AEB Christmas Gift Guide 2017

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028 9181 7530

Ards Evangelical






Gift Guide 2017/2018 028 9181 7530

Ards Evangelical


Dear Friends,

of AEB! The Lord has been faithful This year we are very pleased to be celebrating fifty years over the country, even across the all friends many made have we and years these to us through world. ary of the Reformation. These Also this year, Christians are celebrating the 500th annivers blessings of the child of God the but s, blessing God’s on landmarks in time cause us to reflect “before the foundation of the transcend time itself. Three times, Scripture uses the phrase world,” taking us beyond time and before creation:


The Father’s love for the Son: 17:24 “Thou lovest Me before the foundation of the world.” John Christ: in The believer’s position s 1:4 “Chosen in Him before the foundation of the world.” Ephesian The Lamb of God foreordained: on of the world.” 1 Peter 1:20 “Christ... Who was verily foreordained before the foundati of what we have available taster a only e, We are very pleased to bring you our latest cataloug we point out one or two Could pages. the through flicking enjoy you hope We shop. in our products of special interest? by Jim and Elizabeth George. We can On page 6, you will notice a selection of books for all ages all. to books helpful heartily recommend these practical and Maxwell. Most attractive, with On page 9, there is a lovely new devotional book by Victor ion, and our bestselling item of stirring devotions. On the same page, notice our own publicat study. xalting Christ-e a Psalmns, c Messiani the in ons Meditati the year, story, Paula the Waldensian; a Notice on page 12, we have also republished an old classic read. perfect winter fireside into something of what the Lord has On this Reformation anniversary year, what better time to biographies on page 15. classic of n selectio a done throughout the generations with of Spurgeon series. These would make On page 25, don’t miss the beautifully bound Lost Sermons page 31 is most interesting. an excellent Christmas gift. Also the Spurgeon Bible on photography book; full of Finally, on page 28, take a look at the lovely coffee-table content. gospel of plenty and stimulating thoughts support down through these years, and We would like to thank everyone most sincerely for your in our anniversary celebrations. us join to welcome very now another year. You would all be year. this support Many thanks once again for all your With every blessing for Christmas and 2018. Yours on behalf of the A.E.B. team, Ricky McCoubrey.

How to Order

1 Telephone Call us on 028 9181 7530 2 By Post If you received this catalogue through the post, you will find an order form enclosed. 3 Website Visit Copyright © 2017 Ards Evangelical Bookshop. Every effort is made to ensure all the information in this catalogue is accurate, but new title information, release dates and RRPs are provided to us by the publisher and are subject to change. All goods in this catalogue are expected to be available before Christmas, unless otherwise stated.

Ards Evangelical Bookshop Crimond House, 48 Frances Street, Newtownards, Co. Down, BT23 7DN T: 028 9181 7530 • W: • E:

1967 ~ 2017

SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY WEEKEND Join us in celebrating our Golden Anniversary

Thursday 23rd - Saturday 25th November • Christmas Shopping Open Night (Thursday 6-9pm) • Discount off all purchases over the weekend • Special singers and author signings on the open night and on the Saturday (see inside back cover)

Everyone Welcome!

New T itles

New T itles Determined to Believe John C. Lennox Determined to Believe is written for those who are interested in or even troubled by questions about God’s sovereignty and human freedom and responsibility. John Lennox writes in the spirit of helping people to get to grips with the biblical treatment of this issue for themselves. In this comprehensive review of the topic of theological determinism, Lennox seeks firstly to define the problem, looking at the concepts of freedom, the different kinds of determinism, and the moral problems these pose. He then equips the reader with biblical teaching on the topic and explores the spectrum of theological opinion on it. Following this Lennox delves deeper into the Gospels and then investigates what we can learn regarding determinism and responsibility from Paul’s discussion in Romans on God’s dealings with Israel. Finally Lennox tackles the issue of Christian assurance. This nuanced and detailed study challenges some of the widely held assumptions in the area of theological determinism and brings a fresh perspective to the debate.

