By Rhoda Sutton
A Publication from Rhoda Sutton Copyright 2011 Š Rhoda Sutton All Rights Reserved Page layout, illustrations and design by Ari Sutton:
Table of Contents 1. The Possibilities
2. Autism: What is it? How to Educate?
3. Assistive Technology: History and Law
4. Technology, Students, and the Classroom:
• What to use and way to use it
• Robotics
• SMART Board
• iPod Touch/iPad
5. Financial Implimentation
6. The Future: Teacher education and training
7. Parent and Author Reflections
8. Works Cited
Technology, Autism and Purpose
e Th ss Po s:
tie ili ib
ducators struggle how to meet
programs. These programs aim at cre-
the needs of children with varied
ative, or non-traditional ways to assist
exceptionalities. The growing focus
teachers in their quest to facilitate
on the relationship between autism
learning for students with learning
and use of technology in the classroom
differences. Autism is a learning chal-
demonstrates how technology can
lenge that inspires teachers, psycholo-
enhance educational opportunity and
gists, and other educational profession-
access. The law demands that all chil-
als to create new ways to encourage
dren, regardless of disability, are given
and foster learning. Technology is
an equal opportunity to learn. Educa-
offering new possibilities for children
tional access and equity is not readily
with special needs. The enormous posi-
achieved when working with students
tive impact of technology on classroom
who have cognitive, neurological, and/
learning is most apparent when exam-
or learning differences. This quan-
ining the response from children with
dary creates a continuous prolifera-
Autism Spectrum Disorder. ยง
tion of new and creative educational 4
Technology, Autism and Purpose
Autism: What is it? How to Educate?
he National Institute of Health
Although ASD varies significantly in
defines this spectrum disorder in
character and severity, it occurs in
the following way:
all ethnic and socioeconomic groups
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is
and affects every age group. Experts
a range of complex neurodevel-
estimate that six children out of
opment disorders, char-
every 1,000 will have an
acterized by social
ASD. Males are four
times more likely
to have an ASD
than females.
and restricted,
(National Insti-
repetitive, and
tute Of Health,
patterns of
School districts,
behavior. Autis-
educators, parents,
tic disorder, some-
and advocates all
times called autism
struggle to determine
or classical ASD, is the most
the best teaching methods,
severe form of ASD, while other con-
and school/classroom settings that
ditions along the spectrum include a
will provide a conduit to the larger
milder form known as Asperger syn-
academic world. The question is: how
drome, and childhood disintegrative
can educators facilitate learning with
disorder and pervasive developmen-
students whose world defies social
tal disorder not otherwise specified
convention, and whose primary neuro-
(usually referred to as PDD-NOS).
development is characterized by social 5
Technology, Autism and Purpose
and communication dysfunction? “Technology in the classroom is the way to go. It really allows teachers to differentiate instruction.” (Stroud, 2009, p. 18) This sentiment was echoed by E. Tiegerman executive director of the Glen Cove, NY based School for Language and Communication Development, a school that specializes in meeting the educational needs of children with autistic spectrum disorder. Assistive technology combined with the principles of universal design offer hope to narrow academic and social inequalities for students with ASD (University of Washington).§
Technology, Autism and Purpose
Assistive Technology: History and Law
he historical development of assistive technology, and the related legislation, illustrates the enormous value
assistive technology provides in the education of a disabled child. During the late 1980s through the 1990s there was a new call for greater human rights. There was somewhat of a renaissance, or a renewal of social movements, from gay rights to the rights of the disabled. (Domhoff, 2011) The 1980s and 1990s social movements once again reminded the American public that access doesn’t necessarily imply equality. Students with disabilities need and deserve to have access to a meaningful and authentic education. Two significant laws were passed in that era that still impacts both the implementation of special education, and how related services are provided. • The Technology Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1988 (Tech Act), which was modified in 1998 as the Assistive Technology Act of 1998. • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.,1990 and 1997 “Although the Tech Act first defined AT devices and services, it was IDEA in 1990 that first outlined the school district’s responsibility to provide AT to students with disabilities.” (University of Buffalo , 2005, p. 6) The Individualized Educational Plan gives parents and teachers an opportunity to review goals and objectives. It allows a team 7
Technology, Autism and Purpose to review objective and subjective criteria to determine how a child with special needs can be best offered a free and appropriate education in the least restrictive setting. (University of Buffalo , 2005) When a team reviews
“When a team reviews the needs of a student against the utility of various technologies, it is important that the focus should be on long-term potential, and not just short-term or immediate successes.”
