C4 Belts Photoshoot Call Sheet

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Photo-­‐shoot Call Sheet Crea&ve Director: Ariel Betancourt


Date & Location ì  Date: Monday, December 7 ì  Loca&on one: SCAD top parking deck 1600

Peachtree St NW

ì  Loca&on two: LiGle 5 points (we will carpool to

second loca&on)

Call Times ì  Call Times: 11:00 AM models arrive makeup/hair

ready, ouNits are selected

ì  12:00-­‐2:00 PM Shoot at first loca&on ì  2:30-­‐4:30 PM Shoot at second loca&on ì  Wrap Time: Approximately 5:00 PM or 6:00 PM at

the latest

Makeup ì  Models must arrive at 11:00

AM sharp at the top of the SCAD parking deck with natural hair/makeup ready.

ì  Cesar Casquete is a makeup

ar&st at Belk-­‐ he will be there to help touch up makeup and make sure everyone’s hair looks pris&ne.

Styling: Female ì  Models will need to bring 5

ouNits with them to be selected from for 2 total ouNits. One will be bright colors and the other will be more monotone to make the belts pop. Bring a variety of dresses, skirts, tops, suit tops, heels, etc.

Styling: Male ì  Male models need to bring a

variety of un-­‐paGerned casual shirts, collared shirts, pants, jeans, suit tops, shoes. Also if you have a skateboard of any kind of spor&ng gear bring that as props.

Female Models

Aurora Juarez

Grace Welsh

Female Models

Alissa Froid

Charlene Deaver

Female Models

Zoe Theodocion

Sabrina L

Male Models

Jay Wink

Alex West

Male Models

Cesar Casquete + Also MUA

Arlos Luque

Location 1: SCAD skyline Top of Parking garage-­‐ skyline of Atlanta

Location 2: Little 5 points Surrounding area and graffi& tunnel

Photographer 1: Rob Loughran Commercial, clean, great ligh&ng techniques

Photographer 2: Kasia Elzbieta Luzny Crea&ve, fashion, edgy

Photographer 3: Ian Smith Fashion, art, edge

Props Balloons, skyline, umbrella

Themes Fun, young, lifestyle mixed with fashion

Questions? ì  Contact Ariel Betancourt, Crea&ve Director and


ì  828 275 6431 ì  Ariel.91@gmail.com ì  www.facebook.com/arielfairy

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