Through her earlier work with veterans and working thought trauma. An exploration into seeking meaning-full connections between viewers of her work. Nancy started drawing digitately and showing her work through VR headsets. Some responses were good and some were less enthusiastic. Some even physically responded natively by getting sick. All this was useful information as it pointed out that VR is much more of a singular experience. (At the time of this experiment an within the context of how it was being used, VR has recently become more inclusive in some applications) Once offered the opportunity to work in AR, her work now was able to leave the constraints of her studio and the VR headset. This work allows for the inclusivity for story telling by allowing others to interpret and reinvent the digital work as they interjected this media into their lives. As mentioned in her 2018 Ted Talk on Augmented Reality (AR) as an Artist’s Tool for Equity and Access. Individuals overlaid her work (that start out as drawings and paintings) into a wide variety of places. From a NY City train, to the beaches, and even looking through the US Mexico boarder. Each one creating a new story that augments the users environment. Triggering imagination and exploration into the world. Allowing for her drawings to be “stood in moved though” with this exploration the work created an empathic experience. the work had continued to be manipulated and placed in new locations as it expands the narrative of the work and the people tactically placing them within the landscape. This statement from Jan Gehhl and Brigitte Svarres where they point out the fluidity of spaces over time. and this is where i believe that [X]R can be used as a toll to allow for users to connect, influence and take ownership of public space. “Public life changes constantly in the course of a day, week, or month, and over the years. In addition, design, gender, age, financial resources, culture and many other factors determine how we use or do not use public space. There are many excellent reasons why it is difficult to in-corporate the diverse nature of public life into architecture and urban planning. Nonetheless, it is essential if we are to create worthy surroundings for the billions of people who daily make their way between buildings in cities around the world.” - Jan Gehl, and Birgitte Svarre. How to Study Public Life. Island Press, 2013. By extending the physical and rigidity of architecture to a fluid and inter-changeable experience, Architects can begin to affect and be a useful tool in an era of social media, social change, climate change and miss information.