Christmas Gift Guide 2018

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Gift Guide 2018

Large Christian Retailer of the Year 2018 ARDSBOOKSHOP.COM

028 9181 7530

Ards Evangelical


Award-Winning Bookshop

Ards Evangelical Bookshop have been awarded “Large Independent Retailer of the Year 2018” at the national CRT convention in Derbyshire. This is the second time they have won this award.

Richard and Elizabeth McCoubrey receiving the Richard and Elizabeth McCoubrey award. took over the small shop in 1980 and “We are delighted to receive this it quickly grew to 1800 sq. ft. and has award and feel it is but a recognition now ended up as a 6000 sq. ft. shop. of the dedication and hard work of our staff providing a service to the When the shop was first purchased, Christian community. This service Richard continued to work on his bread would not be possible without the serving round in Belfast whilst his interest and commitment of local wife Elizabeth looked after the shop, church leaders and Christian workers.” juggling a busy family life with two - Richard McCoubrey, Manager. young sons. So, after two shop moves and surviving an IRA bomb in 1993, the shop celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2017 and the two (young?) sons are now working in the shop! Everyone is welcome to help celebrate with AEB at their annual Christmas Shopping Open Night on Thursday 29th November, 6.00 – 9.00pm. Refreshments will Ards Evangelical Bookshop has won the UK wide Independent be provided, there will be a Large Retail Store of the Year in a competition organised by special guest singer and 10% Christian Resources Together. The award was presented at ceremony held in Derbyshire. This is the second time the off all purchases on the night; aNewtownards shop has won the award (previously in 2007). a great way to kick off your Shop owners Richard and Elizabeth McCoubrey with the award along with some of the staff, Rhoda Kyle, Chris Perver, Ricky Christmas shopping! McCoubrey and Bob McCoubrey.

How to Buy

1 Visit our shop Over 6,000 sq. ft. of Christian retail. 2 Telephone Call us on 028 9181 7530 3 By Post If you received this catalogue through the post, you will find an order form enclosed. 4 Website Visit Dear Friends,

Welcome to our latest A.E.B. Christmas Gift Guide.

When Moody and Sankey came to London with their gospel campaign, they won the hearts of the people. They brought with them some of the best “new” gospel songs from the USA. Two actors came on stage at one of the largest theatres in the country and attempted to mock the two evangelists. The audience voiced their displeasure and they were forced off-stage when the crowd spontaneously struck up the hymn “Hold the Fort.” Read this story, and many more, in our latest publication, Sankey: My Life and Sacred Songs; see pages 20-21. We would encourage you all to read Sankey’s story and the history of these wonderful hymns. The gospel message gives the believer a song which nothing else can give and will never be taken away. In Revelation 5, the One Who was the song of the drunkard has become the song of heaven; He endured the poverty of the cross and is ascribed “power and riches”; he endured the shame and curse of the cross and has been given “honour, and glory, and blessing.” We are very pleased to bring you our latest catalouge, only a taster of what we have available in our shop. We hope you enjoy flicking through the pages. Could we point out one or two products of special interest?

See Centre Pages

On page 13, you will see a number of books honouring the life of Billy Graham. These books are well worth reading and very interesting; remembering a gospel-filled life.

You will find a very helpful little book on page 18 for those who find it difficult to witness to others; Have No Fear by John Lennox. Have a look at Charles Swindoll’s new daily devotional, Good Morning Lord... Can We Talk?, on page 6. A beautifully presented book. Titles of the Triune God, on page 23 would make an excellent gift for any believer at any stage of life; encouraging the reader to know God more fully.

We would like once again to thank you for all your support during another year and wish you every blessing for Christmas and the coming year. Yours on behalf of the A.E.B. team, Ricky McCoubrey.

Ards Evangelical Bookshop

Crimond House, 48 Frances Street, Newtownards, Co. Down, BT23 7DN T: 028 9181 7530 • W: • E:

New & Bestselling Marion Reid Trilogy

A Devotional journey through these key Old Testament books. “What I would like you to see for yourself are ‘ordinary’ people living in ‘ordinary’ circumstances whose lives are touched by our ‘extraordinary God.’” - Marion. Ruth & Naomi’s House of Bread

618092 | £8.99

Esther & Mordecai’s House of Redemption

618122 | £8.99

Ezra & Nehemiah’s House of Prayer

618139 | £8.99 Robert Murray McCheyne

The Masterpiece

101487 | £8.99

An unepected and redemptive love story from a powerful storyteller. From the author of Redeeming Love.

The Believer’s Joy A beautiful little hardback compilation of some of McCheyne’s sweetest sermons. A Basket of Fragments a collection of bite–size sermons. Due December.

Francine Rivers

430601 | £13.99

102699 | £12.99

A Journey through the Bible Denis Lyle These volumes were the result of a series of studies conducted in Lurgan Baptist Church. Each book of the bible is given an overview and introduction. Genesis to Esther 734552 | £10.99 Job to Malachi 522378 | £11.99

Buy both for £20.00

From Earth to Glory Denis Lyle

Comforting thoughts from Psalm 23, with the author considering the psalm as a description of the journey of the Christian through life.

734484 | £8.99

New from Timothy Keller

THE PRODIGAL PROPHET These titles are now in paperback:

Jonah and the mystery of God’s mercy. Hardcover.

690509 | £12.99


Making Sense of God An invitation to the sceptical.

750218 | £9.99

My Rock My Refuge

A year of daily devotions in the Psalms.

614253 | £9.99 | 028 9181 7530

Hidden Christmas

The surprising truth behind the birth of Christ

642591 | £9.99

New T itles Unshakable Hope

Praying the Promises

What is shaking in your world? Possibly your future, faith, family, or finances? It’s a shaky world out there. Max Lucado offers guidance for overcoming sadness and despair, renewing your purpose, and triumphantly facing the fears of the future.

