Dolfi Camerette Mebel

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Camere per sognatori, grandi e piccoli


un gesto d’amore verso Matilde, la piccola principessa di casa Dolfi, quello con cui mamma Antonella ha acceso l’idea, accolta con entusiasmo in azienda, di creare una linea di camerette dedicata a piccoli e grandi sognatori. “I sogni di Matilde” è un percorso fatto di mobili, accessori, stoffe morbide e colorate, ma è anche un’esperienza di stimoli e tentazioni giocose, di emozioni e suggestioni: sensazioni che solo una mamma può cullare per offrirle a tutti coloro che in una stanza da letto vogliono dolcemente stupirsi e immaginare. Oggi, con “I sogni di Matilde”, Dolfi prende per mano piccini e ardimentosi romantici per accompagnarli nella loro casa con grazia e stile, perché non è mai troppo presto per iniziare a sognare né è mai troppo tardi per smettere.


ut of love for Matilde, the little princess of the Dolfi company, her mother Antonella was inspired with the idea to create a line of children's rooms for dreamers, young and old alike, and Dolfi embraced the idea enthusiastically. “I Sogni di Matilde” is a journey through furniture, accessories and soft, colorful fabrics. And it is an experience of playful, whimsical inspirations. Here are feelings the likes of which only a mother can tenderly watch over and offer to all those looking for a bedroom full of sweet wonder to ignite the imagination. Dolfi's "I Sogni di Matilde" is here to take our little ones by the hand and venture into their homes full of grace and style. Because you're never too young or too old to start dreaming and never stop.



40 46 52 36 12 26 32 06 04 50 56 22 44 30 54/58 08 20 14 62 18 28

EVELINE 0431B 0231TB 4081 3080 7000 4010 130 7204 2030

Letto Bed Baldacchino mongolfiera Hot air balloon canopy bed Set teli baldacchino Set of canopy drapes Tavolino cuore Heart table Armadio 2 ante fiocchi Two-door wardrobe with bows Ciondolo con pon-pon Charm with pom-poms Specchiera rotonda arricciata Ruffled round mirror Fiocco Bow Pouff cuore Heart pouffe Piantana mongolfiera 6 luci Hot air balloon floor lamp, 6 lights


ELISABETH 0431B 0231TB 4010 130 4081

Letto Bed Baldacchino mongolfiera Hot air balloon canopy bed Set teli baldacchino Set of canopy drapes Specchiera rotonda arricciata Ruffled round mirror Fiocco Bow Tavolino cuore Heart table

3080 7000 2030 ANTONY ANTONY

Armadio 2 ante fiocchi Two-door wardrobe with bows Ciondolo con pon-pon Charm with pom-poms Piantana mongolfiera 6 luci Hot air balloon floor lamp, 6 lights Poltroncina Armchair Pouff Pouffe


SHIRLEY 3031TB 0530 0533 4012L 4010 130 ANTONY ANTONY 2133 2142

Letto con ricamo Bed with embroidery Set teli baldacchino Set of canopy drapes Comò Dresser Comodino con decoro Nightstand with decoration Specchiera rettangolare liscia Smooth rectangular mirror Specchiera rotonda arricciata Ruffled round mirror Fiocco Bow Poltroncina Armchair Pouff Pouffe Base lampada cuore 3 luci Heart lamp, 3 lights Lumetto cuore 2 luci Heart table lamp, 2 lights


SHIRLEY 1070 1071 4094 2080 6008 2031 2026 2027 2038 1077 4000F 2143 2137

Letto Bed Comò 2 cassetti Dresser with two drawers Comodino 2 cassetti Nightstand with two drawers Tavolino rotondo Round table Armadio con ovale specchio Wardrobe with oval mirror Pouff rotondo small Small round pouffe Piantana a braccio Arched floor lamp Lumetto petali e farfalle Table lamp with petals and butterflies Lumetto petali e farfalle Table lamp with petals and butterflies Applique mongolfiera 2 luci Hot air balloon sconce, 2 lights Mobile bagno Bathroom cabinet Specchiera Mirror Piantana cuore 3 luci Heart floor lamp, 3 lights Applique cuore 1 luce Heart sconce, 1 light