218728 | £12.99 The Power of Praying Through Fear Stormie Omartian As you rely on the Lord’s strength to conquer fear, you will discover the distinction between damaging fear God does not want us to have, the fear God allows us to have, and the fear God wants us to have.

965958 | £13.99

Wonders of Creation:

Design in a Fallen World Brian Edwards A beautiful, large format gift book full of illustrations and articles in relation to creation. Enjoy the panorama of a creation so beautifully detailed, ordered and complex that it would be unbelievable if it was not there in front of us.

255656 | £25.00

False Apocalypse, False Gospel, False Witnesses Donald C.B. Cameron A comprehensive study of the general theology, afterlife and end-time teachings of “Jehovah’s Witnesses.” The final chapter gives advice on how to evangelise them.

513804 | £10.99

Hope in the Midst of Shadows Hamilton Moore “Hamilton... has written this book to lift our spirits, enlighten our minds and above all encourage our hope in our Eternal Lord. He, in a very practical. helpful and biblical way, asks us to allow the Word of God to encourage and build us up in our faith.” - Pastor Val English

751736 | £9.99 A. W. TOZER (1897–1963) began his lifelong pursuit of God at the age of seventeen after hearing a street preacher in Akron, Ohio. A self-taught theologian, Tozer was a pastor, writer, and editor whose powerful use of words continues to grip the intellect and stir the soul of today’s reader. Moody publishers have reissued two paperbacks on Worship and the person of Christ, as well as a deluxe leather-wrapped hardcover book of meditations on the Trinity. This beautiful keepsake box comes in a gift box.

Worship 416032 | £11.99 Jesus 415202 | £11.99 Meditations on the Trinity 668036 | £16.99



Anxious for Nothing

The Way of Wisdom

Max Lucado Anxiety is at an all time high, but there’s a prescription for dealing with it. Max Lucado invites readers into a study of Philippians 4:6-7 where the Apostle Paul admonishes the followers of Christ, ‘Do not be anxious about anything . . .’

Timothy Keller In this devotional - consisting of all-new material - Keller offers inspiration for every day of the year, based on the book of Proverbs. Working through the entire book, Keller brings this ancient wisdom to life and shows how to apply it to the realities of our daily lives.

098940 | £10.99

647558 | £12.99

Flowers From a Puritan’s Garden C.H. Spurgeon Do you ever underline helpful passages when you are reading? This is exactly what Spurgeon used to do whilst reading Thomas Manton. To Manton’s thoughts, Spurgeon added his own and they have been gathered here, full of instruction.

717763 | £6.25

Why We (Still) Believe David J. Randall Fourteen contributors focus on several specific contemporary attacks on Christianity, showing why they ‘continue in the faith. Contributors include: John Blanchard, David Robertson and more. Chapters include Why I Believe in... Evangelism, Preaching, The Bible.

100886 | £9.99

Hope When It Hurts

Count It All Joy

Kristen Wetherall & Sarah Walton Thirty biblical meditations inviting women to see how God is caring for them, growing them, and even using them, in times of suffering. “Balm for weary hearts.” Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Helen Roseveare Looking back on a life of struggles and trials, Helen Roseveare shares her testimony of God’s dealings with her - of his all sufficiency and the response which it requires: not just acceptance, but joy in the face of hardship!

980733 | £11.99

910610 | £3.99

The Gospel According to Paul

Peace in the Face of Cancer

John MacArthur The first biography of Churchill to focus on the Christian motivation behind his style of leadership, his inspiring speeches and his eventual success in preventing the collapse of Christian civilization in Europe.

Lynn Eib In this beautiful, giftable book, Lynn shares how to live well from the moment of diagnosis through the rest of life. She weaves the story of her own experience as a long-time cancer survivor and those of others around the world into these hopefilled pages. Deluxe leather-like.

092870 | £10.99

417985 | £13.99 Parenting Paul David Tripp In this life-giving book, Paul offers parents much more than a to-do list. Instead, he presents us with a big-picture view of God’s plan for us as parents, outlining fourteen foundational principles centered on the gospel.

