The Science of Raising Happy Kids

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The Science of Raising Happy Kids The Importance of Being Nurturing

Kids with nurturing moms have bigger brains. A study found that preschoolers with nurturing, supportive moms have a 10% larger hippocampus (the part of the brain that handles stress and memory) by the time they get to school age. –Love from Dad Matters O e stud fou d that feeli g lo ed Dad as e e ore i porta t for kids’ ell ei g, happiness and life satisfaction than feeling loved by Mom. The Most Effective Dads

The Dangers of Rejection Whe kids feel reje ted or u lo ed their pare ts, the ’re aggressive, and emotionally unstable.

ore likel to e hostile,

You’re Happiness Matters A o ’s satisfa tio skills than:

ith her life is

Spend Some Time on Yourself

The Importance of Optimism

ore i porta t to a ou g hild’s so ial a d emotional

Praise Kids for Effort, Not Brains Children praise for their abilities or intelligence, rather than their efforts, have a harder time coping with failure.

Kids praised for efforts are more likely to enjoy challenging tasks and show more motivation. Skip the One-Size-Fits-All Approach Whe pare ti g st les are ’t suited to a hild’s perso alit , the kid is t i e as likel to e anxious or depressed.

Kids are More Resilient than We Think % of kids ho e perie e their pare ts’ separatio or di or e DON’T go o to ha e psychological problems. Many kids whose parents maintain respectful communication and cooperation to the best of their ability

However… Take Off the Bo ing Gloves How you argue matters. Compared to kids with less-hostile parents, kids who grow up with parental conflict:

Kids Want Meaningful Lives, Too Even an 8-year-olds are happier if they feel their lives have meaning

Encourage Generosity Performing kind acts made pre-teens happier and better liked by their classmates, too. Simple acts of kindness for kids:

Kids These Da s‌ Have 8 fewer hours of free, unstructured playtime than they had 20 years ago

Encourage kids to Get Physical Playing sports on a team or just for fun makes kids happier and better behaved

Get Off the Couch

Which Countries Have Happy Kids?

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