BRIGITTE 0231B 0231TB 1343 ANTONY ANTONY 2138 0335 4012L 4010 2137 4081

Letto Bed Baldacchino a parete Wall-hung canopy Set teli baldacchino Set of canopy drapes Armadio 3 ante in tessuto Three-door wardrobe with fabric Poltroncina Armchair Pouff Pouffe Applique cuore 2 luci Heart sconce, 2 lights Comò Dresser Specchiera rettangolare liscia Smooth rectangular mirror Specchiera rotonda arricciata Ruffled round mirror Applique cuore 1 luce Heart sconce, 1 light Tavolino cuore Heart table


TIFFANY 3015TB 0530 0531 1090 4025 1073 0866 4031 6008 2028 2029

Letto con ricamo Bed with embroidery Set teli baldacchino Set of canopy drapes Comò Dresser Comodino Nightstand Armadio 2 ante scorrevoli in tessuto Wardrobe with two sliding doors with fabric Specchiera margherita Daisy mirror Etager 2 cassetti Etagere, 2 drawers Mobile bagno Bathroom cabinet Specchiera legno Wooden mirror Pouff rotondo small Small round pouffe Lumetto petali Table lamp with petals Lumetto petali Table lamp with petals


0530 4025 2029 1073 6008 0866 4031 2137

Comò Dresser Specchiera margherita Daisy mirror Lumetto petali Table lamp with petals Etager 2 cassetti Etagere, 2 drawers Pouff rotondo small Small round pouffe Mobile bagno Bathroom cabinet Specchiera legno Wooden mirror Applique cuore 1 luce Heart sconce, 1 light


VICKY 0231TB 0431B 0225 0226 4010 4025 0356 2030 2026 2027 8409 6008 4081 3081

Letto Bed Set teli baldacchino Set of canopy drapes Baldacchino mongolfiera Hot air balloon canopy bed Comò ribalta Drop front dresser Comodino Nightstand Specchiera rotonda arricciata Ruffled round mirror Specchiera margherita Daisy mirror Sedia vestita arricciata Chair with ruffled skirt Piantana mongolfiera 6 luci Hot air balloon floor lamp, 6 lights Lumetto petali e farfalle Table lamp with petals and butterflies Lumetto petali e farfalle Table lamp with petals and butterflies Annabel dormeuse Annabel day bed Pouff rotondo small Small round pouffe Tavolino cuore Heart table Armadio 1 anta fiocco One-door wardrobe with bow


SOPHIE 0231B 0231TB 0438 4081 1443 4012 7204 0356 2039 2038 2032 0337 1443 2030 6111

Letto Bed Baldacchino a parete Wall-hung canopy Set teli baldacchino Set of canopy drapes Comò Dresser Tavolino cuore Heart table Armadio 3 ante in tessuto con ciuffi marabou Three-door wardrobe with fabric and marabou tufts Specchiera rettangolare arricciata Rectangular ruffled mirror Pouff cuore Heart pouffe Sedia vestita arricciata Chair with ruffled skirt Lampadario mongolfiera 12 luci Hot air balloon chandelier, 12 lights Applique mongolfiera 2 luci Hot air balloon sconce, 2 lights Lumetto mongolfiera 2 luci Hot air balloon table lamp, 2 lights Comodino Nightstand Armadio 3 ante in tessuto con ciuffi marabou Three-door wardrobe with fabric and marabou tufts Piantana mongolfiera 6 luci Hot air balloon floor lamp, 6 lights Poltrona bergerè Elegance Elegance bergere armchair


LEONARD 0111 0112 079 0356 0239 2028 2029 2030

Letto Bed Comò Luigi XVI Louis XVI dresser Comodino Luigi XVI Louis XVI nightstand Armadio 2 ante tessuto Two-door wardrobe with fabric Sedia vestita arricciata Chair with ruffled skirt Norman pouff contenitore Norman storage pouffe Lumetto petali Table lamp with petals Lumetto petali Table lamp with petals Piantana mongolfiera 6 luci Hot air balloon floor lamp, 6 lights


LEONARD 4010L 2040 0239 2036 2030 4092

Letto Bed Specchiera rotonda liscia Smooth round mirror Lampadario mongolfiera 6 luci Hot air balloon chandelier, 6 lights Norman pouff contenitore Norman storage pouffe Base lampada mongolfiera 6 luci Hot air balloon lamp, 6 lights Piantana mongolfiera 6 luci Hot air balloon floor lamp, 6 lights Tavolino rotondo Round table


