Arifa Tantri - Portfolio

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2017 Ÿ MI Al-Huda/ P.3

SMAN 10 Malang

2010 - 2013

2013 - 2018

Institute Technology of Sepuluh Nopember, majored in Interior Design

2018 Ÿ Student Apartment/ P.9


2019 Ÿ Gayama Residence/ P.13 Ÿ UNI Living/ P.21

July 2020 - March 2021

as interior designer, AAA Studio Sept 2018 - Jul 2019


2020 Ÿ Kiribati Equapolis/ P.33 Ÿ UNISMA/ P.39 Ÿ Mr. A/ P.45 Ÿ Mr. B/ P.47 Ÿ KAMI Park/ P.51

05. 04. 1995 Malang, Indonesia 65139

as interior designer, Duatitik Architecture Jun 2016 - Sept 2016

as Student intern, SPACE+ Interior Design Consultant and Contractor

Accomplishment 2020 (Dec)

Language Bahasa - Native English - IELTS Academic 6.0

2021 Ÿ AFCO/ P.55


Honourable Mentions, #mOOO4 A.D.A.P.T Alternative Design After Pandemic Times, by mOOO, “KAMI PARK”, as conceptor and 3d modeller. 2018 (Dec)

Won 3rd Place, Beyond Artch Space 2018 Competition Interactive Sculpture, by PT PP Properti Tbk Festival 2018, “Kendama”, as 3d visualizer and conceptor.

Digital images and rendering

Sketchup, Vray for Sketchup, Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Illustrator CC, and Corel Draw X7. Digital modeling and drafting

Sketchup, Autocad 2D Physical modeling

Hand-drawing, Maquette building


2016 (Jan-Jul)

Funded & Selected Project, Student Creativity Program Entrepreneurship (PKM-K) by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia, “GLOOWEY: Lighting Accent Product Made from Stockings with Innovative Concept as Prospective Business”, as secretary, Supervisor: Anggra Ayu Rucitra, S.T, M.MT. 2015 (Jan-Jul)

Funded & Selected Project, Student Creativity Program Entrepreneurship (PKM-K) by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia, “WOODY BUDDY: Multifunction Interior Accessories Product as A Creative Business for Wood Waste Management”, nance specialist, Supervisor: Firman Hawari, S.Sn, M.Ds.


1. MI AL-HUDA The Interior Design of MI Al-Huda to support interactive learning with Islamic Nuanced Undergraduate Thesis (2017) in Bachelor of Engineering Program Institute Technology of Sepuluh Nopember Population growth in Malang City raises the need for schools, not limited to Islamic schools. Islamic school in Indonesia teaches a curriculum that set by Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) and Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag), which cause longer study period than public general schools, that leads to the requiring of comfortable school facilities and infrastructure. MI AlHuda is one of the private Islamic school in Malang which has important role in spreading Islamic value, as the number of students are quite enormous. The redesign has been done by analyzing the character of students and learning method used by the teacher which is an interactive learning method to accommodate the interactive learning. Interactive learning is a method that does not only support one direction of communication which is teacher to student, but also students to teacher and students to student. Other than that, there are several ways to deliver learning material such as presentation, games and, and Do-It-Yourself projects. Those activities need particular facilities in the classroom. The layout plan and furniture designed with the consideration of the student number, activities and behavior. Student’s table and chair could be arranged in 3 different congurations. The rst conguration is for presentation activity, the second conguration is for activity in a group that consists of 5-6 student and the presence of student’s discussion, and the third conguration is for activity in a group that consists of 3 students.



Grade 2 Classroom

Grade 2 Classroom (reading area)




*Not to scale



2. (the name of project is condental) Interior design of Student Apartment Professional Experience Design Proposal 2018 This project was a collaboration project with some of the architecture studios at Malang. The studio that I worked at was responsible for interior design. This student apartment planned to be built at education district that is near the University of Brawijaya, State Polytechnic of Malang, etc. The brief was about designing 2 types of studio apartments that able to accommodate students to living in Malang while pursuing their degree. The rst studio is 26sqm and the other is 12sqm, both should be equipped with a sleeping area, study area, small kitchen, and bathroom for one person. The ambiance of the room must represent early adulthood which contained yellow, orange, black, and gray color scheme to represent the branding, hence the wood presence on the furniture surface is for calmed-down the bright color.

Type 26

Layout Plan type 26



Type 12

Layout Plan type 12

Type 12



3. GAYAMA RESIDENCE Interior design Professional Experience 2019

This project is a collaboration project with another architecture rm named AAA Studio. The main goal is to design landed house residence that located in Jombang. This project consists of mosque, retail facilities, and several housing units that will be built on the land of 7 x 13m in 3 models with different oor total area, which are 90sqm, 70sqm and 60sqm. I was tasked to create the interior design of each house models.