God invites His people to read and know His Word and to engage in conversation with Him. This unique gift book offers both promises and prayers to encourage readers as they engage with the Unshakable Hope content. It contains 30 new prayers written by the Lucados.

Creating a Beautiful Life Elizabeth George

When it Feels Like the Sky is Falling

Elizabeth has put together proven guidelines for making the best possible choices when it comes to: starting the day right, eliminating timewasters and negative thoughts and attitudes, paying attention to food and fitness for more energy and better health, and much more.

H. Norman Wright

Norman has helped individuals cope in the wake of 9/11, mass shootings, and other traumatic events. In this book, he offers compassionate guidance on facing—and growing from—the circumstances you fear most.

Scotland Ablaze

A Life Beyond Amazing

Following on from Glory in the Glen and Land of Many Revivals, this concludes Tom compelling trilogy on Scottish revival movements. Lennie focuses on the inspiring period from 1858–79 in which much of Scotland was evangelically awakened, affecting every Scottish county.

God has given us wisdom for these days. A Life Beyond Amazing answers the questions that keep us up at night and shows that the way forward is a reminder of who we are in Christ and why it matters.



In this updated and expanded edition, first published twenty-five years ago, Joni explores our deepest questions about eternity, reminding us that even in our pain we can look toward heaven to be joyfully captivating, utterly desirable, and worth living for every day.

We live in a time of deep uncertainty. And yet, the Bible promises we were created to enjoy lives of freedom, even in times when the world around us seems filled with darkness. We were created to be overcomers, conquering the greatest obstacles in our lives.

Max Lucado

Max Lucado

074227 | £11.99

967587 | £11.99 Tom Lennie

315291 | £13.99

974844 | £11.99 Dr. David Jeremiah

221449 | £13.99

102675 | £14.99

Joni Eareckson Tada

Dr. David Jeremiah

353058 | £13.99

224327 | £13.99


Sankey: My Life and Sacred Songs


ry cto





See centre pages | 028 9181 7530



• The story of Moody & Sankey • The stories behind your favourite hymns • Encouragement for the downcast • Anecdotes for the preacher


New & Bestselling Good Morning Lord... Can We Talk?

Cover to Cover Clark Logan

Charles R. Swindoll

Cover to Cover has been written to encourage Christians to view the Bible and its message as a whole, and to think more broadly about its themes. It also seeks to stimulate interest in reading through the complete Bible every year.

522392 | £9.99

Filled with daily insights from Chuck Swindoll, this year of Scripture meditations will give you a glimpse of the living power of God in your own life--and connect you to the restorative promises God speaks in His Scriptures. Deluxe imitation leather.

Knowing God the Trilogy

Earth’s Last Empire

The classic books on Knowing Jesus, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament. Wright’s thoughtful and engaging exposition of multiple biblical texts invites us to encounter the Trinity not just as a doctrine we affirm but as persons we can know.

In this fresh look at biblical prophecy, Hagee reveals the identities of four powerful rulers; declares why he believes the world stands at the brink of World War III and Armageddon; and he assures readers that God is still on His throne.

Finding God When the World’s on Fire

When Christ Appears

380681 | £19.99

Christopher J.H. Wright

John Hagee

972952 | £13.99

688968 | £19.99

Dr. David Jeremiah

Charles R. Swindoll

This book brings a clarity to one of the most misunderstood books of the Bible: the book of Revelation. 60 short chapters, covering the entire book.

Swindoll points us to the great Scriptures and eternal truths that calm every fear. He encourages every heart to face whatever comes next. These words of faith and hope promise us strength and insight for difficult and even dangerous days.

955266 | £17.99

958113 | £12.99

India to Ethiopia: A 50 Year Journey

The End

Mark Hitchcock

Robert Revie

This book will provide a solid biblical foundation for Christians to explore the essential truths around this topic - the end of the world.

A record some of the many experiences of Robert and his late wife Sheena over 50 years in Ethiopia and also in Scotland. It was seen as a real privilege to serve God in the country that received the Gospel initially by the Ethiopian eunuch.

430298 | £13.99

513958 | £6.99

Dr. James Dobson Here’s sensible advice and caring encouragement on raising children. With so much confusion about the role of men and women in our society, it’s no wonder so many parents and teachers are asking questions about how to bring up their children. Why are so many boys and girls in crisis? What qualities should we be trying to instill in our children? Bringing up Boys Bringing up Girls


391335 | £12.99 391328 | £12.99

New T itles Christ’s Call to Reform the Church

High King of Heaven John MacArthur, editor

A series of reflections on Christology, one of the church’s central doctrines. It contains essays from over twenty well-known pastors and theologians, including John MacArthur, Mark Dever, Albert Mohler, Miguel Nuñez, and Ligon Duncan.

John MacArthur

418098 | £28.99

Based on an exposition of the letters to the Seven Churches, this book is a plea to the modern church to heed these divine warnings, to reform before it succumbs to the kinds of compromise and error that invite God’s judgment.

The Quotable Tozer

The Church in Babylon

A.W. Tozer’s fans stretch across the world, and his message continues to resonate with today’s Christians. Whether you’re already a fan or looking for an introduction to his writing, this is a great way to explore his thoughts and insights.

How do we live faithfully in a country becoming more and more hostile to our faith in Christ? Like the Israelites in Babylon, we must find a way to maintain our faith in the midst of a pagan culture.

An All-Round Ministry

C.H. Spurgeon’s Forgotten Public Lectures

415707 | £13.99

A.W. Tozer

Erwin W. Lutzer

230974 | £14.99

C.H. Spurgeon

One of Spurgeon’s most significant ministries was to the preachers who were trained in his Pastors’ College. In 1865 he began a Conference for these men at which he customarily delivered a presidential address. The most outstanding of these were reprinted after his death in this book.