the needs of a student against the utility of various technologies, it is important that the focus should be on long-term potential, and not just short-term or immediate successes. Sometimes students with Autism may seem so self involved that there may not be an immediate social or educational response to any type of remediation. However, it is clear that everyday children with ASD respond differently, and in their own time. Assistive technology can help a student find their voice, and open a world that is full of social and academic possibilities. (Sicile, 2010) A perfect example of the usefulness of technology to diminish the social and academic divide is Jeremy Sicilie-Kira, a young man with ASD. He wrote his speech independently, and delivered it using “voice output technology.” He spoke about how his only regret was that before he was “reached” he was lonely, and didn’t make as many friends as he would have liked. He said it is important to support autistic students in the mainstream so they can be with their peers. Jeremy’s successes and 8
Technology, Autism and Purpose comments illustrate the point: “…it is evident that technology can play an important role in the social inclusion of children with disabilities” (Singh, 2010, pg. 78). The implementation and proper use of technology in an academic setting can free a student with ASD. It provides the means in which they can finally interact, and engage their teachers and peers. What a delightful possibility since interaction and engagement are the very hallmarks of any authentic learning experience. It is important to understand that learning is a process that is primarily done through communication. Therefore an IEP should be created seeking out the most appropriate forms of technology that will diminish social isolation, and empower the child with ASD. “Education is a potential enabler for social participation of all individuals in society…certain groups get neglected in the process; here technology could be great help” (Singh, 2010, p. 78).§ 9
Technology, Autism and Purpose
Technology, Students, and the Classroom: What to use and why to use it.
he burgeoning technology industry has provided sweeping options for students
with significant neurological, communication, and cognitive delays. Schools can optimize learning options with more than the old status quo of reasonable accommodations. Today, reasonable accommodations, when including assistive technology, offer a student more than just access to their school day. Rather, new technologies and universal design principles offer an opportunity to narrow some of the inequalities hoisted on special education stu-
dents. The disparity experienced by an exceptional needs student, such as s child with ASD, includes social isolation, and diminished learning experiences that are often void of subjects such as art, music, history and literature. Today an IEP team can offer a teacher and students educational solutions by providing an iPod Touch, iPad2, Video-Modeling, robots, SMART Boards and even older products such as the AlphaSmart (a battery operated word processor that assists students with graphomotor limitations). Each device offers a unique solution for a child with ASD, and each one will have a unique impact on classroom learning and classroom engagement. For the purpose of this paper the focus of technology in the autism classroom will review four distinct products: The potential of robotics, the functionality and successes of the SMART Board/interactive whiteboard, and the utility and flexibility of Apple Corporation’s iPod touch and iPad products.§ 10
Technology, Autism and Purpose Robotics
atharina Boser (2011), a Ph.D. in Developmental and Cognitive Psychology from
Cornell University, created a website called Welcome to the Learning Technologies for Autism Site! The website provides a summary of options about how to best integrate universal design and best practice. It offers a curriculum map that illustrates how to facilitate the learning of autistic students with the use of assistive technology. The University of California/MIND Institute supports her work. (Boser, 2011) The UC Davis MIND Institute (Medical Investigation of Neurodevelopmental Disorders) is a collaborative international research center committed to the awareness, understanding, prevention, care, and cure of neurodevelopmental disorders (UC Davis Mind Institute, 2011). The field of robotics is an innovative science that utilizes multiple aspects of scientific principles and fields such as, but not limited to, engineering and computer design. This field focuses on how to enhance human functioning via a machine with human design for inspiration. By definition … “to qualify as a robot, a machine has to be able to do two things: 1) get information from its surroundings, and 2) do something physical–such as move or manipulate objects” (The Tech Museum, 1994-2010). Now, there are preliminary studies being completed that review the potential to improve social function for those with autism—specifically children. The premise is if a student could generalize their social connection and interaction with a robot, it will allow them to transfer that to the wider social population. This would enhance a child’s ability to participate in the classroom, and to socialize within their school environment. Currently David Feil Seifer, 11
Technology, Autism and Purpose a graduate student of Dr. Matarić at
emotional harm. However, robotics
the University of Southern California
can offer unique possibilities for those
Center for Robotics and Embedded
with ASD, and has real potential for
Systems, is currently working to create
future use in the classroom. It may
a robot for children with autism. This
prove helpful for teachers to be asked
project and test pilot program at Chil-
to contribute to scientific research and
dren’s Hospital of Los Angles is the
development of robots for students
combined effort of Seifer, Mataric, and
with ASD. It would be instructive to
Peter Mundy, a professor of psychology
better determine how robots could be
and autism expert.