551932 | £19.99

C.H. Spurgeon’s Forgotten Sermons on Isaiah Nearly fifty expositions of the prophecy of Isaiah which appeared in The Sword and the Trowel between February 1905 and August 1909. The expositions are here reproduced with the desire that they should be a useful addition to Spurgeon’s larger works of consecutive teaching.

255762 | £20.00

Free postage over £10.00



New & Recent


George and

Ezra & Nehemiah’s House of Prayer Marion Reid The books of Ezra and Nehemiah will encourage, challenge and strengthen our faith and give us a renewed sense of purpose in our prayer lives. In them, we see afresh our Heavenly Father’s dealings with His people; His faithfulness, His covenant promises and His absolute sovereignty over the nations. God’s faithfulness to His covenant people, through His spoken word, would see them rejoice in His grace and favour. Their seventy year captivity had come to an end and freedom beckoned. God had remembered His promises and He had not forgotten their situation. As you read, may you be stirred in spirit, energised in vision and determined to seek the God of the Word with a new sense of purpose and resolve.


Through the Bible One Rhyme at a Time 927482 | £12.99

God’s Wisdom for Little Boys 908245 | £13.99

God’s Wisdom for Little Girls 904278 | £13.99

618139 | £8.99

Esther & Mordecai’s House of Redemption

Ruth & Naomi’s House of Bread

Marion Reid With stirring devotions, you will journey with Esther, as she, by the hand of God, saves her people. You will see how the book ends with the exaltation of Mordecai, from the outside place to the place of authority next unto the king.

Marion Reid A devotional journey through the book of Ruth. “My heart’s desire is that you would read this book with an open heart and an open Bible.” - Marion

618122 | £8.99 This Joseph Harold Paisley A brilliant commentary on the life of Joseph, This Joseph is a touching and devotional look at one of the Bible’s most beloved characters. Hardcover.

120052 | £17.99

One Minute with Women of the Bible 969710 | £13.99

A Young Woman’s Walk With God 916530 | £9.99

618092 | £8.99

Knowing God Through Prayer 970570 | £12.99

Proverbs for a Woman’s Beautiful in God’s Eyes Day 970495 | £13.99 951241 | £13.99

A Young Man’s Guide to A Woman After God’s Making Right Choices Own Heart Devotional 930253 | £9.99 959667 | £8.99

A Man After God’s Own Heart Devotional 959728 | £8.99

Jim and Elizabeth George are bestselling authors and national speakers dedicated to helping people live Christ-centred lives. Together, they have written over 100 books with more than 12 million copies sold. Their books for children and adults include the classics God’s Wisdom for Little Boys, The Bare Bones Bible Handbook and A Woman After God’s Own Heart.

The Writings of Albert McShane The reading of these pages will be refreshing to many who will have clear and keen recollection of numerous profitable messages from the lips of this servant of Christ and a challenge to a new generation of believers who did not hear him.

513415 | £10.99 The Caravanserai

Only a Prayer Meeting

I.Y. Ewan “Mr. Ewan’s poems... are skilful in their composition, spiritual in their content, and stimulating in their challenge.” Jack Hay “A real treasure and a joy to read.” Malcolm Radcliffe

C.H. Spurgeon Spurgeon considered the prayer meeting to be the heartbeat of the church. This book, just reprinted in paperback, contains studies on prayer meetings as well as prayer meeting addresses given by the author.

513828 | £9.99

505783 | £7.99

Against the Flow

True Discipleship

John C. Lennox Daniel and his friends did not simply maintain their private devotion to God; they maintained a high-profile witness in a pluralistic society antagonistic to their faith. What was it that gave Daniel and his three friends, the strength and conviction to be prepared, often at great risk, to swim against the flow?

William MacDoanld A disciple can be forgiven if he does not have great mental ability or physical prowess. But he cannot be excused if he does not have zeal. If his heart is not aflame with a red-hot passion for the Saviour, he stands condemned.