717954 | £14.00



413086 | £12.99

The purpose of this volume is to reintroduce eleven forgotten early articles, four otherwise unpublished early sermons and fifteen more public lectures, the latter of which appear to be extremely rare in their original editions and have largely been forgotten except for their titles.

256202 | £25.00


An Amish Heirloom An Amish From bestselling authors Homecoming

Amish Celebrations An Amish Family

351887 | £13.99

118738 | £13.99

in the Amish genre, four novellas about the meaning and tradition found behind every family heirloom.

Beth Wiseman Four brand new Amish Enjoy four celebratory novellas featuring Amish novellas centred stories of homecoming. around a birthday, a baptism, a wedding, and 218487 | £13.99 the Christmas season.

Kathleen Fuller A heartwarming quartet! Building Trust, A Heart Full of Love, Surprised by Love, and A Gift for Anne Marie.

351887 | £10.99

Room on the Porch Swing

Amy Clipston Amy returns to Lancaster County in her Amish Homestead series book 2.

349075 | £13.99

F iction New Amish Fiction from from Beverly Lewis The Road Home

As the sun began to rise, Lena Rose leaned against the cool pane of the bus window and gazed out at the familiar landscape of her life. I’m leaving my family and everything I know behind.

219672 | £9.99 The First Love

Jah, that was undeniably a difficult time, one that opened my eyes in countless ways. And my heart, most of all. It was a season of sorrow and searching, of questions and answers. 219689 | £9.99 Due December

Under Northern Skies Series Lauraine Snelling

A Compelling New Saga, One Family Strives to Make Their Own Future. Opportunities are scarce in Norway, so Rune and Signe Carlson head to Minnesota, on the promise of their own, something they could never afford in Norway. 1 The Promise of Dawn 218965 | £9.99 2 A Breath of Hope 218972 | £9.99 3 A Season of Grace 218989 | £9.99 December

The Hope Jar

The Hawaiian Discovery

Michelle is not who her new Amish family believes her to be, but how can she tell the truth without hurting the ones she has come to love? Book 1 in a new Amish series, Prayer Jars.

Follow Ellen to Hawaii where she has a chance encounter which leads to a heartfelt discovery and pursues her back to the mainland. Includes a recipe and discussion questions. Amish Fiction, standalone novel.

Wanda E. Brunstetter

167478 | £13.99

Wanda E. Brunstetter

224471 | £10.99

Baxter Family Drama from

new title

KAREN KINGSBURY recent bestsellers

In this Moment Love Story A Baxter Family Christmas To the Moon and Back


687620 | £16.99 687606 | £10.99 687576 | £9.99 PB 687569 | £16.99 HB 687651 | £16.99

When We Were Young 170010 | £16.99 | 028 9181 7530

Montana Rescue Series

F iction

Susan May Warren

“My friend Susie writes fabulous books everyone can enjoy. God delights in restoring His people and putting families back together.” - Dee Henderson 1 Wild Montana Skies 2 Rescue Me 3 Matter of Trust 4 Troubled Waters 5 Storm Front 6 Wait for Me

727437 | £9.99 727444 | £9.99 727451 | £9.99 727468 | £9.99 727475 | £9.99 727482 | £9.99 December

Golden Gate Secrets Series Tracie Petrson

A riveting new series, set in San Francisco in the early 1900s. Camri Coulter’s search for her missing brother, Caleb, leads her deep into the political corruption of the city. From the author of the Heart of the Frontier series. 1 In Places Hidden 218996 | £9.99 2 In Dreams Forgotten 219009 | £9.99 3 In Times Gone By 219016 | £9.99 December

Legacy of Mercy

A Christmas by the Sea

Having returned to Chicago, young socialite Anna Nicholson can’t seem to focus on her upcoming marriage. The new information she’s learned about her birth mother continues to pull at her, and she hires Pinkerton detectives to help her discover the whole truth. A sequel to Waves of Mercy. 217630 | £9.99 December

When a widow and her teenage son inherit a shabby but charming beach house in Maine, they move in with very different hopes. Can the Christmas season bring them the miracle they need?

Dangerous Illusions

A Daring Venture

New detective series, Code of Honor. Capture your imagination with a mind-bending story that will have you doubling back to retrace your steps-and figure out what you missed!

As a biochemist in 1908, Rosalind has dedicated her life to the crusade against waterborne diseases. She is at the forefront of a groundbreaking technology that will change the way water is delivered to every household in the New York–but only if she can get people to believe in her work.

Lynn Austin

Irene Hannon

727673 | £9.99 Book 2: Hidden Peril 727697 | £9.99 December

Melody Carlson

722715 | £12.99

Elizabeth Camden

218828 | £9.99 Nantucket Legacy Series Suzanne Woods Fisher

A young Quaker woman has everything she wants until a secret in her great grandmother’s journal threatens her future as a Nantucket captain’s wife. 1 Phoebe’s Light 721626 | £9.99 2 Minding the Light 721633 | £9.99 3 The Light Before Day 721640 | £9.99 December | 028 9181 7530


Biography Susie: The Life and Legacy of Susanna Spurgeon Ray Rhodes Jr.

For the first time, Susie brings this vibrant woman’s story to modern readers. Ray examines Susannah’s life, showing that she was not only the wife of London’s most famous preacher, but also a woman who gave all she had in grateful service to the Lord.

418340 | £16.99

Trailblazers & Truimphs of the Gospel Bert Cargill & James Brown

Names included are: William Carey, Henry Martin, Adoniram Judson, Robert Moffat, Frederick W Baedeker, Lilias Trotter, Anthony Norris Groves, Robert Morrison, Robert Moffat, Jock Troup, Ira D Sankey and many more.

