Ar izona Wester n College Visual Communications Essentials
Branding is a promise, a pledge of quality. It is the essence of an experience, including why it is great, and how it is better than all competitor’s offerings. It is an image. It is the intangible, but real, value of combinations of words, letters, symbols, and colors that are associated with an experience. It is the process in which the character of an institution is communicated. It includes any experience that a potential student, faculty, the community or business partner might have with the institution. (From logo, signage, architecture, landscaping, to interaction with a Website). The impression that is created in the mind of the viewer or visitor establishes a perception that differentiates
他 inch
To ensure legibility, minimum height for the logo is 他 inch.
The logo may be resized, but may not be distorted.
the logo is stretched vertically
the logo is stretched horizontally
You may not remove or add design elements to the logo.
logo elements were removed & type repositioned
the mountain element was removed & a new element inserted
Components of AWC’s Visual Identity What you really need to know about the
The logo must not be distorted or altered in any
components of our visual identity:
way. Using elements of the logo to create other logo-
• Every printed piece initiated by an AWC
marks is also prohibited.
division, department, program, or office should reflect our branding.
• When you follow AWC identity guidelines, your target audience will be able to easily identify AWC publications.
• Student organizations and auxiliary entities do not need to adhere to the AWC visual identity guidelines.
• For third-party vendor licensing questions, contact Lori Stofft, Director of Public Relations and Marketing, at (928) 314-9595.
Redrawing, tracing, scanning, or using photocopies of the logo results in distortion and loss of detail. Only authorized electronic versions of the logo should be used. To request an eletronic logo for use, please call College Publications at (928) 314-9590. If a publication is co-produced by AWC and one or more organizations, those organizations’ logos may appear with the AWC logo. However, the AWC logo must be featured as prominently as the logos of cosponsors and may not be modified or combined with any other logos. If you have questions about how to use the AWC logo, please call College Publications at (928) 314-9590. Student and auxiliary organizations should contact
AWC Logo
Lori Stofft, Director of Public Relations and Marketing,
Recently enhanced in April of 2010, the Arizona
for assistance and approval in using the AWC logo on
Western College logo consists of a stylized mountain
any promotiotnal materials they may wish to publish.
graphic surrounded by the rays of a rising sun with the words “Arizona Western College” below. It
Logo Colors
symbolizes knowledge, enlightenment, and renewal
It is always acceptable to print the logo in black or in
in the context of our natural surroundings and southwest culture. The college logo may be proportionally resized, but it should not be reduced to less than threequarter-inches in height. It is a visual identifier only and should not be used as the main decorative element on a page.
any of the approved AWC colors. However, you may not color-separate the logo; i.e., make the sun rays one color, the logotype or mountain graphic another color. Please feel free to call College Publications at (928) 314-9590 if you have questions.
AWC Policy Statement: Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity
All AWC publications distributed to an off-campus audience must include the following affirmative action/equal opportunity statement: Arizona Western College does not discriminate in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age (40+) or disability, in compliance with the laws of the United States and the state of Arizona. Any questions regarding the applicability of
Academic Seal
state and federal anti-discrimination laws to Arizona Western College and its services, programs or activities, and any grievances or claims of violation of such laws, should be directed to its compliance office: Mr. Dan Hann, Vice President for Business and Administrative Services, P.O. Box 929, Yuma, AZ 85366-0929, (928) 344-7515. On pieces with little room for type you may use a shortened version of the statement: Arizona Western College does not discriminate in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age (40+) or disability.
AWC Policy Statement: Services for Students with Disabilities
This statement is optional but recommended for AWC publications distributed to students and prospective students: The College seeks to provide reasonable accommodations for students with documented
Division, Department, or Program Logomark
disabilities in order to facilitate access to College classes and activities. Students seeking such an accommodation should make an official request at AccessABILITY Resource Services located (in the one-stop-shop) on the second floor of the College Community Center (3C).
"Simplicity is difficult to achieve, yet worth the effort.” Paul Rand
AWC Academic Seal The AWC Academic Seal was created and first
AWC Division, Department, and Program Logomarks
approved for use by the AWC District Governing
In response to your need for unit identifiers, we
Board in 1998. The Academic Seal is not a logo and
developed a set of wordmarks incorporating depart-
its use is reserved for official College documents and
ment, division, and program names with the AWC
specialty items. Only the Arizona Western College
logo. These marks were approved for use in 2000.
President can authorize its use for any other purpose. The Academic Seal consists of a moiré surround
The wordmarks approved for department, division, and program use feature the unaltered AWC logo
embedded with Arizona Western College, enclosed
with an additional identifying line of type separated
by a medallion edge. An outline of the Castle Dome
from Arizona Western College by a 1-point rule.
mountain peak with the sun rising behind it is set
We will be happy to produce these custom
inside the surround. The words:
marks for you to use as needed. Please call College
• Facultates
Publications at (928) 314-9590 to inquire about lead
• Educationis • Perpetuae can be translated from Latin to English as opportunities of lifelong learning (facultates—opportunity; resources, educationis—rearing, perpetuae—continuous; everlasting). The open book at the base of the mountain symbolizes knowledge gained and retained.