Bedroom (type 90)

Kitchen (type 90)



Living Dining Kitchen Area (type 70)

Bedroom (type 70)

Living Dining Kitchen Area (type 70)



Bedroom (type 70)

Living Dining Kitchen Area (type 60)

Living Dining Kitchen Area (type 60)



4. UNI LIVING Universal Design for Living Competition (2019) by Indonesian Interior Designer Association (HDII) and DULUX, Group of 2 people with A. Zula, 60% contribution in interior design and representation. The objective of this competition was to design a universal living space that can be accessed, understood and used as much as possible by everyone regardless of their age, size, abilities, and limitations, therefore the users will feel contented with their living space. This residential is designed with the area of 33 sqm to 45 sqm. Design Consideration Ÿ Space must be design based on the good criteria of accessibility, circulation, lighting, air ventilation, and space dimensions. Ÿ Consider the aspect of green building Ÿ The implementation of geometric and organic shape within basic shape concept Ÿ The implementation of Dulux Colour Future Trend


Layout Plan

*Not to scale



Entrance 0.00

Living Room 0.00

Door Floor plate Wood Deck Bio-pore

Mass Transformation Green Concept There are bio-pore holes beneath the house entrance or terrace. It is objectively applied to catalyze any uids absorption to the soil so it can reduce any uid stagnation or mini ood during heavy rain. Because there are zero differences of the height level between terrace and interior rooms.


Ventilation Concept Ventilation concept applied in this house is a 100% optimizing natural ventilation. We choose triple rectangle frame type for the window in the living room that is located right across the entrance door and the other window, so it can stimulate more dynamically air movement inside the room based on the cross-ventilation principle.




Living Dining Kitchen Area The intention of merging 3 rooms, which are the living room, dining room, and kitchen, into one area without any wall or vertical partition is to support better communication of the occupants, additionally, it will make the room look more spacious. Kitchen table designed to be integrated with the dining table, as it will be easier for the user to move the food from the kitchen top table to the dining table. All the upper kitchen cabinets are using a pull-out shelving system, so it will ease the wheelchair’s user to take out the stuff. In addition, the height of the kitchen top table and sink designed according to the human body dimension of the wheelchair’s user. Other than that, there are some features on the dining table, that is storage for eating utensils such as spoons, forks, and knives at the top of the table and some space for wheelchair at below of the table. The coffee table has a semicircular shape that makes it adaptive towards the sofa in the living room. The border that is on the top surface to optimize its safety and lower the possibility of falling-stuffs. This table also has 4 wheels with a stopper on each of it so the table can stay and move freely.

Kitchen and Dining Area



Kitchen and Dining Area

Living Dining Kitchen Area

Living Area



Bathroom and Bedroom The bathroom could be used by the disabled without helpers since we realize if they can have access to be independent, they will feel good about their existence. The bathroom can be accessed through the living room or bedroom. The entrance through the bedroom will make it easier for the wheelchair user to directly sit on the toilet. That toilet also connected to the shower so the disabled user can move without any helper. In addition, the ooring system in the bathroom has unique features which allow the water to ow directly through the small gap between concrete wood panels, hence it does not need a different oor level between the bathroom and bedroom to prevent water overow. The main consideration while designing the bedroom is to facilitate the occupants to have a good quality of sleep by putting the window beside the head-bed, hence it helps them to wake up as the sun goes up. In addition, the dimension of the wardrobe is considered with the need of the wheelchair user. It has a pull-out shelving system, so the user’s hand does not have to reach through the deepest part of the wardrobe.








5. KIRIBATI EQUAPOLIS The oating equalateral triangle system of ocean ecovillage Kiribati Floating House (2020) by Young Architects Competition (YAC), Group of 4 people with Livie Sukma, A. Zula, Qisti Insani. 20% contribution in brief translation, design concept, responsible to design the waste management system. The objective or challenge of this competition was to design oating living space in Kiribati that is resilient and exible to the natural conditions affected by climate change. Kiribati as an island nation affected by the climate crisis is experiencing various problems due to sea level rise (sea-level rise). The coastline begins to decrease for the past 20 years and the clean water crisis began to showed up as high ground water which will be of high salt content (salinated soil / fresh water), and oods that due to storms, causes many food source problems (gastronomic problems) of plants that easily dies unhealthy diets, obesity, diabetes and other problems. Design Consideration Ÿ Space program consist of domestic spaces or dwellings that able to accommodate the family (min. 16 members), animal shelters, collective spaces, and area for food cultivation such as vegetables gardens and sh farming. Ÿ The feasibility of the design, such as material selection, fresh water supply, health and social issue, energy and waste management



The Floating House Kiribati masterplan design concept uses small modules with each function which can later be arranged according to the needs of the large module design. This module makes it easier to develop designs in the future, the goals of these small modules can be a prototype for regional growth. The module design uses the basic shape of an equilateral triangle to facilitate arrangement, a stable triangle shape will strengthen the bonds of each small module in a large module. In addition to thinking about accommodation of basic needs, we also think of waste and waste management systems that are adaptive to the impacts of the climate crisis, a sustainable and independent energy conservation system, and adjust the design to the socio-cultural conditions of the community, and the character of the indigenous people of Kiribati. So that the design that becomes the output of this project will not become an alien space and can melt with the current environment .