utilized in an excep-
“Mundy hypoth-
tional education
esized that the ‘robot
classroom. Could the
would be a central
use of a robot help
medium to build
keep students safe,
joint attention,’ since
or focused on a task?
many children with
Due to the nearly
autism are able focus
unrealistic expense
on objects in a way
for the hardware,
that they are unable
this aspect of robot-
to do with other
ics has not yet
people” (Mundy as cited in Groopman,
been adequately explored. “The Indi-
2009, pp. 35). Critics are concerned
vidual with Disabilities Education Act
children with autism will not general-
requires schools to provide assistive
ize learned social skills into their school
technology to children…(maybe) there
day, or home life. Worse, if they do form
will be a little more open-mindedness”
a social relationship with the robot, and
(Groopman, 2009, pp. 33).§
yet fail to make the leap to generalize those newly found social and communication skills, it may cause significant 12
Technology, Autism and Purpose
mart Tech, a company based in Canada, has been an innovator of an interactive whiteboard that comes complete with its own software, and access
to professional development for educators. (SMART Tech, 2011) It allows students to interact and become physically part of their classroom lessons. A critical feature for any assistive technology for all students is its potential for engagement (Center for Implementing Technology in Education). This is a key requirement when educating autistic children whom have persistent, internal, and external distractibility. The development and breadth of the Internet has expanded the scope and function of the SMART Board technology in the classroom (Welch, 2009). Exceptional education teachers are using this technology in their classrooms as integral element of their curriculum. It is helping students improve daily life skills, or tackle more challenging academic skills. It is an accessible technology that is making a difference in today’s classroom. This is changing the old assumption that technology in the classroom will one day be a real or viable option in the future. However, meaningful, integrated, and authentic educational experiences for a student with ASD are already a reality. The future is here and happening daily in classrooms around the United States. The Aurora, Colorado Public Schools created an informational video in 2009. They provide it for viewing on This video demonstrates students calmly interacting with their environment, and gaining access to academic skills ( A classroom teacher for the Aurora Public Schools, Ms. Sarah Garneau, further explains during her video interview that 13
Technology, Autism and Purpose
prior to the introduction to
environment for children
the SMART Board, the stu-
with autism, or neurolog-
dents had a number of nega-
ical disorders. The goal
tive behaviors. Those negative
is similar to the study
behaviors improved, or were
done out in California
eradicated with the introduc-
with the use of the robot:
tion of assistive technology. She
that the students would
felt it was a direct correlation
learn to generalize their
to the students being positively
interactive skills within
redirected, engaged, and inde-
a human social context.
pendent. In addition to facili-
Over a two-year period,
tating learning, the SMART
the students gained
Board also gave autistic stu-
the ability to general-
dents a much-needed emotional
ize icons, pictures, and
boost. Autistic students need
social cues (Welch,
to know three things: “What is
2009). The most aston-
happening now? When will it
ishing improvement was
end? What will happen next?”
seen by a 12-year old girl
(Aurora Public Schools, 2010).
