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A surge of desires. Soft Landscapes, precious surfaces, tactile moments Swan Italia srl , Via Montenero 15, 22063 CantĂš (CO) Italy

T. +39 031 730222 F. +39 031 732505

‘08 A surge of desires. Soft Landscapes, precious surfaces, tactile moments



Swan Italia srl Via Montenero 15, 22063 Cant첫 (Co) Italy, T +39 031 730222, F +39 031 732505,


AD: ps+a Ph. Maurizio Marcato

Design. Ludovica + Roberto Palomba

/Compos 07

A surge of desires. Soft Landscapes, precious surfaces, tactile moments

. 004


. 006


Ludovica + Roberto Palomba

. 006 . 014 . 022 . 038 . 044 . 056 . 066 . 076

Flag Plaza Hills Cubik Boxer Molvedo Compos 07 Dress

. 080 . 086 . 092 . 096 . 102 . 104 . 108 . 114

Boston Lario Peplo Tweed Glenn Maki Complements Technical information

Flag Sketches Divano, Sofa

About Ludovica + Roberto Palomba



Ludovica + Roberto Palomba, architetti e designer, fondano nel 1994 Palomba Serafini Associati. Il loro carattere distintivo si basa sulla capacità di combinare una visione contemporanea della società e dei suoi nuovi bisogni, ad una profonda conoscenza delle radici storiche e culturali del design; nei loro progetti passato e futuro si fondono insieme. Questo approccio progettuale, così personale e unico, li rende particolarmente sensibili alle istanze di forma e funzione, lontani dall’uniformità delle mode e dei trends del momento, rivolti a prodotti nati per durare.

Ludovica + Roberto Palomba, architects and designers, founded ps+a Palomba Serafini Associati in 1994. Their distinctive hallmark has emerged from a capacity to combine a contemporary vision of society and user needs with an extensive knowledge of the historical and cultural roots of design, producing results that blend the past with the future. This unique and personal approach makes them particularly sensitive to issues of function and the need to create longlasting products, removed from the uniformity of momentary trends.

Palomba Serafini Associati ha sede a Milano e si occupa di architettura, interiors, industrial design, exhibition design, graphic design, comunication and media strategies, consulenze di marketing.

Palomba Serafini Associati is based in Milano, Italy and deals primarily with architecture, interiors, industrial design, exhibit design, graphic design, art direction, communication and media strategies, marketing consulting.






Flag Divano, Sofa

Flag Divano, Sofa Ciao Tavolino, Small table


“The icon of the collection, Flag represents a new concept in terms of combining upholstered elements, designed for universal application in domestic or business settings. Designed as a sum of individual elements that


vary both in size and type of upholstery, to provide a most original visual impact. Iconic and modern, it may be used in compositions that trace a sort of “skyline“ to define the space.”


Flag Divano, Sofa Ciao Tavolino, Small table Molvedo Tavolino, Small table

“Icona della collezione, Flag rappresenta un nuovo concetto di aggregabilità di elementi imbottiti per un utilizzo trasversale contract o domestico. Progettato come unione di elementi diversi, sia nella proporzione che nel rivestimento, per un impatto visivo completamente originale. Iconico, moderno, può essere ambientato anche in composizioni che disegnano una sorta di “sky line“ caratterizzando lo spazio.”







Plaza Divano, Sofa

Plaza Divano, Sofa

“Plaza luogo urbano reso domestico. La struttura in legno del divano delimita lo spazio ed i cuscini sono come i soggetti casuali che interagiscono in una piazza. Il progetto e’, infatti, ricostruire all’interno della propria dimensione uno


spazio gregario che varia a seconda del momento. Dunque tutte le zone di seduta o di schienale sono costituite da cuscini che variano per dimensione, quantità, posizione, tessuto, ecc… tutto è in divenire esattamente come la nostra vita.”


Plaza Divano, Sofa


“Plaza is an urban arena turned domestic. The wooden structure of this sofa defines its space and the cushions play the role of casual bypassers interacting in a square. This project is all about creating a gregarious space within


a private dimension, one that varies to meet different needs. So, all the seats and backrests consist of cushions that vary in dimension, quantity, position, fabric etc…. all in a state of flux, just like our lives.”


Plaza Divano, Sofa

Plaza Divano, Sofa

Plaza’s colours




Hills 01



Hills Divano, Sofa Pix Tavolini, Small tables Molvedo Tavolini, Small tables Flat Libreria, Bookshelf



Hills Divano, Sofa

Hills Divano, Sofa Pix Tavolini, Small tables Flat Librerie, Bookshelves



Hills Divano, Sofa

A PLACE WHERE YOY CAN LIE DOWN, LISTEN, COMMUNICATE AND SHARE. A PLACE OF SOCIALISATION “The Hills project starts out with one of those large, comfortable sofa models and revamps it in a way that is more plastic and sculptured. We have focused our design energies on defining its soft lines and generous proportions. Hills has been designed as a special place to be freely inhabited, according to your most intimate needs and deepest desires. A place where you can lie down, listen, communicate and share… a place of socialisation.”



Hills Divano, Sofa

Hills Divano, Sofa

Molvedo Tavolini, Small tables





Hills Divano, Sofa Flat Tavolino, Small table

“Hills nasce per arricchire di plastica scultoreita’ la tipologia del divano morbido ed abbondante. Abbiamo concentrato la nostra attenzione progettuale sul controllo delle sue linee, morbide e delle sue dimensioni, generose. Hills e’ progettato come un vero e proprio ‘luogo’, da vivere liberamente, secondo le proprie piu’ intime necessita’, i propri desideri piu’ profondi. Un luogo dove sdraiarsi, ascoltare, comunicare, condividere … un ‘luogo di interscambi’.”









Cubik Divano, Sofa Flat Tavolino, Small table Ciao Tavolino, Small table

Cubik Divano, Sofa


“The Cubik project works through its separate elements: different volumes that may be combined, with each piece maintaining its own formal autonomy.


These characteristics make Cubik perfectly suited to any type of living room set-up. It confers a sense of order and formal simplicity on any style of interior.”


Cubik Divano, Sofa

Cubik Divano, Sofa Ciao Tavolini, Small tables

“Il progetto Cubik si sviluppa per elementi separati: volumi diversi che si integrano tra loro, mantenendo la propria autonomia formale. Queste caratteristiche rendono Cubik adatto ad ogni soluzione living, in grado cioe’ di conferire ordine e purezza formale ad ogni tipo di ambiente.�



Cubik Divano, Sofa

Cubik Divano, Sofa





Boxer Divano, Sofa

Boxer Divano, Sofa


“Super-soft block-shaped elements for unlimited socialising. These are the main features of Boxer. It is a product that recalls the informal


spirit of the masters of design in their heyday, but which also expresses our own times in its soft touch and accurately finished details. ”


Boxer Divano, Sofa

Boxer Divano, Sofa

Flat Tavolino, Small table Flat Libreria, Bookshelf

“Morbidissimi elementi monolitici per un’aggregabilità illimitata. Queste le caratteristiche principali di Boxer. Un prodotto che riecheggia lo spirito informale degli anni d’oro del design dei maestri ma che ritrova contemporaneità nel soft touch e nei dettagli.”



Boxer Divano, Sofa Flat Tavolino, Small table Flat Libreria, Bookshelf Molvedo Tavolino, Small table



Boxer Divano, Sofa





Molvedo Divano, Sofa


Molvedo Divano, Sofa


Molvedo Divano, Sofa Ciao Tavolino, Small table Flat Libreria, Bookshelf Molvedo Tavolini, Small tables

“Una collezione di elementi caratterizzati da volumi semplici, minimali, arricchiti nel comfort dall’imbottitura in piuma che definisce un’estetica informale e rimanda ad un ‘immagine più friendly senza rinunciare al design. La componibilità è contraddistinta da pochi, importanti elementi per ottenere composizioni nuove sia nell’estetica che nell’utilizzo. In particolare l’elemento chaise longue asimmetrica è pensato per una convivialità più easy.”



