1 minute read

The Dairy Industry: Gulags of Despair and Cancer 16

Why humans think they need milk from another species is bizarre. I picture a man in his pajamas lying under a mama cow sucking on her tits for his morning breakfast. I know milk is the symbol of goodness and comfort, but we just need to let the baby calves, sheep, goats and camels have their mama’s milk. We humans should only be having our own mother’s milk at birth. According to the USDA, the average American consumes approximately 30 ounces of milk, cheese, butter, a day. You can find dairy in all grocery stores, vending machines, school cafeterias and hospitals. Milk advertisements falsely show that milk in any form is good for muscle building and athletic performance. In fact, due to the high protein content and acidity of milk, it depletes calcium from our bones. This is the opposite of what we are told.

Donald Watson to the rescue! He coined the word “vegan. ” He wanted a word to help all animals be free of human afflicted pain to the best of their ability. No more eggs and dairy or gulags of despair for any animals.


We humans can stop factory farming by going vegan. Make sure your own diet is plant exclusive. We must help others see animals as living, feeling beings and not as some object for humans to use. We must stop using all animals for any purpose. We do not own them, just like we do not own other people. They deserve to live in a safe environment protected as much as possible.

I may have avoided thyroid cancer 34 years ago had I known about dairy. Once I was awakened, I went vegan. If you need help transitioning, email me at veganmentor@gmail.com.

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