i"n 1913, architect Frank Lloyd Wright supervised the design of a series
of angelic statues for a project in Chicago. Similar sprites can be
seen on the grnunds of the Arizona Biltmore resort in Phoenix and
FLW's Taliesin West in Scottsdale.
The strn·e at Taliesin can make a
5.5-foot, 350-pound sprite or two
available to you too. Sprites (rom
$1,980, memberships (rom $35, 1262/
N. Frank Lloyd Wright Bl'ld., Scottsdale,
480.860.2700, (,-anklloydwright.org
32 Mu,phr o·�Jel, '
Spa Biltmore Certain services heed rhe seasons, like an apple spice facial in aurnmn. Orhers feel appropriate year-round, like a rurquoise and sage srone massage or a volcanic clay body mask. Arizona Biltmore,
2400 E. JV!issouri Ave., Phoenix, 602.381.7656, arizonabiltmore. comlspa-biltmore
76 Mu,phr o¡�Jel, '
Frank & Albert's 'This contemporary American restaurant was named after the Arizona 13iltmore's architectural influences: Frank Lloyd Wright and Albert Chase McArthur. The menu Fearn res marketdriven organic dishes prepared with locally sourced ingredients from sustainable farming practices. 2400 E. Jvfissouri Ave., Phoenix, 602.954.2518, arizonabiltmore.com $$$
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116 Mu,phr o·�Jel, '