Molvedo Divano, Sofa

MINIMAL VOLUMES ENDOWED WITH A GREAT COMFORT “A collection of sofa elements whose simple, minimal volumes are endowed with the greatest comfort thanks to a feather-down filling. It achieves an informal appearance with a friendlier look, without, however, loosing any of its design value. Its modular structure is characterised by a small number of basic elements allowing the creation of original compositions, in terms of both appearance and use. In particular, the asymmetrical extension element has been designed for a more relaxed style of socialisation.�






Compos 07



Compos 07 Divano, Sofa

Compos 07 Divano, Sofa

Ciao Tavolini, Small tables Molvedo Tavolino, Small table

“Compos 07 è un vero e proprio elogio alla morbidezza: un avvolgente, comodo abbraccio. Un po’ come tornare in un nido di piume dove fermarsi. Compos 07 nasce da una rilettura contemporanea di un classico Swan degli anni’70.”



Compos 07 Divano, Sofa

Compos 07 Divano, Sofa




Compos 07 Poltrona, Armchair Divano, Sofa Molvedo Tavolino, Small table

“Compos 07 is a true tribute to softness: an enfolding and comfortable embrace. A bit like a home-coming in a feathered nest. Compos 07 has evolved from a contemporary interpretation of a Swan classic dating back to the 70’s.”







“Interamente rivestito in tessuto, con le sue pieghe ampie e le sue linee morbide, Dress rappresenta la nostra personale rilettura della tipologia del divano classico. Descrive la nostra ricerca progettuale rivolta all’oggetto-divano, non solo in senso formale, ma anche piu’ propriamente spaziale. Dress nasce per dialogare con l’ambiente living, per qualificarlo e definirlo: metropolitanoborghese se cittadino, elegantemente vacanziero se inserito in ville ‘fuori porta’.“



Dress Divano, Sofa


“Entirely upholstered in fabric, with its deep pleats and soft lines, Dress represents our own personal reinterpretation of the traditional sofa. It reflects our design research, focusing on the sofa as an object, not just in therms of the


shape but also in terms of space. Dress has been created to enter into a dialogue with your living room interior, to qualify and define it: it’s urban chic when in town, elegant yet relaxed in a holiday home.”




“Eleganza e rigore: questi gli elementi distintivi del progetto-Boston. Abbiamo basato la nostra ricerca progettuale sul contrasto tra linee morbide, quelle dei cuscini, e linearita’, propria della struttura, decisa e definita. Boston e’ un divano che nasce per abbracciare trasversalmente sia il mondo home sia il mondo contract : la sua intrinseca natura gli permette di caratterizzare ogni tipo di spazio”.



Boston Divano, Sofa


“Elegance and rigour: these are the two distinctive features of the Boston project. Our design research targeted the contrast between soft lines of the cushions, and the well-defined,


precise linearity of the structure. Boston is a sofa born to give you a horizontel hug, both at home and in a business setting. Its distinctive nature allows it to adorn any type of space�.








Lario Divano, Sofa Molvedo Tavolino, Small table

“Grandi cuscini di seduta e schienale sospesi su una leggera struttura. Lario è caratterizzato proprio da questo rapporto tra comfort visivo e le esigue proporzioni della struttura che e’ progettata per apparire particolarmente leggera dando originalità ad un progetto evergreen.”



Lario Poltrona, Armchair


“Large seating and backrest cushions suspended on a lightweight structure. The striking feature of Lario is this very juxtaposition between visual comfort and the


slender proportions of its structure, designed to evoke lightness and to give a touch of originality to a design project destined to be an evergreen.”



peplo peplo 10

Swan ever green

“Comodo, elegante, Peplo è una lettura trasversale della seduta classica. Il tessile è il vero protagonista così come il comfort informale”.



Peplo Divano, Sofa

Peplo Divano, Sofa

“Comfy and elegant, Peplo gives a new slant to traditional seating. Fabric is the real protagonist here, along with an informal sort of comfort�.







Tweed Divano, Sofa Poltrona, Armchair Flat Libreria, Bookshelf Pix Tavolino, Small table

TWEED SOFA “Tweed e’ un prodotto visivamente compatto, denso, materico. Volevamo progettare un divano che si potesse abbracciare con un solo sguardo. Conciliare il suo aspetto quasi monolitico, assolutamente geometrico, alla morbidezza dei suoi cuscini, alla comodita’ della sua seduta e’ stata la nostra sfida.”



Tweed Poltrona, Armchair Flat Libreria, Bookshelf

TWEED ARMCHAIR “Tweed is a visually compact, dense and textural product. Our aim here was to design a sofa that makes you want to give it a hug each time you see it. The challenge was to reconcile its absolutely geometric, almost blocky appearance with the softness of its cushions and the comfort of its seating.�



Glenn Chaise longue


Flat Libreria, Bookshelf Molvedo Tavolino, Small table

glenn “La tipologia della chaise longue e’ di certo la piu’ amata da noi architetti. Sentiamo come un’intima necessita’, una personale spinta a confrontarvicisi. Glenn e’ una vera e propria scultura, sinuosa, leggera e allo stesso tempo avvolgente. Un ‘luogo sospeso’, progettato per trasportarci lontano dalla banalita’.” “The chaise longue is certainly one of the pieces we architects love most. We are moved by a deep-down need and a personal ambition to meet this challenge. Glenn is a real piece of sculpture; it is sinuous, ethereal, yet also encompassing. A ‘place of suspension’ designed to transport us away from the mundane.”



Cubik Divano, Sofa



Il suo nome ricorda l’Oriente, terre e sapori lontani. La sua forma irregolare racchiude un’anima fusion. Its name recalls the East, distant lands and exotic flavours. Its irregular shape embodies the spirit of fusion.





Flat Libreria, Bookshelf


Flat Libreria, Bookshelf


Pix Tavolini, Small tables



Textile Combinations and Colours













5 canapés + 1 fauteuil Structure en bois, courroies élastiques, rembourrage en polyuréthane expansé, à niveaux différenciés revêtu de fibre et toile de coton compensées. Accoudoirs en bois, rembourrés en polyuréthane expansé, revêtus d’un matelassé en plume dans la partie supérieure et interne. Coussins du dossier en plume, revêtus coton. Coussins de l’assise en plume et en polyuréthane, niveaux différenciés, revêtus coton et coton compensé. Pieds en hêtre teint noir. Éléments revêtus de tissu, entièrement déhoussables; éléments revêtus de peau, coussins entièrement déhoussables, structure non déhoussable

EL 190

EL 215

115 45 1/4"

EL 290

240 94 1/2"

78 30 3/4" 265 104 3/8"

290 102 3/8"

52 20 1/2"

EL 265

EL 240

78 30 3/4" 215 84 5/8"

190 74 3/4"

78 30 3/4"

96 37 3/4"

78 30 3/4"

78 30 3/4"

EL 115

78 30 3/4"

5 sofas + 1 armchair Wooden frame with elastic straps and padding in expanded polyurethane, with differentiated density, upholstered in fibre coupled with fine velvet. Armrest with wooden frame, with pad in expanded polyurethane upholstered with feather mattress in the upper and inner part. Backrest feather cushions upholstered in cotton. Seat feather cushions with insert in expanded polyurethane, with differentiated density, upholstered in cotton and heavy cotton. Feet in beech-wood painted black. Elements upholstered in completely removable fabric; elements upholstered in leather with cushions having removable covers and structure with non removable covers.

