Dubai UAE Public Holidays in 2015 Whether you are going out for an outdoor adventure, touring the beaches and parks, enrolling your kid to an after school program – planning is important. Before anything else, checkout our list of confirmed public holidays in Dubai UAE this 2015. Mark you calendars folks!
List of UAE Holidays – Public and National Holidays (2015)
The Federal Authority for Government Human Resources (FAHR) confirmed paid holidays for all public and private sector employees. Read more here
More information: Eid-Al-Fitr Eid Ul-Fitr is the first day of the “ha al. It’s the e d of Ra ada , hi h is a o th of fasti g a d prayers. It’s o sidered as a atio al holiday i U ited Ara E irates. Eid is a ara i ord for Festi ity a d fitr ea s To reak the fasti g . It is usto ary to greet ea h other ith Eid Mu arak hi h ea s Blessed Eid . It’s a day of lessi g for all the fasting that Muslims had. It is always a great achievement and spiritual fulfillment for every Muslims.
One must keep in mind that Islamic holidays posted on this site will still change, since these dates are always subjected to moon sighting and may still change the official date. Lailat Al Miraj is also Israa and Miraj Night
Get Busy During Holidays Find after school activities that your kids can enjoy, browse the leading after school activities directory in UAE today and find helpful activities that can sharpen your kid even on his or her free time. Visit now!