Amy Retureta Portfolio

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Adventure Embrace Immerse Dedicate Experience Unite Explore Participate Inspire

PAGOMO Pagomo, a custom furniture design service company based in Denver, was looking to update and unify their brand identity. Through our Design Systems class, four separate groups competed for the privilege of creating Alex’s new design. In coordination with Rex Carillo, David Diaz, Sean Maher and Max Sherman, our group was ultimately chosen, and the system will be put into production in 2012.

By focusing on the concept of designing for a space, we created an expansive system emphasizing interaction between structure and environment. The wordmark displays a sense of structure, layering and space, like Alex’s furniture, creating it’s own environment. The “A” in Pagomo is a point of interest, representing Alex’s self-description of being a misfit among furniture designers. It is the key element that brings a sense of individuality to the mark as well as the company itself.

PROCESS Beginning with sketches, as a group, we traded designs back and forth so that each member of our team was involved in the process and had a hand in the creation of both the system and the logo.

Pagomo’s business card encompasses the overall idea of bold simplicity, consisting of a heavy card stock with a die-cut of the Pagomo A. The die-cut reinforces the concept of space which Pagomo transforms. The Pagomo green is visible in the die-cut and on the edges to reinforce the idea of designing for the entire space, and not just one plane.

Alex Ross 12081 West Alameda Parkway PMB 502, Lakewood CO 80228

Alex Ross 12081 West Alameda Parkway PMB 502, Lakewood CO 80228

Ship to:

Bill to:

Quantity Product Description Cost Total


The aesthetic of the website refers back to basic elements of the brand identity with the color scheme and the curve of the Pagomo A encompassing the navigation menu. The home page of the website invites you into a space to help create it anew, placing Pagomo’s business model up-front. Suggestions for social networking create multiple access points for customers.

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FONT BABY If Yana married Railhead, what would their offspring look like? Selecting two typefaces in different styles, our assignment was to synthesize the two into one new typeface. Using Yana, designed by Laura Worthington and Railhead by Maury McCown, Circana is a playful typeface with historic roots. When it grows up, it would like to join the circus and perform acrobatics on the flying trapeze.


married , this would be their offspring:


ACE STUDIOS PHOTOGRAPHY Using a page from an old phone book, students chose a random company to create an identity system for. Ace Studios was a small Photography business in San Francisco. The different opacities of black recall black and white photography and the square dots indicate sprocket holes in photographic film. A touch of color adds sophistication and interest.


EXPERIMENTAL TYPEFACE Design a new display typeface inspired by letterforms developed from class exercises, cultural research, or those found in natural and built environments. Fifty-Nine developed from an earlier assignment in which we created a font out of tape squares.

Retaining the overall idea of the tape type, the swooping curves, sharp fins and bullet-style tail-lights of the 1959 Cadillac Series 62 was the primary inspiration for this font. Second only to the Art Deco detailing found on cars from the late 1940’s through the early 1950’s.


DRONE Grampa’s Gourmet is a small honey company outside of Alamosa, Colorado. For my 3D Packaging class I created a brand extension under the name, Drone. Since it is a quickly growing company, I focused on creating a sophisticated, modern brand with a unique heritage. Upon completion of this project, I was contracted by Grampa’s Gourmet to design their branding and packaging.

the story of

Beekeeping is more than just tradition in the Haefeli family. Starting with my great-grandfather, Edward Haefeli, who emigrated from Switzerland, beekeeping is a passion and skill that has been passed from generation to generation. From making honey for friends and family to producing for Uncle Sam and the war effort, or producing it for you, our concern has always been to keep it simple, keep it natural, and keep it yummy, just like Grampa used to make! We hope that you and your family enjoys our honey, candles, mead and more as much as our family does!

est. 1907






B eg in ning w ith research on the company and about honey itself, I sketched a lot of dif ferent ver y modern options. After creating mock-ups in Illustrator, I had a much clearer idea of which direction to go and realized I had to bring back in a feeling of home-town heritage.