58 22 7/8"

5 divani + 1 poltrona Struttura in legno con cinghie elastiche e imbottitura in poliuretano espanso, a quote differenziate, rivestito in fibra accoppiata con vellutino. Braccioli con struttura in l egno, imbottitura in poliuretano e materassina in piuma posizionata sulla parte superiore ed interna. Cuscini schienale in piuma rivestiti in cotone. Cuscini seduta in piuma con inserto in poliuretano espanso, a quote differenziate, rivestiti in cotone e cotone accoppiato. Piedini in legno di faggio tinti neri. Elementi rivestiti in tessuto completamente sfoderabili; elementi rivestiti in pelle con cuscinatura sfoderabile e struttura non sfoderabile.

p. 080

41 16 1/8"

ludovica + roberto palomba

78 30 3/4"

Technical information

48 18 7/8"

5 Sofas + 1 Sessel Holzstruktur mit elastischen Riemen und Polyuhrethanschaumstoff-Polsterung zu unterschiedlichen Anteilen und Faser/ Samt-Bezug. Armlehnen mit Holzstruktur, Polyuhrethanschaumstoffpolsterung und Daunenmatteüberzug in der oberen und internen Teil. Rückenkissen in Daune mit Baumwollbezug. Sitzkissen aus Daunen mit Einsatz aus Polyuhrethanschaumstoff zu unterschiedlichen Anteilen und passendem Baumwollbezug. Füße aus schwarz gefärbtem Buchenholz. Elemente mit Stoffbezug vollständig abziehbar; Elemente mit Lederbezug mit abziehbaren Polstern und nicht abziehbarem Gestell.

La ditta si riserva il diritto di apportare modifiche tecniche costruttive ai modelli in corso senza essere tenuta a comunicazione alcuna. Our company reserves the right to carry out any technical constructive modification to the models without communication. La maison se réserve le droit d’apporter des modifications techniques aux modèles sans communication. Die Firma behält sich das Recht vor, technische Modelländerungen vorzunehmen.



Compos 07

48 18 7/8"

92 36 1/4"

170 66 7/8"

EL 174/D

85 33 1/2" 85 33 1/2" 180 70 7/8"

85 33 1/2"

85 33 1/2"

EL 201/S

EL 200

170 66 7/8"

170 66 7/8"

210 82 3/4"

200 78 3/4"

EL 203

EL 202/D

EL 178/D

85 33 1/2" 220 86 5/8"

EL 180/D

EL 179/S

170 66 7/8"

170 66 7/8"


85 33 1/2"

85 33 1/2"

EL 177/S

EL 176/D

95 37 3/8"

EL 175/S

180 70 7/8"

190 74 3/4"

180 70 7/8"

210 82 3/4"

Pag. 66-67 [EL.81/S - EL 85 - EL 87/S - EL 172/D] Pag. 68 [EL 171/S - EL 87/S - EL 170 - EL 178/D - EL 85] Pag. 69 [EL 179/S - EL 80 - EL 172/D] Pag. 70-71 [EL 171/S - EL 80 - EL 178/D]

180 70 7/8"

EL 173

EL 172/D

85 33 1/2"

85 33 1/2"

85 33 1/2"

EL 171/S

100 39 3/8"

115 45 1/4"

110 43 1/4"

110 43 1/4"

95 37 3/8"

EL 181/S

170 66 7/8"

Pag. 44-45 [EL 533/S - EL 81 - EL 132/D - EL 130] Pag. 46 [EL 533/S - EL 81 - EL 132/D] Pag. 50 [EL 480 - EL 530 - EL 130 - EL 80] Pag. 52 [EL 480 - EL 530 - EL 130 - EL 80] Pag. 54 [EL 481/S - EL 132/D]

85 33 1/2" 100 39 3/8"

EL 170

EL 105

EL 102/D

EL 101/S

85 33 1/2"

85 33 1/2"

85 33 1/2"

85 33 1/2"

EL 103

EL 100

EL 87/S

85 33 1/2"

85 33 1/2"

105 41 3/8"

95 37 3/8"

85 33 1/2"

EL 86/D

EL 85

85 33 1/2"

95 37 3/8"

85 33 1/2"

22 Anbauelemente + 4 Einzelelemente + 2 Hocker. Basisstruktur aus Holz mit elastischen Riemen, Schaumstoffpuffern und Daunenmatten-Bezug. Rahmen der Arm- und Rückenlehnen aus Metall mit elastischen Riemen und Schaumstoffpuffer-Polsterung zu verschiedenen Anteilen sowie Daunenmatten-Bezug. Sitzkissen mit Einsatz aus Polyuhrethanschaumstoff zu unterschiedlichen Anteilen mit Baumwollbezug. Rücken-/Nierenkissen in Daune mit Baumwollbezug. Rutschfeste pulverbeschichteten Metallfüße. Elemente mit Stoffbezug vollständig abziehbar; Elemente mit Lederbezug vollständig abziehbar.

85 33 1/2"

85 33 1/2"

72 28 3/8"

85 33 1/2"

85 33 1/2"

92 36 1/4"

85 33 1/2"

EL 83

EL 82/D

85 33 1/2"

170 66 7/8"

137 54"

137 54"

52 20 1/2" 82 32 1/4"

152 59 7/8"

22 éléments composables + 4 indépendants + 2 poufs. Structure de la base en bois. Courroies élastiques. Tampon en polyuréthane expansé. Revêtement de matelas en plumes. Châssis des accoudoirs et des dossiers en métal. Courroies élastiques. Rembourrage en polyuréthane expansé à niveaux différenciés. Revêtement matelas en plume. Coussins de l’assise en plume, insert en polyuréthane, niveaux différenciés, revêtus coton. Coussins du dossier en plume, revêtus coton. Pieds en métal anti-dérapage vernis à poudre. Éléments revêtus de tissu, entièrement déhoussables; éléments revêtus de peau, entièrement déhoussables.

EL 81/S

EL 80

85 33 1/2"

142 55 7/8"

142 55 7/8"

EL 482/D

EL 481/S

157 61 7/8"

157 61 7/8"

132 52 "

EL 534

EL 533/S

157 61 7/8"

152 59 7/8" 132 52 "

EL 480

137 54 "

EL 532/D

EL 531

87 34 1/4"

87 34 1/4"

87 34 1/4"

137 54"

152 59 7/8"

EL 530

EL 136/D


157 61 7/8"

EL 134

22 modular elements + 4 individual elements + 2 pouffes. Structure of the base in wood with elastic straps, with pad in expanded polyurethane covered with feather mattress. Frame of the armrests and backrests in metal with elastic straps upholstered with pad in expanded polyurethane of differentiated thicknesses and covered with feather mattress. Seat feather cushions with insert in expanded polyurethane, with differentiated density upholstered in cotton. Lumbar-support backrest feather cushions upholstered in cotton. Anti-skid powder coated metal feet. Elements upholstered in completely removable fabric; elements upholstered in completely removable leather.

85 33 1/2"

87 34 1/4"

142 55 7/8"

22 elementi componibili + 4 elementi singoli + 2 pouf. Struttura della base in legno con cinghie elastiche, con tampone in poliuretano espanso e rivestita con materassina in piuma. Telai dei braccioli e degli schienali in metallo con cinghie elastiche imbottiti con tampone in poliuretano espanso a quote differenziate e rivestiti con materassina in piuma. Cuscini di seduta in piuma con inserto in poliuretano espanso a quote differenziate, rivestiti in cotone. Cuscini schienale poggiareni in piuma rivestiti in cotone. Piedini in metallo, verniciati a polvere, con antiscivolo. Elementi rivestiti in tessuto completamente sfoderabili; elementi rivestiti in pelle completamente sfoderabili.

p. 066

42 16 1/2"

87 34 1/4"

87 34 1/4"

EL 132/D

132 52 "

132 52 "

102 40 1/8"


EL 133/S

137 54"

22 Anbauelemente. Basisstruktur aus Holz mit elastischen Riemen, Schaumstoffpuffer und Daunenmatten-Überzug. Rahmen der Armlehnen aus gebogenem Blech, Bezug aus passendem leichtem Samtstoff. Rückenlehne mit Holzstruktur, Bezug aus passendem leichtem Samtstoff. Rückenkissen in Daune mit Baumwollbezug. Sitzfläche mit in die Struktur integrierter Daunenmatte und Baumwollbezug. Rutschfeste pulverbeschichtete Metallfüße. Stoffbezogene Elemente komplett abziehbar; bei Elementen mit Lederbezug Rückenkissen und Armlehnen komplett abziehbar.

