ARDEX Natural Stone Range

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ARDEX Natural Stone Range

non staining on sensitive stone

Natural stone is becoming increasingly popular, this presents new challenges to ensure a perfect finish and avoid unsightly staining, which is frequently caused when moisture from traditional tile adhesives and grouts gets into the stone dissolving existing materials, such as iron oxides or organic deposits which can discolour the face and/or edges of natural stone tiles.

ARDEX Natural Stone products featuring ‘Rapidry Formula Technology’ have been developed to provide practical solutions to this problem. The mix water is literally ‘locked’ within the mortar virtually eliminating the risk of water staining, warping and curling. Another key feature is rapid, controlled drying and hardening, allowing natural stones to be walked on and grouted in the shortest possible time.

ARDEX Natural Stone products provide solutions when: UÊÊÊ Ê Ý }Ê >ÌÕÀ> ÊÃÌ iÃÊÌ >ÌÊ>ÀiÊ«À iÊÌ Ê water staining UÊÊÊ Ê Ý }Ê >ÌÕÀ> ÊÃÌ iÃÊÌ >ÌÊ ii`ÊÌ ÊLiÊÜ> i`Ê on or grouted in only two hours UÊÊÊ Ê À ÕÌ }Ê >ÌÕÀ> ÊÃÌ iÃÊÌ >ÌÊ>ÀiÊ«À iÊÌ Ê water staining UÊÊÊ / Ê iÀiÊ ÃÊ>Ê ii`Êv ÀÊ>Ê/ Ì> Ê-ÞÃÌi Ê- ÕÌ ]Ê including levelling compounds, adhesives, grouts and silicone.

Left Moisture sensitive natural stones grouted with a traditional cement-based grout, resulting in unsightly water staining at the tile edges. Right ÃÌÕÀiÊÃi Ã Ì ÛiÊ >ÌÕÀ> ÊÃÌ iÃÊ}À ÕÌi`ÊÜ Ì Ê , 8Ê Ê,>« `Ê ÀÞ }Ê >ÀL iÊ> `Ê Natural Stone À ÕÌ°Ê , 8Ê,>« `ÀÞÊ À Õ >ÊÌiV }ÞÊ V ÃÊÌ iÊ ÝÊÜ>ÌiÀÊ Ì ÊÌ iÊ grout, eliminating water staining at the tile edges.

ARDEX Natural Stone Systems Rapid Floor Tiling System for Translucent Marble Tiles – Dry Internal ARDEX ST iÕÌÀ> Ê ÕÀiÊ> `Ê Ê-Ì> }Ê >ÌÕÀ> Ê-Ì iÊ- V i ARDEX MG ,>« `Ê ÀÞ }Ê >ÀL iÊ> `Ê >ÌÕÀ> Ê-Ì iÊ À ÕÌ Translucent Marble Floor Tiles ARDEX S 16 W White Rapid Hardening and Drying Natural Stone Adhesive ARDEX WPM 300 (optional) Water-Based Epoxy Membrane Sand/Cement Screed

Rapid Wall Tiling System for Moisture Sensitive Natural Stones – Dry Internal ARDEX MG ,>« `Ê ÀÞ }Ê >ÀL iÊ> `Ê >ÌÕÀ> Ê-Ì iÊ À ÕÌ Moisture Sensitive Limestone Tiles ARDEX S 16 W White Rapid Hardening and Drying Natural Stone Adhesive Cement/Sand Render on Blockwork ARDEX WPM 300 (optional) Water-Based Epoxy Membrane ARDEX ST iÕÌÀ> Ê ÕÀiÊ> `Ê Ê-Ì> }Ê >ÌÕÀ> Ê-Ì iÊ- V i

Notes: UÊÊ ÊL>V }À Õ `ÃÊÌ ÊLiÊ`ÀÞÊ> `ÊÃÕvwV i Ì ÞÊ >ÌÕÀiÊ>ÃÊÀiV i `i`Ê ÊÌ iÊ ÕÃÌÀ> > Ê-Ì> `>À`à UÊÊ Ê7 i ÊÌ iÀiÊ ÃÊ ÌÊ>ÊÀ Ã Ê vÊÜ>ÌiÀÊÃÌ> }]ÊÃÌ> `>À`Ê , 8ÊÌ }Ê>` ià ÛiÃÊ> `Ê}À ÕÌÃÊare suitable for virtually all tiling applications. Full technical data on all ARDEX products is available online at: UÊÊ ÃÕ ÌÊÌ iÊÀi iÛ> ÌÊ/iV V> Ê >Ì>à iiÌÊ ÀÊV Ì>VÌÊARDEXÊ/iV V> Ê-iÀÛ ViÃÊv ÀÊ`iÌ> i`Ê}Õ `> ViÊ ÊwÝ }Ê> `Ê}À ÕÌ }Ê >ÌÕÀ> ÊÃÌ ià UÊÊ ARDEX WPM 300 can be included in the system to offer further protection against moisture below the surface

