Extended Architecture: How architecture will strengthen extended reality environments.

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Literature Review •

1.1. Meltem Yılmaz, Fine Arts FacultyHacettepe University Ankara Turkey, Sustainable Innovation (2019) Virtual Reality as A Tool for Participatory Architectural Design, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/337334259_ Virtual_Reality_As_A_Tool_For_Participatory_Architectural_Design. This paper explores the use of reality-shaping technologies in relation to the field of architecture. It proposes several questions and gives many definitions to help understand the field of immersive technologies. Through the research done by Emre Dedekargınoğlu (Research Assistant) and Meltem Yılmaz (Professor) from Hacettepe University, they conclude with predictions of specific uses that will aid in the implementation and wider adoption of [X]R technologies within Architecture practice for both the designer and the end-users. Most of the data collected are for the assistance in developing a built environment as opposed to after an environment has been built and what happens with BIM software once the project is completed. This is a good base of information to look at how XR tech is currently fitting into the world of architectural practice.

1.2. Juan Manuel Davila Delgado, Lukumon Oyedele, Peter Demian, Thomas Beach, (2020) A research agenda for augmented and virtual reality in architecture, engineering and construction, Advanced Engineering Informatics, Volume 45, 101122, ISSN 1474-0346, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aei.2020.101122. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1474034620300914). Throughout this paper, multiple examples are given of how practitioners and professionals managed to test and experiment through their practice different ways of utilizing VR, AR, and MR in the world of architecture engineering and construction (often referred to as AEC). Many charts and diagrams are used to aid in illustrating the accumulated data from the varying field. It gives recommendations for successful implementation as well as a roadmap for those researching a variety of topics surrounding architecture and immersive technologies. However, it also demonstrates how the resources of VR, AR, or MR aren’t fully adopted into the industry.

1.3. Jürgen Zimmermann (Jun 22, 2020), World building is fun. You should try it. https://medium.com/swlh/you-should-build-your-own-world-hereswhy-8356ce661fad. This article encourages readers to use their imagination and creativity to invent or reimaging “worlds” for their own inhabitants or the occupation of things small and unseen. It helps guide readers to start creating for themselves an environment of their own where they determine the physical or non-physical limitations. The entire article is centered around the ability for individual investigation and exploration. It gives 5 reasons why we should world build. As well as what you might consider having in a world to help the reader expand on the thought. It also gives ideas and information on how to continue world-building through other forms of media. All of this is helpful to guide users to create their own space. This Could be a formula for allowing XR users to engage with building their own worlds in architecture. 1.4 Worldbuilding in Science Fiction, Foresight and Design, Leah Zaidi, Independent Scholar, Canad, DOI:10.6531/JFS.201906_23(4).0003


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