12 Ways Team Sports Can Help Kids As They Grow Up We all a t hat’s est for our kids. To e o fide t a d ready i life, a kid ust e halle ged i to activities and learn. Team sports might be the best solution in order to make our kids work while they are young. It pushes our kids to have a healthier and active life, meet new friends and have buddies that they can grow up with. Team sports can also make your kid grow smarter at the same time.
Physical Growth 1. Team sports are always competitive – If you are looking for a challenge, get your kid into team sports like basketball or soccer. The competitive nature starts to understanding the game, playing the team concept to competing with other teams. 2. Fitness is always a priority when playing team sports – Indeed, playing any sport is challenging, fitness and readiness is important in order to avoid in-game injuries. Exercise and warm up routines is a natural thing in team sports. It gives the kids the strength, the stamina when playing the game. When kids learn to value physical fitness, they can carry it as they grow up. 3. Parents become more aware on their kids nutrition – A kid who is engage on team sports for the first time may always feel tired and hungry, and then this is the time where the parents should do their role. Parents should look closer on the nutrition that their kid is getting; give them foods that can provide them the energy that they need – protein rich foods can help on this.
Social and Emotional Growth 4. Coaches and mentors tend to be the next parent who understands your kid – In team sports, coaches are always treated to be the next parent in the team. They give the instructions; they teach your kids the discipline. Kids get to have a 2nd parent when they grow up. 5. Kids who joi tea sports are ought to lear the word tea – No one get to win a championship on team sports without working together to achieve a common goal. If there is one thing that is i porta t i tea sports, it’s the tea spirit. Tea ork a tea h kids great life lesso s, su h as communication and organization. Such lessons are can be helpful to kids as they grow up. 6. Studies show that team sports can help your kid beat shyness – Kids who are involved in team sports have higher self esteem and self confidence. When you play on a team concept, everyone gets the chance to do their role. When they are confident in life, they can do whatever they want. 7. Sense of belongingness – Tea sport does ’t just gi e your kid his 2nd parent through the coaches, but it can also give your kid his 2nd family through the team. Team spirit allows your kid to feel that belongingness where everybody can work as equal. 8. Kids who join team sports experience winning and losing – Reality check, winning and losing is perhaps the most important experience that team sports a gi e a kid. I real life you do ’t i all the time. When we lose we learn how to make certain adjustments and we are able to understand how coping up work. Team sports teach your kids how to deal with these experiences while they are young and this can help your kid be more read when they grow up. 9. Maturity and respect for the people involved in sports – In winning and losing, respect arises among participants of team sports. It teaches kids how to be more mature and understand that everything is just part of the game. 10. Leadership sprouts on team sports – Team sports can help kids nourish their leadership skills. A team can give a kid all the opportunity to be with competitive team members and opponents, and learn from them. Team sports enable kids develop through captainships and individual decision making that can benefit the team.
You and Your Kids Relationship Growth 11. Team sports can also become a family time – Team sports can help a family get together to show support to a family member who is playing for the team. Enjoying the game and sitting next to your family while cheering your kid can help families get more time together. 12. Become a role model - All the parents in a team can stand on the sideline and join hands on supporting the team. During the game they can become competitors, but after the game there is always a chance of everyone to meet and mingle with one another. Through this, kids are able to see their parents as role models of the community.
Where to find a team sport activity in UAE? Local sports organizations always advertise activity dates before such season begin, you can seek sports pages on local newspapers while you can also visit afterschool.ae for team sports activities where you can enroll your kid.
--About the Site Afterschool.ae is the largest dedicated provider of quality on-site after school activities, programs, tutoring, summer camps, sports and child care services in United Arab Emirates.
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