CARMEN 0231B 0231TB 1510 1511 4000 7204 2138 2142 2141

Letto Bed Baldacchino a parete Wall-hung canopy Set teli baldacchino Set of canopy drapes Comò con alzata Dresser with shelf Comodino con alzata Nightstand with shelf Specchiera rotonda farfalla Round mirror with butterfly Pouff cuore Heart pouffe Applique cuore 2 luci Heart sconce, 2 lights Lumetto cuore 2 luci Heart table lamp, 2 lights Lampadario cuore 3 luci Heart chandelier, 3 lights


WENDY 0336 0781T 4096 4001 6801

Letto Bed Comò Dresser Armadio 1 anta tessuto One-door wardrobe with fabric Tavolino rotondo Round table Specchiera rotonda con farfalle Round mirror with butterflies Clotilde poltrona Clotilde armchair


PETER 1521 6008 2031 2028 1091 COMPANY

Letto Bed Comodino 4 cassetti senza alzata 4-drawer nightstand without shelf Pouff rotondo small Small round pouffe Piantana a braccio Arched floor lamp Lumetto petali Table lamp with petals Armadio ante scorrevoli Wardrobe with sliding doors Poltrona Armchair


CHANTAL 0212 1071 4025 2031 2026 2027

Letto Bed Mobile 6 cassetti Cabinet with 6 drawers Comodino Nightstand Specchiera margherita Daisy mirror Piantana a braccio Arched floor lamp Lumetto petali e farfalle Table lamp with petals and butterflies Lumetto petali e farfalle Table lamp with petals and butterflies


CHANTAL 1075 1071 1072 4029L 6006 8504 2026 2027 1078 2030

Letto Bed Cassettone Single-drawer unit Comodino Nightstand Armadio 2 ante Two-door wardrobe Specchiera rettangolare liscia Smooth rectangular mirror Cubo chiodato Cube with studs Moon pouff Moon p ouffe Lumetto petali e farfalle Table lamp with petals and butterflies Lumetto petali e farfalle Table lamp with petals and butterflies Pensile giorno quadrato con fondo rivestito Open square wall unit with lined bottom Piantana mongolfiera 6 luci Hot air balloon floor lamp, 6 lights


BLANCHE 6008 4012 4081 BS15-10 BS16-10 1193

Letto con giroletto Bed with surround Pouff rotondo small Small round pouffe Specchiera rettangolare arricciata Rectangular ruffled mirror Tavolino cuore Heart table Applique 3 luci Sconce, 3 lights Applique 2 luci Sconce, 2 lights Armadio 3 ante cappello dritto Three-door wardrobe, straight cornice


BLANCHE 0264 4012 1292 6008 6111 2031 4081 BS15-10 BS16-10

Letto pediera alta Bed with high footboard Baule curvato Curved trunk Specchiera rettangolare arricciata Rectangular ruffled mirror Armadio 2 ante cappello gendarme Two-door wardrobe with chapeau de gendarme cornice Pouff rotondo small Small round pouffe Poltrona bergerè Elegance Elegance bergere armchair Piantana a braccio Arched floor lamp Tavolino cuore Heart table Applique 3 luci Sconce, 3 lights Applique 2 luci Sconce, 2 lights


ALLY 0231B 3027TB 0437 4095 2080F 4010L 2133 2137 2143

Letto Bed Baldacchino a parete Wall-hung canopy Set teli baldacchino Set of canopy drapes Comò Dresser Tavolino rotondo Round table Armadio 2 ante Two-door wardrobe Specchiera rotonda liscia Smooth round mirror Base lampada cuore 3 luci Heart lamp, 3 lights Applique cuore 1 luce Heart sconce, 1 light Piantana cuore 3 luci Heart floor lamp, 3 lights


ALLY 1072 4081 4010L 2137 2143 2142


Letto Bed Armadio 2 ante Two-door wardrobe Tavolino cuore Heart table Specchiera rotonda liscia Smooth round mirror Applique cuore 1 luce Heart sconce, 1 light Piantana cuore 3 luci Heart floor lamp, 3 lights Lumetto cuore 2 luci Heart table lamp, 2 lights

MATILDE 2081 4010L 4032 2143 ANTONY

Divanetto Love seat Armadio 1 anta One-door wardrobe Specchiera rotonda liscia Smooth round mirror Specchiera legno Wooden mirror Piantana cuore 3 luci Heart floor lamp, 3 lights Pouff Pouffe


ARIEL 0336 027 0356 4092 4011 2040 2030 2036 0412

Letto Bed Comò Dresser Scrittoio Writing desk Sedia Chair Tavolino rotondo Round table Specchiera rotonda arricciata Ruffled round mirror Lampadario mongolfiera 6 luci Hot air balloon chandelier, 6 lights Piantana mongolfiera 6 luci Hot air balloon floor lamp, 6 lights Base lampada mongolfiera 6 luci Hot air balloon lamp, 6 lights Specchiera rettangolare arricciata Rectangular ruffled mirror


