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Issue 071 - MARCH/APRIL 2012

TRIGGER FINGER Indy flat 5 Backside Hack Rodeo Kiteloop

5 t a l f y d n I trigger finger

step 9:

Grab the bar with the other hand as soon as possible (this will help you to keep the kite low and give you better balance with the toeside landing)

18 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1

step 8:

Keep turning your head to keep the momentum going, and take you through the last 180째

step 7:

Keep the bar close to you hip and pass the bar behind you back

step 6:

Turn your head over your front shoulder to start the frontside rotation

R I D E R : A L B Y P H OTO : J as o n Wal c ott/Cabr i n h a

step 5:

Bend your legs and grab the board

step 4:

Let your board come up and take your front hand off the bar

step 3:

When you’re about to hit the kicker, change your direction and aim a bit downwind

step 2:

TRIGGER FINGER in association with

As you’re getting close, unhook

step 1:

Look for a good kicker building up, then get some speed and aim straight for it

k i tes u r f - ma g a z i n e . c o. u k


e d i s k Baacck h trigger finger

step 1:

Ride hard upwind and wait for the right section, then drop in, bending your knees.


step 2:

Turn the kite upwards (the more onshore the more you need to move it) and start to bottom turn, driving off your front foot with your weight on your heels.


18 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1

step 3:

Start turning the kite forwards again, carving hard off the bottom with your knees bent, gradually increasing pressure onto back foot and eyeing the lip you want to destroy!

step 4:

Turn the kite harder forwards with the weight all on your back foot and your body low.

TRIGGER FINGER in association with

RIDER: Lee Harvey P H OTO S : Salah Calderon

step 5:

step 6:

step 7:

Transfer your weight back onto Sheet out, eyes forward, push- Eye your landing zone with your front foot and toes, throw- ing through your back foot and your weight evenly balanced ing your foot out behind you, keeping your weight low. and your knees bent. and keeping your head up.

step 8:

Keep your head forward, drop back in, and you’re ready to repeat for the next section...


k i tes u r f - ma g a z i n e . c o. u k


trigger finger

o e d o R kiteloop step 1:

step 5:

step 2:

step 6:

step 3:

step 7:

step 4:

step 8:

Load the edge and then pop.

Bend your front knee as much as possible so that you can reach down and grab the board.

Pull on the bar to get a good amount of power and get plenty of lift.

Grip the board firmly between your legs, rodeo style.

Push hard on one side of the bar to initiate the kiteloop.

Hang on!

Once the kite completes the loop, push the bar out to decrease the power.

As you spot the landing, grab the front of the board and lift your feet onto it as it touches down.

76 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010 18 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1

R I D E R : Mitu Monteiro

P H OTO S : g i lles c alv et

TRIGGER FINGER in association with


k i tes u r f - ma g a z i n e . c o. u k


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