with the primary diagno-
In another study done early
sis of autism who had “…
in 2006, the Spaulding Youth
a history of aggression
Center in Northfield, New
when confronted with
Hampshire introduced interac-
nonpreferred activities,
tive whiteboards with the hope
such as school” (Welch,
of creating a social learning
2009, p. 32). She learned 14
Technology, Autism and Purpose iPod Touch/iPad
he Apple Corporation released their first Ipod
Touch in the fall of 2007. It
to generalize new
was branded a really “cool”
academic skills,
media device, better than just
such as positive
an mp3 player, because it was
social gestures,
device that would be interac-
and gained a
tive without a stylus, could offer
new sense of self-
movies and television shows,
as well as access to a new idea
and indepen-
“apps”. It is truly the innova-
dence. The most
tive concept of apps being a
important lesson
unique conduit to all types of
learned with the
virtual content that made this
utilization of
device the perfect item to be
the interactive
co-opted by educators for chil-
whiteboard in
dren with ASD. Fast forward to
this class was,
2011. This past academic year
teachers with the
special education has begun
right tools were
to utilize Apple’s more recent
enabled to “…
innovation the iPad. This is
create an environ-
similar in design to the iPod
ment where autis-
touch, but it packs more power
tic students could
and with a bigger screen, yet
become engaged
the weight remains under two
and active in
pounds. Dr. Shane from Boston
learning” (Welch,
Children’s Hospital explains
2009 ,p. 32).§
that he utilizes the iPad in his 15
Technology, Autism and Purpose
department, Communication for
of this segment illustrated the
Enhancement. “We’re not curing
positive impact, and educa-
autism, but we’re offering a tool
tional value the iPad has in
that improves the potential of
the classroom setting. Cur-
the person with autism. It gives
rently, in the New York City
them more opportunities to be
school system autism program
better communicators, better
at Public School 176 they are
understanders and better learn-
using the iPad to bring music
ers. The iPad is clearly the next
education to the students, to
step it’s a gamechanger” (Apple,
meet occupational therapy
goals, and more (PBS.Org,
The PBS News Hour created a
2011). The most striking aspect
multiple part video essay on the
of this documentary is not so
various implications of autism
much the utility of the iPad, but
hosted by Robert McNeil. Part
rather the recognition and affir-
four of this news special pro-
mation of how important tech-
vides a specific focus on the
nology is for meeting the needs
IDEA, which guarantees all
of children with ASD.
children with disabilities to a
Apple’s products, such as the
free and appropriate public edu-
iPad touch and iPod, are becom-
cation. The educational focus
ing an intrinsic part of autism 16
Technology, Autism and Purpose
education. Their ease of use, comfortable design, and limitless potential due to the constant production of education apps, make these devices the discussion of countless blogs, autism support websites, and more. The next step will be the development and integration of a seamless curriculum that utilizes these devices as intrinsic part of a student’s day. One day the use of an iPad in a classroom for children with autism will be analogous to the use of pencils in a classroom for typically developed children.§ 17
Their ease of use, comfortable design, and limitless potential due to the constant production of education apps, make these devices the discussion of countless blogs, autism support websites, and more.
Technology, Autism and Purpose
Financial Implementation:
he Assistive Technology Act of
States are given extra money from the
1998 guarantees funds for a child
federal government to help meet the
to receive assistive technology to facili-
costs of educating students with dis-
tate learning, and equal access to the
abilities, but in turn they must agree
general curriculum. Yet, programs
to comply with the terms of the law.
describe the lack of resources to prop-
The IDEA and FAPE allow states
erly staff, and provide for
and school districts to fund
students with assistive
this mandate in manner
technology needs.
that is deemed appro-
Public School 176,
priate. However,
an autism educa-
a very there is an
tion program in
important legal
New York City,
case parents must
describes the
be aware of when
response, and utility
requesting to their
of the iPad. Although he
local school district for
doesn’t fully understand it,
Assistive Technology for their
the Education Policy Director, Jesse
disabled child.
Mojica, from the Bronx, NY, also
Twenty years ago, in Hendrick Hudson
testifies to the power that technol-
Central School District Board of Edu-
ogy has when engaging students with
cation v. Rowley, the United States
exceptional needs, especially those
Supreme Court held that FAPE
with autism. Though technology may
requires services that provide students
provide access for those students, PS
with “some educational benefit.” [2]
176 only has 23 iPads for over 700
Rowley is undoubtedly the most impor-
students (PBS.Org, 2011).