522408 | £10.99

John Newton: Through Many Dangers Brian Edwards

In this new and fully illustrated edition, the life of John Newton is seen against the colourful and cruel backcloth of the eighteenth-century.

256103 | £12.00

Becoming Mrs. Lewis Simona Gorton

The love story of C.S. Lewis and his wife was improbable--and seemingly impossible. Their story led to some of Lewis’ greatest works, yet Joy is most commonly known for how she died. “Becoming Mrs. Lewis” allows readers to see this brilliant and passionate woman.

224501| £19.99 Jungle Pilot Russell T. Hitt

This is edge-of-your-seat reading, a story about the adventure-filled life of aviator and missionary Nate Saint who was martyred in the jungles of Ecuador in the mid 1950s. An inspirational example of how one life challenged an entire generation of Christians. Includes photos.

075930 | £13.99

21 Servants of Sovereign Joy John Piper

A beautifully-bound collection of Piper’s biographies of such figures as George Whitefield, Martin Luther, C.S Lewis, Charles Spurgeon, David, Brainerd, George Muller, William Cowper, and more. Cloth-bound gift edition.

562525 | £18.99 Once Upon a Farm Rory Feek

A raw and vulnerable look deeper into Rory’s heart, Once Upon a Farm is filled with powerful stories of love, life, and hope and the insights that one extraordinary, ordinary man in bib overalls has gleaned along the way.

216728 | £19.99

The Fifth Pillar: A Spiritual Pilgrimage Noel Davidson and David Zeidan

Marvel at the story of Nabil, an educated young Muslim who discovered Christ and had to leave his native Syria. Read how God always provided for them even at the point of dispair, and of their present work in taking the gospel to the Muslim world.

Eighteenth Century Christian Leaders J.C. Ryle

Ryle more than recounts lives such as those of George Whitefield, Henry Venn, William Grimshaw and Daniel Rowland and others: he applies the lessons from their stories and appeals for a return to the faith and dedication of these excellent men.

972210 | £7.99

From Glasgow to Garanganze Ian Burness

Inspired by his contact with David Livingstone, Arnot left Glasgow in 1881, heading for the heart of Central Africa where he penetrated areas where no missionaries had been before.

098321 | £11.99

206362 | £9.99

10 | 028 9181 7530

Biography Beyond the Cutting Edge

12 Faithful Men

A journey of grief, grace and healing. Averil tells the moving story of her husband Paul, a consultant general surgeon and his brave fight with terminal cancer. She also tells of the years since and of the Lord and His grace which is sufficient for every situation.

Profiling men such as the apostle Paul, John Calvin, Charles Spurgeon, John Bunyan, Wang Ming-Dao, and others, these compelling stories show that suffering in the context of ministry is expected--and never wasted.

Averil Neilly with Victor Maxwell

751057 | £8.99

Edited by Collin Hansen & Jeff Robinson

077760 | £10.99

Through My Father’s Eyes Franklin Graham

Many have written about Billy Graham, the evangelist. This is the first book about Billy Graham, the father, written from the perspective of a son who knew him best. As a beloved evangelist and a respected man of God, Billy Graham’s stated purpose in life never wavered: to help people find a personal relationship with God through a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Yet Billy pursued his life’s work, as many men do, amid a similarly significant calling to be a loving husband and father.

021801 | £10.99

Wurmbrand : Tortured for Christ Voice of the Martyrs

This biography explores the inspiring lives of Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, telling the complete story in one volume for the first time!

The Final Race Eric T. Eichinger

The incredible World War 2 story of Eric Liddell, the Olympic champion who inspired Chariots of Fire.

432452 | £12.99

775712 | £9.99

50 People Every Christian Should Know Warren W. Wiersbe

Combining the stories of fifty of these faithful men and women, beloved author Warren W. Wiersbe offers you insight and encouragement for life’s uncertain journey.

071942 | £12.99

God and Churchill Jonathan Sandys

The first biography of Churchill to focus on the Christian motivation behind his style of leadership, his inspiring speeches and his eventual success in preventing the collapse of Christian civilization in Europe.

075393 | £9.99

A Chance to Die

Better Than We Dreamed

A vibrant portrayal of Amy Carmichael, an Irish missionary and writer who spent fifty–three years in south India without furlough. Amy’s life of obedience and courage stands as a model for all who claim the name of Christ.

The life of Elaine Townsend, wife of Cameron. Both encouraging and challenging, this thorough biography leads the reader to rightly recognise Elaine Townsend as one of the great Christian women of the 20th century – a demonstration of what God can do with a willing heart. 102668 | £9.99 Due December

Elisabeth Elliot

587850 | £9.99

Simona Gorton | 028 9181 7530


New & Bestselling Word Study Series

TThe text of Scripture comes alive, as you are able to research important information about each Greek/Hebrew word within each volume. Compiled by Spiros Zodhiates and coded to Strong’s concordance, these word study tools are invaluable for the Bible student. Complete Word Study Old Testament Complete Word Study Dictionary Old Testament Complete Word Study New Testament Complete Word Study Dictionary New Testament Annotated Strong’s Dictionaries

576657 | £36.99 576671 | £36.99 576510 | £32.99 576633 | £36.99 577104 | £24.99

The Pilgrim’s Progress

Steal Away Home: Charles Spurgeon and Thomas Johnson, Unlikely Friends on the Passage to Freedom

John Bunyan

A beauituful cloth-bound issue of this timeless work. This re-typeset edition of Pilgrim’s Progress is based on the edition published by John C. Nimmo in 1895. It includes marginal notes and Scripture references, together with the fine etchings by William Strang.