216212 | £12.99

Free postage over £10.00

521878 | £9.99


Here I Stand

Christmas A Light forGift YourIdeas Way Victor Maxwell

1517 - 2017

The Scriptures are replete with occasions when God spoke with those who took time to wait on Him. He is the speaking God who desires to speak with you. We do not expect to hear His voice in burning bushes or by a thunderous voice from heaven. However, we can meet with Him in His Word.

500th Anniversary of the Reformation Rescuing the Gospel

Melvyn Bragg A sympathetic and illuminating biography by a noted historian. Read about the man who put the Bible in the hands of the common man, in his own language.

Erwin W. Lutzer In prose that captivates as it informs, Lutzer captures the people, places, and big ideas that fuelled the Reformation. He explains its influence on the church and Western civilization, and, perhaps most importantly, why the actions of passionate believers five hundred years ago still matter today.

077137 | £12.99

075414 | £12.99

William Tyndale: A Very Brief History

We live in a pressurized world where the things that matter most are too frequently pushed aside, especially time with God. We all need time to clear the debris that clutters up our lives and make more time for Him, time to meditate on His Word. These daily readings alternate between mediations on God’s Word and reflections from God’s work; what God says to our hearts and how He works in our lives.

Martin Luther Catholic Dissient Peter Stanford “A compelling biography of one of the greatest men of the modern age. Stanford is particularly brilliant on the tensions inside Luther’s private and spiritual life. This is a very fine book, written with a flourish.’” - Melvyn Bragg

Luther and His Katie

621671 | £10.99

919675 | £6.99

Katharina & Martin Luther

The influence of Luther’s wife on his ministry This biography brings to life the touching story of the mother of the reformation.

Long Before Luther

Michelle DeRusha The radical marriage of a runaway nun and a renegade monk. “I promise that this book will hold your attention and open your eyes.” - Warren W. Wiersbe

019904 | £14.99

418029 | £11.99

Martin Luther:


Only £10.00 until 31.12.17

Dolina MacCuish

Nathan Busenitz Was the Reformation doctrine of justification by faith alone an invention or a recovery? Nathan proves that this doctrine originates in Scripture and can be found in the writings of many pre-Reformation figures.

An extract from Tyndale’s Answer to Sir Thomas More’s Dialogue. With an introduction by John Piper and an epilogue by Robert J. Sheehan. An illuminating peep into a formative period in Reformation history.

The Man Who Rediscovered God and Changed the World Eric Metaxas From the # 1 New York Times bestselling author, of Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy and Amazing Grace (William Wilberforce.)

717558 | £5.50

980019 | £25.00

Introducing Tyndale

751729 | £12.99 | 028 9181 7530

Meditations in the Messianic Psalms William McBride

This Christ-centred book on the Messianic Psalms is refreshingly heart-warming. It will gently and simply lead the English reader into these Old Testament Hebrew Texts. The author with great skill shows how quotations of the Messianic Psalms in the New Testament can consistently and contextually provide essential spiritual illumination of the Old Testament passages, even sections which seem at first remote and difficult to a casual reader. This book also shows how the divinely-inspired citations of the Messianic Psalms in the New Testament are basic to an even deeper understanding of all the major doctrines central to the Christian faith. Careful readers of this book will be astonished by the perfect harmony of the Old and New Testament passages that are considered - proof in itself of divine inspiration of Scripture. They will then be gripped by the sheer wonder, immediate relevance and power of divine revelation. All who are sincerely exercised by a need for revival and commitment in these days to “serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling” will find powerful and practical encouragement in this book.

Deluxe hardcover. 562 pages. 618108 | £19.99

The #1 bestseller in 2017 at AEB!

Free postage over £10.00


F iction

F iction The Proving

Cherished Mercy

In This Moment

Beverly Lewis This stand alone novel, written by much loved author, Beverly Lewis is sure to keep you turning the pages to see what’s next. Will running the Amish Inn be too much for a daughter who left the Amish way of life, will she be accepted back into the community and will she be successful and keep her mother’s legacy alive?