Range of products ADHESIVES ARDEX WA 100

Two Part Epoxy Adhesive for Natural Stone

ARDEX S 16/S 16 W

Rapid Hardening and Rapid Drying Tile and Natural Stone Adhesive


Rapid Drying Marble and Natural -Ì iÊ À ÕÌÊ


iÕÌÀ> Ê ÕÀiÊ> `Ê Ê-Ì> }Ê >ÌÕÀ> Ê Stone Silicone


Primer for ARDEX Silicone

These products are the main focus of the range, as they provide solutions v ÀÊwÝ }Ê ÃÌÕÀiÊÃi Ã Ì ÛiÊ >ÌÕÀ> ÊÃÌ iÃ]ÊÜ V ÊÀiµÕ ÀiÊëiV > ÌÞÊ «À `ÕVÌðÊ- iÊ vÊÌ iÃiÊ Û ÛiÊÌ iÊÕ µÕiÊARDEX Rapidry Formula Technology. Furthermore, the range has been independently tested and meets the Green Building Council of Australia Green Star Specification for IEQ-11 and IEQ-13




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Each ARDEX product is the result of research and development with the help of contractors, specifiers, manufacturers and clients to ensure a complete range of absolutely compatible products with market leading performance.

We call this SystemARDEX: ÊÃÞÃÌi Ê vÊ } ʵÕ> ÌÞ]ÊÌ Ì> ÞÊV «>Ì L iÊ«À `ÕVÌÃÊ >ÌV i`ÊÌ ÊÕ «>À> i i`ÊÌiV V> Ê> `Êwi `ÊÃÕ«« ÀÌ° The ARDEX Natural Stone Range epitomizes this philosophy, combining products that provide complete system solutions, > }ÊÜ Ì ÊëiV > ÃÌÊ Ü i`}iÊÌ Ê«À Û `iÊ ` Û `Õ> Ê«À iVÌÊ Ã«iV wV>Ì ÃÊ> `ÊÃÕ«« ÀÌÊÌ À Õ} ÕÌÊÌ iÊ«À iVÌ° , 8Ê> à ÊÃÕ«« ÞÊ>ÊÀ> }iÊ vÊ Ì iÀÊÌ }]Êy À }Ê> `Ê Ü>ÌiÀ«À w }Ê«À `ÕVÌÃÊÌ >ÌÊV> ÊLiÊÕÃi`Ê Ê>ÊÜ `iÀÊÀ> }iÊ of applications, including those with natural stone.

Technical Support A key part of the ARDEX Natural Stone Range is the technical support available to specifiers and contractors in assisting with problem free natural stone installations. ARDEX is committed to being the leading provider of technical support in the field. Our team of professional technical service advisors work with specifiers and contractors, as well as the ARDEX R&D team to provide project specific application solutions.

UÊ S Ê pecific application recommendations, including testing of individual stone samples to provide tailored project system specifications

i iÀ> ÊÀiV i `>Ì ÃÊv ÀÊwÝ }ÊÃi Ã Ì ÛiÊ and non sensitive natural stone

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ARDEX Australia Pty Ltd 20 Powers Road, Seven Hills NSW 2147 Email:

ARDEX New Zealand Ltd 32 Lane St, Woolston

À ÃÌV ÕÀV ]Ê iÜÊ<i> > ` Email:

New South Wales * Ê­äÓ®Ê nx£Ê £ääÊÊ >ÝÊ­äÓ®Ê nÎnÊÇ Çä

Auckland * Ê­ä ®ÊÓ ÈÇÊÈ äÊÊ


Queensland * Ê­äÇ®ÊÎn£ÇÊÈäääÊÊ >ÝÊ­äÇ®ÊÎnn£ÊΣnnÊ

Wellington * Ê­ä{®ÊxÈnxÊ { ÊÊ


Victoria/Tasmania * Ê­äÎ®Ê ÎänÊ ÓxxÊÊ >ÝÊ­äÎ®Ê ÎänÊ ÎÎÓ

Christchurch * Ê­äήÊÎn{ÎÊäÓ ÊÊ

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South Australia * Ê­än®ÊnÓÈnÊÓx££ÊÊ >ÝÊ­än®ÊnÎ{xÊÎÓäÇ Western Australia * Ê­än®Ê ÓxÈÊnÈääÊÊ >ÝÊ­än®Ê {xxÊ£ÓÓÇ /iV V> Ê-iÀÛ ViÃÊ/ Ê Àii\Ê£nääÊÓÓ{ÊäÇä

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