Vive Ardyss Magazine

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Contents 03




-While the world economy falls, Ardyss International keeps growing at an amazing race.

-Diaz de Leon Family -Mike Potillo -Leonel Kelly MD





POWER START -Testimonials

While the world economy falls, Ardyss International keeps growing at an amazing pace “

Lic. Antonio Diaz de Leon President & Founder

Sra. Armida F. de Diaz de Leon Vice president Founder

Lic. Alejandro Diaz de Leon Lic. Antonio Diaz de Leon Co- Founder

Publisher´s team


Martha Avila

Elvia Alvarez Daniel García Monica Rojo Tiffany Potillo Milagros Remirez Guadalupe Noriega


Miguel Jimenez Design Coordinator

Roberto Carlos Lopez Marco A. Ponce Art & Design



Puerto Rico

Rep. Dominicana 01


ublisher’s Letter

In today’s world companies strive to be the best and it is our goal to continue to improve Ardyss International. We want to shine above the competition. We are thrilled to present a magazine totally dedicated to the faces of success, to all those members of our Great Family that have transformed their lives and achieved their dreams.

This magazine represents the most valuable thing that we have in this company, YOU, our distributors, our partners in this struggle, friends in heart and brothers and sisters in life. We also wanted to include a very important part of our valuable team, those people that with their knowledge have let us grow and move towards the top of the mountain. The future of Ardyss is very exciting. We aregrowing, we are moving fast, reaching long distances, and this is only the beginning. Opportunities are few, so remember...

Carta Editorial

Nos satisface enormemente presentarles una revista totalmente dedicada a los rostros del éxito, a todos esos integrantes de nuestra Gran Familia, que han logrado transformar sus vidas y lograr sus sueños.

Este número representa a lo más valioso que tenemos en la compañía: Ustedes, nuestros distribuidores, nuestros compañeros de lucha, amigos de corazón y hermanos de vida. También quisimos incluir a parte del valioso equipo, que con sus conocimientos nos han permitido crecer y avanzar hacia la cima. Hoy en día, la realidad se impone, y juntos debemos dar una respuesta, siempre buscando las oportunidades para mejorar, porque “cuando un ser humano tiene claro para qué hacer las cosas, es capaz de soportar cualquier cómo”. El futuro de Ardyss es muy prometedor, nuestro mercado está creciendo y estamos reportando cifras positivas, estamos avanzando rápido, llegando muy lejos y esto es sólo el principio. Las oportunidades son únicas, así es que recuerda...

An appointment with Ardyss will change your life Sincerely / Sinceramente

The Diaz de Leon Family Ardyss International



crisis proof

a prueba de crisis

While the world economy falls, Ardyss International keeps growing at an amazing pace” The financial crisis in the United States has affected many companies worldwide. Statistics show that 20,000 people are already living on the streets as a result of having lost their jobs and homes. This is the reality of the global economy. A world in recession, a world that cries for transformation, changing from the production process, consumption habits and the way we think.

La crisis financiera en los Estados Unidos ha afectado a muchos sectores y traspasando fronteras. Las estadísticas indican que 20.000 personas ya se encuentran viviendo en las calles como consecuencia de haber perdido sus viviendas y empleos. Esta es la realidad de la economía global. Un mundo en recesión… convulsionado, sumergido en la incertidumbre, que pide a gritos desesperados, una transformación profunda, cambios que vayan desde los procesos productivos hasta los hábitos de consumo y la manera en que pensamos.


Mientras la economía Mundial se desvanece, nosotros seguimos creciendo a un ritmo impresionante.”

Ardyss International is coming through this crisis with a strong foundation. We are making history with our company growth, keeping a promising vision and leadership attitude in the world.

Ardyss implements a equitable system of production, geared to the payment of commissions and bonuses that are unlike traditional forms of business, where much of the resources are in distribution costs and promotion of products or services. We offer the best compensation plan in the industry with our 7 ways to earn money, in addition to an operational platform and cutting-edge technology that streamlines the process. The main foundation of our system lies in the personal consumption of our products and word of mouth advertising, which is reflected equally in the growth and quality of life of our distributors. We keep great relationships with our distributors, because we know that they are a great part of what keeps Ardyss running so smoothly. We are one big family and we care about each of our members. In Ardyss, we believe in the effort to achieve objectives and this is the mentality that led us to become a cutting edge, dynamic, and eager company. We will achieve our goals ... one at a time. 04

Ardyss International, a través de casi dos décadas de operaciones, atraviesa esta crisis con bases sólidas, en el mejor momento de su historia, con un ritmo de crecimiento constante y sostenido, adoptando una visión prometedora, de conquista, lucha y liderazgo en el mundo.

En Ardyss, la distribución de la riqueza es más equitativa y siempre está orientada al pago de comisiones y bonos, a diferencia de los formatos tradicionales de producción, donde gran parte de los recursos se van en costos de distribución y promoción de los productos o servicios. Nosotros ofrecemos el mejor plan de compensación de la Industria del mercado en red, con nuestras 7 formas de ganar dinero, además de una plataforma operacional y tecnológica de vanguardia que agiliza los procesos. Nuestro sistema radica en el auto consumo y la multiplicación constante de la fuerza de distribución. Todo esto se refleja visiblemente en el crecimiento y calidad de vida de nuestros distribuidores, quienes son parte importante de nuestra filosofía corporativa. Somos una Gran Familia, que siempre busca trabajar con el corazón y con la firme idea de ayudar al otro.



history & team

It is known that great companies are born from the passion and vision within. Ardyss International is no exception. The company began as a small idea, but with determination and vision, has turned into a great company. Let’s recognize the dream that was given growth into what we all know today as Ardyss International.

Let us be witnesses of this great company, the honest work of its people, but also let’s applaud the strong efforts of this Great Family, who at the present time have offered many people an enormous opportunity to reach their Dreams.

Por todos es sabido que las grandes empresas nacen de la pasión y de emprender desde dentro. Ardyss International no es la excepción, surgió de una idea, y poco a poco con determinación, inteligencia, visión y mucha valentía ha ido creciendo, hasta convertirse en una gran compañía. Reconozcamos pues aquella acertada decisión que alguna vez se tomó y que dio origen a lo que todos conocemos hoy como Ardyss International. Seamos testigos de la grandeza de sus líderes, del trabajo honesto de su gente, y aplaudamos la valentía y esfuerzo de esa Gran Familia que hoy por hoy nos ha brindado una enorme oportunidad para alcanzar todos nuestros sueños.




history & team

ARDYSS INTERATIONAL was started by Antonio Diaz de Leon, his wife Armida Fonseca, and their two sons Antonio and Alejandro. The Diaz de Leon Family was successful with Ardyss becauseof their hard work and dedication. Mr. Antonio Diaz de Leon went through very hard times before starting Ardyss International. He quit his job in the Customs Department in Reynosa Tamaulipas, Mexico, and began looking for other opportunities. No one wanted to give him an opportunity, making the road a struggle. Fortunately, destiny had something else waiting for him and his family. During a car trip to Mexico City, Mr. Antonio gave a ride to five teachers. He asked one of them why she was walking and she told him to save money. She also told him she was trying to make extra money by selling cosmetics. That is when Mr. Antonio decided to start his own business that would help other people. The road was anything but simple. The entire family was involved in different areas of the business and it was not until 1991 that Ardyss Family finally incorporated as a company.

For almost 20 years, the Diaz de Leon Family, founders of this awesome company, created a young and strong team, achieving great goals. Together, let’s keep fulfilling the dreams of millions. 06

La historia de Ardyss International, tiene sus orígenes en el enorme esfuerzo, dedicación y compromiso de una emprendedora familia, integrada por los señores Antonio Díaz de León, su esposa Armida Fonseca y sus hijos, Antonio y Alejandro. El Licenciado Díaz de León, vivía momentos difíciles, recién había concluido su trabajo en la Aduana de Reynosa Tamaulipas, México y estaba buscando puertas abiertas en otro tipo de compañías, pero el camino no era nada sencillo ya que nadie le brindaba alguna oportunidad.


Afortunadamente el destino tenía preparado otra cosa para su familia, y durante un viaje en automóvil a la ciudad de México, Don Antonio les dio aventón a cinco maestras; al preguntarle a una de ellas sobre sus ingresos, ésta respondió que su vecina le proporcionaba un folleto para vender cosméticos, fue entonces como surgió el concepto primario de Ardyss International.

iaz de Leon Family

A lo largo de casi 20 años Él, su esposa e hijos han sido importantes motores de esta maravillosa empresa, llevando a consolidar un equipo joven y fuerte el cual ha ayudado a alcanzar las metas que se han propuesto.

El camino no resultó nada sencillo, toda la familia estuvo involucrada en las diferentes áreas del negocio y no fue sino hasta en 1991 que Ardyss finalmente se inicia como fábrica y compañía. 07


ike Potillo If you are looking for a home with a family type atmosphere that still enables you to achieve your dreams, then start today with Ardyss. You will be glad you did.”