Matt Carter & Aaron Ivey

“A compelling story. I really enjoyed Steal Away Home.” - Randy Alcorn

690655 | £16.99

717466 | £13.50

C lothbound C lassics Thoughts for Sundays Handley C.G. Moule 572161 | £16.99 Devotional Hours with the Bible J.R. Miller 572192 | £19.99 Knowing the Scriptures A.T. Pierson 572031 | £16.99 Men & Women of the Old Testament C.H. Spurgeon 572178 | £16.99 Don Stephens has collected moving stories from the Second World War that will enthral and move his readers. These stories combine to remind readers dramatically that our God is able to use even the dire circumstances for His glory. The bestselling War and Grace has been reprinted and War and Faith is a brand new collection of stories. “Don has the gift of telling a story in a way which grips the reader, and yet he is not guilty of writing in a sensational manner, nor does he fail to remind his reader that war is always a terrible event, and that the God of the Bible remains sovereign.” - Brigadier Ian Dobbie OBE

War and Grace War and Faith Coming March 2019

345948 | £9.99 971503 | £6.99


Many know the heroic story of Jim Elliot, killed in 1956 along with four other missionaries by a primitive Ecuadorian tribe they were seeking to reach with the gospel. Many also know the prolific legacy of Elisabeth Elliot, whose inspiring influence on generations of believers through print, broadcast, and personal testimony continues to resonate, even after her own death in 2015. Now, for the first time, their only child—daughter Valerie Elliot Shepard—unseals never-beforepublished letters and private journals that capture in first-person intimacy the attraction, struggle, drama, and devotion that became a most unlikely love story.

651564 | £16.99 Pre-Order today

12 | 028 9181 7530

Daily Reading Remembering Billy Graham

Journey with Me Catherine Campbell

and Devotional Fixing My Eyes on Jesus Anne Graham Lotz


Using an eclectic mix of readings, In Fixing My Eyes on Jesus, from character cameos and anecdotes, bestselling author and trusted Catherine takes us across new terrain Bible teacher Anne Graham Lotz, every day. As with life, some paths will you’ll enjoy a 365-day devotional be smooth and scenic, while others are Scripture reading A Prophet with Honour: The Billyand Graham Storywith each steep and stony. The journey may be day focused on Jesus. The beautiful William Martin unpredictable, but the map is trustworthy package includes large type for ease Thepresent. most authoritative and comprehensive biography and the Guide always of reading.of Billy Graham. Tracing Graham’s life and ministry from his rural and religious in North Carolina to his 597260 | £12.99 451891roots | £18.99 place as the elder statesman of American evangelicalism, examining both his triumphs and his tribulations, of the man who has become Jesus: Our Perfect Hope Martin shows the multidimensional character Ever Faithful Charles Stanley one of the most admired persons in the world. David Jeremiah 353300 | Hardcover Jesus Christ is the one true source of | £24.99 £19.99 With Dr. David Jeremiah, experience hope that never fails, and these daily

how a clearer understanding of

Peace with God God’s nature and love for you can

The Billywill Graham devotions help youStory seek Jesus

Billyimpact Grahamyour faith. Ever Faithful, a invites you into Billy365-day Grahamdevotional, shares God’s gentle, an intimate, daily with reassuring promise of relationship spiritual calm the God who knowspeace you, loves you, - of authentic personal - amidst and haslife a plan for your a personal wracked withlife. too much

firstPollock and realize the joy and peace John ofupdated resting in Him. This year-long An account of the inspiring devotional offers a new perspective and influential life of Dr. Billy Graham on life and will instil you with from a master biographer; basedhope. on his private|files, correspondence, and 098865 £18.99 interviews, as well as the author’s widespread research.

088811 | £16.99 stress, too many burdens, too great a heartache. Billy’s first ever book, first A Year with Andrew White published in 1953. 52 readings, each with a scripture 088125 | £14.99 passage and prayer, from one of our most loved and respected Christian Just As I Am leaders and speakers. Each reading Billy contains Graham a story, often startling and arresting, from Andrew’s Billy’s own autobiography. With downastonishingly eventful ministry, to-earth warmth and candor, Graham with tells blended the stories of his thereflections events andon life and faith. encounters that helped shape his life. He shares his own spiritual journey as he 079490 | £14.99 movingly reflects on his personal life and relationships. A Year With Bible Prophecy

Redeemed 251262 | £11.99 Will Graham

This Devotional book from Will,

Hear My Heart grandson of Billy Graham, includes

devotions that lead a longing soul Hear My Heart also presents stirring to understand God’s of from tributes about Billy andmessage his legacy lovewho andknew redemption. devotion those him bestEach - including includesofstories centring on the members his family, his friends, life-changing power a relationship and his co-labourers inof ministry with God. a special afterword by and features 210107 | £13.99 Rick Warren about Graham’s lasting influence in his life.

Our Daily Bread Devotional 781174 | £9.99 Collection

Real-life stories from trusted authors, each story paired with an inspirational thought and scripture ancy reference—all combined in a stylish, compact package to inspire you each new day. Soft-tone.

Encouragement from N Purple 078504 | £15.99 Brown 078498 | £15.99

171062 | £14.99 Donald C. B. Cameron

Throughout the year prophecies are covered in both the Old Testament New Testament. Some were oss and olgemuth fulfilled almost immediately and others which are waiting for thousands of years.


522415 | £10.99

A Light for Your Way

The Gospel According to Paul

Victor Maxwell

These daily readings alternate between meditations on God’s Word and reflections from God’s work; what God says to our hearts and how He works in our lives.

Lies Young Women Lies Women Believe Believe Exposing over 40 751729 | £12.99 destructive falsehoods.

418463 | £13.99

Nancy and Dannah expose 25 of the lies most commonly believed.


John MacArthur

The first biography of Churchill to focus on the Christian motivation behind his style of leadership, his inspiring speeches and his eventual success in preventing the collapse of Lies Men Believe Christian Adorned civilization in Europe. Written by Nancy’s Living out the beauty of 092870 | £10.99 husband, Robert. the gospel together.