92 36 1/4"

EL 131

87 34 1/4" 87 34 1/4"

87 34 1/4"

87 34 1/4"

EL 130

EL 86/D

82 32 1/4"

EL 85/S

92 36 1/4"

82 32 1/4"

87 34 1/4"

82 32 1/4"

142 55 7/8"

22 Éléments composables. Structure de la base en bois. Courroies élastiques, tampon en polyuréthane expansé. Revêtement de matelassé en plume. Châssis des accoudoirs en tôle arrondie, revêtue de toile de coton compensée. Structure des dossiers en bois, revêtue de toile de coton compensée. Coussins du dossier et des accoudoirs en plume, revêtus de coton. Assise matelassée en plume, revêtue de coton, intégrée à la structure de la base. Pieds en métal antidérapage vernis à poudre . Éléments revêtus de tissu, entièrement déhoussables. Éléments revêtus de peau, fixes. Coussins du dossier et accoudoirs entièrement déhoussables.

87 34 1/4"

82 32 1/4"

38 15 "

78 30 3/4" 59 23 1/4" 87 34 1/4"

EL 84

EL 83/S

EL 82/D

EL 81

EL 80

87 34 1/4"

22 modular elements. Structure of the base in wood with elastic straps, with pad in expanded polyurethane covered with feather mattress. Frame of the armrests in curved plate upholstered in matching fi ne velvet. Backrest frame in wood upholstered in matching fi ne velvet. Backrest and armrest feather cushions upholstered in cotton. Seat with feather mattress upholstered in cotton integrated into the structure of the base. Anti-skid powder coated metal feet. Elements upholstered in completely removable fabric; elements upholstered in non-removable leather with completely removable backrest and armrest cushion covers.

87 34 1/4"

22 elementi componibili. Struttura della base in legno con cinghie elastiche, con tampone in poliuretano espanso, rivestita con materassina in piuma. Telai dei braccioli in lamiera curvata rivestita con vellutino accoppiato. Schienali con struttura in legno rivestita con vellutino accoppiato. Cuscini schienale e braccioli in piuma rivestiti in cotone. Seduta con materassina in piuma rivestita in cotone integrata alla struttura della base. Piedini in metallo verniciati a polvere con antiscivolo. Elementi rivestiti in tessuto completamente sfoderabili; elementi rivestiti in pelle fissi con cuscini di schienale e braccioli completamente sfoderabili.

ludovica + roberto palomba

p. 044

85 33 1/2"

ludovica + roberto palomba

85 33 1/2"


85 33 1/2"

ludovica + roberto palomba

35 13 3/4"


55 21 5/8"

Tischchen aus braun-bronzefarbigem oder schwarzfarbigem pulverbeschichtetem Blech mit Dekorationsmotiv aus gedrehtem Metall.

EL 55 - EL 56 35 13 3/4"

Petites tables en tôle vernie à poudre dans les couleurs brun-bronze ou noir avec motif décoratif en métal dressé au tour.

EL 45 - EL 46

45 17 3/4"

Small tables in brown-bronze or black powder coated laminate with decorative motif in turned metal.

35 13 3/4"

Tavolini in lamiera verniciata a polvere colori brown bronze o nero con motivo decorativo in metallo tornito.

35 13 3/4"


103 40 1/2"

5 canapés + 1 fauteuil. Structure en bois, courroies élastiques, rembourrage en polyuréthane expansé, à niveaux différenciés revêtu de fibre et toile de coton compensées. Accoudoirs en bois, rembourrés en polyuréthane expansé, revêtus d’un matelassé en plume dans la partie supérieure et interne. Coussins du dossier en plume, revêtus coton. Coussins de l’assise en plume et en polyuréthane, niveaux différenciés, revêtus coton et coton compensé. Pieds en hêtre teint noir. Éléments revêtus de tissu, entièrement déhoussables; éléments pas disponibles avec revêtement en cuir.

EL 215

115 45 1/4"

96 37 3/4"

215 84 5/8"

190 74 3/4"

EL 290

EL 265

EL 240

240 94 1/2"

78 30 3/4"

78 30 3/4"

78 30 3/4"

EL 190

78 30 3/4"

EL 115

78 30 3/4"

260 102 3/8"

5 sofas + 1 armchair. Wooden frame with elastic straps and padding in expanded polyurethane, with differentiated density, upholstered in fibre coupled with fine velvet. Armrest with wooden frame, with pad in expanded polyurethane upholstered with feather mattress in the upper and inner part. Backrest feather cushions upholstered in cotton. Seat feather cushions with insert in expanded polyurethane, with differentiated density, upholstered in cotton and heavy cotton. Feet in beech-wood painted black. Elements upholstered in completely removable fabric; elements not available with leather covers.

78 30 3/4"

62 24 3/8"

62 24 3/8" 230 90 1/2"

5 divani + 1 poltrona Struttura in legno con cinghie elastiche e imbottitura in poliuretano espanso, a quote differenziate, rivestito in fibra accoppiata con vellutino. Braccioli con struttura in legno, imbottitura in poliuretano e materassina in piuma posizionata sulla parte superiore ed interna. Cuscini schienale in piuma rivestiti in cotone. Cuscini seduta in piuma con inserto in poliuretano espanso, a quote differenziate, rivestiti in cotone e cotone accoppiato. Piedini in legno di faggio tinti neri. Elementi rivestiti in tessuto completamente sfoderabili; non disponibile con rivestimento in pelle.

p. 076

265 104 3/8"

290 102 3/8"

52 20 1/2"

103 40 1/2"

62 24 3/8"

48 18 7/8" 42 16 1/2"

3 Sofas + 1 Hocker Holzstruktur mit elastischen Riemen und Polyuhrethanschaumstoff-Polsterung zu unterschiedlichen Anteilen und Faser/ Baumwolle/Samt-Bezug. Mechanismus aus Metall mit verchromten Teilen. Nierestützekissen in Daune mit Baumwollbezug. Sitzkissen aus Daunen mit Baumwollbezug. Füße aus schwarz gefärbtem Buchenholz. Elemente mit Stoffbezug vollständig abziehbar; Elemente mit Lederbezug mit abziehbaren Polstern und nicht abziehbarem Gestell.

EL 100

EL 260

EL 230

200 78 3/4"

103 40 1/2"

42 16 1/2"

3 canapés + 1 pouf Structure en bois, courroies élastiques, rembourrage en polyuréthane expansé, à niveaux différenciés revêtu de fibre acrylique jumelée avec coton et jersey. Mécanisme en métal avec détails chromés. Coussins lombaires en plume, revêtus coton. Coussins de l’assise en plume, revêtus coton. Pieds en hêtre teint noir. Éléments revêtus de tissu, entièrement déhoussables; éléments revêtus de peau, coussins entièrement déhoussables, structure non déhoussable

EL 200 62 24 3/8"

3 sofas + 1 pouff Wooden frame with elastic straps and padding in expanded polyurethane, with differentiated density, upholstered in fibre coupled with cotton and fine velvet. Mechanism in painted metal with chromeplated details. Lumbar cushions in feather upholstered in cotton. Seat feather cushions upholstered in cotton. Feet in beech-wood painted black. Elements upholstered in completely removable fabric; elements upholstered in leather with cushions having removable covers and structure with non removable covers.

