1 minute read

True Price 10

You get the idea. Think about all the animal products produced and consumed by humans. Think about each UPO (unnecessary plastic object) produced, consumed and thrown away. Think of that computer or iPhone you are looking at right now. Most of us have no idea what the process was to create that item or what happens when we dispose of it. I know that it is unlikely that a True Price tag or QR code will be added to the items we consume. So, instead, we need a human population that is capable of doing some of their own calculations. One simple solution is the Compassionate Consumer Wallet Card that I created (see below). Simply print one out (or many to share with others) or have it on your phone when you shop. Ask yourself these questions before making any purchase. Maybe we can become a connected culture rather than a disconnected culture. The Earth and all life will benefit from a shift in mindfulness.

Caring Consumer Wallet Card 1-Is this a want or a need? 2-Will having this item add meaning to my life? 3-Is this purchase the best way to care for myself and the planet? 4-What is the true cost of the item to: My health? Other species? The environment? Other humans/cultures? 5-Is there something more worthwhile I could do with this money?

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