Tracie Peterson The concluding book in the three book series, The Heart of the Frontier. Mercy has grown tired of Oregon City and feels that she has a larger purpose in life, she travels south to the Rogue River Valley to help a friend. Tragedy strikes and tensions rise, Mercy must rely on her firm faith in God to get her through.

Karen Kingsbury Book 2 of the Baxter Family. In This Moment is an inspiring, relevant story about the nuances of religious freedom and how a group of determined people just might restore the meaning of faith in today’s culture.

213298 | £9.99

687590 | £16.99

219665 | £9.99 The Promise of a Letter

Home All Along

Kathleen Fuller The second book in the Amish Letters series; here we will follow Roman as he receives a letter which will bring him back to his Amish family but it will take someone truly extraordinary to make him stay.

Beth Wiseman More than a love story, the final book in the Amish Secrets trilogy is emotional and inspiring…the themes of belonging, letting go and accepting God’s will are all handled with poignancy and grace.”

082543 | £13.99 Where We Belong Lynn Austin “Based on the true story of remarkable Scottish twins who discovered a copy of the ‘hidden Gospels,’ this book will please readers who enjoy adventure, and maybe inspire their own search for divine purpose.” CBA Market Review

217623 | £9.99

Karen Kingsbury A Baxter Family story - Whether you’re meeting the Baxter family for the first time or finding them all over again, Love Story will stir your heart and remind you of the generational impact of love and the eternal bond of family.

287590 | £16.99

An Amish Summer

These Healing Hills

Four Novellas A new novella collection of sweet, summer romances from some of our favourite Amish authors!

Ann H. Gabhart “What a wonderful story! Filled with trueto-life characters and fascinating historical details, These Healing Hills is a beautifully written, heart warming story of life in the Appalachian Mountains at the end of the Second World War.” ~ Amanda Cabot, bestselling author.

078843 | £13.99

685973 | £13.99

723637 | £9.99 Dangerous Legacy

An Inconvenient Beauty

Leslie Gould Sisters of Lancaster County Series Book 1. As Jessica wrestles with her next step, she learns the tale of Ruby Bachmann, a Revolutionary War-era ancestor who faced similar struggles. Will Ruby’s decisions motivate Jessica to leave her family and her community forever?

Elizabeth Camden Lucy wants to keep working as a telegraph operator at a news agency, even though the arrival of Sir Colin Beckwith threatens her position. She discovers Colin’s secret and agrees to assist him if he helps her find her family’s stolen inheritance-not realizing that the trail leads into a web of treachery, danger, and conspiracy.

219696 | £9.99

218811 | £9.99

Kristi Ann Hunter “Hunter’s final book in the Hawthorne House series is Regency romance at its best, capturing the social pressures placed on both men and women of the time. Her characters play off each other and the societal rules, resulting in a feverish story line that keeps the pages turning. A must for Hunter fans.” Library Journal 218279 | £9.99

Plain Leaving

Deadly Proof

Dangerous Illusions

Rachel Dylan This riveting new series by Racel Dylan offers legal suspense with a romantic twist. When standing for what is right could cost everything, this book is sure to ring true with many readers who in today’s society have to stand up and ultimately stand out for God.

Irene Hannon Book 1 in the Code of Honour series. Irene Hannon, best selling author and three time Rita Award Winner is a master at keeping you on the edge of your seat in suspense whilst reading her books and this fast paced Romantic Suspense novel is no different.

219801 | £9.99

727673 | £9.99

Blind Spot

Crown of Souls

Dani Pettrey “Pettrey’s third Chesapeake Valor novel is a major thrill ride with some fascinating twists. The interaction between Declan and Tanner is heartwarming and believable, and the puzzles they solve will appeal to mystery lovers everywhere.” Romantic Times 4 Stars

Ronie Kendig Book 2 in The Tox Files. “Balancing a story of high action and deep emotions isn’t easy, but Ronie Kendig pulls it off with the casual grace of a truly talented storyteller.” Robert Liparulo