85 33 1/2"

3 divani + 1 pouf Struttura in legno con cinghie elastiche e imbottitura in poliuretano espanso, a quote differenziate, rivestito in fibra accoppiata con cotone e vellutino. Meccanismo in metallo verniciato con particolari cromati. Cuscini poggiareni in piuma rivestiti in cotone. Cuscini seduta in piuma rivestiti in cotone. Piedini in legno di faggio tinti neri. Elementi rivestiti in tessuto completamente sfoderabili; elementi rivestiti in pelle con cuscinatura sfoderabile e struttura non sfoderabile.


ludovica + roberto palomba

p. 038

103 40 1/2"

ludovica + roberto palomba


78 30 3/4" 58 22 7/8" 41 16 1/8"


48 18 7/8"

5 Sofas + 1 Sessel. Holzstruktur mit elastischen Riemen und Polyuhrethanschaumstoff-Polsterung zu unterschiedlichen Anteilen und Faser/ Samt-Bezug. Armlehnen mit Holzstruktur, Polyuhrethanschaumstoffpolsterung und Daunenmatteüberzug in der oberen und internen Teil. Rückenkissen in Daune mit Baumwollbezug. Sitzkissen aus Daunen mit Einsatz aus Polyuhrethanschaumstoff zu unterschiedlichen Anteilen und passendem Baumwollbezug. Füße aus schwarz gefärbtem Buchenholz. Elemente mit Stoffbezug vollständig abziehbar; Elemente nicht verfügbar mit Lederbezug


40 15 3/4"

90 35 3/8"

135 53 1/8"

225 88 5/8"

106 41 3/4"

EL 270/D

225 88 5/8"

4 éléments Structure en fer avec sangles élastiques. Rembourrage en polyuréthane expansé, avec matelassé en plume mélangée. Coussins d’assise en polyuréthane expansé, intégrés à la structure de la base, revêtus d’un matelassé en plume mélangée Coussins dossier en duvet, avec housse en coton. Pieds antidérapants en métal verni à poudre. Eléments complètement déhoussables.

EL 271/S

170 66 7/8"

170 66 7/8" 90 35 3/8"

135 53 1/8"

90 35 3/8"

EL 221/S

1 chaise longue Basamento in metallo cromato con inserto antiscivolo. Struttura in metallo imbottita in poliuretano espanso rivestita con maglina accoppiata. Cuscinatura divisa in 5 sezioni: sezioni poggiareni e poggiatesta in piuma con inserto in espanso rivestito in cotone, restanti sezioni in piuma, rivestite in cotone. Elemento rivestito in tessuto o pelle completamente sfoderabile.

275 108 1/4"

275 108 1/4"

4 Elemente Struktur aus Eisen mit elastischen Gurten. Polsterung aus Polyuhrethanschaumstoff mit Halbdaunenmatten-Überzug. Sitzfläche mit in die Struktur integriertem Polyuhrethanschaumstoff, mit Halbdaunenmatten-Überzug. Rückenkissen in Daune mit Baumwollbezug. Rutschfeste pulverbeschichteten Metallfüße. Elemente komplett abziehbar.

1 chaise longue Base en métal chromé, avec élément antidérapant. Structure en métal, rembourrées en polyuréthane expansé revêtue de fibre unie à de la maille fine. Coussins divisés en 5 sections : sections appuie-tête et lombaire en plume, avec insertion en polyuréthane expansé , revêtues coton ; autres sections en plume, revêtues coton. Revêtement en tissu ou en cuir entièrement déhoussable.

p. 102

1 chaise longue Base in chromium-plated metal, with antislip insert. Metal structure upholstered in expanded polyurethane, fibre covering matched with jersey. Cushions divided into 5 sections: Headrestand lumbar sections filled with down with expanded polyurethane insert covered in cotton, remaining sections in feather, covered in cotton. Element upholstered in completely removable fabric or completely removable leather.

EL 70

182 71 5/8"

EL 220/D

90 35 3/8"

4 elements Structure in iron with elastic straps. Structure pad in expanded polyurethane,covered with mixed feather materess. Seat cushions integrated into the structure of the base, in expanded polyurethane , covered with mixed feather materess. Backrest cushions in down, with cotton slipover covers. Anti-skid powder coated metal feet with antislip ferrule. Removable covers.

90 35 3/8"

4 elementi Struttura in ferro con cinghie elastiche. Imbottitura struttura in poliuretano espanso con materassina in misto piuma. Cuscino di seduta in espanso, integrato alla struttura, rivestito con materassina in misto piuma. Cuscini schienale in piuma con foderina in cotone. Piedini in metallo, verniciatura a polvere, con antiscivolo. Rivestimento sfoderabile.

ludovica + roberto palomba

p. 007

65 25 5/8"

ludovica + roberto palomba


96 37 3/4"


85 33 1/2"

1 Chaise longue Basis aus verchromtem Metall mit rutschfestem Einsatz. Metallstruktur mit Polyuhrethanschaumstoffpolsterung und Faser/Trikotbezug. Kissen in 5 Abschnitten getrennt: Kopfund Nierestützeabschnitt aus Daunen mit Einsatz aus Polyuhrethanschaumstoff und Baumwollbezug, übrigen Abschnitten aus Daunen mit Baumwollbezug. Element mit Stoff- oder Lederbezug komplett abziehbar.



155 61 "

7 1/8"

130 51 1/8"

85 33 1/2"


18 7 1/8"

18 7 1/8"

175 68 7/8"

100 39 3/8"

155 61 "

EL 600

EL 500

Tischchen: aus MDF in glänzender Polyester-Ausführung, , RAL-Farben 9017 (Verkehrsschwarz) oder 9016 ( Verkehrweiß). Bucherschrankelemente: aus furniertem MDF in glänzender Polyester-Ausführung, RAL-Farben 9017 (Verkehrsschwarz) oder 9016 ( Verkehrweiß).

EL 130

EL 175

100 39 3/8"

EL 100

40 15 3/4"

Petites tables: en MDF avec finition en polyester brillant, couleurs RAL 9017 (noir signalisation) ou 9016 (blanc signalisation). Eléments bibliothèque : en panneau nid d’abeilles MDF avec finition en polyester brillant, couleurs RAL 9017 (noir signalisation) ou 9016 (blanc signalisation).

Small tables: in MDF in the bright polyester finish, RAL colours 9017(black traffic ) and 9016 (white traffic). Bookshelves: in honeycomb MDF in the bright polyester finish, RAL colours 9017(black traffic ) and 9016 (white traffic).

155 61 "

Tavolini: in MDF con finitura in poliestere lucido nei colori RAL 9017(nero traffico) e 9016 (bianco traffico). Librerie: in tamburato di MDF con finitura in poliestere lucido nei colori RAL 9017(nero traffico) e 9016 (bianco traffico) .

p. 108

40 15 3/4"

ludovica + roberto palomba

305 120 "



150 59 " 150 59 "

100 39 3/8"

85 33 1/5"

85 33 1/5"

260 102 3/8"

230 90 1/2"

EL 150

/2 "

31 80 1

/8 "

23 60 5

40 15 150 59 "


40 15 3/4"

78 30 3/4"

78 30 3/4"

78 30 3/4" 250 98 3/8"

275 108 1/4"

52 20 1/2"

78 30 3/4"

78 30 3/4"

225 88 5/8"

48 18 7/8"

5 canapés + 1 fauteuil Structure en bois, courroies élastiques, rembourrage en polyuréthane expansé, à niveaux différenciés revêtu de fibre et toile de coton compensées Coussins du dossier en plume, revêtus coton. Coussins de l’assise en plume et en polyuréthane, niveaux différenciés, revêtus coton et coton compensé Pieds en hêtre teint noir. Éléments revêtus de tissu, entièrement déhoussables; éléments revêtus de peau, coussins entièrement déhoussables, structure non déhoussable.

5 Sofas + 1 Sessel Holzstruktur mit elastischen Riemen und Polyuhrethanschaumstoff-Polsterung zu unterschiedlichen Anteilen und Faser/ Samt-Bezug. Rückenkissen in Daune mit Baumwollbezug. Sitzkissen aus Daunen mit Einsatz aus Polyuhrethanschaumstoff zu unterschiedlichen Anteilen und passendem Baumwollbezug. Füße aus schwarz gefärbtem Buchenholz. Elemente mit Stoffbezug vollständig abziehbar; Elemente mit Lederbezug mit abziehbaren Polstern und nicht abziehbarem Gestell.