PACKAGING PERSONALITY In 1818, a gentleman named Doctor Frankenstein, in search of an able-bodied assistant, decided to take a chance on a peculiar fellow named Igor. Igor, proved himself to be a loyal and valuable servant and inspired a tradition of servitude marked by the moniker “Igor.� This tradition continues today through the Igor line, which provides those who are able bodied, and eager to serve, with the tools of the trade.

EST. 1823


[ a spare hand when needed ]

Hand: Right 0027

Date Received: Acquired from:

Cause of Dismemberment:

EST. 1823


[ a spare hand when needed ]

Use by:


n 1818, a gentleman named Doctor Frankenstein, in search of an able-bodied assistant, decided to take a chance on a peculiar fellow named Igor. Igor, proved himself to be a loyal and valuable servant and inspired a tradition of servitude marked by the moniker “Igor� throughout Geneva. This tradition continues today through the Igor line, which provides those who are able bodied, and eager to serve, with the tools of the trade.


GIRL POWER Since 1977, Victoria’s Secret has been empowering women to be independent, sexy and self-confident. Since the 1850’s women have been fighting for equal rights and now hold positions in every type of occupation imaginable. While acceptance into what have typically been considered men’s jobs has grown and changed, the tools of the trade are still geared towards men. We wanted to provide our most independent and hard-working women with their own tools of the trade. Victoria’s Secret, Empower tools are just as strong, durable and powerful as any man’s tool, but made specifically for a woman.




A HISTORY OF MONSTERS Using appropriated text and imagery, this book explored multiple page layout, text and image composition and text related hierarchy. I chose to create a historical compendium of monsters and their place in art, media and history with a view towards budding art students.


April 9, 1941. Reference to the application of Mr. Ehrlick, as soon as the application and medical report is received by our office showing that Mr. Ehrlick is a suitable case for the JCRS, in which case

from you at once, so that we may make the proper arrangements for his trip to Denver.—Excerpt from letter to Mr. H.J. Schwartz from Mrs. Nathan Wallack of the Washington Ladies’ Auxiliary dated

enter the JCRS as soon as possible. I am today mailing direct to Mr. Ehrlick the JCRS application with instructions to mail the same to JCRS, Spivak, Colo. for official acceptance. Please let me hear

Ehrlick with the request that it be properly filled out and mailed to your office. Mrs. Ehrlick was taken very sick and this application was not taken care of. Mr. Ehrlick has again expressed his desire to

1940. Upon my recommendation some time ago you accepted the admission of Mr. Alvin Ehrlick, a patient at the Glenn Dale Sanatorium, Washington, D.C. The customary application was sent to Mrs.

admission, although we were unable to accept non-Jewish patients from these institutions.—Excerpt from letter to Mrs. Joseph Millenson of the Washington Ladies’ Auxiliary dated September 25,

him out on account of a possible charge of sectarianism. Many of our present patients have been former inmates of state sanatoria and we have had no ill feelings engendered on account of their

a letter received by Ben Blumberg from Mrs. Joseph Millenson of the Washington Ladies’ Auxiliary. September 23, 1940. If Mr. Ehrlick is a suitable case for our Sanatorium, it may not be right to keep

must turn him down. We are not asking you to admit him, but I am going to ask you to do something for me which will require a little bit of diplomacy, and I am sure you can exert that.—Excerpt from

is already at a hospital and receiving attention and since our quota for Washington is full, to drop it; also that she would write to the JCRS to ascertain what might be done. Ben, to sace our faces we

that we are partial. Mrs. Wallack would rather refuse his admission and not be criticized than have him admitted an then be open for criticism. Edith tried to tell Mrs. Ehrlick that since her husband

that Ehrlick was admitted to the JCRS while Cogar was refused admission. We are known to be a non-sectarian hospital, and we here, as an Auxiliary, do not want to be put on the spot and criticized

could write to the hospitals in Denver to be placed as a nurse. Now we are confronted with this problem; while he may be Jewish and eligible for admission, information is bound to leak out at Glenn Dale

here, that her husband who is Jewish and who is a patient at Glenn Dale, is desirous of leaving for the JCRS as soon as possible. She wanted Edith to assure her that he would be admitted so that she

keep room for somebody who may apply who needs immediate admission. Today Mrs. Wallack received a call from a Mrs. Ehrlick who is gentile and who, by the way is a nurse at one of the hospitals

