One Stop Comprehensive SolarEnergy Solution From A Prominent Solar Installers In Arizona, Argent Solar! Solar Energy is being viewed as a reprieve to the strangulating earth. The wanton use of conventional fossil fuels reserves to generate energy is responsible for this terrible situation. The burning of fossil fuels is accompanied by the emission of noxious gasses those rise to the atmosphere and engulfs the planet, trapping the heat from the earth to escape. As a result, the temperature on the earth is steadily increasing. According to a study, the average global temperature on the Earth has increased by 0.8⠰C (1.4⠰F) since 1880. And it may also be mentioned that 2016 has been the hottest year recorded so far. The increase in earth’s temperature is the root-cause of the climate change. All efforts are afoot to check this dangerous situation to keep the planet habitable.