After 11 years full time in Network Marketing, millions of dollars in production, numerous publications written, co-authoring two books, Mike & Tiffany Potillo had seen and done it all. That was until they found Ardyss International.

Our entire adult lives had been dedicated to Network Marketing. We had the lifestyle most retired executives had and we were still in our twenties! We have traveled the world because of this industry. Tiffany and I were enjoying our life. We just had our first child, Sophia Bay, and life was good. I was introduced to Alejandro Diaz de Leon, he mentioned that the next week they were having a conference for his company in Puerto Vallarta and that he would like it if I could attend. Once I touched down in Mexico, I knew I had found a company to partner with. Then Alejandro told me that Ardyss was experiencing some amazing growth in all markets especially the American market and on Feb 1, 2009, I happily accepted the corporate position, Vice President of Network Marketing for Ardyss International. I couldn’t be happier with my experience with Ardyss. The values and ideas that come from the family are unprecedented in this industry. Get started with us today. If you are looking for a home with a family type atmosphere that still enables you to achieve your dreams, then start today with Ardyss. 08

Vice President of Network Marketing

Después de dedicarse durante 11 años por completo al Multinivel, millones de dólares en producción, de publicar numerosas artículos y de ser co-autor de dos libros, Mike y Tiffany Potillo pensaban que lo habían hecho todo…hasta que descubrieron Ardyss internacional. Nuestra vida entera había sido dedicada al Multinivel. Viajamos al mundo entero, acabamos de tener nuestra primera bebe, Sophia Bay, y nuestra vida es totalmente solvente. Me presentaron a Alejandro Díaz de León, él mencionó que tendrían una conferencia de su compañía en Puerto Vallarta y me invitó. Desde el momento en que pise México, me di cuenta que ésta era la compañía en la que quería estar. Después Alejandro me explicó que Ardyss estaba experimentando un crecimiento inusitado especialmente en el mercado Americano, y a principios del 2009 acepté el puesto de Vicepresidente de Multinivel en Ardyss International, los valores e ideas que provienen de la familia es algo sin precedentes en esta industria.

Si lo que buscas es un trabajo en el cual tu familia sea tu equipo de trabajo y tu casa, tu oficina y que además puedas vivir y cumplir tus METAS, entonces inscríbete Hoy en Ardyss International.


eonel Kelly MD

Department of Research and Medical Support

Developing fine corsetry garments, orthopedic devices and reinforcements to provide better health to women is a passion that Mr. Diaz de Leon and I both shared.” My duties include: Remodeling design garments from a medical point of view. Develop the medical records of each garment for an indication of their functions. Define the actions and benefits of the products in the area of nutrition. Training leaders on remodeling and nutrition. Lectures on the virtues of the products, both remodeling and nutrition. Participation and oversight of commercial videos, brochures, catalogs, flyers and other marketing material. Advise any situation, from medical point of view.

I started my career in the Faculty of Medicine at UNAM (National University of Mexico). During the first year of residence in 1967 I met Armando Diaz de Leon MD, he introduced me to his brother, Mr. Antonio Diaz de León. In October 1993, I had an interview with him and I felt wonderful that the idea came to him two years before we started working together. Developing fine corsetry garments, orthopedic devices and reinforcements to provide better health to women is a passion that Mr. Diaz de Leon and I both shared. We believe in the principle that Health is Beauty. Mr. Antonio Diaz de Leon has always been involved in the planning and making of the garments. In 1994, along with me, he assembled a team of Textile Engineers, industrial fine corsetry specialists, experts in design, and an expert in quality control to start the process of inventing each garment. My position in the company is: Chief of the Department of Research and Medical Support

Nací en los Mochis, Sin. La carrera la cursé en la ¨Facultad de Medicina¨ de la UNAM, de 1956 a 1961. Fue durante el primer año de la residencia, en 1967 que el Dr. Armando Díaz de León, me presentó a su hermano el Lic. Antonio Díaz de León. En octubre de 1993, tuve una entrevista con él y me pareció magnifica la idea que desde dos años antes venía trabajando: colocar a prendas de corsetería fina, aditamentos y refuerzos ortopédicos para proporcionar una acción o servicio para la salud de la mujer, tanto desde el punto de vista médico como estético, basado en el principio de ¨ Salud es Belleza ¨. Así fue como desde 1994 empezamos a trabajar un equipo formado por el Lic. Antonio Díaz de León, ya que siempre ha participado en la planeación y confección de las prendas, un Ing. Textil e industrial especializado en corsetería fina, un experto en diseño, un perito en control de calidad y un servidor, para la invención de cada prenda. Mi puesto en la compañía es: Jefe del Departamento de Investigación y Apoyo Médico. Mis funciones incluyen la asesoría médica informativa en medios comerciales de la compañía y el soporte médico en la elaboración de las principales productos de las líneas de remodelación y nutrición que Ardyss posee. 09

Exclusive for our Top Leaders



ALFOMBRA ROJA Exclusivo para nuestros Máximos líderes TE ESPERAMOS

Benefits /Beneficios All expenses paid trip to Las Vegas with VIP treatment Viaje todo pagado a Las Vegas trato VIP Article in VIVE magazine Artículo en la revista VIVE Ardyss Dinner with the Díaz de León Family Cena con la Familia Díaz de León

All leaders who qualify for the first time as an

Executive President

will be invited to be part of The 6 figure income club Todos los líderes que califiquen por primera vez en

Equipo de Presidente Ejecutivo serán invitados

a formar parte del exclusivo

Club de las 6 cifras



Historias de Éxito


In Ardyss International, the path to success, happiness and abundance, is much easier than many realize. No matter your age, social class, race or education, what interests us is to have a heart committed, willing to work and strive for their dreams.

En Ardyss International, el camino al éxito, la felicidad y la abundancia, es mucho más sencillo de lo que muchos creen. No importa tu edad, clase social, raza ó estudios, lo que nos interesa es que tengas un corazón comprometido, dispuesto a trabajar y a esforzarse por lograr sus sueños.

All members of our great Ardyss family have achieved financial freedom, but have found themselves in the value of unity and sharing the satisfaction and appreciation by helping others.

Los integrantes de nuestra Gran Familia Ardyss no sólo han alcanzado la libertad financiera, sino que han encontrado en si mismos el valor de la unión y la satisfacción de compartir y ayudar a otros.

We would like to present our successful distributors. We are a reality, your dreams are real and with Ardyss International we believe you can achieve them.

Te presentamos a nuestros exitosos distribuidores, no olvides que tú, al igual que ellos, tienes el futuro en tus manos. Somos una realidad, tus sueños son reales, y en Ardyss International creemos que puedes lograrlos.


Casos de éxito

Dorothy Cook




Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that I would have been the first American English Platinum President in Ardyss International.”

In the month of February 2009, all happened: three platinum Presidents; three Diamond Presidents; six Executive Presidents; and numerous directors, managers, supervisors, and coordinators, all in one month. I have set some spectacular goals for 2009: 1. Bridge the gap between the African American and Hispanic market. Together we can accomplish so much more. 2. Coach and assist the team in developing over 200 English & 200 Hispanic Presidents. 3. Make Ardyss a household name. 4. Build my first orphanage in Africa. With the help of the greatest team of business partners in the world, then (Ardyss in Africa). Team work is the ability to work TOGETHER towards a common goal. See you OVER the TOP!

Success Stories

When partnered with Ardyss, I knew my destiny had arrived and my life would never be the same. Nor would I have thought I would have a team of over 17,000 business partners in such a short time.

Cuando me uní a Ardyss, supe que mi destino estaba frente a mis ojos y que mi vida nunca volvería a ser igual.

Nunca en mis más remotos sueños pensé que podría convertirme en la Primera Americana en obtener el rango de Presidente Platino. Jamás imaginé que llegaría a tener un equipo de más de 17,000 personas. El pasado mes de Febrero logramos: 3 Presidentes Platino, 3 Presidente Diamante, 6 Presidentes Ejecutivos y varios directores, supervisoras y coordinadores en tan sólo un mes.


María Gaeta


I am a person with punch, I have been in this company since it started, I have made many of my dreams come true.” I am María Gaeta, I can really say that Ardyss International has changed my life in all senses. In 1994 I got my first property in the USA and a house in Mexico, for me and my family. One of my biggest dreams was to buy a big house with all the facilities, and in 1999 I bought the house where I live in, in a very nice zone in California. I have also a nice house in Puerto Vallarta, a very nice place in my beloved Mexico.

Casos de éxito

I am a person with punch, I have been in this company since it started, I have made many of my dreams come true, but I won’t stop because they are many new ones to fulfill and I know I will see them come true in a very short time.

Thanks to Ardyss I have given my children an excellent education and an excellent quality of life, that has been one of the great satisfactions I have since I have been part of this Great Ardyss Family.

Soy María Gaeta, y realmente puedo decir que Ardyss International cambió mi vida en todo el sentido de la palabra. Uno de mis sueños más anhelados era comprar una casa grande con todas las comodidades y en 1999 compré la propiedad en la cual vivo actualmente. También he podido hacerme propietaria de una vivienda en Puerto Vallarta, México. Conozco ésta empresa desde que empezó, he realizado muchos sueños, pero no me detengo porque hay muchos nuevos por cumplir y se que pronto los veré realizados.