Jewish Social Service that the quota for Non-Jews from Washington was filled. Mrs. Wallack also told the case worker that in view of the fact that the young man already had hospitalization we had to

The applicant I wrote you about last week (non-Jew), now a patient at the Glenn Dale Hospital (Government Tuberculosis Hospital) by the name of Cogar was dispensed with very nicely by advising the


Feingold made it plain to us today that she does not want to go to Glenn

Washington Ladies’ Auxiliary JCRS. Mr. Ehrlich has no relatives residing in Washington. Sincerely yours, Assistant Secretary. Dated May 2, 1941. The applicant I wrote you about last week (non-Jew),

NY. Dear Mrs. Koretz, This is to inform you that Mr. Alvin Ehrlich, a former resident of Washington, D.C. was admitted to the Sanatorium today. Mr. Ehrlich was recommended by Mrs. J. Millenson of the

problems. With very kindest regards, I am Sincerely Yours, Ben M. Blumberg, Director of Social Service—Dated May 2, 1941. Mrs. Sara R. Koretz Field Secretary JCRS 610 Riverside Drive, New York,

Deborah might still be a possibility, if you are in position to make the necessary arrangements. We shall await further word from you before making the next step in the attempt to solve Mrs. Feingold’s

understanding that Bedford is only for residents of New York City and Baltimore Mount Pleasant only for residents of Maryland, so they would appear to be “out” as far as Mrs. Feingold is concerned.

Dale Sanatorium. The only thing she will consider is transfer to a Jewish Sanatorium nearer home—Bedford; Baltimore Mount Pleasant at Reisterstown, MD, or Deborah at Browns Mills, NJ. It is our

seem to be useless to write to the Jewish Social Service Agency of Washington at this time, because Mrs.

everything possible will be done to restore them to health. There was no two-bed room available, but they were placed in the same ward. In reference to the case of Mrs. Clara Feingold, it would

has been referred to this office for attention and reply. We are happy to advise you that Mr. Alvin Ehrlich and Mr. Wade Porter Jr. arrived safely at the Sanatorium today and you may be assured that

at the Glenn Dale Sanatorium here. JM—Original Copy filed with application of Clara Feingold. Copy, dated April 28, 1941. Dear Mrs. Millenson: Your letter of April 28 addressed to Mr. Ben Friedland

necessary arrangements for the return of Mrs. Clara Feingold, mentioning the fact that proper medical reports were sent to Dr. A. Barklie Coulter by Dr. Arthur Rest as requested, for her admission

you for your kind attention. Sincerely, (Signed) Mrs. J. Millenson, Chairman, Social Service. P.S. Will your office please communicate with the Jewish Social Service, 1134 Spring Rd., N.W., to make the

if it is at all possible to arrange to have Mr. Ehrlich and Mr. Porter in the same room. They spent eight months together at Glen Dale and are anxious to share the same room at the JCRS. Thanking

Mr. Alvin Ehrlich and Mr. Wade Porter, Jr. leave for Denver Wednesday, 11:40 p.m. and will arrive in Denver Friday morning on the Denver Zephyr. Please arrange to meet them. It will be appreciated

Porter and Mr. Ehrlick leave here. No doubt it will be Wednesday. Writing from Mr. Ehrlick’s room here at hospital. Kind Regards, Sincerely, Mrs. Millenson. 1824 Belmont, MD. Dear Mr. Friedland:

Colo., April 28, 1941: Dear Mr. Friedland, Due to unforeseen circumstances, Mr. Ehrlick’s application was held up. Please use official admission as soon as this is received. Will advise you when Mr.