Christmas by the Fire

217665 | £9.99 687569 | £16.99

212963 | £9.99


Love Story | 028 9181 7530

118707 | £13.99

096751 | £10.99

Free postage over £10.00

722708 | £9.99


Into the home of an interesting but self-centred family in old France comes Paula, a young, orphaned cousin, from the little village of Villar, in the Waldensian Valley. Though living very simply, tending cows, goats, sheep and rabbits, Paula has been brought up to know the scriptures. Her Lord and His Word are the centre of her life, and she can no more keep this good news to herself than she can stop breathing or eating. This causes a good many complications, for her cousins’ home was one where “religion” was a forbidden subject, never to be mentioned, and Paula soon finds herself forbidden to read her own precious Bible. Paula’s loving obedience, her happy friendliness and charm, her overflowing love for everyone she meets, win the hearts of all, family and neighbours alike, and cause many a change in the French countryside.

New & Recent A Pilgrim’s Path: John Bunyan’s Journey Faith Cook Respected biographer Faith Cook has been a lover of John Bunyan’s work for many years, first encountering him through The Pilgrim’s Progress in preschool years. Later she discovered through his ‘Complete Works’ his many other books and ten years ago she wrote Fearless Pilgrim, a detailed biography of Bunyan. Now she has taken up her pen again to write this wellpaced and accessible biography that will appeal to every reader. Inevitably it is more than just a biography: this is a story told so that the Lord Jesus Christ is glorified and the reader can find encouragement for their own pilgrim path. Bunyan suffered in many ways and his own words express best the message this book brings: (God) can make those things that in themselves are most fearful and terrible to behold, the most pleasant, delightful and desirable things. He can make a gaol more beautiful than a palace... He can so sweeten our sufferings with the honey of His word... and make them so easy by the spreading of His feathers over us that we shall not be able to say that in all the world a more comfortable position can be found.

972135 | £8.99 The Pilgrim’s Progress John Bunyan A beauituful cloth-bound issue of this timeless work. This re-typeset edition of Pilgrim’s Progress is based on the edition published by John C. Nimmo in 1895. It includes marginal notes and Scripture references, together with the fine etchings by William Strang.

Crimond House Publications

618115 £8.99

717466 | £13.50

The Pilgrim’s Progress: Modern English Edition John Bunyan Bunyan’s timeless classic of the Christian’s dangerous journey through this valley of tears has been read and loved since he first penned it while in Bedford jail for preaching the gospel. First published in 1678 it has been in print ever since. This version keeps the flavour of Bunyan’s original but has been gently and skilfully updated so that it is fully accessible to today’s reader.

972142 | £8.99 The Great Physician G. Campbell Morgan “We often hear the lament that there are no longer any “characters” in life. It is certainly true that in public life, as well as general life, there is a tendency within society to homogenise individuals to conform to the accepted norm. Yet the Saviour is the Christ of the individual. Like the doctor in his office, He deals with each individual case in their own unique circumstances, meeting their particular need. These fifty character sketches show the Great Physician at work. He is the One who, looking at the multitude, was moved with compassion and saw them as sheep having no shepherd, Yet, the same One was able to meet each one at their individual point of need.” - From the foreward by Ricky McCoubrey “Whenever you find a book by Morgan, buy it and study it.” - Warren W. Wiersbe “An incisive study of the Lord at work. A book to come back to again and again.” - John Phillips, author of the “Exploring” commentary series.

618085 | £12.99

Wanda Brunstetter is an award-winning novelist who has led millions of readers to lose their heart in the Amish life. She is the author of nearly 90 books with more than 10 million copies sold. All of Wanda’s novels are based on personal research intended to accurately portray the Amish way of life. Many of her books are well-read and trusted by the Amish, who credit her for giving readers a deeper understanding of the people and their customs. Wanda has a new Christmas story, a new Amish Cooking series and a lovely hardcover illustrated gift book on Amish quilts. These treasured books would make excellent Christmas gifts.