ARIEL 027 0356 4011 2039 0415 ANTONY 2026

Letto Bed Scrittoio Writing desk Sedia vestita Chair with skirt Specchiera rotonda arricciata Ruffled round mirror Lampadario mongolfiera 12 luci Hot air balloon chandelier, 12 lights Etager 2 cassetti Etagere, 2 drawers Pouff Pouffe Lumetto petali e farfalle Table lamp with petals and butterflies


HAROLD 0177 0415

Letto Bed Tavolino Small table Etager 2 cassetti Etagere, 2 drawers


ARNOLD 0431B 0431TB 4012 4010 4093 2036 2030

Letto Bed Baldacchino mongolfiera Hot air balloon canopy bed Set teli baldacchino Set of canopy drapes Specchiera rettangolare arricciata Rectangular ruffled mirror Specchiera rotonda arricciata Ruffled round mirror Tavolino rotondo Round table Base lampada mongolfiera 6 luci Hot air balloon lamp, 6 lights Piantana mongolfiera 6 luci Hot air balloon floor lamp, 6 lights


PHILIP 0751 4081 0933S ANTONY 2039 2032 0750 4010 4012

Letto Bed Comodino Nightstand Tavolino cuore Heart table Armadio 3 ante specchio Three-door wardrobe with mirror Pouff Pouffe Lampadario mongolfiera 12 luci Hot air balloon chandelier, 12 lights Lumetto mongolfiera 2 luci Hot air balloon table lamp, 2 lights Comò Dresser Specchiera rotonda arricciata Ruffled round mirror Specchiera rettangolare arricciata Rectangular ruffled mirror


KRISTINE 0931B 0931TB 0165 0565 4012L 4031 0363 2139 2133 2029 2028 7204 4091 0782V

Letto Bed Baldacchino a scomparsa Concealed canopy Set teli baldacchino Set of canopy drapes Comò Dresser Comodino Nightstand Specchiera rettangolare liscia Smooth rectangular mirror Specchiera Mirror Baule dritto Straight-lined trunk Lampadario cuore 6 luci Heart chandelier, 6 lights Base lampada cuore 3 luci Heart lamp, 3 lights Lumetto petali Table lamp with petals Lumetto petali Table lamp with petals Pouff cuore Heart pouffe Tavolino rotondo Round table Armadio 2 ante vetro Two-door wardrobe with glass


PHILIP Letto PHILIP Bed CZR4 Mobile componibile H. 222 cm CZR4 Modular cabinet H. 222 cm M400 Mensolina sagomata M400 Small shaped shelf 1520 Comò 1520 Dresser 4003 Specchiera cameo 4003 Mirror with cameo 2038 Applique mongolfiera 2 luci 2038 Hot air balloon sconce, 2 lights 2030 Piantana mongolfiera 6 luci 2030 Hot air balloon floor lamp, 6 lights 2036 Base lampada mongolfiera 6 luci 2036 Hot air balloon lamp, 6 lights CLOTILDE Poltroncina Armchair ANTONY Pouff ANTONY Pouffe


CZR4 028 0105TT 2139 2137

Mobile componibile H. 222 cm Modular cabinet H. 222 cm Scrittoio Writing desk Sedia in tessuto con ricamo Fabric upholstered chair with embroidery Lampadario cuore 6 luci Heart chandelier, 6 lights Applique cuore 1 luce Heart sconce, 1 light


TRACEE CZ1M 1078 4097 0239 ANTONY 2137 2143 2133 4029L

Letto Bed Mobile componibile H. 245 cm Modular cabinet H. 245 cm Pensile giorno quadrato con fondo rivestito Open square wall unit with lined bottom Tavolino rotondo Round table Norman pouff contenitore Norman storage pouffe Poltroncina Armchair Applique cuore 1 luce Heart sconce, 1 light Piantana cuore 3 luci Heart floor lamp, 3 lights Base lampada cuore 3 luci Heart lamp, 3 lights Specchiera rettangolare liscia Smooth rectangular mirror



VIA TOSCANA, 17 - 56035 PERIGNANO (PISA) - TEL. 0587616363 FAX. 0587617322 - INFO@DOLFI.IT

© Copyright Dolfi Novembre 2010

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