Ardyss International, has made the difference in my life. In this company I found a family, financial freedom, personal and professional development.”

Phemy Pinzón


I have had many successes with the company. I had the chance of being one of the pioneers in the USA. Now I am a President.

Success Stories

I have access to trips, prizes, and I have the time and money to visit my family in my home country, Colombia (where I have bought a property). I take the business with me everywhere, every time. Actually I live near the Galleria (one of the best areas in Houston) and I am changing my car for a brand new model. I am thankful for the support given by my leaders, and the great Diaz de Leon family, as well as the very valuable support received by my family. Congratulations Ardyss, because as a company with a Hispanic origin, you always share your dreams with many people.

En Ardyss International, encontré una familia, seguridad económica, desarrollo personal y profesional.

En la época que ingresé tuve la oportunidad de ser una de las pioneras en Estados Unidos, ahora soy rango Presidente, disfruto de viajes, premios, y poseo el tiempo y dinero suficiente para visitar a mi familia en mi natal Colombia (donde compré una propiedad). Actualmente vivo en el sector de Galería (una de las mejores áreas de Houston) y estoy cambiando mi automóvil por un modelo del año.


Rosa & Noé Herrera My name is Noé Herrera, I work for Ardyss international and I’m excited that we have expanded to America. When I started Network Marketing, in the first month we sold $4,882.00 USD, I really feel proud of being part of this great company.

Casos de éxito

In 2008 we earned $166,814.75 USD. That was awesome. Our goal for 2009 is to have 50 new Presidents in our organization and continue gathering together at the beaches of the world.

My name is Rosa Herrera. I was born in Puerto Rico, and I have MIT. Starting working in Network Marketing brought me great satisfactions, because this allowed me to fulfill my goals, and help others to reach their dreams.

It’s a blessing to work from my own home. I take care of my 2 daughters and my husband. I am the boss of my own Business. Thanks Ardyss for giving us the opportunity of growing, learning, and developing as business people.



My family and myself have a great life, and thanks to this company we have traveled to many parts of the World. Thanks Ardyss for giving us the opportunity of growing, learning, and developing as business people.”

Mi nombre es Noé Herrera, trabajé en Ardyss International, como Director Comercial. Empecé con el multinivel y en el primer mes vendimos $4,882.00 USD, me siento realmente orgulloso de ser parte de esta gran historia.

En el 2008 ganamos $166,814.75 USD, eso fue increíble, vamos por más y nuestra meta en este 2009 es formar en nuestra organización 50 nuevos Presidentes y continuar reuniéndonos en las playas del mundo.

Success Stories Yo soy Rosa Herrera. Comenzar a trabajar en el multinivel me brindó grandes satisfacciones, pues me permitió alcanzar mis metas y poder ayudar a otros a alcanzar sus sueños.

Ardyss me ha permitido trabajar desde mi propio hogar, sin descuidar a mis 2 hijas y esposo. Gozamos de un muy buen nivel de vida, y gracias a ésta empresa, hemos viajado por muchas partes del mundo Europa, Centro América, Asia, Sudamérica y por las islas del Caribe, en el futuro tenemos planeado seguir conociendo más lugares.


Margarita Ortíz



I thank Ardyss for changing my life. To be better we need to always have a spirit that pushes us every day.”

My name is Margarita Ortíz, I thank Ardyss for changing my life. To be better we need to always have a spirit that pushes us every day. We need to posses the feeling in our hearts, that will allow us to be seen as valuable and successful people.

Casos de éxito

Let’s learn to be consistent, because this is the quality that will allow us to finish our objectives successfully reaching our goals, and this way we will make the taste of success much more attractive.

Mi nombre es Margarita Ortiz, agradezco a Ardyss por cambiar mi vida. Para superarnos tenemos siempre que tener un espíritu que nos impulse a ser cada día mejores. Debemos poseer el sentimiento en nuestros corazones, que nos permita proyectarnos como personas valiosas y exitosas.

Aprendamos a ser constantes, porque esto nos permitirá concluir con éxito los objetivos y metas propuestas, y de ésta manera, haremos más atractivo el sabor del triunfo.


Gloria Tate



Ardyss has certainly enriched my life. I am able to meet the needs of others financially. I am able to be a blessing to my friends and my family.�

My name is Gloria Tate. I have one grown daughter, Avery, when I think of her a smile comes across my face.

I can remember many family vacations but one comes to mind when she and I went to London, England. By far, my greatest accomplishment is being the proud mother of a well rounded, respectable, and delightful young woman. However, what humbles me most is that I can give great tithes to my church. My greatest career goal is to become a Platinum President. I am now Executive and know that Platinum is right around the corner. This opportunity has allowed me to meet many great people and change many lives. I love all of my teams and all distributors of Ardyss International.

Success Stories Mi nombre es Gloria Tate, gracias a esta empresa, he podido cambiar muchas vidas y conocer a gente maravillosa.

Ardyss ha enriquecido mi vida. Puedo conocer las necesidades financieras de otros y estoy dispuesta a ser una bendiciĂłn para mis amigos y mi familia. Ahora tengo el rango de Presidente Ejecutivo, pero deseo convertirme pronto en Presidente Platino. Agradezco infinitamente a todos los equipos y distribuidores de Ardyss International. 19

Bill & Teressa Williams Bill and I chose to create an income where we get paid no matter if we are sleeping, playing with our grandkids, or even at the beach. We got it with Ardyss International.” We are Bill & Teressa Williams. Bill and I chose to create an income where we get paid no matter if we are sleeping, playing with our grandkids, or even at the beach. We got it with Ardyss International. We have traveled the world because of our success in this industry. We’ve gone from Hawaii to Europe, including most islands & countries in between. We have built relationships with lots of people and that is something you cannot place a price tag on. We have learned that for us personal freedom is, 7 Day Weekends, Everyday!

We were blown away by Ardyss totally Unique Product and Marketing Plan, especially their Power Start Program with 100% Matching Bonuses. So here we are Excited, Working, Sharing, & Helping others. Bill & I are building a Team of Successful Leaders and we would like to invite you to come aboard on this amazing journey.

juntos hemos generado un ingreso que nos paga, no importa si estamos durmiendo, jugando con nuestros nietos, inclusive si estamos en la playa, todo gracias a Ardyss International.

Somos Bill y Teresa Williams,

Hemos viajado alrededor del mundo, gracias al éxito obtenido en esta industria. Hemos ido de Hawaii hasta Europa, incluyendo la mayoría de las islas y países cercanos. Hemos hecho amistad con mucha gente y eso no tiene precio. Aprendimos que nuestra libertad personal es de 7 días a la semana. Estamos impresionados con los inigualables productos Ardyss, y su plan de venta, especialmente con su Programa Power Start y sus bonos. Así es que continuamos contentos, trabajando, compartiendo y ayudando a otros a construir un equipo de Exitosos Líderes. Los invitamos a que aborden este maravilloso viaje. 20

Aquilino & Aleyda Martínez TEAM



We wish we had known this opportunity when we were 18 years old. We would have already been retired.”

Success Stories We are Aquilino and Aleyda. We came to this country 9 years ago and God blessed us with Ardyss International.

Somos Aquilino y Aleyda, este país nos abrió sus puertas hace 9 años y Dios tenía reservado algo grande para nosotros: Ardyss International. Durante 5 años nuestros ingresos mensuales nunca fueron de menos de $9,000 UDS. Para el 2008 adquirimos nuestra segunda propiedad en San Jacinto. Nosotros fuimos unos de los primeros ganadores de AUTO, Ardyss nos ayudó a pagar una Lincoln Aviator y una camioneta Frontier.

!Desearíamos haber conocido ésta oportunidad a la edad de 18 años y en este momento ya estaríamos retirados!

In 2000 we were the first place in sales internationally. For 5 years our monthly income was never less than $9,000. After living in this country for 3 years we had saved $60,000 USD. During the last few years we have received several sales, recruitment and rank advancement awards. By 2004, my second son Kennedy was born. When I got back home from the hospital I found a check in my mailbox for $8,000 USD for November and December commissions, and I hadn’t even worked those months.

We bought our first house in Fontana, Ca. and by 2008 we got a second property in San Jacinto. We were the first to get a car, a Lincoln Frontier and a Frontier Van with help from Ardyss. We are going to keep growing with Ardyss. 21


Casos de ĂŠxito

Gelly & Alejandro CantĂş

The Network Marketing business is the best opportunity to be the owner of your life, having the time and Money to enjoy a different life style... 22

Ardyss International has been a blessing in our lives. In less than a year of having signed into the company we bought our first house in the USA. Sometime after, we moved to a bigger house with a swimming pool. Only 9 months ago we bought a 4,000 square ft house in one of the most exclusive residential neighborhoods in San Antonio, TX. We have also had the chance to traveling different places around the world, but the most important thing is that we have the satisfaction of helping our kids to have a better life.

