10 Inexpensive After School Activities For Kids

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10 Inexpensive After School Activities For Kids Struggling to keep the kids amused after school and on weekends? Try these cheap and cheerful ideas for your kids.

1. Bike Rides You do t eed to go far to e joy a good ike ride. Why ot y le to the lo al park equipped with a picnic basket once the kids get back from school?

Getting out and about on a bike is both great fun and great exercise for you and the kids. Introducing your child to the excitement of cycling is a real rite of passage and valuable life skill.

2. Local Library If your little ones love books, find out what activities your local library has organized this year.


Special reading groups, play sessions and story-themed craft events will be happening up and down the country –so isit your lo al authority s e site for i for atio o hat s goi g o near you.

3. CINEMA: Latest Movie Releases Feeling tired but want to get out the house? Why not take the kids to see some of the latest releases at the cinema?

Most cinemas will have their own family discounts or special offers for kids. Check your local cinema online for a y deals. Do t forget to uy pop or a d dri ks, that should help to keep them happy!

4. Museums and Galleries Share a little k o ledge. You ll e surprised ho thing that comes to mind.


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So e of the ou try s ost i pressi e useu s a d galleries do t harge for e try. So consider taking your children along to see art and exhibitions like the National Portrait Gallery, Imperial War Museum, Science Museum, V&A Museum and British Museum.

5. Arts and Crafts Struggling to keep the kids busy after school? Grab some brushes and test your kids creativity. Let them go wild and paint pictures of things they can find. Keep an eye on them, otherwise you might end up with freshly painted walls.

Why not cut up some old magazine to make collages, experiment with paper mache, make birthday cards, or use unwanted clothes to create a fashion show!

6. Cooking and Baking Fancy a hand in the kitchen?


Cooking with your children can teach them a whole range of skills and give them an understanding of food and where it comes from. It is a good way to bond and get them to appreciate the effort that goes into cooking. You might even discover a little hidden chef. If you do t k o hat to ook, sear h o li e for e re ipes.

7. National Parks Visiting a National Park can make a great day out for the whole fa ily, a d it s free!

8. Sports Day Got a bit of spare room in your garden? Why ot hold your o

Sports after oo ?

If your family like sports, then why not host your own tournament? Use things you can find lying around to re-create your kids favourite events. Mark lines for races, get the tape measure for long jump. Why not use a frisbee as a discus or tennis ball as a shot put? Invite relatives, neighbours or friends around to join in!


9. Eating Out Hungry? Forget cooking!

Why not take the family out to dinner. Before you do, look online for deals and money off. There is always a bargain to be had! Many restaurants offer family discounts and sometimes let kids eat for free!

10. Do a Good Deed Why not encourage your kids to do a good deed?

Why not spend the afternoon with the kids sorting out unwanted toys, clothing and possessions. A ythi g your kids do t a t or ha e gro out of a e do ated to harity for those who are less fortunate.


REF: www.netmums.com www.andwhosaysyoucant.blogspot.co.uk www.which.co.uk/news/2011/07/10-free-and-cheap-activities-for-kids-259657

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Afterschool.ae is the largest dedicated provider of quality on-site after school activities, programs, tutoring, summer camps, sports and child care services in United Arab Emirates. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Please visit http://afterschool.ae/


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