Government is commited to establishing Strategic Anchor Industries to significantly transform Economic growth path of the Country. The Integrated Aluminum Automobile Assembly Industrial Starch Oil Palm Manufacturing of Machinery and Parts Iron and Steel Industrial Salt Garments and Textiles Assembly of Electronics and Light Light Machinery
T:+233 302 686 528 /663188
Building the competitiveness of existing local industries by facilitating access to medium and long term financing (Stimulus Package)
The One-District-One-Factory (IDIF) initiative is one of the Flagship Programmes of the Government of Ghana under the auspices of the Ministry of Trade and Industry with the potential to create huge employment in rural and peri-urban communities, reduce rural-urban migration, add value to our natural resources in each District, develop local substitutes for imported items, and promote new product for export and niche markets. The 'One District One Factory' initiative is designed to set up at least one medium to large scale Industrial Enterprise in each of the 216 Districts in the country.
Implementing the "One District One Factory" (1D1F) Initiative, Designed to bring Industrialisation to the doorsteps of the People
Introducing Strategic Anchor Industrial Initiatives which will create new Growth Poles for the Ghanaian Economy
To add value to the natural resources of each District and exploit the economic potential of each District based on its comparative advantage.
Establishing Industrial Parks and Special Economic Zones, at least one in each of the ten Regions- "One Region One Park"
Promoting Small and Medium Scale Enterprise Development
Establishing an Industrial Sub-Contracting Exchange that will link SMEs to the Supply Chain of Large Scale Enterprises
To promote exports and increase foreign exchange earnings to support the Government's development agenda
Expression of Interest
Promoting Export Diversification
Improving Domestic Retail Trade and Promoting "Made In Ghana" Goods
Enhancing the Business Enabling Environment Through Business Regulatory and Legislative Reform
Promoting Public-Private Sector Dialogue
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