In Ardyss we are living the life we have always dreamed of.

Ardyss International, ha sido una gran bendición en nuestras vidas. Hace tan sólo 9 meses adquirimos una casa de 4,000 m2 en una de las zonas más exclusivas de San Antonio Texas. También hemos viajado por distintos lugares del mundo, pero lo más importante es que tenemos la satisfacción de ayudar a que nuestros hijos tengan un mejor nivel de vida.

El negocio de mercadeo en red es la mejor oportunidad de ser dueño de tu vida, teniendo el tiempo y dinero para disfrutar un exclusivo estilo de vida. Actualmente conducimos coches de lujo y los fines de semana, disfrutamos con nuestros amigos en la comodidad de nuestro bote. En Ardyss vivimos como siempre lo habíamos soñado.


Success Stories

We drive a Range-Rover and a BMW SUV. In our free time we ride motorcycles and during the weekends, we enjoy incredible moments with our friends in our boat.

Ana Abarca


There is no better option than Ardyss, where you can earn a check every month, have great health, and you are surrounded by love.”

I feel blessed for having Ardyss in my life.

Casos de éxito

I work every day in a business I love, because this company pays my accountant, my call center, and I have my earnings according to the amount of work I do. Thanks to Ardyss I paid off my car, my house, and all my bills. To do this I need to always maintain a positive Mindset. We all need to share and teach all that Ardyss means to us. This company has 7 ways of making money. “There is no better option than Ardyss, where you can earn a check every month, have great health, and you are surrounded by love.” I feel really proud of being a part of the best company in the world.

Me siento bendecida por tener a Ardyss International en mi vida, tengo trabajo todos los días, en un negocio donde no invierto, y obtengo ganancias de acuerdo a mi trabajo, con el cuál he podido pagar mi automóvil, mi casa y gastos en general. Esta empresa tiene 7 formas de ganar dinero.No

existe mejor opción que Ardyss, en donde usted cada mes obtiene un cheque, goza de plena salud y se encuentra rodeado de amor. Me

siento realmente orgullosa de pertenecer a la mejor empresa del mundo. 24

Arga Bourgeois


The money that I make from Ardyss part time allows me and my family to actually save for our future.”

Success Stories

My name is Arga Bourgeois Smith. Prior to Ardyss I wore a size 18 clothes. Dorothy Cook signed me up in the business and sold me my first garment. But on one particular day one of my customers said what ever you are doing to drop I want to do it. I raised my shirt up and showed her my garment. It was Gail Mathis. She got in the business and took off like firecrackers.

I began working my business in June 2008. My girlfriend Gail Mathis called me to tell me to get on auto ship. I did, and I received a $2500 check. They have been doubling every since.

Mi nombre es Arga Bourgeois Smith. He estado en este negocio desde Junio del año pasado. Recibí un cheque por $2,500 UDS y desde entonces, éstos se han duplicado.

El dinero que obtengo en Ardyss por parte de mi tiempo nos permite a mi familia y a mi asegurar nuestro futuro. Empecé trabajando en este negocio en Junio de 2008 cuando mi amiga Gail Mathis me enseñó cómo entrar en el Pedido automático. En el camino en esta empresa he conocido gente increíble de todo el mundo, gracias por permitirme ser parte de la Gran Familia Ardyss.

With Ardyss I have little inventory, I focus on my individual customers and I work on building my down line team. And along the way I am very thankful to have met some awesome people all over the world. 25


Casos de éxito

Sara Madrigal & José Urias


I took this boat of change called Ardyss without thinking twice. I hope my story can convince others that what you want you can fulfill.”

I want to share my testimony with you. More than 24 years ago I arrived in this country, seeking the American Dream. I had the goal of having a better life for my family. I cleaned houses for more than 10 years, I was doing well, and making good money. But in 1994, I had the great opportunity of coming in contact with this great company: Ardyss International. Since then my life has changed in many aspects. I have had great privileges, as being a pioneer in the change to Network Marketing in 1997. I took this boat of change, called Ardyss, without thinking twice, I hope my story can convince others that: what you want you can fulfill.


Success Stories

Actually my husband Jose Urias and myself had reached many goals as having gotten a second house, going on vacation more often, and having enough time to share with our family. We would like to thank God, our Readers, and our company Ardyss International, for helping us to reach all our dreams.

En 1994, tuve la grandiosa oportunidad de conocer esta excelente empresa: Ardyss International. Desde entonces mi vida ha cambiado en muchos aspectos y he tenido grandes privilegios, como ser de las pioneras en el cambio de franquicias al sistema de multinivel en el aĂąo 1997.

TomĂŠ este barco de cambio llamado Ardyss sin pensarlo dos veces, espero que mi historia pueda convencer a otros de que pueden hacer lo que se propongan. Hoy, hemos logrado muchos objetivos, como el haber adquirido una segunda casa, salir de vacaciones mĂĄs seguido y sobre todo tener el tiempo suficiente para disfrutar a nuestra familia. 27

Aracely Holliday


I have had the opportunity to travel around America. It is great.”


I am really thankful to have known this company that has shown me that through our work, we can contribute to making many families have a better way of life.

Agradezco infinitamente el haber conocido a esta compañía mexicana, ya que con nuestro trabajo podemos contribuir a que muchas familias mejoren su economía y calidad de vida.

I have had the opportunity to travel around America. It is great. I can be close to my family, I don’t have a fixed Schedule, I get earnings according to my effort, and the most important thing, I have learned that when you have a goal and a vision in life everything is possible.

He tenido la oportunidad de viajar por toda la Unión Americana y hoy puedo decir que este es el mejor negocio que existe.

While we have our captains in this boat, the Diaz de Leon family, no storm can sink us. An appointment with Ardyss changed my life.

Mientras tengamos a nuestros capitanes, la Familia Díaz de León, en este barco, no importa las tormentas, nada nos podrá hundir.

Ahora puedo estar cerca de de mi familia, y obtengo ganancias en base a mi esfuerzo y lo más importante, he aprendido que todo es posible cuando se tiene una visión y meta en la vida.

Brandy Langford


I am so excited to be a part of the Ardyss family. I am on the right path to achieving financial freedom...”

I was blown away when I was introduced to the “Body Magic” and I could not sleep dreaming about the earning potential I could make with the Power Start program.

I am extremely grateful for my Ardyss mentors believing in me and encouraging me to achieve goals with this company. I did not believe it was possible, but after these leaders showed me their Power Start bonus earnings, I became an instant believer in the products, the company and building a successful business with Ardyss International. My personal motivation when I joined this business was “Empowering Women.” Thus, empowerment has enabled me the opportunity to meet so many awesome people, develop beautiful friendships and most importantly start the foundation of my future financial freedom.

Me siento muy contenta de pertenecer a la Familia Ardyss International, estoy en el lugar correcto para alcanzar la libertad financiera. Una vez que conocí ésta compañía, todo cambió, pues me di cuenta de su magnífico plan de compensación, la calidad de los productos, y la oportunidad de construir un exitoso negocio. Me entusiasma poder motivar a otras mujeres, y la oportunidad de hacer valiosas amistades. 29

Casos de ĂŠxito

Gail Mathis



In less than a year I have been able to change my zip code, shop like I like and do what I like when I like.

Ardyss International has allowed me the opportunity to live my dreams. In less than a year I have been able to change my zip code, shop like I like and do what I like when I like.

My dream has always been to encourage and empower others while helping myself. It is truly liberating to be able to help myself and others have the lifestyle and financial freedom we had before only dreamed of. My goal is now to become a multimillionaire in this business and help countless others do the same.

Success Stories

I searched for both financial & time freedom for 28 years. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine it would come like it did.

Por más de 28 años busqué la libertad financiera. nunca en mis más remotos sueños pensé que la llegaría a obtener. Ardyss International me ha dado la oportunidad de vivir mis sueños.

En menos de un año he logrado cambiar mi código postal, comprar lo que me gusta y hacer lo que quiero cuando yo quiera. Jamás imaginé que llegaría a tener un equipo de más de 12,500 personas. El pasado mes de Febrero logramos: 3 Presidentes Platino, 3 Presidente Diamante, 6 Presidentes Ejecutivos y varios directores, supervisoras y coordinadores en tan sólo un mes.

Thanks Ardyss for making dreams come true!




Casos de éxito

Beatriz & Antonio Guzmán

Ardyss has enabled us to have a much better life through hard work and personal development.”


Ardyss is a company that incentivizes me, that recognizes our achievements, through it we have made our dreams come true, with the car bonus we were able to pay for our car. We are happy to be part of this great company, of being able to develop ourselves and change our lives, but also help others change theirs.

Success Stories

Ardyss has enabled us to have a much better life through hard work and personal development. Being owners of our own business has given us time freedom. We also enjoy the presidential vacations and sharing great moments with the company owners.