tant and influential case in special 18
Technology, Autism and Purpose
education law (Johnson, 1999-2011,
Plans. It means by interpreting accom-
modations as appropriate as basic
A family wanted a classroom American
access, school districts can decline
language sign interpreter to facilitate
to provide the necessary assistive
their daughter’s learning. This is a
technology, or resources to a disabled
type of assistive technology that is
student. However, post the Rowley
powered by a human. None-the-less
case, the wave of what is an adequate
this court case is a very relevant and
education is still a persistent argu-
analogous situation when asking for
ment between parents, advocates, and
any assistive technology to facilitate
the finance committee of local school
learning. Due to the ambiguity in the
districts. “Some courts have held that
word “appropriate” with no objective
an adequate education is a minimal
test, the courts made a decision. The
education. While other courts have
court rendered the idea that an appro-
held that an adequate education is not
priate education doesn’t necessarily
a minimal education” (Johnson, 1999-
imply the “best” education. (Neighbor-
2011, pp.26). New Hampshire State
hood Legal Services, 2003) So, the case
court is an example of a court that has
leaves school districts in the position
rendered such a decision in the Clare-
to diminish, or build less than high
mont v. Governor Case. Mere compe-
quality Individualized Education
tence in the basics--reading, writing, 19
Technology, Autism and Purpose
and arithmetic--is insufficient in the
citizen and parent. Teachers can make
waning days of the twentieth century
recommendations, but are at the same
to ensure that this State’s public school
mercy of a dysfunctional, and often
students are fully integrated into the
confusing financial and legal system.
world around them. A broad expo-
It allows the funding for programs for
sure to the social, economic, scientific,
special needs children to become politi-
technological, and political realities
cized, and to even seem optional by
of today’s society is essential for our
manipulating the very law that serves
students to compete, contribute, and
to protect. Federal laws trust the states
flourish in the twenty-first century.
to implement them fairly, and yet, no
(Johnson, 1999-2011) These types
one really seems to know what “fair”
of court decisions, though slow, will
means in this context? So what is fair
advance the educational possibilities
and equitable when educating disabled
for children with special needs. Most
children? If sides need to be taken, do
importantly, brave renderings such as
we side with the cash-strapped schools/
these will also set valuable precedents
districts, or do we side with the rights
for families to utilize as they fight for
and needs of a disabled child/student?
educational services in different states.
This is a rhetorical question that begs
The matter of funding is complex, if
for a new paradigm, rather than a con-
not overwhelming, for the average
trived or recycled response.§ 20
Technology, Autism and Purpose
The Future: Teacher Education and Training The SMART Board and Apple corporations both provide professional development workshops to educate teachers about how to best use, and integrate their products into the classroom. So it is comforting to districts that the money invested to the programs and equipment will be supported. It is an essential relief to educators that they will be supported in learning the full usefulness of the products in their classroom, and they will be shown how to apply the new technology to their established curriculum (Apple, 2011; SMART Tech, 2011). However the big game changer is when universities and colleges create new programs that will bring a higher level of utility and imagination with the use of these devices. One most striking program is the MA in Instructional Design and Technology with a concentration in Autism Studies at Seton Hall University. “The M.A. in Instructional Design and Technology with a concentration in Autism …combines the benefits of a certificate in Autism Studies with an instructional design and technology program that will increase … knowledge, strategies and skills of both assistive technologies, and the integration of new technologies into a variety of special education settings and inclusive classrooms” (Seton Hall University, pp. 1). This type of professional development will encourage educators to become more than just competent with assistive technology, but to become creative. It will encourage and foster a curriculum that will allow technology to be an intrinsic part of autism education instead of augmentive.§ 21
Technology, Autism and Purpose
Parent and Author Reflections: Summary Shannon Rosa, a parent,
the lives of their
exclaims it is miraculous. This
autistic chil-
is the word she uses to describe
dren. It would
her young son’s interaction
benefit children
with the iPad. She sees it that
with special
way because now he can self-
direct, and be independent.
cially those with
(Apple, 2011) That is one of
autism—if such
literally hundreds of testimo-
a full-study were
nials on YouTube and on the
completed. Educational success
Internet from parents with
isn’t always something that can
children with autism testifying
be objectified in a student’s test
about how they feel about the
scores, especially for children
use and function of the iPad.
with autism. Learning how
I shared the video “The iPad
negative behaviors decrease,
is a game changer for children
and functional behaviors
with Autism” on my Facebook
increase because of technology
page. Friends of mine who are
could really help in the fight for
educators, all immediately had
funding more powerful tech-
same responses as Ms. Rosa.
nology-based special education/
However, that is only a small,
autism programs.
non-research-based survey
My youngest son, nearly six-
of how parents feel about the
years old, lives with autism.
value of assistive technology in
He struggles to regulate his 22
Technology, Autism and Purpose emotions, voice, and often his
tantrum with little prompting
own body. He suffers from obtuse
or issue. Yet, that only gives
fears, most of which he doesn’t
a partial perspective of my
have words to describe. When in
Sammy, and is his relation-
line at our local McDonalds, he’ll
ship to his family and the
panic if someone is sitting at
world. Sammy loves technol-
his table, or standing behind us.
