G o th Ha k #9: Tea hi g Kids to Lo e Spo ts
Sports can teach children many important things – fitness, discipline, motivation, socio skills and team work. Indeed sports have so many advantages and can help our kid grow healthy, physically, emotionally and socially. If you are looking for an after school activity for your kids, you will probably go for sports, but not all kids are fond of sports. How do you teach your kid and able them to try sports? This post will give important pointers on how to make kids love sports. Start Early To start early is to determine which sports our kid will love. Parents and kids should get i ol ed ea ly i spo ts, ay it e s i i g, asket all, a tial a ts kids’ t yi g out spo ts is not a bad idea. This could later on give your kids options on whether to go strong and specialize on a particular sport or be good and have extra options when getting involved at sports. Studies show that kids who specialize on a single sport are at risk on injuries. While kids who can work on 2 o 3 sport can avoid too much physical fatigue, burnout on which may cause sports injuries.
For Late Starters, Outline the Benefits of Sports Kids who are on age of 5 to 6 can already understand life lessons, and to share them the benefits of sports is to entice them to get involved and work on a sport.
Sport is fitness – To work on a sport is to be more physically fit and healthy. Sports give you more friends – To play sport is to make a kid grow emotionally and have
better socio skills on dealing with other people. Respect – Is the most valuable lesson that your kids can learn when playing sports.
To play sport is to work – Practice and in game activity is work.
To play with a team is to have a second family whom you know you can count on
Sportsmanship – Winning and losing is a natural thing, it happens in a game and it happens in real life. It teaches our kids to become better and understand real life situations.
Take Off the Pressure P ofessio als suggest that kids play spo ts e ause they a t to eet e f ie ds. They do ’t care about winning and losing, they only care about playing with the team and having fun. Parents should learn to take the pressure to their kids shoulder and let them enjoy their time when playing sports. The
hy kids uit o spo ts is e ause they a ’t ha dle the p essu e that the
game and their supposed to be supportive parents are giving them. They quit sport due to the embarrassment and humiliation that their parents put them on. To encourage our kids to love sports, parents should be the first fan that will always be at their backs cheering them and supporting them win or lose. ---
About the Site Afterschool.ae is the largest dedicated provider of quality on-site after school activities, programs, tutoring, summer camps, sports and child care services in United Arab Emirates. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Please visit http://afterschool.ae/