Lesson Plan. Food and travel

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Ariadna Gómez. IPN.

OBJECTIVE: Students will create a 3-podcast series related to experiences of their travels and strange or delicious food they have tried when travelling, using audio editing software and publishing on Podomatic and Audioboo sites. LEVEL: Beginners POPULATION: One 35 group, ages random between 15 to 50 years old. RESOURCES: Personal computer, and gadgets that students have, (iPhones, mobile pones with internet, iPads etc…) General plan when divided the group into teams, try to have four members in each one; that is because I have observed that they need to do collaborative work, in general we are used to work alone in language classes, but when we (the teachers) really make an effort on creating a cool environment in the group, students are able to share ideas and enjoy the job with their partners. Moreover, for a basic level, it is important to monitor their work anytime, so, if they work with others, it enhances the activities with the each ones' contributions. There are four main actors that take part in a task, everyone will work in the part they had chosen in advance, but the following one are important: a) observer (the one who has the panoptic view, who has a wider vision of their necessities and process, including the target, internal organization). b)compiler (he/she has to work side by side to order and obtain all the information from everybody in the group). c) inspector (assure that everything is ok, that everyone has the material and then he/she will receive it in order to check spelling, grammar issues and content). d) animator (here the cheerleader roll is not needed, so, I think it must change into a facilitator, who will moderate and make sure everyone there is working including him/herself). In order to achieve these activities with my students I'm going to follow the next: During the course, students are learning past simple, present progressive and future tense; vocabulary related to the topic as word quantities, measures, food, seasons, geographical places, leisure activities. PROCEDURE Day one. Warm-up. Group in general. To present the topic with some pictures of food and talk about the origins. Elicit from students their experiences of food when travelling. Time: 5-8 mins.

Activity 1. Group in general. Brainstorming vocabulary related to food, travels, (places) leisure activities and sports. If needed, with the support of some web dictionaries, they have to search for the ones they think they will require in order have a wider glossary. (Teacher would use the visuals suggested). Time: 10 mins. Suggested sites: http://traductor.babylon.com/espanol/a-ingles/# http://www.wordreference.com http://www.thefreedictionary.com (these also offer word pronunciation) Vocabulary practice with an on-line game. http://tv.disney.go.com/disneychannel/passtheplate/index.html Activity 2. Group and individual work. (First recording) Teacher will check all the words pronunciation. Time: 10–15 mins. Individual and homework. Eventually, all the students have to record every single word on Audioboo. The goal of this task is to reinforce their intonation and pronunciation. http://audioboo.fm/ (For this task, teacher will give a brief explanation of how to record on this web app). Teacher has to listen to all of them. This job must be done at home. Day two. Activity 3. Team work. Check some podcast related to the topic (travel and food), not just for listening to, but for knowing the structure, contents and information displayed. This encourages Sts to listen authentic speech, and provides natural models. Teacher shows some of them, eventually he will give them time to explore as many as they find. Needed mobiles with internet. Time: 15 min. Suggested sites: http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/tv_and_radio http://www.bbc.com/travel After some podcast listenings would provide them what teacher expect from learners, talking in terms of structure and organization of the audio. Activity 4. Group in general. To teach Sts how to create a podcast with a suitable software, (Audacity is recommended, and Podomatic for publishing it), so maybe with a couple of tutorials that teacher would have created in advance it will be great, if needed teacher can refer them to other tutorials on the web. Teacher will make sure Sts have understood the process; and asking them to get an account on Podomatic and send him the URL. Time: 20 min. Suggested sites: http://www.slideshare.net/slaidsherin/audacity-tutorial-19505369 Audacity http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5Rzc46daaM Podomatic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfD1PwGecw4

Audacity http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jjw1TJsZpvo Podomatic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbbbHuTEfNg Day three. On the other hand, it is important to reinforce Sts pronunciation, therefore some tongue twisters in class will be very useful. Activity 5. Pair work. Practicing pronunciation, rhythm, intonation supported by tongue twisters. Teacher will hand out the material. He will read out the short sentences highlighting the stressed words, at the beginning in a very slow timming and eventually without slowing down. Focusing on intonation patterns and rhythm. 20 min. Teacher must monitor around. Activity 6. Individual work. Teacher will show a sample postcard in which the use of simple past, present progressive and idiomatic future are used*. Teacher will ask Sts to write similar postcards concerning food and travels within at minimun of six sentences, (around 100 words). T will sketch on the board the order of their narrative to organize events sequence that unfolds naturally and logically. It could be divided into three paragraphs: activities done, doing and to be done; reminding them not to forget the salutations and closing phrases. To enhance their writing skills, using synonyms and linking words. Teacher will give material with a collected word list Sts have seen in class. Time 20 min. Handouts 1 and 2. *This is because, Sts have been seeing those grammar structures during the course, so these have to be used into their final project. Activity 7. Team work. Learners have to read their texts aloud. They all have to correct and monitor themselves. So they can practice pronunciation, spelling and to control nervousness. Teacher will write on the board the following in order to give Sts some tips on how to “help” their peers’ work improvement. Praise: I like the part where…

Question: Tell me more about…

Polish: Maybe you could….

