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Accelerating Research
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Red Bull Can You Get There RED BULL Project: Event website Client:RED BULL Date: 2009
The pitch was to create an appealing interactive website for the yearly event “Red Bull Can You Get There”. National contest where the participants had to get from the south of Mexico to the north driving a sponsored car by Red Bull in four days. The challenge was to get to the final point by exchanging Red Bull cans for money, food and even petrol. The platform allowed the participants to document with pictures and videos the adventures of the trip and share them with their friends.
Bookme Mate D I T T M A R
Project: Brand development and web interface Client: DITTMAR CONSULTING Date: 2013
Desing interface and brand developed for an system administration platform for booking appointments. Bookmemate is the online booking system for individual operators. The target could be a hairdresser, beautician, personal trainer, plumber, painter, tutor, or anyone else who works themselves as sole operator. The challenge was to create a very friendly interface considering the inexperienced users with digital platforms.