418470 | £13.99

415288 | £12.99 | 028 9181 7530

412591 | £16.99


2019 Calendars Way of Life Gospel Calendar • Quality A4 gospel calendar • Attractive scenes with clear, gospel texts • Individual price 50p • Bulk rate: 50+ 35p 100+ 30p 200+ 23p* * Postage will be charged on orders of 200 or more

Kids will love this calendar!

It’s full of lovely animal photos and Bible verses for every month. Includes puzzles and a short story. • Size: 210 x 148.5mm (A5)

Price 75p. Spec e For 40 or mor


ial bulk rate 45

Choice Gleanings Devotional Calendar 2019

The Choice Gleanings Devotional Calendar has been a favourite for many years. Each page contains a Scripture text and a devotion for every day. 627038 | £9.99 Wall Tear-off Desk Spiral 627021 | £9.99

His Word For Our Way 2019 Northern Ireland Calendar

Double page (2 X A4) calendar with stunning N.I. photography and A.V. Scripture texts. An ideal gift. Comes with an envelope for posting.


Gospel Wallet Calendar 2019

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Of the half-dozen or so leading streams from which we receive so many of our beloved hymns, perhaps the most interesting and treasured is the source of well-known hymns which were made famous by the campaigns of Moody and Sankey. In Psalm 40, the Psalmist says, “He hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the LORD.” In Acts 16, Paul and Silas are singing and we are told “the prisoners heard them.” It has ever been a feature of Christian testimony that the preaching of the gospel has been accompanied by song to the blessing of the audience. Many of the most famous preachers of the last century had their singer to accompany the preaching. R.A. Torrey had Charles Alexander, Billy Sunday had Homer Rodeheaver, and, most famous of all, Billy Graham had George Beverly Shea and Cliff Barrows. Ira Sankey may have been the most influential of them all. A keen student of hymnology, he was always on the look-out for new songs and it was through him that many of the hymns which we treasure today were made well known. In this book, Sankey gives his own life story, and then goes on to tell the background of many of these hymns and how they have been used by God. These hymns, mostly from American and British writers, have become so familiar to us and we trust that learning of their origins will deepen our appreciation for them. On these pages there will be encouragement for the downcast, light for the sinner, material for the preacher and a note of song for the heart of every believer. We have republished this book, and commend it to you, so that the stories of these hymns may be preserved. Our prayer is that you will find encouragement in reading this book, and you will gain a fresh appreciation of our heritage of hymns. Believers in the Lord Jesus should be a singing people and these “old-time” hymns have a timeless value. We trust that their use among us may be long preserved.

Ricky McCoubrey November, 2018.





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Charles Spurgeon has been called the “Prince of Preachers.” He preached to over 10 million people in his lifetime, and his written sermons have impacted millions more since 1866. The KJV Spurgeon Study Bible features thousands of excerpts from Spurgeon’s sermons, and edited by Alistair Begg in order to bring richness of the Prince of The Gospelchosen According to Paul Thethe Gospel According to Paul Preachers’ insights into your daily study of God’s Word. The Spurgeon Study Bible is now in the classic King James John MacArthur John MacArthur (Authorised Version). It is also available in the highly reliable, highly readable text of the Christian Standard Bible (see The first biography of Churchill to The first biography of Churchill to above). focus on the Christian motivation focus on the Christian motivation • Study notes crafted fromhis Spurgeon’s sermons his behind style of leadership, behind his style of leadership, his speeches andon histhe eventual inspiring • Extracted sermoninspiring illustrations placed same page as the associated biblical text speeches and his eventual in preventing the collapse of success in preventing the collapse of • Sermon notes andsuccess outlines in Spurgeon’s own handwriting Christian civilization in Europe. Christian civilization in Europe. Now in the King • “Spurgeon Quotables” inserted throughout each Bible book 092870 | £10.99 092870 | £10.99 • Book introductions with book overviews in Spurgeon’s own words James Version • Centre-column cross-references | 028 9181 7530


New T itles The Gospel According to Paul

The Gospel According to Paul

The first biography of Churchill to focus on the Christian motivation behind his style of leadership, his inspiring speeches and his eventual success in preventing the collapse of Christian civilization in Europe.

The first biography of Churchill to focus on the Christian motivation behind his style of leadership, his inspiring speeches and his eventual success in preventing the collapse of Christian civilization in Europe.

The Gospel According to Paul

The Gospel According to Paul

The first biography of Churchill to focus on the Christian motivation behind his style of leadership, his inspiring speeches and his eventual success in preventing the collapse of Christian civilization in Europe.

The first biography of Churchill to focus on the Christian motivation behind his style of leadership, his inspiring speeches and his eventual success in preventing the collapse of Christian civilization in Europe.

The Gospel According to Paul

The Gospel According to Paul

The first biography of Churchill to focus on the Christian motivation behind his style of leadership, his inspiring speeches and his eventual success in preventing the collapse of Christian civilization in Europe.

The first biography of Churchill to focus on the Christian motivation behind his style of leadership, his inspiring speeches and his eventual success in preventing the collapse of Christian civilization in Europe.

The Gospel According to Paul

The Gospel According to Paul

The first biography of Churchill to focus on the Christian motivation behind his style of leadership, his inspiring speeches and his eventual success in preventing the collapse of Christian civilization in Europe.

The first biography of Churchill to focus on the Christian motivation behind his style of leadership, his inspiring speeches and his eventual success in preventing the collapse of Christian civilization in Europe.

The Gospel According to Paul

The Gospel According to Paul

The first biography of Churchill to focus on the Christian motivation behind his style of leadership, his inspiring speeches and his eventual success in preventing the collapse of Christian civilization in Europe.

The first biography of Churchill to focus on the Christian motivation behind his style of leadership, his inspiring speeches and his eventual success in preventing the collapse of Christian civilization in Europe.