Ardyss ha contribuido en nuestras vidas ayudándonos a tener mejores logros económicos y personales a través de compartir con los demás esta fabulosa carrera de negocios. Ahora podemos tener una mejor calidad de vida. Ardyss nos ha brindado a la libertad para manejar nuestro tiempo siendo los jefes de nuestro propio negocio. Pudimos disfrutar de vacaciones presidenciales y compartir grandes momentos con la Familia Díaz de León. Ésta es una compañía que nos incentiva, que reconoce nuestros logros, gracias a ella, hemos logrado nuestros sueños, con el programa de bono de auto, pudimos pagar nuestro automóvil.

“Thanks Ardyss International for allowing us to be part of this company.”


Vickie & Wayne Bryant Because they have been in business for over 18 years and yet are relatively new to the United States, we chose Ardyss International and are excited about building a profitable future with the company.” We are Vickie and Wayne Bryant from The Villages, Fl. I retired in 2004 at the age of 53 and moved to central Florida looking forward to lots of golf, boating and traveling. The demise of the stock market over the last few months has caused us great concern about our future life style, we began looking for ways to supplement our retirement income. Network marketing would allow us to have both time and money. We wanted a company with a proven track record, a company that would be here for the long term and a company where there was still a great opportunity. Because they have been in business for over 18 years and yet are relatively new to the United States, we chose Ardyss International and are excited about building a profitable future with the company.

Somos Vickie y Wayne Bryant de The Villages, Florida. Me retiré en el 2004 a la edad de 53 años y nos mudamos a Florida, buscando jugar golf, pasear en bote y viajar. El deceso de la economía en los últimos meses, causó una gran preocupación acerca de nuestro futuro estilo de vida, empezamos a buscar la forma de suplementar nuestros ingresos para el retiro.

El Mercadeo en Red nos ha permitido obtener tiempo y dinero. Queríamos una compañía seria, respaldada por la experiencia de varios años en el negocio y encontramos a Ardyss International. Realmente estamos muy contentos de construir un negocio prometedor con esta empresa.


Luz Elena & Jairo Alarcón


Fortunately, my husband and I could develop this business together, travelling a lot and seeing how our greatest dreams are coming true: Sending our children to College.”

Success Stories

We live in Port St. Lucie, Florida and we feel deeply proud of being part of this great company Ardyss International for 8 years. It’s amazing how our lives have changed.

Soy Luz Elena Alarcón, mi familia y yo nos sentimos profundamente orgullosos de pertenecer a esta gran empresa, Ardyss International.

Afortunadamente al ingresar, mi esposo y yo pudimos desarrollar juntos el negocio y ahora somos muy felices porque uno de nuestros mayores sueños se está haciendo realidad: “Que nuestros hijos asistan a la universidad.”

Before we didn’t have time or money, we spent our time on working to live, we didn’t enjoy our kids, and we were always very busy. Regarding our health, this business has been excellent. We have been more than 5 years without visiting a doctor. Thanks to the Ardyss nutritionals. I thank God because through the Diaz de Leon’s family dream, we were able to get ours.


Casos de ĂŠxito

Lolis & Manuel Benitez




Today we have an excellent quality of life in this country. We have bought properties, and drive cars of the most important brands...” Our great adventure started when my husband, Manuel, gave a training for Ardyss and met Mr. & Mrs. Diaz de Leon. We started our Business in San Jose California, and today we have an excellent life level in this country. We have bought properties, and drive cars of the most important brands.

We thank God for putting us on this road, to our son, Emmanuel for always being with us in this great Project, and our Group because Ardyss gives the opportunity to everyone having a great dream. Thanks for believing in us.

mos de un excelente nivel de vida en éste país. Hemos adquirido propiedades y conducimos automóviles de las mejores marcas,

Success Stories

We have the opportunity to travel and have an excellent quality of life.

Mi esposo Manuel y yo iniciamos el negocio en San José, California y hoy en día goza-

tenemos la oportunidad de viajar y de tener un nivel de vida excelente. Estamos convencidos de que ellos lograrán el éxito, ya que Ardyss le da la oportunidad a todo aquel que tiene un sueño grande, gracias por creer en nosotros.



Casos de éxito

Vicelia Tinde

If you are looking at this opportunity for the first time, I say go for it! Don’t stop until you reach all your goals and dreams.”


Success Stories

What can I say but “Absolutely Amazing.” I can’t think of a better business than building self esteem and healthy lifestyles. How awesome is that? II’ve been with Ardyss International since September 2008 and it’s been one of the best decisions that I’ve ever made. I’m blessed that my friend and now business partner Gina Berry thought enough of me to introduce me to this life changing opportunity. I was able to achieve the level of President in just 5 short months and the money just gets better and better... My entire family uses the nutritional products and we are healthier, happier and blessed. If you are looking at this opportunity for the first time, I say go for it! Don’t stop until you reach all your goals and dreams.

No puedo pensar en un mejor negocio que reanime la autoestima, brinde estabilidad económica y un estilo de vida saludable. Ingresé a Ardyss International desde Septiembre del 2008, y ésta ha sido una de las mejores decisiones que he tomado.

Si estás conociendo está oportunidad por vez primera, ve por ella. No te detengas en alcanzar tus sueños y metas. Logré el rango de Presidente en tan sólo 5 meses y las ganancias sólo han ido aumentando y aumentando.


Casos de 茅xito

Ver贸nica & Sergio Mercado




I have a great life style. I really enjoy my work where I can share more time with my family, and helping others gives me great satisfaction.” I joined this company in 1998, and I can say is, Ardyss International has changed my life. In this company I met a beautiful woman, Veronica, now my wife with whom I have had 2 children: Máximos & Emiliano. I started in this company in the Accounting Department, and then had different positions inside the company. This gave me great experience and more knowledge in network marketing. Thanks to the Ardyss Compensation Plan, I have a great lifestyle. I really enjoy my work where I can share more time with my family, and helping others gives me great satisfaction. Success Stories

Last year was an economic recession year, but, my income increased 100% vs. 2007.

Ardyss offers you a better path to financial freedom, and an opportunity for everyone. Expectations are big, and working as a team, conquering the top will be easier. Let’s go for more, let’s go for everything. Conocí esta empresa en 1998, y puedo decir que ha cambiado mi vida en todos los sentidos. Comencé en esta compañía en el departamento de contabilidad y he tenido diferentes puestos en la empresa, esto me ha dado mucha experiencia y conocimiento en el negocio de mercadeo en red.

Gracias al sistema de ganancias de Ardyss, he alcanzado un estilo de vida diferente, disfruto mi trabajo, comparto bastante tiempo con mi familia, y el ayudar a los demás a lograr sus sueños, me brinda mucha satisfacción. El año pasado fue de recesión económica, pero a diferencia de millones de personas, mis ingresos crecieron un 100% comparado con el 2007. Recuerda Ardyss te ofrece mejorar tu salud y libertad financiera. 41


Casos de ĂŠxito

Dr. Kenneth & Priscilla Robinson

This is a phenomenal company with limitless opportunities for rewards and advancement. I will retire from medicine at some point but not from Ardyss.�


The day that I was introduced to the Ardyss business was a typical day for me, in the mist of all of this in walks Helen De’lahoussaye and Dorothy Cook arriving for their scheduled appointment to show me a “business opportunity. I did not believe that there was a company out there offering the type of money supposedly being offered by Ardyss. The light finally turned on for us after we were persuaded to attend the Atlanta Super Saturday event in October, 2008. In November, we jumped in with both feet and now wish we had come on board months ago.

El día que me enteré del negocio de Ardyss, fue un día típico para mí, nunca pensé que hubiera una compañía que ofreciera una magnifica oportunidad de negocios. Desde Octubre de 2008, nos embarcamos en este viaje y seguimos a bordo para conquistar todos nuestros sueños. Me siento muy orgulloso de ser el Primer Médico en alcanzar el rango Presidente en la compañía. He recomendado los productos Ardyss a mis pacientes y colegas,teniendo una aceptacón muy favorable.

Esta es una compañía fenomenal, con oportunidades ilimitadas con recompensas y ascensos. Llegará el momento en que me retire de la medicina pero nunca de Ardyss.

Thanks Ardyss, for changing my life!

Gracias Ardyss por cambiar mi vida.

Los invito a subir abordo.


Success Stories

I was adding Ardyss products to my recommendation with very favorable acceptance. I am very proud to be the companie’s first physician President and I encourage other doctors to come on board.

Casos de éxito

Leticia Velázquez



This company has truly changed my life. Over the years, I have become a better person in many ways and on this journey I have learned to deal with the obstacles that life sometimes throws our way.” Afortunadamente tuve la oportunidad de conocer a esta gran empresa Ardyss Internacional, años atrás, pero fue el pasado mes de Agosto cuando inicié el gran reto de empezar mi propio negocio como distribuidor independiente.

Esta compañía ha cambiado verdaderamente mi vida, al pasar los años me he convertido en una mejor persona de muchas maneras. En este trabajo he aprendido a librar los obstáculos que la vida me pone en el camino.

I came to America on July 3, 2001 and was introduced to Ardyss International 7 days later. Over the next 7 years I worked in different departments for the company and learned everything I could to better my life financially. This past month, I decided to retire my corporate position with the company and go full time as the owner of my very own Ardyss distributorship. Through the personal development the company teaches, I have realized that obstacles are always going to come, but it’s how we handle them that shows us what kind of person we truly are.

