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AG-IN-THE-CLASSROOM Educational Materials




Third–sixth grade students


The Arkansas Ag Readers are commodity specific classroom materials utilizing the Arkansas Educational Frameworks.


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Poult ry ducks is dome or gee , ostriche stic fow l, s, poult se, raised emus, such as qu chi ry turkey in Ark for meat ail, pigeon ckens, an tur or egg farms s. Arkan sas are s. Th s, pheasankeys, chi sas ha e Chick , as well s 5,0 ckens an most com ts, as mon broilerens raised 300 tur 00 chicke d key far n for the s, and chi for their ms. 2006 ir eggs are ckens tha meat are called t are rai called broilerArkansas sed lay far 30 mi s, 20.2 mi mers rai ing he ns. llion sed llio turkey n laying 1.23 bil In s. lion hens, and

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Third–sixth grade students

Corn Use in Exp orts



The Arkansas Ag Readers are commodity specific classroom materials utilizing the Arkansas Educational Frameworks.


An inc con-sta ubator is hatch nt tem a box wh peratu ich ma eggs. re an d is use intains a d to


Anim al Feed


The IndyCar Series



Third–sixth grade students


The Arkansas Ag Readers are commodity specific classroom materials utilizing the Arkansas Educational Frameworks.

Whe That re Does A Corn Go? ll

Arkans In 20 as farmers 07 duce , we planterank 20th d in If one more tha d 590,000 the coun try in n bu corn farme shel of co 99 millio acres of produ n fi rs ction fields! hauled rn weigh bushels of eld corn, s 56 po . wh ov little of the That is mo er 5.5 bil un golde ich prolion po ds, that corn re co n kerne me tle, an gro rn d oth wn in Ar than we unds of co ans Arka ls. have er liv kansas nsas rn ou estoc ev k in the is used to er produ t of their Where ce feed state. eat on does it all the po d! Most ultry, that the cob or go? Field cathas a co wi rn is th yo ha we do with rd outer sh ur dinner. not the typ it? It ell an e d is ful is a special of corn yo Field l of sta u type co of rch. Proce rn is pro So, wh corn ce ssi at do produ ng mean ssed to ma mille cts through s changin ke produ d g cts can be (ground) a series of field corn you use so ev cook separated that the events. Th into differe ery day. ing germ . e corn nt us erage oil, swee These ite oil is soak able ms are , starch s and teners ed an , glu the fuel. , d And high fructo n made ten and that’s hu int just the se corn syr o cornstar lls up, ch begin ning! cereal, be , v-

uses 100 % ethanol.

How are blend these tw fuel? fuels. Wa o cars the nt Read same? on to to know Bo see ho more ab th can run ou w Ark on eth ansas t this hig anol h pe Corn is inv rforman ce olved !


on the

Web Visit www.a ginthe clas for mo re info sroom.org chicks rmation on and “egg”citin other g topics.

Search Ag Ma for decora ted g—can you fi eggs in thi nd a s dozen ?



Have you why eve edible we decora r wondere te egg egg d nese chieft s were giv s? Painte Spring d, ain in en 722 BC to a Ch intrica . In the ith Morav te religio 13 centur to celebr us sym y, egg ate for the ian and bols s wit Ukrai were ir h geome dyed nian com eggs skins, with natur tric design are tre mon. asu s. wa al They lnu red eleme most nts suc are oft famou ts, wild Carl en grapes Faberg s egg dec , and h as onion ora gold, II. He berrie an decora tor is pro s. to 191 d other bably The ted egg pre 6. His Peter s usi beauti cious ma terials ng crysta as gif ful egg l, ts to royalt s were use from 188 4 y. d by czars

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The 200 can use 8 Chevy Imp E-85, an 85% ala LTZ Ethano l blend.

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