John MacArthur

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John MacArthur

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John MacArthur

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John MacArthur

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John MacArthur

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John MacArthur

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John MacArthur

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Kids & Youth The Gospel According to Paul

The Gospel According to Paul

The first biography of Churchill to focus on the Christian motivation behind his style of leadership, his inspiring speeches and his eventual success in preventing the collapse of Christian civilization in Europe.

The first biography of Churchill to focus on the Christian motivation behind his style of leadership, his inspiring speeches and his eventual success in preventing the collapse of Christian civilization in Europe.

The Gospel According to Paul

The Gospel According to Paul

The first biography of Churchill to focus on the Christian motivation behind his style of leadership, his inspiring speeches and his eventual success in preventing the collapse of Christian civilization in Europe.

The first biography of Churchill to focus on the Christian motivation behind his style of leadership, his inspiring speeches and his eventual success in preventing the collapse of Christian civilization in Europe.

The Gospel According to Paul

The Gospel According to Paul

The first biography of Churchill to focus on the Christian motivation behind his style of leadership, his inspiring speeches and his eventual success in preventing the collapse of Christian civilization in Europe.

The first biography of Churchill to focus on the Christian motivation behind his style of leadership, his inspiring speeches and his eventual success in preventing the collapse of Christian civilization in Europe.

The Gospel According to Paul

The Gospel According to Paul

The first biography of Churchill to focus on the Christian motivation behind his style of leadership, his inspiring speeches and his eventual success in preventing the collapse of Christian civilization in Europe.

The first biography of Churchill to focus on the Christian motivation behind his style of leadership, his inspiring speeches and his eventual success in preventing the collapse of Christian civilization in Europe.

The Gospel According to Paul

The Gospel According to Paul

The first biography of Churchill to focus on the Christian motivation behind his style of leadership, his inspiring speeches and his eventual success in preventing the collapse of Christian civilization in Europe.

The first biography of Churchill to focus on the Christian motivation behind his style of leadership, his inspiring speeches and his eventual success in preventing the collapse of Christian civilization in Europe.

John MacArthur

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John MacArthur

092870 | £10.99

John MacArthur

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John MacArthur

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John MacArthur

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John MacArthur

092870 | £10.99

John MacArthur

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John MacArthur

092870 | £10.99

John MacArthur

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John MacArthur

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Kids & Youth Tanglewoods’ Secret DVD

Ruth and her brother Philip stay with their overly strict aunt while their parents are overseas. Ruth runs away and learns about the Good Shepherd and His love for lost sheep just like her. This delightful film will challenge people of all ages to reflect upon life and its ultimate meaning.

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Patricia St. John DVDs Family Hymn Sing is the third in the Getty Kids Hymnal series which exists to help children learn the Christian faith through singing. Songs: All Creatures Of Our God And King, Crown Him With Many Crowns, This Is My Father’s World, Power In The Blood, His Mercy Is More, Jesus Paid It All, O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing, He Will Hold Me Fast, In Christ Alone / I Stand Amazed, How Great Thou Art, Be Thou My Vision, What Wondrous Love Is This

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With 30 tracks including top Carols and Christmas songs, this bumper collection will be enjoyed by children of all ages, and everyone who is young at heart!

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Children’s Books from

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Little Pilgrim’s Progress Simplfied for kids ages 6 to 12.

447999 | £8.99 | 028 9181 7530


Kids & Youth Christianity: Is it True?

David J. Randall

Here are twelve real–life heroes whose stories demonstrate the truth and relevance of the Christian faith. Their stories give answers to three questions many ask about Christianity: Is it true? Does it work? Is it worth it? The lives of Columba of Iona, John Knox, John Bunyan, William Wilberforce, David Livingstone, Fanny Crosby, Mary Slessor, Corrie ten Boom, CS Lewis, Eric Liddell, Jim Elliot and Joni Eareckson Tada can inspire us because they did great things through faith. Ages 9-14.

102361 | £6.99

Torchlighters: Heroes of the Faith Dvds

Cul-de-Sac Kids Collection

Blossom Hill Lane is the best neighbourhood ever-mostly because of the kids who live there, and the fun they share. Join Abby, Jason, Dunkum, Stacy, and their friends as they learn the value of friendship and faith. Ages 6+

Collection 1 (1-6) Collection 2 (7-12) Collection 3 (13-18) Collection 4 (19-24)

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Torchlighters is a series of animated programs for youth ages 8-12, presenting the lives of true-life heroes from Christian history. £12.99 each

Titles available: Adoniram & Ann Judson • Amy Carmichael • Augustine • Corrie Ten Boom • Eric Liddell • Gladys Aylward • Harriet Tubman • Jim Elliot • John Bunyan • John Wesley • Martin Luther •Perpetua •Richard Wurmbrand • Samuel Morris • William Booth • William Tyndale

Summerhill Secrets

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Elizabeth Elliot: Do the Next Thing 101616 | £5.99

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Recommended for ages 9-14 34

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DVD Hudson Taylor Book and DVD

In this telling of the life story of James Hudson Taylor and the China Inland Mission, the power of the living God and the possibilities of the Christian life is demonstrated. An ordinary man, Hudson Taylor, was called at a young age to an extraordinary task: to take the message of God’s love to the people of China. A calling, which he willingly accepted with abundant joy and first sailed to China when he was just 21 years old. A life of service in China required incredible strength and resolve and was not without personal tragedy but Hudson Taylor’s legacy continues today. Called by God into the Heart of the Dragon Book 590637 | £12.99 Into the Heart of the Dragon Documentary DVD 001701 | £14.99

Adoniram & Ann Judson: Spent for God

I Can Only Imagine

This dvd tells the story of how Bart Millard wrote the song of the same name, that has brought ultimate hope to so many ... often in the midst of life’s most challenging moments. It is a gripping reminder of the power of forgiveness.

