Diptic arena kids 2013 04102013

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2013-2014 4-12

Estuche infantil con 2 diseños precortados (20cmx25cm), 10 colores de arenas y 1 punzón. Set for kids with 2 pre-cut designs (20cmx25cm) ,10 colors of sand and 1 punch. Set pour les enfants avec 2 dessins prédécoupés (20cmx25cm), 10 couleurs de sable et 1 poinçon.


Set für Kinder mit 2 vorgeschnittene designs (20cmx25cm) ,10 Sandfarben und 1 stechgriffel. Kit para crianças com 2 desenhos pré cortados (20cmx25cm), 10 cores de areia e 1 punçâo. Kit per bambini con 2 disegni pretagliati (20cmx25cm), 10 colori di sabbia e 1 punteruolo.

Ref. SET-13

Ref. SET-14

Bailarinas/ Ballerinas / Ballerines / Ballerinas

Mascota infantil / Chilhood pet Animal de l’enfance / Kindheit pet

Ref. SET-15

Ref. SET-16

Excursionistas / Scouts / Scouts / Pfadfinder

Indios / Indians / Indiens / Indianer

Ref. SET-17 Prehistoria / Prehistory / Préhistoire / Vorgeschichte

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