Sports 101: Understanding Swimming Strokes
Today, we are giving our readers a free opportunity to understand how swimming stroke styles can help in swimming. Learning the positions and techniques of strokes can help you become a better swimmer, though this guide does ’t e ui e eade s to follo the e act i st uctio that e a e gi i g, e e pect that it can help our readers get some knowledge that can help them on swimming.
Five basic swimming fundamentals: 1. Body Position – E e ho
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2. Leg Movement – To go on a straight line, leg keeps you moving horizontally whenever you are underwater and swimming. 3. Arm Movement – The ability of the arm plays an important part in swimming strokes. Together with body and leg movement, your arm power can help you a lot in moving during swimming. 4. Breathi g Ca dio Co t ol – Mastering control of breathing is important in swimming. To breathe is to have the ability to swim with strength and power. 5. Timing and Precision – to master all the first four fundamentals, you need to master your timing and be precise on moving your body, leg, arm and breathing.
Pro tip: Do not swim fast too soon. Mastering the stroke is the first goal in becoming a good swimmer Not moving into distance due to fast swimming movement.
Swim Strokes: Butterfly
1. Hands pull down, lower legs pushes down, toes pointed 2. Arms pull wide, head looking forward 3. Legs push up, hips push down, hands move under shoulder 4. Legs continue upward movement. hips push down, hands move in under body, head comes up out of water. 5. Legs begin downward movement, hand push back at side of hips, head clears water. 6. Arms begin recovery over the water, head thrust forward to breathe. 7. Arms come over straight and wide, face down in water 8. Hands enter in front of shoulder to repeat action.
1. Body is streamlines but at a small angle eyes look forward and down. 2. Arms pull side back and down, hands stay in front of shoulders. 3. Breathe out and take a breath quickly. 4. As the arms complete their action, the legs are drawn up 5. As arms push forward legs drive back with feet turned out 6. Some swimmers find it restful to hold a short glide before the next stroke
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