Waste Management Center Tthe Waste Treatment Center functions as a place to treat waste which generated from the dwellings and public facilities. One Waste Management Center area is divided by into 3 trapezoid modules consisting of a water treatment area, a compost treatment area, and a hydroponic vegetable cultivation area. The form of the trapezoidal module at the Waste Treatment Center is initiated by the number of waste sources, so that it can receives waste from more than one source. The waste such as gray water, black water, and sorted household waste, will end up at the Waste Treatment Center. Gray Water will be ltered to separate the solid waste such as hair and food scraps. The blackwater will be deposited rst before being sent together with gray water to the Waste Treatment Center as it is contaminated by feces. Greywater and blackwater that have arrived at the Waste Treatment Center by pumping will be channeled to the water treatment area. Water treatment uses as natural processes such as involving aquatic plants, gravel, sand, and microorganisms which are divided into 3 treatment phases so that the waste is not dangerous if it comes into contact with humans or animals. A part of the processing will be used as a liquid fertilizer for vegetable hydroponics and the rest will be distributed to the nearest island. The Waste Treatment Center also processes organic waste for compost.



6. Medical Faculty of UNISMA Professional Experience Malang 2020 I was tasked to design a lobby, and also several supporting rooms which are the student’s parent association room, the alumni association room, and the meeting room. The current space layout was quite uncommon since the shape of the building itself is quarterly oval and the existence of ineffective gypsum wall partition that impacting bad sunlight distribution. Corresponding to the client that is an Islamic educational institution, I proposed to add Islamic geometric patterns, arabesque, as decorative elements to represent the growth of science in Islam culture in the early 9th century. The combination of color palette is chosen by the inuence of existing condition which is the enormous usage of green color for wall, therefore, suggested to add white and wood with greyish tone to calm down the green. In addition, the strategy to give better sunlight distribution, hence, cavities adding into wall partition.







7. Mr. A Professional Experience Subang 2020

Living room I was tasked to remodeling the current living room into a luxury and elegant living room to welcoming the client’s colleague. With the spacious area of 14x7m, therefore the layout suggested is to make it visually proximate by adding vertical elements into the wall and dividing the room into 2 seating arrangements that give a better experience in communicating.



8. Mr. B Professional Experience Malang 2020 The brief from the principal was quite simple: a modern master bedroom with a massive wardrobe for a senior adult couple and a modern-industrial bedroom with a queen-sized loft bed for their child in the age of 20s.

Master Bedroom

Master Bedroom







9. KAMI Park

#mOOO4 A.D.A.P.T Alternative Design After Pandemic Times Competition (2020) by mOOO, Group of 3 people with A. Zula, and Puteri N.A 60% contribution in concept making and 3d modeling. It's been 9 months since the rst covid-19 case conrmation in Indonesia, and the never-ending rst wave has taught us that we could not fully rely on health practitioners and the government to resolve the health problems. The idea is to create a small park that supports a monthly health program called Integrated Health Care (POSYANDU) initiated by the community for the community under the health practitioner's guidance that focused on maternal and child health-promoting and prevention. Community participation has been identied as a key component for strengthening democratic, people-centered primary health care. We choose park as physical infrastructure because it is most accessible and walkable for the community. Kami Park able to provide the infrastructure that accommodates the activities such as weight and height measurement, data recording, health promotion and prevention, immunization, and additional medical examination (blood sugar and blood pressure measurement). The circular programmatic is an architectural response for communication direction from community health experts and adding a sense of openness to the health care activity. Basically, it divided into 5 areas according to the program-ow of POSYANDU's activities; that consist of the rst area for registration, the second area for weight and height measurement, the third area for data recording, the fourth area for health-preventing and promoting, and the fth area for immunization, and family planning and contraception education. Even POSYANDU only takes place once a month, we believe that the existence of Kami Park will bring better wellbeing to the community as children can play there and place for community gathering.






Professional Experience Jombang 2021 I was tasked by principal to create wall partition that has additional function as a storage and also a place to install with corporate logo.






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