The Beloved Christmas Quilt The Seekers (Amish Cooking Class book 1) The Blessing (Amish Cooking Class book 2) Amish Quilts

222255 | £12.99 167447 | £12.99 167454 | £12.99 096744 | £12.99

Joel C. Rosenberg Bestselling thrillers now in mass-market paperback

Third Target

423276 | £8.99

What if the Islamic State obtained WMD?

Without Warning 423290 | £8.99

What if Isis unleashes a terror attack inside the USA?

The First Hostage 423283 | £8.99

What if the Islamic State captured the US President?

Free postage over £10.00




Still our Bestselling biography!



50 People Every Christian Should Know Warren W. Wiersbe We all need inspiration to lead lives that honor God. When our faith is weak or the pressures of the world seem overwhelming, remembering the great men and women of the past can inspire us to renewed strength and purpose. Our spiritual struggles are not new, and the stories of those who have gone before can help lead the way to our own victories. 50 People Every Christian Should Know gives a glimpse into the lives of such people as: Charles H. Spurgeon, G. Campbell Morgan, A. W. Tozer, Fanny Crosby, Amy Carmichael, Jonathan Edwards, James Hudson Taylor . Combining the stories of fifty of these faithful men and women, beloved author Warren W. Wiersbe offers you insight and encouragement for life’s uncertain journey.

071942 | £12.99 Torchbearers of the Truth Bert Cargill & James Brown Published for the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, this book takes the reader back through time to names such as John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, John Bunyan and others, not so well known. These faithful servants down through those years will receive their due reward.

The Fifth Pillar: A Spiritual Pilgrimage

206362 | £9.99

This Life I Live


Rory Feek Rory Feek helps us not only to connect more fully to his and Joey’s story but also to our own journeys. It’s the story of a man who finally gives it all to a power higher than himself and soon meets a young woman who will change his heart forever.

Michelle Guinness The remarkable story of the young wife of Henry Grattan Guinness, one of the Victorian period’s great evangelists - a life that sheds light on the interplay of faith, politics and family life through the historic times of the early twentieth century.

090197 | £18.99

753417 | £10.99

Happenings up the Hollow

India to Ethiopia: A 50 Year Journey

765808 | £15.99

John & Betty Stam Martin Luther 503765 | £8.99 922615 | £8.99

510262 | £24.00

Don Stephens has collected moving stories from the Second World War that will enthral and move his readers. These stories combine to remind readers dramatically that our God is able to use even the dire circumstances for His glory. The bestselling War and Grace has been reprinted and War and Faith is a brand new collection of stories. “Don has the gift of telling a story in a way which grips the reader, and yet he is not guilty of writing in a sensational manner, nor does he fail to remind his reader that war is always a terrible event, and that the God of the Bible remains sovereign.” - Brigadier Ian Dobbie OBE


Mary Slessor 915189 | £9.99

David Brainerd 504706 | £9.99

J.C. Ryle 503871 | £8.99

345948 | £9.99 971503 | £6.99 | 028 9181 7530

George Whitefield D.L. Moody 504540 | £9.99 921670 | £9.99

John Calvin 501044 | £9.99

Essential Biography

Robert Revie A record some of the many experiences of Robert and his late wife Sheena over 50 years in Ethiopia and also in Scotland. It was seen as a real privilege to serve God in the country that received the Gospel initially by the Ethiopian eunuch.

513958 | £6.99

War and Grace War and Faith

George Muller 501204 | £9.99

Noel Davidson and David Zeidan Marvel at the story of Nabil, an educated young Muslim who discovered Christ and had to leave his native Syria. Read how God always provided for them even at the point of dispair. Read of their present work in taking the gospel to the Muslim world.

513866 | £10.99

Robert Surgenor This book is an interesting account of strange and unexpected events that were encountered while pioneering with the gospel for 41 years in the mountains of West Virginia. It is a record of a servant seeking to fulfil the great commission.

Hudson & Maria 922223 | £7.99

712768 | £14.50

God and Churchill

God and Churchill

Jonathan Sandys The first biography of Churchill to focus on the Christian motivation behind his style of leadership, his inspiring speeches and his eventual success in preventing the collapse of Christian civilization in Europe.

