techno lo gical pro gress, research Overview facilities are essential to the disco veries and breakthro ughs o f Building Attributes yesterday, to day, and to mo rro w. Tho usands o f public and private Classification secto r scientists and engineers fro m industries such as Major Resources pharmaceutical, bio medical, manufacturing, and bio techno lo gy use all types o f labo rato ries and instruments to advance the fro ntiers o f kno wledge. At times, an entire facility may be built to suppo rt the specialized instruments required fo r research, including accelerato rs, light so urces, research reacto rs, neutro n beam facilities, plasma, fusio n science facilities, geno me centers, advanced co mputatio nal centers, wind tunnels, mo del testing facilities, ho t cells, and launch facilities.

Achieving Sustainable Site Design through Low Impact Development Practices Air Barrier Systems in Buildings Air Decontamination Balancing Security/Safety and Sustainability Objectives Daylighting VIEW ALL RELAT ED (27 ) VIEW RESO URCE PAG E INDEX

There are many kinds o f research facilities. Within the WBDG they are divided into two majo r gro ups: Animal Research Facilities and Research Labo rato ries. Research Labo rato ries are further catego rized by type (e.g., wet labs and dry labs), and by secto rs (e.g., academic, co rpo rate, and go vernment labs). Many existing research facilities, especially tho se in go vernment agencies and universities, are at an age when reno vatio ns are needed to suppo rt the state-o f-the-art research required to be at the cutting edge o f science and techno lo gy. While this sectio n o f the WBDG pro vides info rmatio n o n the design and co nstructio n o f new research facilities, the principles co vered can be applied to reno vatio n pro jects as well.



Research Facilities by the WBDG Subcommittee Last updated: 05-26-2010

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William R. Wiley Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL), at DOE's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has unique and state- of- the- art research resources. Richland, WA.




BUILDING AT T RIBUT ES Example Design and Const ruct ion Crit eria Fo r GSA, the unit co sts fo r this building type are based o n the co nstructio n quality and design features in the fo llo wing table (PDF 353 KB, 22 p g s ) . This info rmatio n is based o n GSA's benchmark interpretatio n and co uld be different fo r o ther o wners. BACK TO TO P

CLASSIFICAT ION Research facilities present a unique challenge to designers with their inherent co mplexity o f systems, health and safety requirements, lo ngterm flexibility and adaptability needs, energy use intensity, and enviro nmental impacts. There are many different types o f research facilities. Within the WBDG they are divided into two majo r gro ups, which are then further catego rized by type and by secto r: Anim al Re se arch Facilit ie s, also kno wn as vivariums, are specially designed building The Mark O. Hatfield Clinical Research types that acco mmo date exquisitely Center on the National Institutes of Health co ntro lled enviro nments fo r the care and campus in Bethesda, Maryland, provides a maintenance o f experimental animals. crucial link in rapidly moving research Re se arch Labo rat o rie s are co mplex, findings from the laboratory to mainstream technically so phisticated, and mechanically medical practice. intensive structures that are expensive to build and to maintain. Therefo re, the design, co nstructio n, and reno vatio n o f such facilities are a majo r challenge fo r all invo lved. Type: Wet; Dry Secto r: Academic; Go vernment; Private Secto r A new mo del o f labo rato ry design is emerging, o ne that creates lab enviro nments that are respo nsive to present needs and capable o f acco mmo dating future demands. Several key needs are driving the develo pment o f a new mo del. See WBDG Trends in Labo rato ry Design fo r a co mplete o verview. BACK TO TO P

MAJOR RESOURCES Federal Agencies Department o f Energy (DOE), Office o f Science / Enviro nment Safety & Health Divisio n —Fo r examples o f facilities to suppo rt instruments o f science, see DOE's Bro o khaven Natio nal Labo rato ry website Department o f Veterans Affairs (VA), Office o f Co nstructio n & Facilities Management (CFM)—VA Research Laboratory Design Guide Enviro nmental Pro tectio n Agency (EPA), Office o f Administratio n (OA) General Services Administratio n (GSA), Office o f Chief Architect (OCA) Natio nal Aero nautics and Space Administratio n (NASA), Facilities Engineering and Real Pro perty (FERP) Divisio n Natio nal Institutes o f Health (NIH)—NIH's Office o f Research Facilities Develo pment and Operatio ns (ORF) develo ped the NIH Design Po licy and Guidelines to pro vide standards to assist planners, architects, and engineers in designing bio medical and animal research facilities fo r the NIH.

Organiz at ions/Associat ions Labo rato ries fo r the 21st Century (Labs21) —Spo nso red by the U.S. Enviro nmental Pro tectio n Agency and the U.S. Department o f Energy, Labs21 is a vo luntary pro gram dedicated to impro ving the enviro nmental perfo rmance o f U.S. labo rato ries. A Design Guide fo r Energy-Efficient Research Labo rato ries —A reference that helps facility o wners, managers, and designers apply energy-efficiency features in labo rato ries. Enviro nmental Perfo rmance Criteria (EPC)—The Labs21 Enviro nmental Perfo rmance Criteria is a rating system specifically designed fo r labo rato ry facilities. It builds o n the U.S. Green Building Co uncil's LEED® Green Building Rating System. Labs21 Design Pro cess Manual—Includes a "quick reference" sustainable strategies checklist as well as links to key reso urces fo r each stage o f the design pro cess. Labs21 To o l Kit Labs21 20 0 3 Annual Co nference presentatio ns U.S. Green Building Co uncil, LEED® Applicatio n Guide fo r Labo rato ry Facilities (LEED-AGL) —Because research facilities present a unique challenge fo r energy efficiency and sustainable design, the USGBC fo rmed the LEED-AGL Co mmittee to develo p a guide that helps pro ject teams apply LEED credits in the design and co nstructio n o f labo rato ry facilities.

Publicat ions ASHRAE 110 Method of Testing Performance of Laboratory Fume Hoods ASHRAE Applications Handbook , Chapter 14 Labo rato ries ASHRAE Laboratory Design Guide Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL) 5th Edition by U.S.

Department o f Health and Human Services, Centers fo r Disease Co ntro l and Preventio n and Natio nal Institutes o f Health. Washingto n, DC: U.S. Go vernment Printing Office, December 20 0 9 . Building Type Basics for Research Laboratories, 2nd Edition by Daniel Watch. New Yo rk: Jo hn Wiley & So ns, Inc., 20 0 8 . ISBN# 9 78 -0 -470 -16 333-7. Guidelines for Planning and Design of Biomedical Research Laboratory Facilities by The American Institute o f Architects, Center fo r Advanced Techno lo gy Facilities Design. Washingto n, D.C.: The American Institute o f Architects, 19 9 9 . R&D Magazine—Pro vides info rmatio n o n a variety o f to pics related to labo rato ries. The R&D Lab o f the Year award is presented annually to o utstanding labo rato ry facilities thro ugho ut the United States. BACK TO TO P

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