Ariane van Dievoet work samples
For me, being a designer for the 21st century means being versatile in finding solutions, crossing the boundaries between the different disciplines and looking for new challenges. Charles Eames once said “the role of the designer is that of a good host anticipating the needs of their guest.” My aim is to present the users of my designs with multiple possibilities, allowing them to re-interpret them as their needs evolve. This allows for more than one use per space, product, experience, etc. Focusing on space, I am interested to work as a product, interior, furniture, stage, retail or exhibition designer, mixing different media such as film and photography with the more traditional ones.
“It makes me feel guilty that anybody should have such a good time doing what they are supposed to do.“ Charles Eames
© 2013 Ariane van Dievoet. All rights reserved.
Master of Design in Interior Architecture I Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), Providence, RI, USA I 2013
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Interior and Spatial Design I Chelsea College of Art & Design, London, UK I 2010
Diploma in Foundation Studies in Art & Design I Cambridge School of Visual & Performing Arts, Cambridge, UK I 2007