Customized Solar Installation as Turnkey Projects Renewable Energy Sources The world is passing through a very critical phase. On the one hand there is a looming specter of total darkness resulting from the fast depleting resource of fossil fuels that may not last more than 25 years. On the other hand our planet is hurtling to sure disaster owing to the steadily increasing carbon footprint and global warming. The writing is on the wall. The world has to switch quickly to a renewable energy source. Solar energy is one of the best choices in this area of renewable energies. In Arizona, solar energy is available in plenty. Solar installations are therefore the perfect choice. These are a proven technology and according to present estimates, there is enough solar energy available to last us for another billion years.
Conditions in the State of Arizona In Arizona, solar incentives need to be taken advantage of. Through the Renewable Incentive Program, Arizona Public Service or APS, offers its customers that install diverse renewable energy sources, the opportunity to sell, the credits that are associated with such energy generated, to APS.