Jonathan Sandys The first biography of Churchill to focus on the Christian motivation behind his style of leadership, his inspiring speeches and his eventual success in preventing the collapse of Christian civilization in Europe.

513003 | £24.00 22512 | £11.99 £9.99

519548 | £17.00

51084222512 | £17.50 | £9.99

514949 | £15.50

God and Churchill

God and Churchill

Jonathan Sandys The first biography of Churchill to focus on the Christian motivation behind his style of leadership, his inspiring speeches and his eventual success in preventing the collapse of Christian civilization in Europe.

Jonathan Sandys The first biography of Churchill to focus on the Christian motivation behind his style of leadership, his inspiring speeches and his eventual success in preventing the collapse of Christian civilization in Europe.

22512 | £11.99 £9.99

22512 | £9.99

518121 | £18.75

518350 | £15.00

510767 | £17.00

Free postage over £10.00

511825 | £17.00


Biography I Married a Soldier Brenda Hale The moving testimony of a war widow. Brenda’s determination to fight for the rights of families affected by death in action led her into politics as a member of the Northern Ireland Assembly. This is a story of heroism, love and loss, grief and isolation, but also of faith and hope.

980119 | £9.99

Fire Road Kim Puch Phan Thi The story behind the infamous Vietnam War photograph, seen around the world. Read the story of the napalm girl’s journey through the horrors of war to faith, forgiveness and peace.

Biography Steal Away Home:

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God and Churchill

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Daily Reading & Devotional

One Year Series

His Voice in the Morning Clark Logan Reading through the whole Bible is a worthwhile occupation for Christians. Out of every chapter of the Bible, the author has chosen a verse or a phrase to comment on very briefly - a short ‘three-liner’ eloquent, pithy and wise. Fittingly, the readings begin with the first words in the Bible, and end with the last ones.

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museum of the Bible Washington DC

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Bible Study

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Character Study Series

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Christ’s Second Coming

In 1857, Charles Spurgeon—the most popular preacher in the Victorian world—promised his readers that he would publish his earliest sermons. For almost 160 years, these sermons have been lost to history. Beginning in January 2017, B&H Academic will start releasing a multi-volume set that includes full-colour facsimiles, transcriptions, contextual and biographical introductions, and editorial annotations. Written for scholars, pastors, and students alike, The Lost Sermons of C.H. Spurgeon will add approximately 10% more material to Spurgeon’s body of literature and will constitute the first critical edition of any of Spurgeon’s works. Look out for volume three early in 2018.

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Word Study Series

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The recent advent of digital photography has opened new opportunities for amateur photographers to capture the beauties of nature as never before. On my retirement from full-time employment, I invested in a camera with telephoto and macro lenses. It has been a joy to capture sights from the amazing world of insects and birds, some of which I wish to share with you in this book. Since becoming a Christian in 1977, I have come to realise that nature is God’s art gallery. If it is a joy to observe the colourful cycles of nature, how much more wonderful is it to know the Maker? In this book we share thoughts on some great Biblical themes, beginning with origins, meaning, and value through to the cross, resurrection, and eternity. I have come to love the Book of Genesis, and am convinced that the opening chapters are the true and historical record of the creation of heaven and earth. Nor do I doubt that Adam was the first human being, created by God on the sixth day. When we come to the New Testament, we discover that Christ is the reality behind this universe: ‘All things were created by him, and for him: and he is before all things, and by him all things consist’ (Col. 1:16,17). This is momentous truth, causing us to bow our hearts in worship. • 128 pages – 265mm x 210mm • Laminated cover with french flaps • A beautiful “pass-along” gift book for any friend. Plenty of thoughts to cheer the heart of a believer and plenty of gospel to provoke thought in an unbeliever.

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Who can add to Christmas?

The perfect motive is that God so loved the world. The perfect gift is that He gave His only Son. The only requirement is to believe in Him. The reward of faith is that you shall have everlasting life


For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. JOHN 3:16

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