he will be advised either by wire or letter. —Excerpt from letter to Mrs. Nathan H. Wallack of the Washington Ladies’ Auxiliary from H.J. Schwartz dated April 12, 1941. Mr. Ben Friedland, JCRS Spivak,

The Jewish Consumptives’ Relief Society, (JCRS), was founded in 1903 by a group of Jewish immigrants seeking to provide relief to the many people affected by the growing Tuberculosis epidemic. Joined later by Dr. Charles Spivak and Dr. Phillip Hillkowitz, the JCRS opened its doors in 1904 under the motto, “He Who Saves One Life Saves the World.” The Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design has since taken over the campus of JCRS. Each year, students comb through the Beck Archives and select one patient on which to base a book on. Paying tribute to its patients. This book is a fictional adaptation based on the lives of Alvin H. Ehrlich and Maud Powell Freeman, two patients of the JCRS from 1941–1943.




Starling Press



White Chapel


brass goggles Step-by-step

Oxford Goes


Abney Park’s Inner Beauty Drinks with Edison Steamcon

Mom, Dad…

I’m into




book reviews

steam couture


Free punk The New


THE STARLING PRESS An exercise in layout, composition and storytelling, the Starling Press was created as if the Steampunk sub-culture had created their own quarterly magazine. Using acquired text and imagery, the Starling is truly a mix of the old and the new in every way.


Bengaluru International Airport is the fusion of a technologically blossoming society and its culturally focused foundations which bridges India’s color and diversity with the world.

international airport

BENGALURU INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT The lotus and the Ashoka Chakra which symbolize the natural beauty of India, the strength of its people and the continual quest for growth which is an integral part of their culture, combine here to embody the culture of Bengaluru International Airport. More than just a logo, the Bengaluru mark imitates the motion of the airport; the movement of its guests, the diversity of an international community and the place where connections are renewed and relationships fostered.

Sculptural accents add interest and whimsy to the mark making it memorable and experiential. From the unique sculpture to the innovative signage, each part of Bengaluru has been considered and enhanced to provide an unforgettable experience.

Seat Flight Time Gate

Scan this code for a map of the airport.

Scan this code for a map of the airport.

When each individual is considered part of the whole, a new kind of community is created. One that embraces all cultures, all ideas, all hues.


SENIOR THESIS The practices of agricultural production that have arisen out of the Industrial Revolution have caused massive ecological, nutritional and ethical problems that have been continually addressed with ineffectual if not more intensely harmful “solutions.� This is a complex, systemic issue that has been exposed in parts and pieces, but not in any sort of cohesive whole and the information is extremely divorced from the arenas in which we as consumers cast our vote. This translates to uninformed decision making and unintentional promotion of unhealthy practices. In essence, we are eliminating our healthy choices without even knowing it. Exposing these issues in the marketplace where decisions are made could eventually inspire a systemic change. The medium of Graphic Design has been proven to be effective in information campaigns and this issue seems a good candidate to help consumers understand the companies and brands they rely on for their most basic needs. If the demand for healthy, ethical choices increases, companies will have to change their practices in order to compete in the marketplace. It is already beginning. The green movement is gaining momentum, and even some of the largest agricultural producers, the biggest perpetrators of these environmental crimes, are already creating organic brand extensions to cater to the minority market.

All of these practices and their effects have been cunningly concealed in the marketplace. Hidden behind aesthetically pleasing packages crafted by graphic designers that disguise the true nature of our food and it’s essential non-foodness. Through materials that are aesthetically oppositional to the accepted visual language of commodity food, i.e. the natural and organic, I will expose the conceptually ridiculous idea that what we consume is food in its natural and beneficial form. In this manner I want to emphasize the natural as antithetical to the accepted, corporate status quo. My inspiration for this design process comes from designers like Stefan Sagmeister, Yulia Brodskaya, Tobias Wong, Barbara Kruger and Anna Garforth and artists like Guiseppe Arcimboldo. Each of them in their own way inspires subjective discussion through a cunning and transformative use of mundane objects. Their methods embody my goals for this project and the organic materiality with which I hope to capture attention and point out hypocrisies and discrepancies in our modern food standards.