Adoniram and Ann Judson were American missionaries who sacrificed enormously to bring the gospel to the people of Burma. As the first missionaries sent abroad from the United States, Adoniram and Ann served in Burma (present day Myanmar) for decades.

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Bestselling DVDs


Her life story

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Do You Believe 818215 | £12.99

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Music & DVD The Love of God William McCrea

You Are My Hiding Place The Maranatha Singers

This 3 CD boxed set features 50 of the most popular songs from Maranatha! Music’s classic Praise Series.

3 CD | 195921 | £12.99


A Festival of Christmas

A beautiful collection of hymns and seasonal carols performed by All Souls Orchestra. A Prom Praise celebration

CD | 717523 | £12.99

Brand new cd from William McCrea. Once again recorded in the USA at Son Sound Studios, this album brings together a great mix of old time gospel songs as well as some more recent ones. This album is definitely one to sit back, relax and enjoy some wonderful songs of Zion by one of Northern Ireland’s best gospel singers.

CD | 716189 | £11.99

Alex Robb

Victor Hutchinson

The Meeting in the Air

Gospel Songs Amy Roberts

Graeme Hewitson

Fourteen songs giving over one hour of music, including: Because He Lives, O Holy Night, It Is Finished.

A brand new recording after many years. 12 gospel songs, including one instrumental track.

The very best of Amy’s gospel recordings from her previous albums.

A beautiful collection of calm instrumental children’s choruses played on the piano.

Special Anniversary Collection

Guy Penrod

CD | 218190 | £12.99

CD | 673634 | £12.99

CD | ARCD010 | £12.99

Gaither Vocal Band

Homecoming Favourites & Songs of Inspiration The best of Lynda, including the song God on the Mountain.

CD | 936129 | £12.99


DVD | 937195 | £14.99

The best of their music down through the years, including special guest singers.

CD | 936327 | £12.99 | 028 9181 7530

Stars to Shine

CD | 842264 | £9.99

Blessed Assurance

One of Christian music’s most acclaimed male vocalists, Guy Penrod has recorded some of the church’s most cherished hymns.

CD | 935726 | £12.99

Music & DVD Keith and Kristyn Getty release their latest CD which includes hymns and songs inspired, in part, by the book of Psalms. “North Coast Sessions,” was recorded on Northern Ireland’s stunning coastline. “Many of the songs on this CD have been inspired by the Psalms,” said Keith Getty. “The Psalms deliver such a wide range of theology and human expression, and it is critical that we, as believers, think deeply about how they shape and inform our lives, families and churches. Many of the themes are vital for the church to engage with and understand the depth of theological eloquence they deliver.” BESTSELLERS

Sing! Live CD | 712429 | £12.99

The North Coast Sessions CD | 721322 | £9.99

Favourites: Revisited by Request The Isaacs

The intricate, family harmonies perform their favourites.

CD | 939229 | £9.99


Stuart Townend Stuart’s first album for four years, and contains some of his most powerful work to date.

CD | 718223 | £12.99

Facing a Task Unfinished CD | 677926 | £12.99

In Christ Alone CD | KMCD2791 £12.99

Mercy & Love

Holy Road Chris Tomlin

Casting Crowns

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New studio album including the hit singles “Nobody Loves Me Like You” & “Resurrection Power.”

A brand-new album full of songs that deliver timely messages of hope.

Keep the Banner Flying High

Wow Hits 2019 Deluxe Edition

Bill Gaither’s Country Gospel Collection

The Singers

CD | 444800 | £12.99

Graham Kendrick

In these songs we are encouraged to take refuge in God alone.

CD | 445503 | £12.99

36 uplifting songs on 2 CDs, plus 3 bonus songs from up-and-coming artists.

CD | 890167 | £14.99

CD | 713921 | £12.99 | 028 9181 7530

Only Jesus

CD | 022125 | £12.99

This 12-song collection of country gospel classics features timeless songs and household favourites.

CD | 939922 | £9.99


Singing the Gospel through the Years with the Billy Graham Crusade Choirs

Billy Graham International Crusade Choirs 3 CD Collection 3 CDs | 000790 | £14.99

Billy Graham Crusade Choirs Hymns CD | 003012 | £10.99

Billy Graham British Crusade Choirs CD | 986126 | £10.99

The Wonder Of It All Sam Bargewell

Still singing, with his beautiful tenor voice, Sam brings you the richest of hymns and gospel songs: The Wonder of it All • I Will Pilot Thee • Lord, You Are so Precious to Me • There is a Redeemer • In the Garden (duet with Charlotte) • Crucify • O Love that Wilt Not Let me Go • All to Jesus I Surrender • Where He May Lead Me (duet with Charlotte) • O Remember • I’m in His Hands • Who at my Door is Standing? CD | USM111801 | £10.00

Come and hear Sam sing at our Christmas Shopping Open Night (see opposite page)

Yes Jesus Loves Me CD & DVD Featuring the girls from the Deborah House, Romania Filmed on location in Northern Ireland, Donegal and Romania. Featuring: Fred Greenfield, Daniel Zah, Charlotte Caughey, Little John, Heavenbound, Sam Bargewell, Mildred Rainey, Hebron Choir, Nell Hire, Annita McDonnell, Colin McFarland & Ernie Croft. Songs include: What a Day that will Be, Jesus Loves the Little Children, I Need Thee every hour, I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say.

CD | DHCD001 | £10.00 DVD | DHDVD001 | £12.99 CD/DVD Combo | DHDVD002 | £20.00

Who can add to Christmas?

The perfect motive is that God so loved the world. The perfect gift is that He gave His only Son. The only requirement is to believe in Him. The reward of faith is that you shall have everlasting life


For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. JOHN 3:16

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Ards Evangelical Bookshop


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