Ardyss has challenged me to become a better person in both my personal and business life and I can attest that in both areas I have increased my wealth over and over again. I invite you to change your life, and start on this amazing journey with Ardyss.


Success Stories

Además de mejorar personalmente y en mi carrera de negocios, he podido conservar e incrementar mi salud. Ardyss ha cambiado mi vida, profesionalmente, espiritualmente, y lo económico viene por consecuencia. Te invito a tomar el reto de esta gran carrera de negocio, cambia tu vida.

Veronica Jolivette


Casos de éxito

Ardyss International has put a huge smile on our faces, because in Ardyss all dreams will come true. This company has changed our lives.”


Success Stories

Ardyss International has put a huge smile on our faces, because in Ardyss all dreams will come true. This company has changed our lives. Now we have financial freedom and more time to spend with our family.

The Body Magic reshaped my body and the Ardyss nutritional products saved my life. My husband, my mother and even our 15 year old son is living a more fulfilling and exhilarating life. We are truly thankful to this company; as we set sail, we will change lives one household at a time.

Ardyss International puso una enorme sonrisa en nuestros rostros, porque en ésta empresa los sueños se hacen realidad. Esta compañía ha cambiado nuestras vidas, ahora tenemos una libertad financiera y más tiempo para compartir en familia. El Body Magic, remodeló mi cuerpo y los productos nutricionales de Ardyss salvaron mi vida. Mi marido, mi madre y mi hijo de 15 años tienen un bienestar asegurado. Estamos verdaderamente agradecidos con la compañía, porque ahora nosotros podemos cambiar la vida de muchas amas de casa en el mundo.


Casos de éxito

María Trujillo



What I like most of this business is that you can do it easily, I invite all those people that have great dreams, you should take this opportunity and join the goal of changing their lives forever.”

My name is Maria Trujillo, I’m from El Salvador. As a Hispanic I feel proud of being part of this company, Ardyss International.

Success Stories

Today, I can say that many of my dreams have already come true: Great education for my children, helping my family, remodeling my house, new cars and travel. What I like most about this business is that you can do it easily. I invite all those people that have great dreams, you should take this opportunity and join this life changing company. Thank you Díaz de León Family for your constant support. I also want to thank my team of successful leaders. Soy María Trujillo, originaria del Salvador, como hispana me siento muy orgullosa de ser parte de esta empresa: Ardyss International.. Hoy puedo decir que muchos de mis sueños ya son una realidad: Brindarle educación a mis hijos, ayudar a mi familia, remodelar mi hogar, tener automóviles nuevos y viajar.

Lo que más me gusta de este negocio es la facilidad con que uno puede hacerlo. Aprovechen esta valiosa oportunidad y los invito a unirse al reto de cambiar sus vidas para siempre.


Elisa García


Casos de éxito

I’m committed to help all of those that want to succeed, and my goal is that thousands of families can have a better way of life and financial stability.”

I feel excited for having the opportunity of sharing my Ardyss story. I am Elisa Garcia and I love this company, not only for the great checks but for the human quality of its founders.

I have been with the company more than 11 years and I can actually say I am successful and I have done it. One of my dreams was to drive a Black BMW, and thanks to Ardyss now I do! I am a person of dreams and I won’t stop till I get them all. I’m committed to help all of those that want to succeed, and my goal is that thousands of families can have a better way of life and financial stability. Success is in our hands and dreams can come true with this great company, Ardyss International.


Soy Elisa García y me identifico con esta gran empresa no sólo por lo económico, sino por la calidad humana de sus fundadores. Tengo más de 11 años en Ardyss y realmente puedo decir que soy exitosa y me siento realizada. Uno de mis mayores sueños era poder adquirir un automóvil BMW color negro y gracias a ésta empresa, ahora lo tengo en casa. Me considero una persona de sueños e ilusiones y no pararé hasta lograrlos.

Estoy comprometida a ayudar a otros que deseen el éxito y mi objetivo es que miles de familias puedan tener una mejor calidad de vida y estabilidad financiera. El éxito está en tus manos, los sueños se vuelven realidad en Ardyss International.

Izzi Martínez


Today, the American market is the fastest growing market for Ardyss International. All things are possible for those who Believe!”

Success Stories

Izzy Martinez, founder of Ardyss America, has worked tirelessly along with her husband Steve and her children Tony and Ginger since August of 2002 to develop the American market for Ardyss International.

Desde Agosto del 2002, Izzy Martínez, fundadora de Ardyss América ha trabajado incansablemente junto a su esposo Steve y sus hijos Tony y Ginger en el desarrollo del Mercado Americano en Ardyss International.

Contrary to everyone who told her it was impossible, she stayed focused on her vision of telling the American women about these fabulous products and business.

Contrario a lo que todos le decían: que era imposible, ella se enfocó en su visión de hacerles saber a las mujeres americanas, lo fabuloso del negocio y los productos.

As a Fashion Designer she knew these products were ideal and found it more satisfying to reshape a woman by restoring her figure, self-esteem and her health.

Como diseñadora de Modas, Ella sabía que los productos eran ideales para satisfacer y reconstruir la figura de las mujeres, brindándoles mayor autoestima y salud.



Ways to earn

Formas de ganar


Formas de ganar dinero


The Great Ardyss Family, is committed to help you succeed, to assist you as you grow your business. We are committed to providing you with the best products, services and tools.

La Gran Familia Ardyss International se compromete a ayudarte a lograr el 茅xito y crecer con tu negocio. Estamos dispuestos a proveerte de los mejores productos, servicios y herramientas.

We present to you 7 simple ways to obtain money with Ardyss.

A continuaci贸n te presentamos 7 sencillas maneras de obtener dinero con ARDYSS.


Ways to earn


Formas de ganar dinero


Direct Sales

Venta Directa Ganancia diaria

You can buy the product at wholesale price and sell it at retail price. Every new distributor receives 40 % discount.

Al ingresar, todos los asociados, obtienen el beneficio de recibir el 40% de descuento lo cual les permite ganar dinero por comprar los productos a precio de mayoreo y venderlos al precio público sugerido.

Besides, when you accumulate points in one invoice those points count for special promotions.


Ways to earn

Immediate earnings

Además, por acumulación de puntos en una sola factura cuentan con promociones especiales.

The Fast Start Express Bonus

Bono Express

It is paid on monthly basis upon the first purchase of the new associates.

Se paga mensualmente sobre la primera compra de los nuevos asociados.

If you are enrolled in the Autoship program you are entitled to collect 30 % of the VP of the first purchase of all of your new associates.

Si estás inscrito en el Pedido Automático, tienes el derecho a cobrar el 30% de los VP de las primeras órdenes de todos tus nuevos asociados.

If you are not enrolled in the Autoship program you only get 20 %. The maximum amount of the first purchase is 300 VP. In addition, you will be paid regardless of where you placed the new associates in your downline.

En caso de lo contrario, sólo recibirías el 20%. El máximo de la primera compra es de 300 VP. Además, recibirás los pagos sin importar en donde hayas “colocado” a los nuevos asociados en tu línea descendente.


The new associates start earning money in the unilevel side of the plan, the moment they make their second purchase.

A partir de la segunda compra que realicen los nuevos asociados comenzaran a ganar en la sección del Uninivel.

Benefits of the placement of new associates. This eliminates the need to grow too widely and helps you structure your organization in work teams while maximizing your profits.

Beneficios en la “colocación” de nuevos asociados. Esto elimina la necesidad de crecer con demasiada anchura y ayuda a que estructures tu organización en equipos de trabajo y maximices las ganancias.

You not enrolled in the Autoship Program

You enrolled in the Autoship Program


No inscrito en el pedido automático

Formas de ganar

3 Enrollment Relationship & Unilevel Bonus


Inscrito en el Pedido Automático

Bono por enrolamiento y Uninivel

Monthly payment

Ganancia mensual

10% of the “Enrollment Bonus” is earned of each person you personally enroll, regardless of where you place her/him.

El bono por enrolamiento es del 10% de cada persona que ingreses. Adicionalmente al 10%, recibirás un porcentaje según el nivel donde los coloques.

Unilevel and enrollment relationship bonuses are earned as of the date of the second purchase of the new associates. There are no limitations on width, and all personal purchases are included regardless of where the volumes are placed.

Siendo lo más común que ganes el 15% de cada persona que ingreses de manera personal y un 5% de las personas que a su vez ellos te ingresen. Las ganancias por Uninivel y los bonos por enrolamiento se comienzan a ganar a partir de la segunda compra que hagan los nuevos asociados. Sin restricciones de anchura, se incluyen todas las compras personales sin importar donde estén colocados los volúmenes.


Enrollment Relationship Bonus

Bono Uninivel

Personal Purchase and Requirements per month / Compras Personales y Requisitos al mes

40% Rule Regla 40%


Generational Bonus

Compresión Se paga el porcentaje que dice la tabla del uninivel sobre los distribuidores que tienen el volumen.