This second recording is going to talk about (maybe) a personal travelling experience and weird or strange food they had tried, And in general this is going to be like a rehearsal or test before the final one. Time 15 min. Activity 8. Individual and homework. Learners will record this corrected written text on Audioboo or upload their MP3 files on Podomatic. Sts have to send their URL to the teacher’s e-mail. (Teacher! It is recommended to open an account on ePals Global Community, for being in contact with your students in a more controlled and professional way). http://www.epals.com/webmail T will listen to and check the recordings at home to give feedback.

Day four. Activity 9. Team work. Final task, the group has to work together again (or change the partners) for creating a single script, where they can share experiences and creativity in order to generate a whole corrected text; for this challenge, T will provide them some ideas to have a better organization. It will be a dialogue narrating experiences of their trips and food tried. At the end, they have to practice in a roll-play. T will monitor them.Time 20 min. • To write the story events in an order that makes sense. • To use details to describe what they do, think and feel. • To use transition words when the setting (time or place) changes. first next second then after that before during last finally • The narration has a starting and an ending (conclusion). During a week. Activity 10. Team work, collaborative and autonomous work from the teacher. Sts have to record on Audacity, edit and export into a MP3 file the dialogue, and finally upload it on their each one Podomatic account. As a team, send the URL to the T’s e-mail or ePals’. RUBRIC Finally, evaluation, one will be applied for the inner activities done by each student in their group, T will provide to each team a chart with some aspects to observe during the collaborative process. And the other has to be assessed by the teacher, it will be group evaluation; focused on the speaking issues and quality of the recording. Team evaluation. • The recording tells the real or imagined story of an experience or event. • It began by introducing the listener to the situation and characters. • It is used narrative techniques to develop characters, experiences and events. o Dialogue o Descriptive sensory details o Pacing • It is narrated the story events in a clear, believable and natural sequence. • It is used a variety of transition words or phrases to guide the listener whenever the setting (time or place) changed. First next second then after that before during last finally • The dialogue has a logical and memorable conclusion.

From: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.W.3 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details and well-structured event sequences. Teacher will evaluate the team in general. CATEGORY Level of Discourse.


4 Variety of complete sentences and cohesive devises, content appropiate, ideas welldeveloped and organized. Control of basic language structures.

3 Complete sentences, content appropiate, ideas adequately developed. Emerging control of basic language structures.


Sophisticated use of vocabulary that is comprehensible to audience.

Adequate and accurate use of vocabulary that is comprehensible to audience.


All words are pronounced with a high degree of accuracy.

Most words are pronounced accurately

Voice & Fluency

Speak loudly, clearly and is easily understood all the time. Speech is continuous with few pauses or stumbling.

Presentation quality.

Speak with expression. Recording time used effectively. Sound quality is very good. Dialogue is very creatively and neatly designed.

Speak loudly, clearly and is easily understood almost all the time. There may be some hesitation in speech, but students manage to continue and complete thoughts. Speak with some expression. Recording time used effectively. Sound quality is good. Dialogue is creatively and neatly designed.

Dialogue quality.

2 Predominant use of complete but repetitive sentences, content mostly appropiate, ideas are undeveloped. Emerging use of basic language structures. Somewhat inadequate and/or inaccurate use of vocabulary that may not be comprehensible to audience. Several words are mispronounced. Impedes comprehension Speak loudly and clearly. May speak to fast at times so audience has trouble understanding. Speech may be choppy with a few incomplete thoughts. Speak with little expression. Recording time used somewhat effectively. Sound quality is poor. Dialogue is somewhat creatively and neatly designed.

1 Attempted use of complete sentences, content is not topic-related, ideas not developed. Inadequate and/or inaccurate use of basic language structures. Inadequate and/or inaccurate use of vocabulary that may not be comprehensible to audience. Many words are mispronounced and are difficult to understand. Speak too softly or mumbles. The audience often has trouble understanding. Speech is halting with incomplete thoughts.

Do not speak with expression. Recording time used ineffectively. Sound quality is poor. Dialogue is not creatively and neatly designed.















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