ogy. Sammy has hyperlexia,
That fear even transcends
but struggles to write. He
to car rides. He also needs to constantly know what we are about to do. He will start his sentence with “We are going________”. I always need to create a plan, and if there is a change, to forewarn him as early as pos-
can surf the web typing
“His utilization and success with technology has led him to be able to generalize the independence he has found with his computer or iPad to traditional academic skills.”
sible. His daily life
in topics of interest into with great ease. Sammy recently acquired the skill of copy and pasting, so he loves to make beautiful pictures. “Look what I made for you Mommy” he exclaims several times a day. I have
skills are slowly improv-
daily experience with
ing, but years behind a typi-
how technology gives him
cally developed child. He cannot
access to the world. Sammy is
toilet train, nor can he brush his
deemed moderate-to-severely
teeth without assistance. Sammy
autistic. Technology gives him
will stim when he is overloaded,
the freedom to learn. He cannot
he has strong and myopic inter-
access typical art projects
ests (corporate logos), and will
without great assistance, due to 23
Technology, Autism and Purpose his poor fine-motor skills, and
he happily recalls that success,
low gross-motor issues. During
and almost always obliges. He
art projects without direct 1:1
cannot sit for long periods of
assistance he will stim with the
time, but he is making huge
crayons, or any other aspect of
progress. Sammy’s academic
the project that is in multiples.
skills are much higher than his
The iPad allows him to draw,
peers, who are older than he
and practice writing, all in very
is, and his teacher believes it
independent manner. Sammy’s
his exposure to technology bal-
love of books has
anced with
not taken him
literally of
away from tra-
ditional forms of
of books
play. His utiliza-
he can call
tion and success
his own.
with technology
has led him to be
ogy helps
able to general-
my Sammy
ize the indepen-
dence he has
sense of
found with his
the world.
computer or iPad to traditional
It gives him real access to
academic skills. Sammy will
ideas, places, and more, which,
sit and practice letters, or do a
to me, is the very definition of
work sheet about the planets.
With one prompt from his teacher, “Come on Sammy, one
I learned from my graduate
page—it is just like sitting at
student research that the
the computer or with the iPad,”
Common Core Standards 24
Technology, Autism and Purpose initiative, high stakes exams,
we need to advocate for our
and the like can never really
students, and to promote their
be relevant in the lives of
needs to the general public.
autistic or other profoundly
Technology offers students
neurologically-impaired stu-
with autism access. Technol-
dents. If the goal of those
ogy offers students the chance
educational initiative are to
to learn real content in a
diminish educational inequi-
manner that makes sense
ties ,or to offer the possibility
to them. As studies are con-
for self-determination and
ducted about assistive tech-
community participation,
nology, and successes become
then assistive technology and
apparent, they may very well
related educational technolo-
provide the proof that technol-
gies must be offered. If we
ogy has real purpose in the
value education as the cor-
autism classroom.ยง
nerstone of our democracy, we cannot just decide who is worthy of getting the best education. It simply must be provided, and creative funding must be established. Of course, it is still essential that as educators we think of new and unique ways to impart information, and assess what we have taught. However, equally important as designing and implementing new and sophisticated curriculum, 25
Technology, Autism and Purpose
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About the author Rhoda Sutton is an education consultant, and a mother of children with autism spectrum disorder. She is also a master’s degree candidate in Education from St. Joseph’s College of Maine. Her undergraduate degree is a bachelor of science in general studies with concentrations in sociology and counseling. She has additional training from the Center for Pastoral Care, and the National Institute of Mental Health (Autism Spectrum Disorders certificate). In January she will be pursuing a certificate for Pastoral Care Specialist from the Oats Institute in affiliation with the American Association of Pastoral Counselors. Rhoda has been a lecturer, consultant, writer, job coach, curriculum developer, and a teacher. She is a great resource for families who have children with disabilities, and schools that are in need of creative curriculum suggestions for special needs classrooms. Rhoda is currently in the process of developing an interfaith chorus for children with special needs. The hope is that the non-profit organization will be providing additional activities and services for children with autism spectrum disorder and other disabilities. For more information about Rhoda Sutton or any of the projects she is involved with please email to
For more information contact Rhoda Sutton at