BROADSHEET In addition to in-store signage, I created an informative broadsheet to spark discussion and interaction and create a social space in which to discuss this important information. The broadsheet can be placed in coffee houses, on tables at farmer’s markets or even at the checkout stand at the grocery store.

You are what you eat. How our agricultural methods are harming our bodies and our planet and how easy it is to fix it.

Without adding anything extra to our already busy days, we can easily bring more natural, healthy foods to our lives, greatly reduce the use of harmful chemicals on our land and restore balance to our environment.

Keep it Growing ...

What does USDA Organic mean?

Only .7% of current US farmland is devoted to organics.

A product can only be certified organic if it is grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, genetically modified organisms, or ionizing radiation.

94% of all Soybeans grown in America are genetically modified.

Only .7% of current US farmland

Size isn’t Everything.

This loss is due to Colony Collapse Disorder, which most scientists attribute to the combined effects of pesticides, monoculture crops, and the way we treat our bees.

Organic oranges contain 30% more vitamin C and ten other vitamins than commodity oranges.

What does USDA Organic mean?

Vote with your fork, Buy Organic!


Keep it Growing ...

g extra to our already busy ng more natural, healthy foods uce the use of harmful chemicals balance to our environment.

30% of all Honeybee colonies are lost each year.

A product can only be certified organic if it is grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, genetically modified organisms, or ionizing radiation.

al methods are harming our et and how easy it is to fix it.

This modification allows farmers to spray more than the typical amount of herbicide on their crops, which then effects the environment and coats the crops we eat. Soy is found in over 60% of processed foods from cereal to lunch meat.

nly .7% of current US farmland is devoted to organics.

Keep it Gro

what you eat.

You would have to eat this many commodity tomatoes to get the antioxidants in one rganic tomato.

You are what you ea

How our agricultural methods are harming our bodies and our planet and how easy it is to fix it


Changing our agricultural system sounds like a big challenge, but all it really takes is more of us making better choices for ourselves. With a market system, if the demand for Organic increases, businesses will naturally try to fill the gap. For more information on Green and Organic businesses start with these online resources: ••••

Without adding anything extra to our already busy days, we can easily bring more natural, healthy foods to our lives, greatly reduce the use of harmful chemicals on our land and restore balance to our environment.

How do I get the mo

The Organic food industry is one of the fastest gro 25% per year. All we have to do to keep our farme Organic. The more we increase our demand for O companies will change their growth practices, an happier, healthier people and a happier, healthier

Make sure to fill half your plate with fruits and veggies. Not only are fruits and veggies a great source of energy, they are good for your heart, skin and muscles!

Buying more Organic products

Leads to more Organic Farming

Which lowers t of Organic pr


Buy Fresh, Buy Local Support your local farmer’s markets to get great, fresh Organic foods and help your local economy.

Make Organic th

In 1992 there were a little over farmland, and by 2008, that had gro

most out of my food?

st growing industries, at a growth rate of about armers moving in that direction is to keep buying for Organic foods, the more big agricultural s, and the lower the prices will get, making for lthier planet.

Look for the USDA Organic logo.

wers the price nic produce

and helps create a healthier planet

and a healthier, happier you!

Today there are hundreds of Organic options right in your local supermarket.


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ic the standard.

over 403,400 acres of organic d grown to nearly 2,656,000 acres.

O rg a nic Look for the 9! A 9 at the front of a PLU code designates organic produce.


Taking pride in executing a project with a high level of detail and craftsmanship and bringing a sense of playfulness to each design are my top priority. In each project I try to incorporate my intuition, passion, drive, dedication and life experiences to inform my design direction. I was attracted to graphic design because of the collaborative, varied and expansive nature of the work. The end product is not simply an artifact. Design has the ability to create community, provide new experiences, solve problems and inspire emotion and action in its viewers.

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