An Easy To Use Checklist to Evaluate After School Programs

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An Easy To Use Checklist to Evaluate After School Programs

We only want what’s est for our kids. This is what every parent would tell you when you ask them about anything related to their kids. This goes similar with after school activities, parents would only choose programs where their kids will be safe, learn new things and further grow. This is why we created an easy to use checklist that parents can use to evaluate after school programs. Before you enroll your kids, use this simple checklist to assess the quality of the after school program or the service provider itself.       

I already visited the place where the activities are going to be conducted, it’s a hild friendly environment, safe and definitely worth the program fee that I paid for. I met the people who will take care of my kids – teachers, admin, and instructors. I gauge the professional education and training experience of the program provider. I checked other organizations already and I have other options just in case something came up. I read and understand the policy and rules for the kids that are on the contract. I have seen the program already and I am confident that my kid will enjoy his or her time while doing the program. I am excited for my kid

If you have all the things above marked with a check, then you are ready for the program. We understand the importance of assessing your kids experience taking an after school program. Therefore we also formulated a checklist that parents can use to further assess the learning and experience of their kids after finishing the program.

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My kid love the after school activity that he or she is involved with and enjoy his or her time while on the program. My kid was able to make new friends from the program. I saw positive changes of improvement from my kid after the experience. My kid has acquired new knowledge the he or she can use in daily living. I would love to recommend the service provider to my friends and colleagues. The experience is worth it.

If you have the things above checked, then the after school program for your kid is a success. --

About the Site is the largest dedicated provider of quality on-site after school activities, programs, tutoring, summer camps, sports and child care services in United Arab Emirates. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Please visit

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