The case against psychiatry

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The Case Against Psychiatry Why Psychiatry is Evil and Must Be Abolished Wayne Ramsay, J.D. Preface

The Case Against Psychiatry began as notes I wrote after attending the annual Mood Disorders Symposium at Johns Hopkins University in 1988. During the following days, months, and years I repeatedly re-read those notes, added ideas as they occurred to me, and read many books and articles about psychiatry. In the process I attended the Mood Disorders Symposiums at Johns Hopkins in 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, and 1994, as well as other programs. Over time my notes became a large unpublished manuscript. In the 1990s I published excerpts from that manuscript as pamphlets using the pseudonym or pen name Lawrence Stevens. This book is updated and expanded versions of those pamphlets and four additional essays: The Myth of Psychiatric Diagnosis, Why the Myth of Mental Illness Lives On, Why Psychiatry is Evil, and The Future of Anti-Psychiatry Activism. In these essays I have assembled the most credible witnesses against psychiatry I could find. I am therefore as much an editor as an author. In every case where I can remember the source of facts or an idea I have given the writer or speaker credit. This approach enabled me to write a more convincing and compelling case against psychiatry than would have been possible by simply stating my personal opinions. In recommended reading or videos at the end of some essays I have listed books, articles, and videos, all of which I have read or watched in their entirety, on the subject of the essay, and web sites I recommend, for readers who wish to learn more. _____________________________________________________ "[M]odern psychiatry has no rational or scientific basis." - Dr. Niall ("Jock") McLaren, an Australian psychiatrist, in his video, "DSM-5: Critical Review - Part 1" 2011) at 0:22 "I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." -Thomas Jefferson, September 23, 1800 _____________________________________________________ Contents

Does Mental Illness Exist? Schizophrenia: A Nonexistent Disease The Myth of Biological Depression The Myth of Psychiatric Diagnosis Why the Myth of Mental Illness Lives On

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