Maki ludovica + roberto palomba

p. 104

EL 800

100 39 3/8"

EL 600

150 59 "

EL 275

EL 250

2 poufs Struttura in legno con cinghie elastiche , imbottita in poliuretano espanso rivestita con materassina in piuma e foderina di cotone. Piedini in materiale Moplen E.P. con inserto antiscivolo. Elementi rivestiti in tessuto completamente sfoderabili, elementi con rivestimento in pelle non sfoderabili.

2 poufs Wooden frame with elastic straps upholstered in expanded polyurethane with feather mattress, covered in cotton. Feet in Moplen E.P. material with antislip insert. Elements upholstered in completely removable fabric, elements upholstered in leather with non-removable covers.

2 poufs Structure en bois avec sangles élastiques rembourré en polyuréthane expansé revêtus d’un matelassé en plume avec housse en coton. Pieds en Moplen E.P. avec élément antidérapant. Éléments revêtus de tissu, entièrement déhoussables, éléments revêtus en cuir non déhoussables.

2 Hocker Struktur aus Holz mit elastischen Gurten. Polsterung aus Polyuhrethanschaumstoff mit Daunenmatte-Überzug und Baumwollbezug. Fuße aus Moplen E.P. mit rutschfestem Einsatz. Element mit Stoffbezug komplett abziehbar, Element mit Lederbezug nicht abziehbar.

EL 110 EL 250

EL 180 110 43 1/4"

200 78 3/4"

100 39 3/8"

EL 225

200 68 7/8"

175 68 7/8"

EL 260

EL 230

85 33 1/5"

170 66 7/8"

100 39 3/8"

96 37 3/4"

120 47 1/4"

42 16 1/2"

EL 200

EL 170

EL 200

EL 175

EL 100

110 43 1/4"

135 53 1/8"

5 sofas + 1 armchair Wooden frame with elastic straps and padding in expanded polyurethane, with differentiated density, upholstered in fibre coupled with fine velvet. Backrest feather cushions upholstered in cotton. Seat feather cushions with insert in expanded polyurethane, with differentiated density, upholstered in cotton and heavy cotton. Feet in beech-wood painted black. Elements upholstered in completely removable fabric; elements upholstered in leather with cushions having removable covers and structure with non-removable covers.

EL 153/S

150 59 "

175 68 7/8"

5 divani + 1 poltrona Struttura in legno con cinghie elastiche e imbottitura in poliuretano espanso, a quote differenziate, rivestito in fibra accoppiata con vellutino. Cuscini schienale in piuma rivestiti in cotone. Cuscini seduta in piuma con inserto in poliuretano espanso, a quote differenziate, rivestiti in cotone e cotone accoppiato. Piedini in legno di faggio tinti neri. Elementi rivestiti in tessuto completamente sfoderabili; elementi rivestiti in pelle con cuscinatura sfoderabile e struttura non sfoderabile.

p. 086

78 30 3/4"

100 39 3/8"

100 39 3/8"

150 59 "

150 59 "

150 59 "

100 39 3/8"

100 39 3/8" 100 39 3/8"

EL 154/D

EL 151/S

EL 175

EL 160

100 39 3/8"

135 53 1/8"

135 53 1/8"

175 68 7/8"

150 59 "

100 39 3/8"


100 39 3/8"

EL 152/D

EL 140

EL 136/D

EL 135/S

100 39 3/8"

100 39 3/8"

100 39 3/8"

150 59 "

100 39 3/8"

EL 103/S

100 39 3/8"

100 39 3/8"

EL 106/D

100 39 3/8"

100 39 3/8"

EL 105/S

EL 110

Pag. 22-23 [EL 230 - EL 150 - EL 100 - EL 106/D - EL 75 - EL 160] Pag. 25 [EL 175 - EL 150 - EL 140 - EL 100 - EL 154/D] Pag. 26-27 [EL 135/S - EL 100 - EL 106/D - EL 100 - EL 152/D] Pag. 32-33 [EL 135/S - EL 106/D - EL 110 - EL 100] Pag. 34 [EL 160 - EL 100 - EL 110 - EL 135/S] Pag. 36-37 [EL 135/S - EL 100 - EL 160]

100 39 3/8"

75 29 1/2"

EL 104/D

EL 102/D

100 39 3/8"

100 39 3/8"

59 22 1/2"

40 15 3/4"

85 33 1/5" 100 39 3/8"

EL 101/S

175 68 7/8"

4 Sofas + 17 Anbauelemente + 2 Hocker Basisstruktur aus Holz mit elastischen Riemen, Schaumstoffpuffer und Daunenmatten-Überzug. Rückenkissen in Daune mit Baumwollbezug. Sitzkissen aus Daunen mit Einsatz aus Polyuhrethanschaumstoff zu unterschiedlichen Anteilen und passendem Baumwollbezug. Pulverbeschichtete Metallfüße mit rutschfester Spitze. Elemente mit Stoffbezug vollständig abziehbar; Elemente mit Lederbezug mit abziehbaren Polstern und nicht abziehbarem Gestell. Die Rückenkissen sind für die Einfügung von ein Rahmen zur Kopfstützeregulierung vorbereitet; der Rahmen ist ein Optional.

EL 100

EL 75

85 33 1/5"

4 canapés + 17 éléments composables + 2 poufs Structure en bois, courroies élastiques, tampon en polyuréthane expansé, revêtue d’un matelassé en plume. Coussins du dossier en plume revêtus coton. Coussins de l’assise en plume et polyuréthane expansé, à niveaux différenciés, revêtus coton et coton compensé. Pieds en métal vernis à poudre, avec système antidérapage. Éléments revêtus de tissu, entièrement déhoussables;éléments revêtus en cuir , coussins entièrement déhoussables, structure non déhoussable. Coussins dossiers disposés pour l’insertion d’un châssis pour le règlement de l’appuietête. Le châssis est en option.

4 sofas + 17 modular elements + 2 ottomans Wooden frame with elastic straps, with pad in expanded polyurethane, upholstered with feather mattress. Backrest feather cushions upholstered in cotton. Seat feather cushions with insert in expanded polyurethane, with differentiated density, upholstered in cotton and heavy cotton. Feet in metal, powder coated, with antiskid ferrule. Elements upholstered in completely removable fabric; elements upholstered in leather with cushions having removable covers and structure with non-removable covers. Backrest cushions ready for being fitted with a headrest adjustment device (the device is optional).

160 63 "

4 divani + 17 elementi componibili + 2 pouf Struttura in legno con cinghie elastiche, con tampone in poliuretano espanso, rivestita con materassina in piuma. Cuscini schienale in piuma rivestiti in cotone. Cuscini seduta in piuma con inserto in poliuretano espanso, a quote differenziate, rivestiti in cotone e cotone accoppiato. Piedini in metallo verniciati a polvere, con puntale antiscivolo. Elementi rivestiti in tessuto completamente sfoderabili; elementi rivestiti in pelle con cuscinatura sfoderabile e struttura non sfoderabile. Cuscini di schienale predisposti per l’inserimento di un telaio che consente la regolazione del poggiatesta. Il telaio è opzionale.

ludovica + roberto palomba

p. 022

42 16 1/2"

ludovica + roberto palomba centro ricerche swan

78 30 3/4" 52 20 1/2" 41 16 1/8"


170 66 7/8"


190 74 3/4"

190 74 3/4"

EL 216/D

EL 235

215 84 5/8"

EL 110

240 94 1/2"

260 102 3/8"

EL 150 201

41 16 1/8"

96 37 3/4"

96 37 3/4"

EL 200 96 37 3/4"

EL 260

EL 201

240 94 1/2"

235 92 1/2"

215 84 5/8"

EL 242/D

110 43 1/4"

EL 310

4 canapés + 2 bancs Structure en bois, courroies élastiques, tampon en polyuréthane expansé, revêtue d’un matelassé en plume. Coussins du dossier en plume revêtus coton. Coussins de l’assise en plume et polyuréthane expansé, à niveaux différenciés, revêtus coton et coton compensé. Pieds en bois, système antidérapage. Éléments revêtus de tissu ou de peau, entièrement déhoussables.

