2 minute read

Arctic: Culture and Climate
Amber Lincoln, Jago Cooper, Jan Peter Laurens Loovers Thames & Hudson in collaboration with the British Museum October 2020
The Arctic, often imagined as one of the most inhospitable places on Earth, has been inhabited for nearly 30,000 years. The various communities that call the region home have found ingenious ways to harness and celebrate their environment, and to co-exist with its wildlife. Today, man-made climate change is transforming the region at an unprecedented rate, bringing with it a new set of challenges. Arctic: Culture and Climate explores the history of the Circumpolar North and its people through the lens of climate change and weather, drawing on a wealth of objects, artworks and voices — from past and present — in this beautifully illustrated collection of essays to show how Arctic people and their cultural traditions have continued to thrive amid both social and environmental change.
Tainna: The Unseen Ones, Short Stories
Norma Dunning Douglas & McIntyre March 2021
Drawing on both experience and cultural memory, Norma Dunning brings together six powerful new short stories centred on modern-day Inuk characters in Tainna. Ranging from homeless to extravagantly wealthy, from spiritual to jaded, young to elderly, and from alive to deceased, Dunning’s characters are united by shared feelings of alienation, displacement and loneliness resulting from their experiences in southern Canada. Winner of a Governor General’s Literary Award in 2021, Norma Dunning’s masterful storytelling uses humour and incisive detail to create compelling characters who must rely on their wits, artistic talent, senses of humour and spirituality for survival. Nahanni Then and Now

Vivien Lougheed Hancock House Publishers August 2021 Nahanni Then and Now explores the geography and history of the mountainous country drained by the South Nahanni River, based on Lougheed’s observations as a hiker and paddler, and on her thorough research — including interviews and correspondence with the people, and the descendants of the people, who made that history. A journey to the abandoned mining sites of Tungsten, Howard’s Pass, Lened Creek and Union Carbide leads to a tour of the ruins, a history of the Lake and stories of trappers, scientists and climbers who explored the South Nahanni, the Flat, and Glacier Lake near the Cirque of the Unclimbables. It includes a summary of events that led to the expansion of Nahanni Park.
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