Planning the Perfect Family Vacation Planning a family vacation is a challenging proposition. Finding activities that are kid-friendly and parent-friendly is the key. Read on for tips that will make your next family vacation the best ever. What Kids Want Kids are great travel companions; they are fun and out for adventure. Kids love long car rides as lo g as it s to so epla e reall ool . Pla e trips a d ruises are the est. Kids are little energy machines. They want to do it and we want to do it now. What Parents Want Family vacations should be relaxing and promote family togetherness. The perfect family vacation allows children and parents to relax. Choosing the right destination and activities are critical.
Who Needs Vacation *KIDS In a research study of children ages 6 to 17, - % of kids reported the eeded a a atio e ause s hool a d ho e ork got the -76% of kid s first choice for a vacation is to visit a theme park.
Parents - % of adults readi g this o t take a a ual a atio . -In a recent study of more than 1,100 U.S. adults, hitting the beach was the top choice of 29% of those questioned. A beach vacation easily out-polled other vacations such as camping, visiting a spa or playing golf.
Types of Vacations *The Dreaded Family Road Trip 3 % of kids sur e ed did t a t to take a lo g ar ride for a atio . But, if % of kids sur e ed a t to isit a the e park, ut 3 % do t a t a lo g ar ride ou ould ha e a problem. Maybe you need to discuss with them how they have to ride in the car to get to the theme park. *The Great Family Road Trip Family travel by car is an excellent opportunity to bond as a family and create great vacation memories. High airfares are making road trips a popular choice for family vacations this year.
*The Great Family Plane Trip Family travelers with either children or grandchildren, make up 30% of U.S. adult leisure travelers. Let the kids take turns at the window during takeoffs and landings. Bring along some travel safe snacks like fruit rolls, animal crackers raisins, bottled water, and small bag of cereal. *The Dreaded Family Plane Trip 42% of U.S. adults travel by air. Divide and conquer. If you have more than one kid to keep an eye on, decide ahead who is in charge of each child.
Talk to your kids before the flight; explain what will happen at the airport. Talk about the checkin and security process. Tag tea as our hild goes through se urit , so you are not separated from your kids.
*Riding the Rails Kids get to spend quality time with their parents, sightseeing from the windows or just talking a d pla i g ards. ‘e i d the kids that the trai ride is a trip ithi a trip . Che k to see if our trai is stoppi g i a histori or ota le trai statio . It s a spe ial experience to roll into a landmark like Union Station in Los Angeles. *All Aboard If ou re a ature lo er o sider trai s hi h travel through the national parks and scenic areas. Train travel may be 18% more efficient than airlines. Amtrak has rail services to more than 500 destinations in 46 states. With ever increasing air travel frustrations and higher fuel prices, train travel may be the alternative travelers are looking for.
Kid Friendly Destinations *San Diego -Kids San Diego has everything a kid could want in a vacation. The San Diego Zoo is huge, over 107 acres with more than 800 species from around the world. “ee the est of Afri a ildlife o this safari ad e ture that s ho e to 3, a i als. Celebrate natural wonders of SeaWorld . Majestic killer whales, silly sea lions and playful dolphins will put a smile on your face. -Parents San Diego has everything a parent could want in a vacation. Midway Aircraft Carrier Museum –225,000 sailors served aboard the USS Midway aircraft carrier during nearly 50 years of operation. Flagship Cruises O e hour har or ruise or hale watch. Air a d “pa e Museu –stand in awe of a mint-condition Spitfire Mk XVI, a Navy F6F Hellcat, the A-4 Skyhawk jet and more.
*Orlando -Kids From thrilling rides to magical shows and unforgettable experiences, Orlando offers unlimited fu . Mi ke is still ki g of the hill. ‘uli g o er a area the size of Bosto . Walt Dis e World ‘esort is ade up of four parks: Magi Ki gdo Park, Ep ot, Dis e s A i al Ki gdo Park a d Dis e s Holl ood “tudios. Go ehi d the s e es a d ju p i to the a tio of our fa orite o ies at U i ersal “tudios . Careen and crash your way through Krustyland on the wild a d hilarious The “i pso s ‘ide . Ha e a all i Wood Woodpe ker s Kid)o e . “a e the earth fro alie s o the i tera ti e Me I Bla k ‘ide .
-Parents When it comes to filling up your vacation itinerary, Orlando offers no shortage of things to do. Magi Ki gdo as the first park uilt at Walt Dis e World ‘esort lo ated ear Orla do, Florida. U i ersal Orla do ‘esort is ade up of U i ersal “tudios . Florida Isla ds of Ad e ture a d Wet Wild –take a journey through remarkably themed islands where cutting edge rides will challenge your senses. E plore the World of Harr Potter , here ou ll experience pulse-pounding rides and attractions.
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