Building community capacity One youth leader at a time Without question, life became a little more challenging after March 2020. But that didn’t stop more than 200 youth leaders across Nunavut from making a difference through recreation and sport in their communities. In the last seven years, more than 750 youth leaders have participated in Recreation & Parks Association of Nunavut (RPAN) initiatives, com‐ bining training, certification, leadership and employment (seasonal and casual) to deliver quality programs to children and youth in their communities.
“We have youth delivering programs for children and their peers, and they are nailing it! We owe it to our youth to provide leadership initiatives, to support skill development, to assist in building confidence and self esteem. These young leaders are our future!” says Dawn Currie, RPAN Executive Director.
RPAN supports year‐round initiatives, including their signature Get Happy Summer Day Camp program, LTW (Leading The Way) – After School Program, Multi Sport Camp Program and a new Teen Intramural Program, all delivered by youth leaders 15 to 27 years of age. At a time when the pandemic has changed so
The Get Happy Summer Day Camp team, representing 12 communities. © Dawn Currie (4)
A B O V E & B E Y O N D — C A N A D A’ S A R C T I C J O U R N A L M A R C H A P R I L 2 0 2 1 | 0 2