Bono Generacional

Monthly payment

Ganancia mensual

Generational Bonuses are additional percentages earned when a distributor chooses to get involved in the Ardyss Business Career.

Los bonos generacionales son pagos adicionales cuando un distribuidor decidió hacer la carrera de negocios en Ardyss.

This starts when the distributor creates at least 10 thousand GQP. From there on, the distributor could qualify to receive a 4% additional bonus of all the purchases of her/his group. Additional Generations can be earned as more volume and ranks are achieved.

Esta comienza cuando el distribuidor llega como mínimo a los 10 mil puntos de calificación grupales (GQP). A partir de ahí, podrá calificar para recibir un 4% adicional sin límite de todas las compras que tenga su grupo.

Also, as the group grows more generations are uncovered and therefore you also collect additional percentages from them, as shown in the following chart:

Además, conforme vayan avanzando los grupos de sus líneas descendentes se destaparán más generaciones y podrá seguir cobrando de éstas según la siguiente tabla. 55

Ways to earn

Compression The percentages shown in the chart are paid based on the distributors with purchase volume.

Generational Bonus

Bono Generacional

















4% 3% 3% 2% 1%

1 2 3 4 5



3% 3%


3% 3% 2%

3% 3% 2% 1%

40% rule applies

Formas de ganar


Car Bonus


Aplica la regla del40%

Bono de Auto

Monthly payment

Ganancia Mensual

While moving forward in the Ardyss Business Career, you are entitled to an additional monthly car bonus.

Al avanzar en la carrera de negocios Ardyss, te haces acreedor a bonos adicionales para el pago mensual de un automóvil.

In order to earn this benefit, you must qualify 2 consecutive months with the required qualification shown in the chart and comply with the 40 % rule.

Para calificar a este bono deberás tener 2 meses consecutivos con el volumen de la tabla y cumplir con la regla del 40% .




Supervisor Manager A Manager B Director President Executive Diamond Platinum

Supervisor Gerente A Gerente B Director Presidente Ejecutivo Diamante Platino

4,000 8,000 12,000 30,000 70,000 150,000 250,000 350,000

Bonus Bono

$150 $225 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800

If you do not qualify in your rank; you can only earn 50% of the previous rank bonus if you qualify for it. En caso de no calificar en tu rango, únicamente podrás recibir el 50% del bono del rango anterior si calificas en el.



Rank Bonus

Bono de Rango

Monthly payment

Ganancia Mensual

This monthly bonus can be earned if the distributor maintains the requirements for its rank.

Este bono se gana mensualmente sólo por mantener el volumen según tu rango en la compañía.

In case of not maintaining the requirements in a particular month, the distributor won’t be able to earn the bonus on that particular month, but can earn it again at the moment of achieving the requirements.

En caso de no mantener el volumen en algún mes en particular, simplemente no te harías acreedor a este bono en dicho mes y podrás volver a recibirlo al momento de alcanzar tu volumen.





$100 $200 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800

Supervisor Gerente A Director Presidente Ejecutivo Diamante Platino

40% rule applies


Presidential Bonus

Ways to earn

Supervisor Manager A Director President Executive Diamond Platinum

Aplica regla de 40%

Bono Presidencial

Quarterly payment

Ganancia Trimestral

When you qualify in one of the Presidential ranks, you earn the right to participate in our “Presidential Pool” and have a potential of earning an additional percentage of your organization.

Al calificar en algunos de los rangos Presidenciales, obtienes el derecho a participar en el Pool Presidencial y hacerte acreedor hasta un porcentaje adicional de tu organización.




Start The most powerful tool Formas de ganar

La herramienta más poderosa

Ardyss has an amazing way to create extra money in addition to the rest of the compensation plan. We went the extra mile and created something that’s not only a system to build your business but also an amazing bonus to get into profit fast. Power Start is the distributors guide to success in the Ardyss compensation plan.

Ardyss realmente cuenta con una octava manera de ganar dinero, ésta no es solo una forma más, sino que en Ardyss decidimos ir más allá y además desarrollar un programa que ayude al distribuidor como mapa o guía y logre incentivos lucrativos en el camino.

Who can participate in this program?

¿Quién puede programa?

Only those distributors who enroll to Ardyss with a Power Pack are eligible to participate. This is the best way to get your business started. You have a full 90 days to purchase your Power Pack.

Solo aquellos distribuidores que se ingresen a Ardyss con el paquete Power Pack son elegibles para participar como “participantes” del Programa.

What is Power Start about?

¿De qué trata el programa Power Start?

The objective of Power Start is not only to encourage distributors to achieve their own goals, but to also help their team members achieve their goals. Power Start encourages this activity because it pays the participate both a personal power start bonus and a 100% Matching commission on the power start bonuses their personal enrollee’s earn. Power Start pays you off their efforts as well as your own.

Es un programa que tiene como objetivo en que todos nos ayudemos, ya que premia económicamente tanto al inscrito al programa como al patrocinador de esa persona. Esto a través de bonos únicos de avance por metas.

Power Start bonuses pay the participate a personal bonus of $60,000 and an additional $60,000 for EACH person you enroll. If you enroll 4 people your 100% matching bonus potential is $240,000! Power Start bonuses are in addition to the other 7 ways outlined to earn in this magazine.





Estos bonos suman 60 mil dólares adicionales a las otras 7 formas de ganar dinero descritas en este manual y los puedes ir obteniendo durante tu carrera de negocios Ardyss, pero eso no es todo, ya que puedes igualar la misma cantidad por cada persona que inscribas y ayudes a que también ellos avancen.

The 100% matching bonus commissions are driving individual checks higher than $50,000 in a single month. Image if you earn your complete potential of personal power start bonuses AND help 4 others do the same. Your earnings would be $300,000! Thats powerful

Imagina, por terminar tu carrera y ayudar a otras 3 personas más a terminar su carrera en Ardyss son otros 240 mil dólares adicionales! Eso es poderoso!

What are the goals of the Power Start program?

¿Cuáles son las metas del Programa Power Start?

The program is based on the “Earning Chart”on the next page where you can see the details of all set goals; such as the number of months you have from the moment you enroll to Ardyss to meet the group volume required and the number of personal active distributors you need to achieve the Power Start bonuses.

El programa cuenta con una tabla donde se detallan los meses que tiene el distribuidor para cumplir las metas, los puntos que debe hacer con todo su grupo y el número de distribuidores que debe tener de manera personal activos.


800 2,000 3,500 5,000 6,500 8,000 10,000 14,000 18,000 24,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 180,000 220,000 260,000 300,000

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

For more details about the Power Start program ask the person who shared this information with you or if you have already joined, check your Back Office for all the details.





Bonus on time

Bonus on time

Bonus off time

Bonus off time

$50 $100 $150 $200 $250 $300 $350 $500 $700 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $3,000 $3,500 $4,000 $4,500 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 $10,000

$50 $100 $150 $200 $250 $300 $350 $500 $700 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $3,000 $3,500 $4,000 $4,500 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 $10,000

$25 $50 $75 $100 $125 $150 $175 $250 $350 $500 $750 $1,000 $1,250 $1,500 $1,750 $2,000 $2,250 $2,500 $3,000 $3,500 $4,000 $5,000


Ways to earn

1 2 3 5 7 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40

GQP Volume

Personally Active Enrolled Distributors

Para más detalles del programa puedes consultarlo con la persona que te ingresó o en el Back Office (oficina virtual)


In one month with Power Start I earned...

$ 71,150


Power Start

Plus Bonuses and Commissions

Power Start, te da el poder de creer en ti mismo y en todos los productos Ardyss. Agradezco a mi equipo porque juntos con esfuerzo y dedicación, todos hemos alcanzado el rango Platino. He

ganado más de $100,000 UDS en dos meses, estoy libre de deudas y emocionada porque ahora no tengo que preocuparme por el futuro. Al paso que vamos creo que tendremos 2000 presidentes para este año. 60

Power Start Testimonials

Stormy Wellington


Power start gives you the power to believe in yourself and all of Arydss’ products. I thank everyone on my team cause together with our hard work and dedication we all will be Platinums. In addition to earning over $100,000 in 2 short months, I am debt free and excited about life and no longer worried about what’s gonna happen next.

Understand that through hard work we together can achieve our goals, but at the rate we’re going I see 2000 presidents in 2009. Get up and make it happen today, right now! The time is today! Power Start 61

Phyllis Hayden



I have been with this business five months. Within this time I have been blessed with more and more money through the power start program. Power Start has given me a new start with my lifestyle, finances, and future.. Within two months I am honored to announce I am debt free and teaching my team how to duplicate. My 16 year old son is extremly excited how ardyss has impacted his life as well. He is inheriting a paid off lexus to drive this summer. Power start is an opportunity you have to offer to everyone.

Power Start

When your mouth is closed your business is closed. Tell your story and show your glory(your checks). In this business you have to give your best and you will receive the best from ardyss.