78 30 3/4"

78 30 3/4"

78 30 3/4" 210 82 3/4"

185 72 7/8"

EL 211

EL 360

EL 335

235 92 1/2"

260 102 3/8"

EL 300 96 37 3/4"

ø20 7 7/8" 52 20 1/2"

96 37 3/4"

96 37 3/4"

EL 241/S

96 37 3/4"

96 37 3/4"

EL 215/S

EL 285

110 43 1/4"

210 82 3/4"

96 37 3/4"

185 72 7/8"

96 37 3/4"

96 37 3/4"

96 37 3/4"

96 37 3/4"

EL 210

4 sofas + 2 benches Wooden frame with elastic straps, with pad in expanded polyurethane, upholstered with feather mattress. Backrest feather cushions upholstered in cotton. Seat feather cushions with insert in expanded polyurethane, with differentiated density, upholstered in cotton and heavy cotton. Feet in anti-skid wood. Elements upholstered in completely removable fabric or leather.

41 16 1/8"

EL 192/D

EL 191/S

165 65 "

96 37 3/4"


165 65 "

130 51 1/8"

4 divani + 2 panche Struttura in legno con cinghie elastiche, con tampone in poliuretano espanso, rivestita con materassina in piuma. Cuscini schienale in piuma rivestiti in cotone. Cuscini seduta in piuma con inserto in poliuretano espanso, a quote differenziate, rivestiti in cotone e cotone accoppiato. Piedini in legno con antiscivolo. Elementi rivestiti in tessuto o pelle completamente sfoderabili.

200 78 3/4"

48 18 7/8"

96 /4" 3 37

4 Sofas + 2 Sitzbanken Basisstruktur aus Holz mit elastischen Riemen, Schaumstoffpuffer und Daunenmatten-Überzug. Rückenkissen in Daune mit Baumwollbezug. Sitzkissen aus Daunen mit Einsatz aus Polyurethanschaumstoff zu unterschiedlichem Anteilen und passendem Baumwollbezug. Rutschfeste Holzfüße. Elemente mit Stoff- oder Lederbezug vollständig abziehbar.

41 16 1/8"

130 51 1/8"

96 37 3/4"

96 37 3/4"

96 37 3/4"

78 30 3/4" 58 22 7/8" 41 16 1/8" 96 37 3/4"

EL 166/D

78 30 3/4"

EL 165/S

EL 132/D

200 78 3/4"

EL 206/D

EL 205/S

5 " 20 3 / 4 80

/4 "

80 205 3

150 59 "

195 76 3/4"

200 78 3/4"

EL 201

135 53 1/8"

96 37 3/4"

5 " 13 1 / 8 53


195 76 3/4"

195 76 3/4"

ludovica + roberto palomba EL 03

EL 02


EL 04

EL 502

EL 504 96 37 3/4" 96 37 3/4"

EL 511

20 7 7/8"

96 37 3/4" 136 53 1/2"

20 7 7/8"

96 37 3/4"

20 7 7/8"

96 37 3/4"

96 37 3/4"

EL 501

96 37 3/4"

EL 516

60 23 5/8"


35 13 3/4"

34 13 3/8"

EL 330/331

35 13 3/4"

34 13 3/8"

EL 340/341

45 17 3/4"

88,5 29 7/8"

45 17 3/4"

35 13 3/4"

45 17 3/4"

50 19 3/4"

51 20 " 76 34 7/8"

55 21 5/8"

EL 320/321

31 12 1/4"

EL 310/311

EL 300/301

74,5 29 3/8"

Tischchen: Basis aus verchromtem Metall mit rutschfestem Einsatz. Platten aus MDF in glänzender Polyester-Ausführung, RALFarben 9017 (Verkehrsschwarz) oder 9016 ( Verkehrweiß). Zeitschriftenständer aus verchromtem Metall und dunkelbraunfarbigem Leder.

9 1/2"

60 23 5/8" 32 12 5/8"

96 37 3/4" 96 37 3/4"

95 37 3/8"

EL 515

20 7 7/8"

136 53 1/2"

20 7 7/8"

96 37 3/4"

96 37 3/4" 20 7 7/8"

96 37 3/4"

EL 514

EL 513

EL 512

Petites tables: structure en métal chromé, avec élément antidérapant. Surfaces en MDF avec finition en polyester brillant, couleurs RAL 9017 (noir signalisation) ou 9016 (blanc signalisation). Porte-revues en métal chromé et cuir marron foncé

Tables: Structure in chromium-plated metal, with anti-slip insert. Tops in MDF in the bright polyester finish, RAL colours 9017(black traffic ) and 9016 (white traffic). Magazine rack in chromium-plated metal and very dark brown leather.

57 22 1/2"

26 10 1/4"

EL 503

5 tavolini + 1 portariviste Tavolini: Struttura in metallo cromato con inserto antiscivolo. Piani in in MDF con finitura in poliestere lucido nei colori RAL 9017(nero traffico) e 9016 (bianco traffico) . Portariviste in metallo cromato e cuoio color testa di moro.

40 15

20 48 7 7/8" 18 7/8"

48 18 7/8"

60 /8” 5 23

47 18 1/2"

96 /4” 3 37

3 /4 "

ø20 7 7/8”

20 1/2"


ø20 7 7/8”

26 10 1/4"

4 canapés + 14 éléments composables + 2 bancs + 10 petites tables. Structure en bois, courroies élastiques, tampon en polyuréthane expansé, revêtue d’un matelassé en plume. Coussins de l’assise en plume et polyuréthane expansé, à niveaux différenciés, revêtus coton et coton compensé. Coussins du dossier en plume revêtus coton. Base en métal verni à poudre couleur brunbronze ou chromé, système antidérapage. Éléments revêtus de tissu, entièrement déhoussables; éléments revêtus de peau, coussins entièrement déhoussables, structure non déhoussable. De par sa structure et ses dimensions, les canapés et bancs MOLVEDO peuvent être revêtus avec les housses du modèle PEPLO. Petites tables EL.501-502-503-504-511-51 2-513-514: Base en métal verni ou chromé, système antidérapage. Dessus en marbre blanc Carrara ou en MDF avec finition en polyester brillant, couleurs RAL 9017 (noir signalisation) ou 9016 (blanc signalisation). Petites tables EL.515-516: Base en métal verni à poudre couleur brun-bronze Dessus en marbre blanc Carrara.

4 Sofas + 14 Anbauelemente + 2 Sitzbanken + 10 Tischchen Basisstruktur aus Holz mit elastischen Riemen, Schaumstoffpuffer und Daunenmatten-Überzug. Sitzkissen aus Daunen mit Einsatz aus Polyuhrethanschaumstoff zu unterschiedlichen Anteilen und passendem Baumwollbezug. Rückenkissen in Daune mit Baumwollbezug. Basis aus braun-bronzefarbigem pulverbeschichtetem Metall oder aus verchromtem Metall mit rutschfester Spitze. Elemente mit Stoffbezug vollständig abziehbar; Elemente mit Lederbezug mit abziehbaren Polstern und nicht abziehbarem Gestell. Auf Grund seiner Maße und strukturellen Eigenschaften können die Sofas und Banken MOLVEDO mit dem Schonbezug des Modells (PEPLO) bezogen werden. Tischchen EL.501-502-503-504-511-512513-514: Basis aus braun-bronzefarbigem pulverbeschichtetem Metall oder aus verchromtem Metall mit rutschfester Spitze. Platten aus Carrara weißem Marmor oder aus MDF in glänzender Polyester-Ausführung, RALFarben 9017 (Verkehrsschwarz) oder 9016 ( Verkehrweiß). Tischchen EL.515-516: Basis aus braunbronzefarbigem pulverbeschichtetem Metall. Platte aus Carrara weißem Marmor.

