The positive effects of after school programs in a child's life

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The Positive Effects of After School Programs in a Child’s Life Learning should never stop after school. Kids deserve to have time for fun and creative ways to keep the sel es e tertai ed a d produ ti e. Ho e ork is aiti g, ut it o ’t e good for kids to start o it right after class. Experts say that giving kids interesting activities at home play a huge role in their lives. Their play time should never include computers, video games and Televisions.

Studies Confirm Children with After School Activities Live Better Lives The Harvard Family Research Project did a review on several after school studies to address two issues: the impact of fun activities for afterschool programs on kids, and the necessary steps to achieve desired results. Their review confirms that the youth on after school programs can reap positive benefits in several areas: social – emotional, academic, prevention, health and well – being. All of these are the skills necessary for a you g perso to su eed i the prese t ti e’s glo al economy.

Academic and Social – Emotional Progress The youth’s parti ipatio in after school activities positively affects his or her academic performance with a better attitude, improved school attendance, higher educational aspirations, lower chance of dropping out, better test scores, deeper engagement in learning and more. After school programs give children and youth the chance to practice new skills through experimentation. Most of them focus more on social – emotional development, such as self – esteem, social skills, initiative, self – concept issues, and leadership. According to research, participation in these progra s i pro es a hild’s eha ior, so ial a d o u i atio skills, i pro ed self – confidence, increased self – efficiency, better peer relations, decreased levels of anxiety and depression, and such. The effect of giving kids activities in Dubai after school on these areas also reduces the likelihood of getting involved in inappropriate activities

Improved Health and Wellness After school activities for kids at home help fight the growing concerns on childhood obesity. These programs promote fitness, health and wellness among young people by keeping them active. They will realize and practice healthy behaviors, including the importance of healthy food and increased physical activity.

Critical Factors to Achieve Desired Results No that e k o ho after s hool progra s a i pro e a you g perso ’s outlook i life, it is important to focus on the critical factors that lead to the desired outcomes. The research conducted points out to three areas to work on to give the youth the best possible results from these programs:   

Consistent participation – young people will gain more experience if they participate in these activities as frequent as possible. They also gain better exposure on new challenges, ideas and people. Choosing Quality Programs – the fruitful impact of these activities can be achieved in a well – organized environment. These programs should have clear goals and be executed by competent staff. Strong Partnerships – to create high quality after school programs, there must be a strong relationship foundation with schools, families and the communities. Every child in the world deserves to have ample access to learning without feeling forced. They need to gain enough skills and experience to face the very demanding nature of the present times. The school can only provide so much, but after school activities should also be given priority to give children the boost they need to overcome challenges with knowledge not discussed in the classroom.


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