In one month with Power Start I earned

$ 37,950


Plus Bonuses and Commissions

Power Start He estado en el negocio cinco meses, en el cuál he sido bendecida con dinero y más dinero a través del Programa Power Start, el cual le ha dado un nuevo comienzo a mi estilo de vida, finanzas y a mi futuro. En dos meses puedo decir que estoy libre de deudas y enseñando a mi equipo cómo duplicar.


Marion Napoleón



In one month with Power Start I earned...

$ 35,250


Power Start

Plus Bonuses and Commissions

When the Ardyss opportunity was introduced to me five months ago, I was absolutely down on my luck. The “Power Start Bonus” put fire back into my bones. It has allowed me the incredible opportunity to pay ALL of my debtors, and given me the opportunity to watch my close friends reach new levels each month with pure excitement. Now we are each building a business and getting PAID together!

As life continues to get better, I travel around the world transforming both men and women. Thanks to Ardyss I am dreaming again and my kids and I are back to a normal life style. 64

Power Start Testimonials

Power Start

Cuando se me presentó la oportunidad de Ardyss, hace cinco meses, estaba completamente decaída y la suerte no me sonreía.

El Bono de Power Start inyectó emoción a mis huesos. Este me ha permitido tener la increíble oportunidad de pagar todas mis deudas y ver como mis amigos cercanos alcanzan nuevos niveles cada mes, a base de mucho entusiasmo, construyendo un negocio y recibiendo ganancias juntos. La vida continua para mejorar, he viajado alrededor del mundo trasformando a hombres y mujeres. Gracias a Ardyss, estoy soñando de nuevo y mis hijos y yo hemos regresado a un estilo de vida normal. 65

Helen Dela Houssaye


In one month with Power Start I earned...

$ 33,700


Power Start

Plus Bonuses and Commissions


Power Start Testimonials

Power Start

I met Dorothy Cook. I decided to take massive action for 90 days, after 60 days my team and I achieved the rank of President. In 10 short months in Ardyss I would achieve the rank of Platinum President. I would like to thank my team; The Dream Team Of Ardyss, we had the largest month in Feb. Closing out with 1.2 million dollars! We made Triple Platinum.

Now I have unlimited time to spend with my family while creating a legacy for my children. And to top it off I’m making an abundant amount of money while having fun. In Feb I made over 63K.

Agradezco a mi equipo, The Dream Team of Ardyss, ya que en Febrero, tuvimos un excelente mes, cerrando con 1.2 millones de dólares, y triple Platino. Quien se hubiera imaginado que en sólo 10 cortos meses en la compañía, lograría el rango de Presidente Platino.

Ahora tengo el tiempo ilimitado para gozar a mi familia, mientras creo un legado para mis hijos y sus descendientes, y lo mejor todavía es que estoy haciendo muchísimo dinero, en Febrero logré más de 63,000 UDS.

Never give up! Renew your mind everyday that quiting is not an option.


Lester & Gina Berry



In one month with Power Start I earned...

$ 35,586

Power Start

Plus Bonuses and Commissions



Power Start Testimonials

Power Start

This opportunity with Ardyss International has changed my quality of life in several ways. This business has enabled me to be more of a role model for my sons. They play a key part in the building of the business. I have been blessed to be surrounded by a great team of business partners.

Our success is because we’re driven by our goals and dreams helping others achieve theirs. I believe if you’re going to dream, then it should be a big dream. Once you come into this business it is no longer about you, it then becomes about how many others you can help get a check. We are making the world a more beautiful place one person at a time.

La oportunidad que nos ha brindado Ardyss International ha cambiado nuestra calidad de vida en todos los sentidos. Una vez que ingresas en éste negocio obtienes enorme ganancias rápidamente.

Nuestro éxito radica en conducirnos a través de nuestras metas y sueños, ayudando a otros a lograr los suyos, yo creo que si vas a soñar entonces conviertelo en un gran sueño. Una vez que tú estás en este negocio, no te toma mucho tiempo darte cuenta de cuantas personas pueden ayudarte a conseguir un cheque.


Nicola Jackson



In one month with Power Start I earned...

$ 30,350

Power Start

Plus Bonuses and Commissions

Power Start Program is the best thing to happen to my family in the last months. It has allowed us to pay off many large bills in short period during a time that many people call a recession. Recession does not exist in Ardyss!

The Power Start Program gives us hope to dream big and know we can make them come true! We only want to be the example that hard work truly pays off. We encourage all of the Ardyss Family to take advantage of this opportunity to the fullest!


El programa de Power Start es lo mejor que le ha sucedido a mi familia en los últimos meses. Nos ha permitido pagar muchas deudas rápidamente y mientras todos viven en recesión, en la crisis no existe en Ardyss.

Este programa nos dio la esperanza de poder soñar en grande pero sobre todo de hacerlo realidad.


Power Start Testimonials

Toni Morgan


In one month with Power Start I earned...

$ 7,200


Plus Bonuses and Commissions

El Programa de Power Start me ha permitido generar significativos ingresos en los primeros meses. Con Ardyss tengo plena seguridad financiera y un brillante futuro para mi familia.

The Power Start has allowed me to earn a significant income in the first few months of my Ardyss business. With Ardyss, I have so much more financial security and a brighter outlook for my families future. I have 100 percent freedom to make my own schedule, which means I have more time to focus on the things that are most important to me including helping other people. My business allows more time for family, too. “Before I discovered Ardyss, I never had time to enjoy my kids and their activities.” Now, I have the time to take a fun vacation at least four times a year. It’s so obvious to see now what I was missing before Ardyss.

Gozo del 100% de libertad para enfocarme en las cosas que realmente me importan, incluyendo el ayudar a otras personas, salir de vacaciones y pasar tiempo con mi familia. Power Start 71

In one month with Power Start I earned...

$ 18,350


Power Start

Plus Bonuses and Commissions

We began our journey 8 months ago with Ardyss International. We were just loo-

king to earn an extra $2000 to pay our sons school tuition. Earned $13,820 our 1st month working with Ardyss. The compensation structure is

lucrative, but the Power Start Bonus is the cherry on top. The Power Start Bonus has allowed us to pay off debt, take vacations and build a retirement. The pay-plan have superceded our expectations, earning nearly six-figures. “We say Work The Power Start� 72

Power Start Testimonials

Erwin & Twiler Portis


Power Start

Empezamos con Ardyss International, hace 8 meses. Estรกbamos buscando un in-

greso extra de $2000 USD para pagar la escuela de nuestros hijos, y en nuestro primer mes de trabajo con Ardyss obtuvimos $13,820 USD.

El programa de Power Start nos ha permitido pagar deudas, irnos de vacaciones y ahorrar para el retiro. Los planes de pago han superado nuestras expectativas, ganando cantidades de mรกs de 6 cifras. 73

Power Start

Erika McQueen



Con el Power Start eliminé mis deudas y ahora tengo un negocio que amo y me provee con muchas ganancias. Estoy muy orgullosa y agradecida de ser la segunda Americana en alcanzar el rango Platino, además mi equipo terminó el mes con casi 1 millón de dólares, y cerca de 4000 distribuidores. Tengo la confianza de que terminaremos el año con 10 mil distribuidores y muchos Presidentes Platino.

Power Start

In one month with Power Start I earned...

$ 17,000


Plus Bonuses and Commissions

Since starting with Ardyss, I have seen my entire life change for the better. I have elimi-

nated my debts and now I have a business I love, that provides me with massive income potential, and gives me more time to do the things I want to do.

The future is very bright for Ardyss Elite! I am so grateful to have been the second American to make it to the Platinum position. My team ended the month with almost 1 million dollars in production and over 4 thousand distributors. I am confident we will end the year with 10k distributors and many Platinum Presidents.


Barbara Brown


In one month with Power Start I earned...

$ 10,400


Power Start

Plus Bonuses and Commissions

I began my Career with Ardyss International last year in July 2008. I was looking for financial freedom and truly Ardyss International was it. When, I saw all the different ways the company pays, I was real excited.

The Power start is helping me to achieve my goals and dreams, such as paying all my bills. I have worked other network marketing companies and never have I seen a compensation plan that pays like the Ardyss Power Start Program. I have trained my team to do the same thing that I do and it¢s duplicating into the hundreds. The Power Pack has truly changed my life and is the best way to start your business with Ardyss International. 76

El Programa Power Start me está ayudando a lograr mis metas y sueños, como ahora que estoy pagado mis deudas.

He trabajado en otras compañías de Mercadeo en Red y nunca había visto un Plan de Compensación como el de este programa. He entrenado a mi equipo para que hagan lo mismo que yo y dupliquen en cientos. El Paquete Power Pack realmente ha cambiado mi vida y es la mejor manera de comenzar tu negocio en Ardyss International.

Participate and live this great experience



4 nights and 5 days on a fabulous Cruise to the Bahamas All the Presidential ranks participate (also all new Presidents) with the requirements of the contest

From January 5th to July 31th 2009

4 noches y 5 días en un fantástico crucero por las Bahamas Participan todos los equipos Presidentes (también los Nuevos Equipos Presidente)

Del 5 de enero al 31 de julio de 2009

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