Types of Spaces There are a wide variety of spaces we encounter every day. There is the Residential areas where we live, then there are work or education/school spaces that we also spend a large amount of time in. Then there are a lot of in between spaces that we encounter o our way to and from those main spaces. There shopping spaces, recreational spaces, religious spaces, public and private spaces, natural and human made spaces. There are also so many different ways we can interpret a spaces like a campus.
Who uses a pavilion and what for? Shelter, sanctuary, meeting, cafe, theater, lecture, event, exhibition, play... What if...the metaverse was designed more like pavilions? Users would be able to travel between them and the spaces would include elements that continued the language or parameters of that meta space. • • • • • •
introduction tent pavilion garden pavilion structural pavilion pavilion of the world
Using pavilions as an architectural method of reasoning will allow for flexibility of spaces within shared worlds. Public places with multiple actions available. This Also allows fr the pavilion to row or shift as needed.