EL 131/S

5 " 13 1 / 8 53

4 sofas + 14 modular elements + 2 benches + 10 small tables Wooden frame with elastic straps, with pad in expanded polyurethane, upholstered with feather mattress. Seat feather cushions with insert in expanded polyurethane, with differentiated density, upholstered in cotton and heavy cotton. Backrest feather cushions upholstered in cotton Base in powder coated metal (colour brown bronze) or chrome-plated metal with anti-skid ferrule. Elements upholstered in completely removable fabric; elements upholstered in leather with cushions having removable covers and structure with non-removable covers. Thanks to its structural characteristics and dimensions, the Molvedo sofas and benches can be upholstered with the covers of the Peplo style. Small tables EL.501-502-503-504-511-512-5 13-514 :Base in powder coated metal (colour brown bronze) or chrome-plated metal with anti-skid ferrule. Tops in white Carrara marble or in MDF in the bright polyester finish, RAL colours 9017(black traffic ) and 9016 (white traffic). Small tables EL.515-516: Base in powder coated metal (colour brown bronze). Top in white Carrara marble .

195 76 3/4"

4 divani + 14 elementi componibili + 2 panche + 10 tavolini Struttura in legno con cinghie elastiche, con tampone in poliuretano espanso, rivestita con materassina in piuma. Cuscini seduta in piuma con inserto in poliuretano espanso, a quote differenziate, rivestiti in cotone e cotone accoppiato. Cuscini schienale in piuma rivestiti in cotone. Base in metallo verniciato a polvere colore brown-bronze o cromato con puntale antiscivolo. Elementi rivestiti in tessuto completamente sfoderabili; elementi rivestiti in pelle con cuscinatura sfoderabile e struttura non sfoderabile. I divani e le panche del modello Molvedo per caratteristiche strutturali e dimensioni, permettono anche l’utilizzo del rivestimento supplementare del modello Peplo. Tavolini EL.501-502-503-504-511-512-51 3-514: base in metallo verniciato a polvere colore brown-bronze o cromato con puntale antiscivolo. Piani in marmo bianco Carrara oppure in MDF con finitura in poliestere lucido nei colori RAL 9017(nero traffico) e 9016 (bianco traffico) . Tavolini EL.515-516: base in metallo verniciato a polvere colore brown-bronze . Piano in marmo bianco Carrara.

p. 092

96 37 3/4"

ludovica + roberto palomba

p. 056

20 48 7 7/8" 18 7/8"

ludovica + roberto palomba


41 16 1/8"


95 37 3/8"

Pag. 56-57 [EL 150 - EL 166/D] Pag. 58-59 [EL 201 - EL 242/D - EL 166/D] Pag. 60 [EL 205/S - EL 216/D] Pag. 61 [EL 215/S - EL 201] Pag. 62 [EL 215/S - EL 206/D] Pag. 64-65 [EL 260 - EL 166/D - EL 110]



30 11 7/8"

185 72 7/8"

EL 250

EL 251

250 98 3/8"

250 98 3/8"

1 petit sofa + 2 fauteuils Structure en métal chromé ou en métal verni à poudre couleur brun-bronze, avec élément antidérapant. Support de l’assise en bois revêtue de fibre unie à de la maille fine. Coussins d’assise en polyuréthane expansé à niveaux différenciés revêtus d’un matelassé en plume avec housse en coton. Coussins dossier et accoudoirs avec insertion en polyurethane expansé et bois, revêtus d’un matelassé en plume avec housse en coton. Revêtement en tissu ou en cuir entièrement déhoussable.

EL 85/EL 86

72 28 3/8"

EL 100/EL 101

85 33 1/2"

EL 150/ EL 151 65 25 8/8"

1 small sofa + 2 armchairs Structure in chromium-plated metal or in powder coated metal (colour brown bronze) with anti-skid ferrule. Seat support in wood with fibre covering matched with jersey. Seat cushions in expanded polyurethane in layers of different depths, upholstered with feather mattress, covered in cotton. Back cushions and armrests with insert in expanded polyurethane and wood, upholstered with feather mattress, covered in cotton. Elements upholstered in completely removable fabric or completely removable leather.

65 25 8/8"

1 divanetto + 2 poltroncine Struttura in metallo con rifinitura cromata o verniciata a polvere in colore brown-bronze con puntale antiscivolo. Supporto sedile in legno rivestito in maglina accoppiata. Cuscini seduta in poliuretano espanso a quote differenziate rivestite con materassina in piuma e foderina in cotone. Cuscini schienale e braccioli con inserto in poliuretano espanso e legno, rivestiti con materassina in piuma e foderina in cotone. Elementi rivestiti in tessuto o pelle completamente sfoderabili.

p. 096

65 25 8/8"

75 29 1/2"

185 72 7/8"

100 39 3/8"

75 29 1/2"

4 SofaS Holzstruktur mit elastischen Riemen und Polyuhrethanschaumstoff-Polsterung zu unterschiedlichen Anteilen und Faser/SamtBezug. Basis aus schwarz gefärbtem massivem Buchenholz mit rutschfestem Einsatz. Sitzkissen aus Daunen mit Einsatz aus Polyuhrethanschaumstoff zu unterschiedlichen Anteilen und passendem Baumwollbezug oder Matelassé Baumwollbezug. Rückenkissen in Daune mit Baumwollbezug. Nierestützerollenkissen aus Polyuhrethanschaumstoff mit Baumwollbezug. Elemente mit Stoffbezug vollständig abziehbar; Elemente mit Lederbezug mit abziehbaren Polstern und nicht abziehbarem Gestell.

75 29 1/2"

4 canapéS Structure en bois avec courroies élastiques, rembourrage en polyuréthane expansé, à niveaux différenciés revêtu de fibre unie à du velours. Base en hêtre massif teint noir avec élément antidérapant. Coussins de l’assise en plume et en polyuréthane, niveaux différenciés, revêtus coton ou coton matelassé. Coussins du dossier en plume, revêtus coton. Rouleaux lombaires en polyuréthane expansé revêtu coton compensé. Éléments revêtus de tissu, entièrement déhoussables; éléments revêtus de cuir, coussins entièrement déhoussables, structure non déhoussable.

EL 181

EL 180

75 29 1/2"

4 sofas Wooden frame with elastic straps, with pad in expanded polyurethane in different densities upholstered in fibre coupled with fine velveteen. Base in solid beech-wood painted black, with anti-slip ferrules Seat cushions in feather with insert in expanded polyurethane with differentiated densities upholstered in cotton or cotton matelassé. Backrest feather cushions upholstered in cotton. Lumbar-support rolls in expanded polyurethane upholstered in heavy cotton. Elements upholstered in completely removable fabric; elements upholstered in leather with cushions having removable covers and structure with non-removable covers.

62 24 3/8"

4 divani Struttura in legno con cinghie elastiche e imbottitura in poliuretano espanso a quote differenziate, rivestita in fibra accoppiata con vellutino. Basamento in massello di faggio tinto nero con puntali antiscivolo. Cuscini seduta in piuma con inserto in poliuretano espanso a quote differenziate rivestiti in cotone oppure cotone matelassé. Cuscini schienale in piuma rivestiti in cotone. Rulli poggiareni in poliuretano espanso rivestiti in cotone accoppiato Elementi rivestiti in tessuto completamente sfoderabili; elementi rivestiti in pelle con cuscinatura sfoderabile e struttura non sfoderabile.


ludovica + roberto palomba

p. 014

75 29 1/2"

ludovica + roberto palomba


65 25 8/8"


100 39 3/8"

150 59"

1 Kleinsofa + 2 Sessel Struktur aus verchromtem Metall oder braunbronzefarbigem pulverbeschichtetem Metall mit rutschfester Spitze. Sitzunterstützung aus Holz mit Faser/ Trikot-Bezug. Sitzkissen aus Polyuhrethanschaumstoff zu unterschiedlichen Anteilen mit Daunenmatten-Überzug und Baumwollebezug. Rückenkissen und Armlehnen mit Einsatz aus Polyuhrethanschaumstoff und Holz mit Daunenmatten-Überzug und Baumwollebezug. Element mit Stoff- oder Lederbezug komplett abziehbar.


AD: ps+a photo: Maurizio Marcato, ps+a archive pre press: Diodo, Milano print: Grafiche Boffi, Giussano

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