AWC Required Statements All AWC publications distributed to an off-campus audience must include the affirmative action/equal opportunity statement found on the previous page of this guide. The AWC policy statement on services for students with disabilities is also found on the previous page and is recommended for publications directed at students and prospective students.
Primary Color Palette (2010) school colors
Pantone 1805 PC c 0 m 91 y 100 k 23 Pantone 1805 C r 152 g 53 b 26
Pantone 116 PC c 0 m 16 y 100 k 0 Pantone 116 C r 238 g 197 b 44
AWC "Cardinal and Gold"
Secondary Color Palette (new)
Pantone 483 PC c 0 m 91 y 100 k 60 Pantone 483 C r 94 g 32 b 5
Pantone 167 PC c 0 m 60 y 100 k 17 Pantone 167 C r 174 g 100 b 35
Pantone 2597 PC c 85 m 100 y 0 k 0 Pantone 2597 C r 72 g 35 b 119
Pantone 278-1 C c 94 m 0 y 100 k 0 Pantone 355 C r 60 g 153 b 71
Pantone 285 PC c 89 m 43 y 0 k 0 Pantone 285 C r 62 g 110 b 171
Tertiary Color Palette (new) This sentence is set in 10 pt. Avenir LT Std 35 Light. Pantone 12-1 C c 0 m 28 y 100 k 18 Pantone 1245 C r 187 g 144 b 41
Pantone 114 PC c 0 m 8 y 73 k 0 Pantone 114 C r 247 g 219 b 97
This sentence is set in 10 pt. Avenir LT Std 65 Medium. This sentence is set in 10 pt. Avenir LT Std 95 Medium.
"‌design is an integral part of the production process and not a last-minute embellishment.� Massimo Vignelli
To help us establish and maintain a consistent look
We also use typography in the same way we use color:
for all off-campus publications, we have chosen a
to reinforce the brand personality of Arizona Western
color palette designed to work with our school colors
College so that our publications are instantly identifi-
(AWC cardinal and gold) and based on our brand
able. We use different typestyles for different tasks.
positioning statement. Using these colors in your publications will help
Our serifed* font families are Adobe Garamond Pro and Garamond Premier Pro. We use them consis-
your target audience quickly identify your message
tently to set subheads, headlines and display type. A
with Arizona Western College and its brand personal-
version of Garamond comes with the Microsoft Office
ity. This will help to give your message stature and
Suite. Goudy Old Style is an acceptable substitute
for Garamond. If neither of these are available, Times
There are several ways to describe color when talking to a printer or other vendor; one system that
New Roman is acceptable. Our sans serifed** font family is Avenir LT Standard.
is standard in the printing industry is the Pantone
We use this family as contrast to Garamond, to set
Matching System (PMS). It is the one we use.
body copy, extensively in sidebar text, in subheads
The numbers to the left will serve to describe our
and for some kinds of display type. Arial (no Arial
exact color choices to vendors using a variety of ma-
Narrow or Rounded) is an acceptable substitute for
terials and processes to produce your job.
Avenir. Arial could use some spacing help. In a page layout (publisher) program set tracking to 25 pts. In
* Serifed type is identified by the strokes added to the ends of the letters.
Word, set the character spacing to "normal by .5 pt."
** Sans serifed type is type without these strokes.
The type in this paragraph is 14 pt. Adobe Garamond Pro Regular.
This sentence is set in 21 pt. Adobe Garamond Premier Pro Light Display.
College Publications Arizona Western College Northern Arizona University Yuma Branch Campus
Campus Map 3C College Community Center AB Arts Building AC Academic Complex AL Agriculture Research Lab AS Agriculture and Science AT Amphitheater BA Business Administration BF Kammann Baseball Field C 1–5 Cottages 1-5 CD Child Development Learning Lab CTE Center for Teaching Effectiveness DA DeAnza Dorm DS District Services (Campus Police) ES Educational Services F Fountain FF Football Field GA Garces Dorm G H Greenhouse Complex GY Gymnasium HC Heating and Cooling HS Human Services KI Kino Dorm LA Liberal Arts LR Learning Resources MU Music P1–17 Parking Lots PO Pool PS Postal Services SC Student Success Center (MA Math Center & WC Writing Center)
Emergency Phone Locations
In case of EMERGENCY, push the button — you will automatically be connected to Campus Police.
Campus Police
formerly AG
SF Softball Field SR NAU Research & Education SS SS Building T2 Technology 2 (Welding) T3 Technology 3 (Auto Mechanics & Print Services Lab)
T4 Technology 4 (Computer Graphics) TF Trades Program, Football TH Theater
Handicap Parking Wheelchair Access
College Publications College Publications seeks to—
• create and maintain the college’s visual identity
• support and advance the college’s
We encourage and assist college departments to communicate effectively with their target audience by providing professional design and prepress services. An extended version of this guide is available for download on our website.
strategic marketing plan
• encourage and assist college departments to communicate effectively with their target audiences We create and maintain the college’s visual identity by promoting quality and consistency in all AWC publications. We support and advance the college’s strategic marketing plan by working with our clients to find the best visual solutions to their communications problems.
Where we are and how to reach us Technology 4, Room 114 (928) 314-9590 fax
(928) 317-6132