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The Aristotelian Society
The Aristotelian Society was founded in the spring of 1880 by a group of young, unaffiliated philosophy enthusiasts based in London. The founders resolved to meet fortnightly throughout the academic year to debate current and pressing issues in philosophy. The Society did not name itself after Aristotle because it wanted to focus squarely on his work or on Aristotelianism more generally. Instead, the name was adopted so as to signify that the group advocates, as Aristotle once did, the broad and systematic pursuit of philosophy, unhindered by established schools of thought. Eight years after its founding, the decision was made to publish the London sessions in a bound, hardcover volume that was named the Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. The Proceedings has been in circulation for 125 years and contains widely respected papers delivered by a range of prominent philosophers. Please visit our website to learn more about us and our publications.