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table of
contents 02 | your say 03 | learn something new
05 | creative people
07 | learn something new
08 | music talks
HIDEY-HO FRANKIE FRIENDS! WHAT’S ON YOUR MIND TODAY? “ My dearest frankie, I sat down with my coffee on a shitty Sunday morning to read issue 80. Each time I turned the page and exclaimed, “Yes, Eleanor!” or wondered in quiet panic whether Mia and I are actually the same person, I felt myself slowly untangling. Thanks for always putting humanity into words and leting me feel a little more human while you’re at it.” Teanna x LETTERSOFFRANKIE.COM.AU
02 | your say
sophie kalagas investigates what giggling means, biologically speaking There’s nothing like a good chuckle to lift your spirits.But not every LOL is created equal. There are two main kinds of laughter: impulsive, natural laughs triggered by something you find truly amusing, and voluntary,posed laghs brought on in social situations, like when your boss makes a not-all-that-funny-joke,or you want to fit in with a group of chorting peers. Research shows these different typoes of laughs spark activity in seperate parts of the listener’s brain, so be warned: you might think you’re an expert schmoozer, but your boss willinstinctively attempt to decipher the purpose behind your laughter.
03 | learn something new
maggie cole
Maggie Cole is a freelance illustrator. Mostly her drawing is a portraits illustration that use winsor & newton watercolor. She started to drawing a portrait since she joined Instagram. And she decided to selling her arts since 2016. She also open a pre-order custom portrait in her own website in
05 | creative people
NIGHTIME RITUALS In the same way that Pavlov’s dogs were conditioned to expect food when they heard a bell chime, your brain can be trained to enter snooze mode when certain actions are carried out. Try a warm bath,simple stretches or listening to a particular song before hopping into bed.The key is to stick to it for at least a month,allowing time for mental associatons to develop. Lavender as well making your undie drawer smell delightful. Lavender is a natural doviness trigger.The purple flower contains chemicals that have a calming effect when inhaled and slowing your heart rate.
07 | learn something new
the art of happiness with ben folds INTERVIEW BY MIA TIMPANO
EXPAND YOUR MIND I’m kind of a music slut. If I was at some kind of event and they were playing German polka music from the 19th century,I’d love that. That’d be my favorite music, because it’d be what we were listening to then, and everyone would be dancing to it. And I’d like, “Yeah, I love polka music!” I think we use music so much as identification, especially when we’re younger.We’re like “This is who i am,I don’t like it.” But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve become more and more open minded in a way I wouldn’t have expected.I thought you closed up more. And sometimes I’m happiest when I’m by myself. I never have like crowds, unless I’m in front of them.Then it’s OK, because there’s space between me and them LOL.
08 | music talks
|onegoodthing| be nice to animals